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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Dear chingu!

I'm so jealous of you gals...can't find BTS when JGS bang his hand to PSH head at youtube?

Only by joining park-shin-hye.com I can watch this BTS is it? :mellow:

Please let me know which episode did they doing Parody of Genie SNSD? :(

I don't believe it but I can't find it :blush:

PLEASEEEE....help me :blink:

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Guest 13sunshine

^ the parody of Genie is not in any actual episode, but you can find it by searching for "You're Beautiful Genie Parody" on YT

and for the bts, you have to be a Pink Stars at psh.com to be able to view the bts videos, since we do not want to get into any copyright conflict with sbs

This is her recent message she left at her gall...

i skipped questions 9~13, hope Karen can help me with that ^^


*you can see the presents from Park Shin Hye International Community in the picture ^^

Hello, this is Park Shin Hye

FI.NAL.LY...... I came here to identify myself.. Sorry because I come late ... ㅠㅠ

But .. I have to move…get back to school…doing a lot of things..I was out of mind.sorry.. ^^;;

Thank you for your precious gifts.. I received them well, very pretty and cute babies..hehe ^ㅡ^

I will use it well.

My brother . father .. and mama ... all said thanks to you guys .

A.N.D the questioning paper ㅇ_ㅇ well .. since you said its just for fun, but honestly, you want it right? .. kk

Here goes the questions.

Q#1 . You have been looking on the gallery lately

Yes ! I am looking sometimes. I'm curious about what kind of post you guys upload and I visit to see how you guys are doing.

Q#2. Do you have interested in volleyball?

Yes ! I like all sports. kk I know why you asking me this questions kk my cousin and I was watching TV Volleyball game, my cousin was searching for the player

the word I posted it up became like that... kkkkk Baseball season is coming soon kkyah >_<

Q#3. Have you ever thought about playing with us on dc gall for 2 hours ?

No ! Do you think I can do school projects .. ? Basically I have to read 5 books a week .. though in my heart, Yes ! but the reality ...

Q#4. Our dc gallery is pure ?

Yes ! Seem like very pure. Those that sleeping please wake up ....

Q#5. What do you want to be called to your brother, sister, uncle, aunt, ects?

Well ... in gall I’ve been called 'Shin Hye neu nim'…so..emm?

Q#6. There are strawberry milk, chocolate milk, white milk, banana milk, which one will you choose?

I like white milk the best hohoho - I also like soy milk >_<

Q#7. Are you satisfied with your acting?

No ! If I'm satisfied I can't go further from here ... I don't see the end ..

Q#8. When thinking about it yourself, what is the strengths and weaknesses of your appearance ?

My eyes are big. My cheeks are chubby . -ㅅ- ... I don't know ehh ... !

Q#9. In gall people praised you as goddess, what do you think about it?

Thanks . Honestly, I'm not a type of person who is used to hear a compliment .. but I feel good .. as you guys said it, it makes me think to try things more harder .. ^^

Q#14. What is the style for your ideal man?

Talk about ideal appearance right .. for me I like him to be tall, no double eyelids, the corner of his mouth lifted up*****. pretty smile .. ^^

and a person that has responsibility and can leads me well .. ? Too perfect ....... It's not true!!

Q#15. How old is Bongji?

Now she is 1 year old. Has been 1 year since she came to our house ^^ It was last April when she came .

Q#16. What is the meaning of hacciz?

Eun Sung unni gave 'hacci' to me. In Japanese it's number 8, but .. mind you .. it sounds cute right .. I want my cy address to be hacci but

someone wrote it so i just put the z in ;;

Q#17. Can you visit gall often and leave a message?

I will try. But I'm still looking? hee - ^ㅡ^

Q#18. If you can debut as A.N.JELL, will you?

Well .. I have never think about it. But to promote the drama, I still can perform ... ^^

Q#19. How many glass can you drink?

I don't know well .. If I start drinking I smiled hehe so people dont let me drink. ;;

Q#20. Do you have drinking habit?

.... I smile... Nothing else .. ㅇ_ㅇ;;

You know what .... Me ......... My fingers are going to break. ...T^T

I .. tried my best to answer because I was too late .. type type...hehe

Thanks a lot .. and a lot. Your loves that I can not describe it in a word ... I wont forget and I will try hard ^^

Dont catch a cold !! in my big bed i will rolled with Bongji ^ㅡ^ chu♡

***** if you don't get what she meant by that...., click the pictures below :whistle:





just my example :P


Please credits 13sunshine@park-shin-hye.com & karrenstar@park-shin-hye.com when take out, thanks

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Guest jaimejgs

I see our gifts. It was a total spazz to know that she got our presents but to acutally see it on here is something else.

