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haha I really like Chemistry so maybe thats why I really want to do pharmacy xD

Man, I really hope calculus gets scaled up alot this year, i need it for scaling T_T_T_T

english and music gets scaled down so I need calculus to back me up T_T

ughhhh i don't want my results back T_T

I was on a 93 TER before with my school marks, but after the TEE, eh don't think i can anymore :/

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Sorry it took me bajillion years to reply. *bang head*

ayaka_sorano Ah, so that's what it is XD Thanks for clearing that up. Um, which websites can you by from? x __ o

ongi3000 Hahaha, thanks but I don't think I want a necktie anymore . __ . I thought about it and thought, "When the hell am I actually going to wear one?" My school is having new uniform next year (stupid schools wants to look more "private-school-esque* so they're making us wear blouses and whatnot. I wouldn't be surprised if they stuffed some ties in there with it.

I went into Chic&Chic two days ago and I found legwarmers and kneehigh socks. Too bad the legwarmers LOOKED baggy when in reality, they're as tight as hell. What a waste of my $12.80 XD And I was too poor to buy those sock D:

And is $10 cheap for just one strand of clip on hair extensions? Chic&Chic is selling them (each"stradn" is like ... 5cm width and it's long) by friends bought some but I was *palmforeheading* - ing when I had no more money to buy some XD;;

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ I can buy from any websites that can ship worldwide. If you wanted sumthing from websites like CCT-Fashion or Yiyipf, I can buy them for you but they have MIN requirements meaning you have to buy like a certain amount so i could I guess do a survey orsumthing.

I can do YesAsia personal order or Yesstyle... Um... and if you need help buying from anyone one Soompi, I can help you pay first and then you pay me later when the items arrive or sumthing.

Just let me know if you need help buying anything cos like I have Paypal and Credit Card so it's easy for me to buy from websites and people. The only I dont like is USD Concealed Cash cos I dun think it's very safe XD

Man... scaling is gonna be the worst thing ever... Unless scaling goes in our favour ^^

I hate it when people think it's easy to get TER of above 90....I mean people who've never done TEE wouldnt understand... They always think it's easy when really it's as hard as ever...... *sigh*

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i have no idea about hair extensions (even though i want some!) but i always see those $30 ones and yeah. no idea. O_O;

LOL i'm so glad i don't have to worry about school uniforms anymore <3 private school uniforms are cute, but they are a pain in the butt to wear! ergh!

yeah. T_T TEE was pretty hard this year, IMO. >_______<~~

omg i just had my first driving lesson. SO FUN! for now LOL. at this moment i have NO IDEA how i'm gonna pass the test later HAHAHA.

i had to drive all the way to st. andrews x.x mind you, it's about 15-20 minutes away from my place so yeah. just whack for my first lesson LOL.

fun fun fun! now i have to wait another week. so bad, i'm meant to have three lessons per week. x.x oh well, i'll just drive around.. ._.

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ayaka_sorano Oh, okay ^^ That's awesome. But I don't think I can buy anything just yet because I'm strapped for cash D: So you won't have me annoy you for a while ^^

Antz Hm, that means ten bucks is pretty cheap huh? :P And it's real hair too ... and it feels so soft O w O <3 I liked to touch it. Rar ... lucky you > __ < But then again, I'd rather wear the same thing everyday than worry about what to wear everyday. And, oh my gosh, imagine all the stuff girls would wear to school *spews* I don't think I could manage seeing a girl with a low cut top every day.

Lucky~ You get to learn how to drive while little people like me have to catch a bus LMAO XD Are you learning how to drive manual or auto?

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Guest TrainDriver

although results are usually out in the afternoon the day b4 result day, if they aren't, any1 gonna stay up till midnight? well, not that staying up till midnight isn't normal on holidays :P

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Antz Hm, that means ten bucks is pretty cheap huh? :P And it's real hair too ... and it feels so soft O w O <3 I liked to touch it. Rar ... lucky you > __ < But then again, I'd rather wear the same thing everyday than worry about what to wear everyday. And, oh my gosh, imagine all the stuff girls would wear to school *spews* I don't think I could manage seeing a girl with a low cut top every day.

Lucky~ You get to learn how to drive while little people like me have to catch a bus LMAO XD Are you learning how to drive manual or auto?

haha, i'm really not sure about the extensions. real hair? WHA? o_O

true that.. i'd run out of things to wear and yeah, you'd see all these girls dressing revealing stuff x.x

lol! i can't be bothered learning to drive, though, but it's alright. XD yeah... i HATE taking buses, ugh. i'm learning manual, hehe.

ohhhh.... hmm, i don't know, it depends if i'm allowed on then.

i'm gonna be hell scared ><" obviously if i'm on at that time, i'll check my results.

bleh! it's so scary!

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haha, i'm really not sure about the extensions. real hair? WHA? o_O

true that.. i'd run out of things to wear and yeah, you'd see all these girls dressing revealing stuff x.x

lol! i can't be bothered learning to drive, though, but it's alright. XD yeah... i HATE taking buses, ugh. i'm learning manual, hehe.

Yup, they're made of real hair so better quality than that ... other (whatever they make it out of > __ <) stuff.

*shudders* What's happening to world? I swear, girls are getting sluttier and skankier every year > _ <

Like Barney from HOw I Met Your Mother said, "It's go ho, or go home."

