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[drama 2006] Shin Don 신돈

Guest Angel4you

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Guest wcavatar

I watch this and love it.... been downloading the HQ(700MB), but takes too long.... so i get the LQ version from koreanair clubbox(private clubbox) but past several weeks been coming out few days after air(TOO LONG)... and i dont want to download 700MB(@50k takes forever)

Anyway... anyone know of some else with LQ version that comes out fairly quickly?

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ㅋㅋㅋ :D

I agree, I only get 2 downloads per episode for this drama from my clubbox.

I'll tell you this though...

Even though I love this drama I have no idea why they're making heroes out of 이자춘 and 이성계.

Like when they decided to turn their backs and return to 고려 there was this huge family mess between both 한양조씨 and 전주이씨 at the time.

It's very complicating and I'm learning about this from the elders in my family.

And putting aside 고려실록, which was 100% revised by 이성계, my family has this family record/diary from 조소생's first cousin, 조돈.

It's called "조돈전" and our family was very fortunate enough to have it till this very day.

According to 조돈전, 80% of what we learned about 쌍성총관부 was false and it's irritating me!!!

So to conclude, 고려실록 was revised by 이성계 to cover their family faults by blaming the 총독, which was unfortunately my family, 한양조씨.

And if you want to know more about this PM me.

Right now, my family is in preparation to file a law suit against the government to change the label "반역자" infront of our grandfathers names.

Which, clearly wasn't the case in 1200s-1300s.

Because 조휘 was son of 조지수(founder of 한양조씨), who was the 3rd son of the last emperor of the Song dynasty, who then was sent to 쌍성총관부 after the empire had collapsed by Genghis Khan.

And other records show that till the 4th generation, 조돈, they were under 원's ruling and not 고려's.

이성계 messed everything up!!!

And his sister, 정화공주 was married to 조돈's son, 조인벽, who later did not return to the palace after 고려 had collapsed even though 이성계 pleaded for him to return and help him run 조선.

So from my family's perspective and several others', 전주이씨 basically screwed up the history and later the country, a la early 1900s to Japan. :fury:

Not a lot of people will understand what you just typed out.

History is written by the victors. No one can know for sure what really happened without hard evidence, which is why there are people still looking into finding the truth to this day. I'm sorry for saying this, but one cannot say your ancestor's diary is accurate either. A lot of people have at least one of their ancestors branded 'rebel/traitor' in history. It's just how it was back then. Dynasties come and go. No one person can control everything that happens. As a sidenote, you should be proud of what your ancestor Jo Don (조돈) did to help get our land back. :]

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Guest wcavatar

Kinda late reply.... but no... it was chinese lunar new year or whatever last weekend.... So there was no eps on Last weekend.

But eps 34 and 35 just aired this weekend... and are out available at ur nearest clubbox....

brb... usually in HQ .......

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest The Moose

Not a lot of people will understand what you just typed out.

History is written by the victors. No one can know for sure what really happened without hard evidence, which is why there are people still looking into finding the truth to this day. I'm sorry for saying this, but one cannot say your ancestor's diary is accurate either. A lot of people have at least one of their ancestors branded 'rebel/traitor' in history. It's just how it was back then. Dynasties come and go. No one person can control everything that happens. As a sidenote, you should be proud of what your ancestor Jo Don (조돈) did to help get our land back. :]

Not only are we proud of 조돈 할아버지, we are also proud of 조소생 할아버지 as well.

Both of them did not betray their respective countries and it was unfortunate that 조소생 할아버지 and 쌍성총관부 were under 원's ruling and not 고려's at the time.

Basically 쌍성총관부 was like today's Taiwan and Canada.

This is what had been discussed on 한양조씨 homepage regarding 쌍성총관부.

Not only are these historical facts from 한양조씨 가전비록 and 조돈전, it was also discussed in the 고려실록 and 조선왕조실록 as well.