I love her answers. She sounds soo happy. That's good. I want her to always be happy.

And hailey, I love your pictures!!!! lol.

btw, I wonder if she got my box to open. lol.

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Guest somuchinluv01

@13sunshine thansk for the translation! WD :) Thank God the gift arrived to her safely :) She's so cute eh.. Its like ur talking to her face to face when i read her msgs :D

Thanks a bunch for the updates about her!

*hugs to all Shinestar*

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Guest nu2me

Q#14. What is the style for your ideal man?

Talk about ideal appearance right .. for me I like him to be tall, no double eyelids, the corner of his mouth lifted up*****. pretty smile .. ^^

and a person that has responsibility and can leads me well .. ? Too perfect ....... It's not true!!

:D that is awesome Sunshine, thanks for the translation. our beautiful Shin Hye is really down to earth. Loving her even more. I totally shriek when i saw *u know who* photos u attached. gone spazzing for a moment. So thrilled :)

don't we all know who she means ?! wow giggling like crazee !!!

PSH is honest, pure and sweet, and with her family thanking us all for the gifts/thoughts totally blew me away !

Thanks again, am starting my day right. :)

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Guest karrenstar

Shin Hye's DC Gallery message March 8 2010


안녕하세요 박신혜입니다.

드.디.어...... 인증하러왔습니다.. 죄송해요 늦게와서 ... ㅠㅠ

그치만 .. 이사도해야되구 .. 학교도 복학하구 ... 이래저래 정신이 없었어요 죄송합니다.. ^^;;

보내주신 귀한 선물 .. 잘 받았어요 너무 예쁘고 너무 아기자기한 아이들도 많구 헤헤 ^ㅡ^

감사히 잘 쓰겠습니다.

저희 오빠도 . 아부지도 .. 마마도 ... 모두모두 감사하다고 전해달라고 하셨어요 .

그.리.고 질문지 ㅇ_ㅇ 뭐 .. 심심풀이용이라고 써놓긴하셨던데 .. 솔직히 원하면서 뭘 심심풀이용이에요 .. ㅋㅋ

지금부터 질문지 나갑니다.

질문 1. 최근 1달간 박신혜 갤러리에서 눈팅한 적이있다.

Yes ! 가끔 눈팅합니다. 어떤 짤들이 올라왔나 궁금하기도 하고 여러분은 어떻게 지내시나 와보기도 하지요.

질문2. 배구에 관심이 있으세요?

Yes ! 전 모든 스포츠를 좋아해요. ㅋㅋ 이거 왜 물어본지 알아요 나는 ㅋㅋ 사촌동생하고 TV로 배구보다 동생이 저 선수 누구지 하고 파헤치다가

올린글이 그렇게 될 줄이야... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 곧 야구의 시즌이 돌아옵니다 꺄 >_<

질문3. 저희랑 같이 2시간 갤질할 생각은 없나요 ?

No ! 내 대신 학교 과제해줄 수 있으세요 .. ? 기본으로 일주일에 책 5권 정도 읽어줘야하는데 .. 마음만은 Yes ! 하지만 현실은 ...

질문4. 우리갤은 퓨어한거 같나요 ?

Yes ! 무진장 퓨어한 것 같습니다. 잠든 이들이여 일어나시오 ....

질문5. 오빠,언니,삼촌,이모 등에게 불리고싶은 호칭이 있다면 뭔가요 ?

글쎄요 ... 갤에서는 워낙 신혜느님인지라 .. 딱히 .. ?

질문6. 딸기우유,초코우유,흰우유,바나나우유가 있습니다 여기서 신혜양의 선택은 ?

난 흰우유가 제일 좋아요 호호호 - 두유도 좋아 >_<

질문7. 자신의 연기에 만족하시나요?

No ! 만족했으면 더이상 이곳에 없었을거에요 ... 끝이 안보이는걸요 ..

질문8. 자신이 생각하는 외모의 장단점은 ?

눈이 크다. 볼이 통통하다 . -ㅅ- ... 몰라 에잇 ...퉷 !

질문9. 갤러들이 여신이라고 찬양하는데 본인의 생각은 ?

감사해요 . 솔직히 칭찬에 익숙한 사람이 아니라서 .. 하지만 기분은 좋아요 .. 그럴수록 더 열심히 해야겠다는 생각뿐 .. ^^

질문10. 공봉지는 왜 공씨인가요 ?

ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ 봉지는 처음에 드팩을 나가고 매니저오빠들과 함께 지내면서 같이 산 강아지에요. 성준환 실장님 말고 다른 실장님도 계셨거든요. 3명이서 공동투자해서 산 강아지에요. 그래서 공씨임 .. (공동투자한 봉지, 공봉지)원래는 흰봉지였는데 .. -ㅅ- .. 처음엔 매니저오빠들 집에서 길렀지만 ... 다들 일에 바쁘고 사정이 생겨서 제가 기르고 있을 뿐 .. 주인은 3명이랍니다 .. ㅎㅎ

질문11. 화가나거나 슬플때의 본인의 대처법은 ?

미친듯이 울거나 올림픽공원으로 뛰쳐나가 음악을 크게 틀고 열심히 걷는다 ㅇ_ㅇ

질문12. 요새 학업에 정전하고 싶다고 하셨는데 활동은 졸업후에 ?

No ! 학업과 동시에 병행할 생각입니다. 지금은 학교를 다니지만 도중에 좋은 작품이 있으면 병행할 생각입니다.

질문13. 예능하나 고정하실 생각은 없나요?

없습니다 .

질문14. 이상형은 어떤 스타일 이신가요 ?

외형적인 이상형을 말하는건가요 .. 전 키크고 쌍까풀 없고 입꼬리가 씨익 이쁘게 올라가는 남자가 좋습니다. 웃는게 예쁜 .. ^^

그리고 책임감있고 저를 잘 이끌어 줄 수 있는 사람 .. ? 너무 뭔가 완벽한가 ....... 그렇지 않아요 !!

질문15. 봉지 몇살이에요 ?

이제 1살되었어요 우리집에 온지 이제 1년이 다 되어간답니다 ^^ 작년 4월에 우리집에 왔으니까요 .

질문 16. hacciz 의 뜻은 무엇인가요 ?

hacci는 은성언니가 지어준 거에요. 일본어로는 숫자 8 이지만 .. 뭐랄까 .. 어감이 귀엽다며 붙여주었죠 .. 싸이 주소를 hacci 로 하고싶었는데

누가 쓰고있어서 z 를 붙였을 뿐 ;;

질문17. 가끔이라도 갤에 들리셔서 글 남기고 가실 생각은 없나요 ?

노력해보겠습니다. 하지만 눈팅하자나요 ? 헤 - ^ㅡ^

질문18. A.N.JELL로 데뷔할 수 있다면 데뷔 하실건가요 ?

글쎄요 .. 딱히 생각은 없습니다. 하지만 드라마 홍보차원에서는 에이엔젤로서의 공연은 할수도 있겠지만 ... ^^

질문19. 자신의 주량은 얼마나 되나요 ?

잘 모르지만 .. 일단 술 마시면 헤실헤실 웃어서 못마시게해요 ;;

질문20.주사는 있으신가요 ?

.... 웃어요... 별 다른건 없고 .. ㅇ_ㅇ;;

있잖아요 .... 나 ......... 손가락 부러지겠어요. ...T^T

나 .. 늦게 올린게 너무 미안해서 진짜 나름 성심성의껏 .. 타닥타닥 ..... 친거에요 헤헤

너무 고맙고 .. 너무 감사합니다. 정말 말로는 설명할 수 없는 여러분들의 사랑 ... 잊지 않고 열심히 할게요 ^^

꽃샘추위 감기조심하셔요 !! 난 커다란 내 침대에서 봉지랑 뒹굴뒹굴 할래요 ^ㅡ^ 쮸♡

reply to one of the fans' replies on DCGallery



Translation [click image to view full size]





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Guest Sparkly_Chic

Love how she reaches out to her fans! She said that she would like to study and' work at the same time, I'm really looking forward to her next project, I miss seeing her onscreen after You're Beautiful!

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Guest nu2me

me too Sparkly_Chic, miss our Shin Hye very much. keeping my fingers crossed and praying, that she will pick a new drama/movie project soon. (sorry am kinda selfish) want to see her in a new role, and with another handsome guy !

thanks Karrenstar for the translation. Shin Hye is sweet, gushing over how natural, sincere she is *talking* to us.

ps may i call ur attn to first part "hello this is PSH......sorry because I am I ate", is it late or ate?

sorry, just want to make sure. thanks again :)

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Guest Sparkly_Chic

me too Sparkly_Chic, miss our Shin Hye very much. keeping my fingers crossed and praying, that she will pick a new drama/movie project soon. (sorry am kinda selfish) want to see her in a new role, and with another handsome guy !

thanks Karrenstar for the translation. Shin Hye is sweet, gushing over how natural, sincere she is *talking* to us.

ps may i call ur attn to first part "hello this is PSH......sorry because I am I ate", is it late or ate?

sorry, just want to make sure. thanks again :)

It was probably "late", referring to her waiting until now to leave a message. "Ate" just didn't fit in with what she was writing :lol:

And what does "shin hye neu nim" means? An endearment in Korean?