What the heck? How can you not be bothered to learn how to drive? (that sentence sounds awkward o __ O) Buses are scary. Because they're so bumpy. I'm surprised I haven't fallen over before. And wasting my 90 cents XD;;

My mother says that I should learn how to drive manual because then you know how to drive both but manual seems so hard ... with all that switching gears and there's like ... no labels or anything *shudders*

Scientist should invent mind controlled cars ):

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Yup, they're made of real hair so better quality than that ... other (whatever they make it out of > __ <) stuff.

*shudders* What's happening to world? I swear, girls are getting sluttier and skankier every year > _ <

Like Barney from HOw I Met Your Mother said, "It's go ho, or go home."

What the heck? How can you not be bothered to learn how to drive? (that sentence sounds awkward o __ O) Buses are scary. Because they're so bumpy. I'm surprised I haven't fallen over before. And wasting my 90 cents XD;;

My mother says that I should learn how to drive manual because then you know how to drive both but manual seems so hard ... with all that switching gears and there's like ... no labels or anything *shudders*

Scientist should invent mind controlled cars ):

LOL! OMG I miss that show T_T Barney actually said that? LOL I can't remember :x

I'm just so lazy to learn. >_<" Seriously, I am REALLY lazy.

ROFL! I've always wondered that about buses, why haven't they fallen over yet.. LOL. :D

Yupppppp. Manual is a bit of a pain but it's really fun. I like a lot of a challenge. And I'm slowly getting used to it. ^^

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:o hair extensions for $10?

where's chic&chic? i want to get some T_T haha. I'm going to the city tomorrow... is there a chic&chic at the city?

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

This thread is always so 'alive' :blink: .. thats good though..

@sylph: I'm learning manual at the moment.. it's not super hard or super easy either.. you just need to get a little getting used to ^^.. I thought it was going to be hard too.. but the key thing is remember is changing gears is directly determined by the speed of the car. So gear 1 would be just starting up the car to about 20 km/h. Once you hit that speed change to gear 2. Gear 2 is for around 20-40km/h. Gear 3 is 40-60km/h, Gear 4 is 60-80km/h and Gear 5 is >80km/h. :)

Whatever speed you're at, you change it to the right Gear accordingly.

Hope that helps and doesn't confuse you :unsure::lol:

I want my Ps !! >< ><

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LOL! OMG I miss that show T_T Barney actually said that? LOL I can't remember :x

I'm just so lazy to learn. >_<" Seriously, I am REALLY lazy.

ROFL! I've always wondered that about buses, why haven't they fallen over yet.. LOL. :D

Yupppppp. Manual is a bit of a pain but it's really fun. I like a lot of a challenge. And I'm slowly getting used to it. ^^

Isn't it on Foxtel (unless you don't have Foxtel :x). I only watched a few episodes and it's so funny XD

Yup, he said that. I didn't watch that episode but it was one of the ads XD;;

Argh, being lazy is no good!

Hm, because ... they have four wheels? And they're ... balanced?

Lol XD I don't even know what I'm talking about.

And why are buses more bumpy than cars T __ T

But it still seems ... so hard.

How long do you need to take lessons before you get your L plate or do you get it when you first start learning?

<3 Kim

Yup, Chic&Chic is in the city on Barrack street ^^


Lol, you make it sound like an alien.

"Oh my gawd ... it's ... ALIVEEE!"

Hahaha, yeah that did help. Thanks XD But my memory sucks so I'll probably forget which positions it is for all those gears.

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ahh i havent been here for ages! im going to be leaving Taipei and flying to Perth tomorrow afternoon =))

not looking forward to go back because of TEE results T___T

where's chic&chic? i want to get some T_T haha. I'm going to the city tomorrow... is there a chic&chic at the city?

Kim, the chic&chic store is the one where they had those cheap earrings haha.. it's like all pink, and the clothes there are so expensive :X

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Guest ayaka_sorano

So agreeing with the fact that this is really alive :lol:

I hate taking the bus when like some smelly person sits near you and you have to sit the whole time trying not to smell the stink...... *shudders* Or when I have to wait for the bus for so long...... But other than that it's fine ^^

My parents are rushing me to drive now.... But I'm feeling too lazy haha.. But they coming back here soon so I have to hurry up and start learning from the driving book...... Gah... So busy... -.-"

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jo, is that the one we (me, you and kim) went to? ._."

haha, i'm glad this thread is alive. :D

awwww nope, i don't have foxtel. T_T hehe barney = <3. but he's so annoying sometimes!

ohhh, yeah, that's pretty much the drift of the gears and stuff. i sometimes forget that my foot is on the brake or clutch or something. LOL so bad!

eew i just hate it how weird people come on the bus, or when drunks go on at night.. OMG i'm so glad it was one time >__>

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Ugh, that's why I always take the bus with some one that I know > _ <

And if I'm by myself, put my legs on the next seat unless the person who wants to sit down looks friendly and ... not drunk or smelly. I know it seems rude but ... those kinds of people scare me --,


But ... he's so awesome and funny XD

Well, you can always watch it on YOOCHOOB :B

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ :lol: I like to sit near the buttons too at the back cos when you need to get off and sumone is sitting next to you, it's way hard to press the button ^^" and I hate getting off when there's sumone sitting next to you cos you have to make them move and all that... haha

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Guest TrainDriver
:lol: i hate public transport as well. its gonna be even worse with the trains cos then u'll be in the same cart as ppl from all over the place. thank god i just have to finish my 25hrs and then i'm on my Ps :D
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