You seem to be able to read and understand Korean so I'm posting this for you to read it.

If anyone else who can't read Korean but want to know what it says, let me know.

By the way, 조소생 할아버지 isn't the only ancestor from my family that had been labeled a "traitor"...

There are people who calls 정암 조광조 할아버지 and 유석 조병옥 할아버지 both "traitors". :angry:

"한양조씨 가전비록에 의하면 '우리 한양조씨는 중국 송나라 태조 조광윤의 후손이니 송나라의 왕족이지만 몽고족에게 징기스칸이라는 희대의 영웅이 나와서 송나라를 멸망시켜 원나라라 칭하자 고려 고종 45년(1258년) 4월에 2세조 조휘 즉 총관공께서도 할수없이 원나라의 벼슬을 받아 쌍성총관에 임명되어 처음으로 고려땅에 넘어 오셨고, 그 아버지 시조공 지수 어른은 그보다 12년 후인 고려 원종 11년(1270년)에 고려로부터 첨의부 중서사 벼슬을 받아 역시 원나라로부터 고려로 넘어 오신 것으로...' 라고 기록 되어 있다."

"우리 한양조씨는 쌍성총관 가문임을 한점 부끄러워하거나 가문의 치욕으로 전혀 생각하지 않습니다.

오히려 대단히 자랑스럽게 생각하고 있으며 조선왕조실록에 우리 가문은 "고려의 왕족" 이라고 까지 대단한 가문으로 서슬되어 있습니다.

그리고 5세조 양렬공 조인벽 할아버지는 이성계의 매, 정화공주와 혼인하여 고려가 망하자 조선태조 이성계가 처남인데도 불구하고 양양으로 은퇴하여 불사이군의 절의를 지켜 유림이 충현사,동명서원(강원 양양읍 조산리 소재)을 세워 모시고 조선왕조에서는 증좌정승 시호 양렬공을 하사하였다.

우리 쌍성총관 가문 밑에서 대대로 천호를 역임한 조선왕실 이성계집안 역시 쌍성총관부의 천호를 세습한것을 자랑하고 있음을 자료들로 알고있습니다.

쌍성총관 조휘 할아버지는 그 당시는 고려와 쌍성총관부가 거의 대등한 수준이었다고 판단되며 총관 조휘의 아들 부원수공 조양기는 총관을 세습한 후 원,고려, 쌍성총관부 함께 일본을 부원수로서 두차례나 정벌하셨으며,손자 3대총관 조림(4대총관 조소생의 아버지)은 쌍성총관에 부임하기 전에 고려에 벼슬하여 용천부원군에 봉작되기까지 하였고 동생인 용성군 조돈도 초년도 부터 고려에서 벼슬하셨을 정도로 고려와 가까웠음을 알수 있습니다.

세월이 지나 4대총관 조소생 시절에 원나라가 쇠퇴함에 고려에서는 쌍성총관부와의 친교를 거두고 옛땅을 수복코자 쌍성총관부를 공격하여 수복한 것이며,우리 한양조씨 가문으로서는 99년간 세습하여 통치하였던 쌍성총관부의 대세가 이미 기울었음은 안타까운 일입니다."

"용성부원군 조돈께서 판단하시기를 원(몽고)이 쇠퇴하고 쌍성총관부 역시 패퇴하여 가문이 멸망할 것임을 예견하시고 고려로 돌아올것을 회유하였으나 총관 조소생은 처음에는 듣다가 나중에는 반발하고 오히려 용성부원군을 사로잡으려고 하여서 피하셨고, 총관 소생은 고려 유인우에게 패망하여 후손들이 이어지지 못하였던 것이며 우리 한양조씨가문은 용성부원군의 후손으로만 이어져 내려오게 된 것입니다.

이는 고려사 열전 용성군 조돈전에 나오며..."