The gifts were beautiful, SH must be very touched!

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Guest stoolker

oo thanks for the bts pics of the kiss scene!! they look so cute!! psh is so cute, seems like any guy would like to play w/her cheeks! ooo hope she can learn more and grow more in school, its so cool how she can be a famous person and still go to school, and loves her family, a very grounded person indeed.

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Guest 13sunshine

It was probably "late", referring to her waiting until now to leave a message. "Ate" just didn't fit in with what she was writing :lol:

And what does "shin hye neu nim" means? An endearment in Korean?

The gifts were beautiful, SH must be very touched!

yes it's supposed to be "Late" ^^

And as for the "Shin Hye neu nim", i think it's either mean "Shin Hye noonim (noona)" because neu nim sounds like noonim or "God"....because God in Korean is "Ha neu nim" (so you can see, the "Hye neu nim" sounds pretty similar...., also "Shin" in Korean also means God...

sorry im kind of sucks at explaining stuffs ^^

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Guest jaimejgs

Hi Stars!!!! PSHIC is holding a competition for our members.

To enter in this wonderful competition, all you have to do is draw the four members of A.N.JELL! Hand drawn and scanned, drawn on computer, anything you like, as long as it is your OWN PERSONAL ORIGINAL WORK and of your OWN interpretation (please do not redraw or copy the official A.N.JELL cartoons).

Please go here for more information: PSHIC Competition

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Guest almontel

:D that is awesome Sunshine, thanks for the translation. our beautiful Shin Hye is really down to earth. Loving her even more. I totally shriek when i saw *u know who* photos u attached. gone spazzing for a moment. So thrilled :)

don't we all know who she means ?! wow giggling like crazee !!! :)

ha ha ha...girls....i was thinking about the same thing as i was reading up on this...ha h aha...no need to think, only ONE SPECIAL GUY that fits her description came up!!! Thanks for the pics too!!! :P

thanks for the translation!!! :D

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Guest Sparkly_Chic

Hi Stars!!!! PSHIC is holding a competition for our members.

To enter in this wonderful competition, all you have to do is draw the four members of A.N.JELL! Hand drawn and scanned, drawn on computer, anything you like, as long as it is your OWN PERSONAL ORIGINAL WORK and of your OWN interpretation (please do not redraw or copy the official A.N.JELL cartoons).

Please go here for more information: PSHIC Competition

I would totally go for it if I could draw past... stick figures :lol:

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Guest jaimejgs

I would totally go for it if I could draw past... stick figures :lol:

lol, I hear you!!! I'm artistically challenged!

Maybe you can do something on photoshop. You never know!

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Guest nu2me

lol, I hear you!!! I'm artistically challenged!

Maybe you can do something on photoshop. You never know!

jaimejgs, I doodle and don't show mine, but u never know, might be the ONE to win, hahaha and since it would be *anonymous* submission we don't have to be embarrassed about it. :D

let's do it! this sounds fun, right. Everyone, let us join in and have fun. :) there will be prizes !

we can do this !!!

PS how come my quote did not have the line jaime, date and time ? did somethin wrong

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Guest bitzes

thanks karrenstar for the translations!

aww.. shin hye is so kind and sweet to her fans .. ummm.. who is bongji? is it her pet? like dog?

anyways .. wanna share sth ...

ps. more to come! .. but i might be slow in uploading cuz my net's slow right now and im also busy witht other stuffs .. ^^


currently uploading ep 5

currently working on ep 6 ...

here are the rest ... currently uploading ep 12 .. i'll have to stop here .. i'll just have to continue again by tom or if not some other time... i will update when im working on it .. :)


-- this is really cute!! Jeremy-MN scene!

-- Jeremy is soooo cute!!!! y did they have to cut it?
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Guest QueenBee1

thanks karrenstar for the translations!

aww.. shin hye is so kind and sweet to his fans .. ummm.. who is bongji? is it her pet? like dog?

anyways .. wanna share sth ...

ps. more to come! .. but i might be slow in uploading cuz my net's slow right now and im also busy witht other stuffs .. ^^

her dog, a really cute 1 year old maltese. she talks about bongji in her birthday thankyou reply to her fans. just go to psh international and looks for the details.

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