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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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1 hour ago, Puppywookie said:

Hey girls,

So reporting straight from Hong Kong scene after just arriving home. I must say this was a better experience for me. I had arrived at 5:30pm and I got a spot somewhere in the third/second row. I had already the mentality I was going to be aggressive today haha. Every time a small spot appeared in front of me I edged forward so I had an ok spot in the end. I did not care who complained about what I did around me haha, I mean after 2 bad experiences I am not going to give way to anyone even if it is students on stools.

LDW oppa only came at 7 something, he was one of the last to arrive so I ended up standing for 2 hours with sore legs. The funny thing is most people were just waiting for LDW, so everytime a local celebrity arrived the crowd didn't really react much, there was joey, there was chi lam. So when he touched down, it was so exciting. When he was at the white backdrop, I cannot really see him well, just like the side of his face in between millions of cameras and iphones, then when he walked over my heart seriously went out of control. He strided over in that tailored suit so handsomely and he was quite close. I seriously waved my hand off, and tried to hold my iphone to take a video too. I think I caught his glance too because others were so focused on taking pictures but I just wanted him to stare my way. Then he politely waved at fans and the guy next to me screamed saranghee, at some point I also screamed saranghee too, and I never do that. The very senior Valentino director, I assume him to be shook LDW hand and I think even he knew that LDW was something since the crowd went wild. Then LDW went into the store which the front is glass so we can see what is going on. The really funny thing is inside the shop things went crazy too and all the phones went up in the whole store of people, and LDW walked around. Then he went up to the second floor which we could also see as it was glass window and he stared down at the fans and waved again. Again I waved wildly at him while other people focused to take pics. But I am sure at some point he did see me.

I must admit he was the most handsome today, second most at the press con and third at the fan meeting. He was much happier today. I must admit, I am really bad at taking photos especially when I am so excited. The ones on instagram are much better than mine, but it was a really nice feeling to see him again and even to feel and some point he might have been staring at me some wild fan waving like crazy.

If any of you get high 5 experience or this type of close encounter, if you can get him to look your way for longer than 3 seconds, just think of what you may want to try. It can include trying to make him laugh as well. Anyways, from my point of view working in the fashion industry, Valentino is quite an ok brand for menswear, they have really good selling footwear and accessories. Prada is also quite popular mens brand, but Salvatore Ferragamo is not so popular yet I believe.

I feel much happier today and my husband is back to being slightly jealous again.


Wow @Puppywookie Thanks for the reports once again! You guys are so lucky to have the chance to see him live in hk again...

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12 hours ago, noname111 said:

I take back what I said about Valentino. He looks so freaking handsome for airport fashion today at Incheon heading to HK. All by Valentino. Yummy!









Aaaawww, Oppa is smiling.... @Puppywookie Are you still considering not to go see him? When he looks like this? LOL.



@Ida_Dosh Love your emoticon posts. Haha.


He looks so good in whatever he wears!

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Hi, girls! Just dropping here to say thanks to everyone for all the updates! Our Wookie looks so great at Valentino event. 

@Puppywookie big thanks for the report. I'm so glad that you had a better experience and i envy you so much. I saw some fanvideos and the crowd was so wild. I'm so happy that HK welcomed him so warmly. 

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Nice to see that he's in a better mood now, he looked quite grim during HK fanmeeting earlier. 

Thanks to people posting the pictures. Special thanks to @puppywookie for the interesting account on the day.

Just watched the april broadcast of his On the Air, didn't have the time to watch it earlier. It was interesting, with him taking on a counselor role like that, it was like his gig on Strong Heart, but with everyday people sharing their stories/cornerns. It was nice that Yoo In Na was mentioned too. Ĺooking forward to the what-he's-been-up-to report/segment, really curious.

But what was that email that you could send in stories to? Couldn't find it anywhere. Could somebody be very kind and tell me the email address here?

This month's broadcast of On the Air I'll be watching live..looking forward!

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@Puppywookie I am very happy to read that you had a pleasant experience this time , Wookie was dragged to HK again to make up for you :D:D

I was like that while reading your post

Maybe he stared at you at this moment

How he is more handsome on close mode


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this account seems to stalk celebs at their hotels. Wookie for sure was so tired returning to the hotel after event and after morning flight, that I believe he wanted privacy and to have good rest with his team/friends after few hours of non-stop waving, smiling, bowing, talking, taking pics. We can see how sleepy he is. But nevertheless he has tried to be so polite with fans when coming back to hotel and then when leaving for late dinner as well. 

And the funny event in elevator. What that man is doing there? why they're taking same elevator OMG? And the way Wookie has warned stalkers and then protected his hair stylist was so sweet. Can't stop being proud of how Wookie cares about people around him, treats them as close friends or even family...he even worried about stalkers who'd better left him alone haha




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@Princi_86 omg, those stalkers are just too much. I understand that it's a rare opportunity to see Wookie in their homeland but still, if they like Wookie they should consider his privacy too. Wookie obviously looks so tired. I find their screaming "oppa, oppa" so annoying. But then Wookie is so nice, greeting and caring about them. 

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Thanks everyone for these updates on him. Really appreciate them! :) I am definitely gonna tune into his v-live channel tonight at 10 pm sg time. Can't wait! I also saw the video of him in the hotel blocked by his manager and then the guy just squished a rubbish bin and some other metal crates beside him after he greeted his fans. Those fans were a bit of a stalker though. I know it's exciting to see him once again in their home country but I think he also needs some privacy.

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On 5/12/2017 at 5:32 AM, Princi_86 said:

this account seems to stalk celebs at their hotels. Wookie for sure was so tired returning to the hotel after event and after morning flight, that I believe he wanted privacy and to have good rest with his team/friends after few hours of non-stop waving, smiling, bowing, talking, taking pics. We can see how sleepy he is. But nevertheless he has tried to be so polite with fans when coming back to hotel and then when leaving for late dinner as well. 

