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Soompi Christmas Cheer Festival

Sleepy Owl

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Late to the party but hey y'all. I have an extremely busy two weeks. My sis is graduating her Masters.So this week I have a road trip to her place. Woot Woot!


Got my goodies

1st one



Going to put the bonus goodie as answer :P

2nd one






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Found the answer to Clue #2 purely by luck, since I have no idea what the monikers are for the couple these days until I saw the thread list in


6. shipper's paradise

Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple)


While Andy Williams' songs are a favourite, Jim Reeves' Twelve Days of Christmas remains my family's much-loved, staple playlist every single Christmas from the days of vinyl record to CD....

Twelve Songs of Christmas - Album by Jim Reeves | Spotify


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I find the second  clue easy but it was pure luck. Thanks for the aditional clue because the main clue was hard to guess. 




I am bad with couples. When I read the clue I thought it is two guys couple because I remember that about Batman and Robin from one of Batman movies. That was a long time ago. :D I decided to go to the go to Shippers`s paradise forum and look for the newest couple and voila.... I saw RoBin name on the first thread... I had an AHA moment.




6 hours ago, liddi said:

Found the answer to Clue #2 purely by luck, since I have no idea what the monikers are for the couple these days until I saw the thread list in

It was the same for me. :D

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A new Clue is Up! Question is, have you been naughty or nice this year?



Let's see if you find the third clue easy or difficult.... All I can say is, that reading out loud what you see in the clue might help you solve it;)
@LeftCoastOppa @madmad min  @joccu  @gm4queen @rocher22  @rocat   @MayanEcho @liddi  @ktcjdrama @larus @the_sweetroad @Sunset


Tagging also puzzle expert @YongZura⁷

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48 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

my brain seems to have taken a hiatus or maybe I didn't pay attention to the dramas this year. with every clue, my reaction is:


Sweetie, I will give you a hint :kiss_wink:








There are two drama names in there literally:




Read them out loud and you will for sure come up with the drama names ;)


Also, there is also this drama:


(That is the flag of Indonesia and there seems to be a MMF triangle with some mindblowing twists....)



(Looks like a sageuk to me? With a MMF triangle which involves two nations...)


As for the second clue, there are three Reply Series:

  • Reply 1997
  • Reply 1994
  • Reply 1988

Subtracting one of them from the number given in the clue will yield the correct thread page.

The section was referenced directly in the clue.



Hope this helps :dorakiss:

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Clue 3


Well it took me a little while but after seeing the bow and the ship I got it. 


I did believe in Santa clause when I was little. I mean I live in country where the Santa clause live so it was kind of hard to not believe.



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kekekeke... @partyon ~ my brain has been fried. really deep fried. 

do you want to read my nonsensical story from the additional clues? read on to be disappointed or just amused! haahahahah.... :lol:



partyon: There are two drama names in there literally:





me: somone ate chocolate and ended up in insulin shock and had to be transported from the cruise to the hospital; bummer, what a holiday!!!  



partyon: Also, there is also this drama:


(That is the flag of Indonesia and there seems to be a MMF triangle with some mindblowing twists....)


me: somewhere on an indonesian beach, man1 wanted to slipper man2 for stealing his girl but man2 had an actual weapon. so he shot man1; now one or all of them are in hospital but viewers haven't been told what happened. in the midst of this, a ghost appeared shocking viewers who thought it was a rom-com and didn't realize they were signing up for horror.





(Looks like a sageuk to me? With a MMF triangle which involves two nations...)


me: korean king was scheduled to marry this queen from one of the super powerful clans but then because it is a saeguk, all these bearded men in blue dislike the king. so they sent her off to marry the chinese king instead. war ensued and some poor horse died. netizens were very upset about the horse and wrote angry posts about how the PD didn't even give sad background music when horsey died. PD said he was very sorry but netizens were very mad. so they made sad emojis on the horse (actor's) IG page. no one cares which king lived. too much politics with bearded men that we can't tell apart. we don't have energy except for being sad about the horse. the horse animal/actor has got lots of PFs now. the end.  


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@Lmangla I hear you. Your recaps are brilliant as usual. :lol:


I'm such an idiot.



Even after reading all the clues out loud - last night - I had no clue. Plus that flag really looks like Monaco's flag, so I spent a ton of time searching "kdramas set in Monaco". And I even looked up Hospital Ship and read all about it to see if they started out in Monaco. THEN! @larus posted and I was like AHA! This is a PERSON who has acted in all these dramas!

After THAT, I had problems subtracting. I hate subtracting! LIke @agenth. So even subtracting 1988 - 1008 I thought it would be page 80. Hahaha.


I finally got my brain on straight and figured out the page and found the thing. :wub:




I just found this Youtube video that explains everything: :loolz:





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