"한양조씨 가전비록에 의하면 '신집평은 북병사의 중책에 있으면서 물한방울 나지 않은 무인도나 다름없는 좁은섬에 15개 고을 난민들을 강제적으로 집단 이주시켜 감금해 놓고서는 그를 미끼삼아 고려로부터 식량이나 기타 물자를 보급받아 모조리 착복하니 백성들은 물론이요 병사들 조차 굶주림과 목마름에 시달려 아사자가 속출하며, 때는 10월 겨울인데도 밤마다 육지로 헤엄쳐 탈출하는 등 아비규환의 생지옥같은 참상이 연속되니 이를 보다 못해 조휘 할아버지께서는 불의를 물리치고 의를 쫓아 신집평을 죽이고 백성들과 병사들을 이끌고 몽고에 항복한 것이다.'

시대나 인물의 평가는 세태에 따라 변하기도 하지만 어떤 사건이 있던 그시대 또는 그 직후 시대의 인식이 가장 중요하고 객관적이라고 판단됩니다.

또한 그 평가의 주체에 있어서도 그 사건의 주인공과 그 주변의 평가가 아울러질 때 그 객관성이 확보될 것입니다."

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  • 2 months later...
Guest shinny3

This drama is okay, it's really slow though...not very exciting.

Some of the actors are remarkable, but others are a bit awkward.

But it's okay and teaches a lot about Korean history at that time.

Also, the general, I forgot his name, is really really hot, though he has a really deep voice that doesn't really match his face...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cynthia_ngoc

How come the drama stop at ep 57? I thought there was a total of 60 episodes for this drama. I've been following this drama and I didn't see anymore episodes after ep. 57 in any of the clubbox. Has they discontinued it like they did "Wolf"?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest xosandy






신돈 (Shin Don)


61 Episodes [MBC]

PD: Kim Jin-Min / WRITER: Jung Ha-Yeon

[Cast: Son Chang-Min, Jung Bo-Seok, Seo Ji-Hye, Oh Man-Seok, Lee Dae-Yeon, Kim Hye-Ri, Song Jae-Ho]

History is always fair with winners, it loves its heroes, it celebrates the most capable rulers. But where do all the others go? Where do the weak, those prey to their instincts and inner demons, making mistakes, hurting people for their own good, go? In that respect, 신돈 (Shin Don) is probably one of the most revolutionary, and one of the best Sageuk of all time: it doesn't focus on your traditional hero, undergoing a lot of difficulties during his youth, and slowly rising to the occasion, becoming a righteous model.

No, it features a ruthless and vicious man on his quest to power, and all the people falling under his influence, last but not least the weakest of them all: the King. But it also shows a side of him, often tragic, sometimes ironic, that eventually moves you to root for the 'bad guy'. Why? Because he's that much closer to home than probably any other Sageuk character of recent memory, more similar to real people like you and I. These are not mere historical figures, they're people. Living, breathing, scheming against others, showing their greed for power, loving, making mistakes that sometimes lead to tragic consequences. You're never told what a character is thinking, where his or her road will lead, because people are complicated animals, and the love-hate relationship between King Gongmin (a wonderful Jung Bo-Seok) and Shin Don (Son Chang-Min's best performance ever) cannot be explained with simple words, just like you can't easily pigeonhole Princess Noguk (Seo Ji-Hye: you'll hear a lot more about this kid. She's got game like no other young actress I've seen since Im Soo-Jung). This show features the kind of romantic aura and strong female characters that would appeal to women more than men watching Sageuk, basking in the beauty of the moment instead of endless, overdone and overbearing symphonies of tearjerking.

It finished quite a while ago, but I still can't come to terms with what I've seen. It's not just how complicated, intriguing, disarmingly powerful and intelligent, marvelously directed, written and acted this Drama is. The damn thing still dominates my thoughts. Every time I see one of the actors who appeared in it, hear even of silly things like a name (say, Goryeo), it's all back to that incredible finale, to the moments when I stared at the screen, convinced I was watching something truly unique from start to finish. I always had a strange relationship with Jung Ha-Yeon's works in the genre -- absolutely adored 장녹수 (Jang Nok-Soo), thought 왕과 비 (The King and The Queen) was good but sort of overrated, and pretty much hated 명성황후 (The Last Empress) -- but this is his best work to date.

