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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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I've been away only for few days from this thread due to work and I miss reading all your posts so badly. @zagigirl Hi, long time no see. I'm surprised you replied to my posts. Yeah he deserves all of us. I love Oliver Sweeney ad, I joke about "Oliver SWOONEY" with my sis when we chat about our bias. Sorry Mr. Designer, I made fun of your name, but the model is so swoon worthy. No ill intention. I like all his recent works and below is the result. @giegie Have you received yours? hehe...


LDW, what have you done to me. I've never purchased anything I can't read before, I don't even buy English magz. @MaysoonD I watched the subbed FM, he was being considerate to 2nd floor audience. Fans will think it's OK not to sit at the front since he'll greet everyone at most. Now, I'll stalk SISTAR's FB or whatever if their next comeback will feature LDW.

KKE updated Liiv Mate bts which @MaysoonD shared some before. Thanks! LDW mentioned he prefers baseball than soccer in TROS and Seoul FM. Liiv Mate granted his wish. Looking at below poses which some haven't yet shown in 2nd phase of Pichii Couple Liiv Mate ad, are we expecting another version by end of this month? Will we get to see him in baseball action? Cool! We learn from prev promo, they would release bts first to tease us and suddenly new video clips surfaced on internet by end of the month. IF it's true.. Yay for more LDW! Yay for more Pichii Couple! @giegie @Princi_86 It will be great if he can get 4 or 5 more ads... Looking forward to Alvolo Pizza's.







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@noname111 Thank you so much for the pics! Actually, his Liivmate baseball pics reminded me with his WR's pics, this guy never ages! How could LDW still looks the same after 4 years? Yes, I already got Vogue and Arena two weeks ago, but I didn't order Elle HK bcos I didn't like those flowery theme. Imho, his Singles photoshoot last year at Thailand still the best one (maybe bcos I'm more into beardy LDW. LOL). Beside his mags, did you also buy the OST and photo-book? Do you recommended it? I remember @st4rdust said LDW just got fewer pages at photobook, so I didn't order it. But I think I want to have Roy Kim's OST. How about the grim reaper doll? Last year, I bought Hayang doll but my niece took it. I'm scared GR doll will ended up the same.

@MaysoonD Yes, I also want a long hair and a chubby cheek LDW! Please, eat well LDW!

@biglove27 I couldn't read hangul. Maybe other chingus could help?

Anyway, I just meet up with some LDW fans from INA since we're now preparing some project for his INA FM. Most of them love him before Goblin-era and we're so glad that he finally got acknowledgement from viewers bcos of Goblin. It's so fun to finally chat about him with other fans. We just hope he'll continue his success after Goblin, RISE LDW RISE!

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@giegie LOL at your niece, I'm not into doll haha, but I admit thinking of buying Blackhug. I bought only OST, stiiiiillll considering photobook till now. I read that post as well and that's the only thing holding me back. I check IG and twitter posts of photobook, looks like LDW's portions are quite decent, but they only show partially so maybe should listen to @st4rdust, she counted no of pg and she has the exact same interest with us. I can say among 10, GY got 7-8 and LDW got 2-3 at most? Almost all KGE's portion is joint with GY. But the photos are gorgeous and he is on the cover. As for OST, not that I expect much. LDW got only 2 songs and the supposedly bromance theme song 'Round and Round' is disappointing for me (please don't judge me, it's personal). Apart from the song itself, they released the cover with main couple instead of bromance couple and I dropped it immediately. That song strongly reminds viewers with bromance runway (twice!) and there isn't any OST cover released with the 2 guys, it's unfair, not that anyone bother about this. But I like the instrumental (CD2). Only 1/4 of CD is related to GR, and my 2 fave GR soundtracks are missing (bass tune for first appearance of GR ep1 and funny church organ when GR hop onto his bed ep2). Still I find the songs can bring me to my fave moments with Goblin. I like Warriors Song. I can scan the OST contents next time and PM you if you are still curious about the CD.

My fave part is non-song related, it's LDW's signature! His long time fans should know this but not me. The way he wrote Dong Wook in hangul is creative. He combined both words through letter 'O' and he drew GR's hat. That's soooooo cute....