And the funny event in elevator. What that man is doing there? why they're taking same elevator OMG? And the way Wookie has warned stalkers and then protected his hair stylist was so sweet. Can't stop being proud of how Wookie cares about people around him, treats them as close friends or even family...he even worried about stalkers who'd better left him alone haha

The consequences of being so popular. Glad that he seemed to be okay with that, being sweet and not angry. He even think of others. It looks like service elevator. Probably he avoided entering from public area. I still remember he said in some interview, that he went to the same gym for 5 or 6 years and only recent the others took photos of him. And he gave the credit to Goblin drama for that. Not to him or his popularity or his look or probably his 'gym look' (hohohohoho), so humble. So proud of him.

@joyezz It's very nice of him waving from upstairs. King of fanservice! He knows that a single wave from him can make 100 fans happy.

@Puppywookie Thanks for the updates! Thumbs up for being extra aggresive. LOL. Great job! And now your hubby is jealous haha.


And yeah looks like LDW was the one all crowd waiting for. And he even stood next to CEO for photo. That's the place for most respectable guest. Haha the power of awesome Oppa. And he is so tall!

Notice from KKE for the vlive broadcast later. Along with photos of Oppa looking so mesmerizing and handsome. Looking forward to this.


And I found this from Naver, side profile of him. Wow, so pretty. His nose bridge.... and lips. Yummy! @Mojojojo123 He looks handsome in anything. But his own body features are the best! LOL.


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15 hours ago, Puppywookie said:

Hey girls,

So reporting straight from Hong Kong scene after just arriving home. I must say this was a better experience for me. I had arrived at 5:30pm and I got a spot somewhere in the third/second row. I had already the mentality I was going to be aggressive today haha. Every time a small spot appeared in front of me I edged forward so I had an ok spot in the end. I did not care who complained about what I did around me haha, I mean after 2 bad experiences I am not going to give way to anyone even if it is students on stools.

LDW oppa only came at 7 something, he was one of the last to arrive so I ended up standing for 2 hours with sore legs. The funny thing is most people were just waiting for LDW, so everytime a local celebrity arrived the crowd didn't really react much, there was joey, there was chi lam. So when he touched down, it was so exciting. When he was at the white backdrop, I cannot really see him well, just like the side of his face in between millions of cameras and iphones, then when he walked over my heart seriously went out of control. He strided over in that tailored suit so handsomely and he was quite close. I seriously waved my hand off, and tried to hold my iphone to take a video too. I think I caught his glance too because others were so focused on taking pictures but I just wanted him to stare my way. Then he politely waved at fans and the guy next to me screamed saranghee, at some point I also screamed saranghee too, and I never do that. The very senior Valentino director, I assume him to be shook LDW hand and I think even he knew that LDW was something since the crowd went wild. Then LDW went into the store which the front is glass so we can see what is going on. The really funny thing is inside the shop things went crazy too and all the phones went up in the whole store of people, and LDW walked around. Then he went up to the second floor which we could also see as it was glass window and he stared down at the fans and waved again. Again I waved wildly at him while other people focused to take pics. But I am sure at some point he did see me.

I must admit he was the most handsome today, second most at the press con and third at the fan meeting. He was much happier today. I must admit, I am really bad at taking photos especially when I am so excited. The ones on instagram are much better than mine, but it was a really nice feeling to see him again and even to feel and some point he might have been staring at me some wild fan waving like crazy.

If any of you get high 5 experience or this type of close encounter, if you can get him to look your way for longer than 3 seconds, just think of what you may want to try. It can include trying to make him laugh as well. Anyways, from my point of view working in the fashion industry, Valentino is quite an ok brand for menswear, they have really good selling footwear and accessories. Prada is also quite popular mens brand, but Salvatore Ferragamo is not so popular yet I believe.

I feel much happier today and my husband is back to being slightly jealous again.


 @Puppywookie Thanks for the report girl.  I was so drown into your story that I can feel the atmosphere there...... So interesting.. Opps! Mr. Hubby is jealous again.. Haha.. He is jealous coz he love you ma.  At least, he show a bit of jealousy rather than he kick you out from the bed... I have feeling I'll be kicked out from the bed if I keep dreaming or sleep talking about Wookie during my sleep..  LOL!

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7 minutes ago, missbuttercup said:

Oppa left already.


This IG account really follows him everywhere.


Wow that is so fast! Do any of u have any idea how long is a flight from hk to korea? Shouldnt be that long, right? cos HK is near to Korea.

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2 hours ago, missbuttercup said:

@Princi_86 @longleg @Mojojojo123 Omg that's awful. Poor Wookie.

Yup. But coming to think of it again, the old man who squished the rubbish bin and some other metal crates into the same elevator beside wookie and his manager prolly just wanted to do his job. He may also have seen other celebrities in the hotel or he doesn't know who Wookie is and just wants to get his job done. However, being such a nice guy, I think Wookie won't mind. :)

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21 minutes ago, missbuttercup said:

Oppa left already.


This IG account really follows him everywhere.



I just went to look at this account and the description of this account says: 


which means that the account was meant to be used for chasing celebrities (and the person behind this account seems to be quite a stalker) as I saw this fellow doing the same to other celebrities (hk fans are so lucky omg, with all the celebs coming to hk recently)... Dont be surprised, there are many other people who does this, esp in places with lots of paparazzi. While I understand the fact that it can be very exciting (cos unlike the korean fans, we dont get to see such celebs in our countries often) to see them and want to take every opportunity to see them in our own countries as much as we can, we must also think in the shoes of the celebs. esp Wookie, as they are also humans and they need their privacy as well.

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