It's as if Freud and Shakespeare in Macbeth mode had a fight, reconciled and then wrote a majestic Sageuk together, with some of the most radical characters you could think. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this, but I want to see it again, now (MBC? We need a DVD for this, don't waste time with crappy Trendy Dramas). If anything beats this show, then 2006 will be a year to remember, because that would truly have to be a timeless classic to reach these heights and even go beyond. A masterpiece I probably will never forget.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest thunderbolt

In a nutshell, misterX's verdict of Shin Don:

It's a madly complicated and madly involving drama. Think Shakespeare. Decadent, intelligent, irreverent, romantic and a little crazy. Pretty much the best historical drama Korea has ever produced.

credit: jisubaddicts.com

I can't wait to watch this!! :w00t:

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Guest mily2


Just wanting to stop by to make a brief announcement...

WITH S2 will be subbing this long historical drama.. since it is.. let me quote our famous MisterX - " It's a madly complicated and madly involving drama. Think Shakespeare. Decadent, intelligent, irreverent, romantic and a little crazy. Pretty much the best historical drama Korea has ever produced."

As this is another long journey.. please show us your love & support.

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Guest avonmarissa


Just wanting to stop by to make a brief announcement...

WITH S2 will be subbing this long historical drama.. since it is.. let me quote our famous MisterX - " It's a madly complicated and madly involving drama. Think Shakespeare. Decadent, intelligent, irreverent, romantic and a little crazy. Pretty much the best historical drama Korea has ever produced."

As this is another long journey.. please show us your love & support.

Thank you very much. WITH S2 Jiayou, Fighting.

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Guest thunderbolt

Yay, the subbing announcement is out. Thank you for taking this on, WITH S2!! *muah* The story sounds complex and delicious. Since X rates Shin Don as the best sageuk ever (with Hansungbyulgok a close second), it's definitely worth checking out. Oh Man Seok is in this too. :wub:

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Guest bshater1


Just wanting to stop by to make a brief announcement...

WITH S2 will be subbing this long historical drama.. since it is.. let me quote our famous MisterX - " It's a madly complicated and madly involving drama. Think Shakespeare. Decadent, intelligent, irreverent, romantic and a little crazy. Pretty much the best historical drama Korea has ever produced."

As this is another long journey.. please show us your love & support.

:w00t: greatest news ever! question though: where should we get the raws or will the team be providing the raws? thanks once again for taking on this huge task.

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Guest mily2

We will be providing the raws for the full series.. we will upload the raws to our clubbox , as well as seeding the torrents on d-addicts.. direct megaupload links will be available also. We are working hard to obtain all 61 episodes- but rest assure.. we will release both the subs and the raw files.

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Guest thunderbolt

Oh really? OMS too? woohooo~~ now I'm more excited! :lol:

Can't wait to get my hands eyes on this ^^

Haha, don't tell X that OMS is the main reason why Dahee and I are so excited about Shin Don. :blush: :phew:

But seriously this sounds like a great series.

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Ok Shindon Ep 1 uploaded to:-



ShinDon Hodoli E1 1/2


ShinDon Hodoli E1 2/2


If you are a member of Logmein (www.logmein.com)


I need more links so if anyone has any idea where to get them, pls inform me

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Guest smiley6yrl

Thanks WithS2 for picking up this drama.. lol i got so excited since it was a new series that you guys added to the list, and my first inital guess was that it was another family drama but its another historic series :( . Anyway, I'm not too fond of the cast members and the storyline, but ill give it a try since you guys are subbing it. :P

Thanks Annchong for the direct dl links!!!

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