As for LDW's pictorial, I'm digging his old photoshoots nowadays, aside from his recent ones, I love the 5 below and another 5 in spoiler. So now you know my preference, right? Yeah....pretty boy LDW! Bwahahahaha. I'm such a two-face, after complaining so much on my prev posts I end up liking this style. Btw, Singles Thailand is the one with LJW, isn't it?












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@noname111 Thanks for the info! So eventho' it didn't consist so much GR, the OST is pretty decent to buy right? Such a cutie signature LDW! I also loveee it, If you have time, hope you could pm me about OST content. I plan to go to SK this year after renew my passport, just hope if Goblin will have an exhibition store like DotS last year. Since SJK is a Doota ambassador, Doota Dongdaemun had a DotS store which was so fulfilled with DotS stuffs.I didn't plan to buy DotS photobook but ended up buying it too, the store was such a heaven since it was tax free for foreigners LOL! I just hope GY became a mall ambassador so at least there's gonna be a Goblin store too.

His Signal with LJW around 2011 or 2012, I refer to his Singles photoshoot like below


Anyway singaporean fans @winterdew @joyezz Are you the ones who arrange soompi project for his SG FM? If yes, such a greaatttt job, girls! really proud and wanna to contribute too

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Hey girls love the new baseball pics  I seriously enjoyed his role in WR so seeing him like this really reminds me of the role; I have no idea why was WR not popular during its airing time, it was perfect in every way at least for me lol I loved the female lead too ( I am more into strong characters and she kept bickering with him till the end lol) btw I started watching Bodygaurd  ( I have no idea what they are saying most of the time though lol, not subbed and all ) still it is fun and LDW is really funny in some episodes especially the one where they were learning Zumba lolll he is so stiff 


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21 hours ago, giegie said:

@noname111 Thanks for the info! So eventho' it didn't consist so much GR, the OST is pretty decent to buy right? Such a cutie signature LDW! I also loveee it, If you have time, hope you could pm me about OST content. I plan to go to SK this year after renew my passport, just hope if Goblin will have an exhibition store like DotS last year. Since SJK is a Doota ambassador, Doota Dongdaemun had a DotS store which was so fulfilled with DotS stuffs.I didn't plan to buy DotS photobook but ended up buying it too, the store was such a heaven since it was tax free for foreigners LOL! I just hope GY became a mall ambassador so at least there's gonna be a Goblin store too.

His Signal with LJW around 2011 or 2012, I refer to his Singles photoshoot like below


Anyway singaporean fans @winterdew @joyezz Are you the ones who arrange soompi project for his SG FM? If yes, such a greaatttt job, girls! really proud and wanna to contribute too

@winterdew and @Princi_86 are doing the most for SG FM project :)

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13 hours ago, world_peace said:

Hi Ladies. I watch Wild Romance aft reading your many recommendations here. Just the first 2 episodes but it's quite funny. I recoommend this for everyone haven't watch!

 It is really great you will enjoy the rest , very well written in my opinion and LDW in the role of the hot-blooded sportsman is really perfect.

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@MaysoonD hahahahaha :D the only hangul I can read from the IG is Wookie's name, obviously. Not sure about Hotel King's rating. I myself haven't watch. My family find it very depressing, the makjang lovestory. But they still watch every single night and watch the re-run on weekend. They said Wookie is very handsome haha. And he looks great in suit. And every time Wookie comes out, the scene becomes worth watching, they skip others. They are into comedy romance type. I recommend to them my all time fave My Girl and they like it so much even though it was filmed yeaaaaars ago. We all become couch potato infront of kdrama recently because of GR :D:D:D I just finished Bubblegum and about to watch Wild Romance since it kept mentioned here. The first episode looks promising.

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@longleg Is it this video? I don't know what they talk about....but I guess the interview is about friendship with Wookie and GY. Or if they met any of them recently maybe? Have you ever seen that Wookie's selfie with Seho before? Looks recent based on Wookie's appearance. They really got mentioned every week...


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