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Official Perth Thread!


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Guest green_T

I like daylight savings. I don't know why people make a fuss about it. You still do everything the same and sleep the same amount, haha. And there's more sunlight in the afternoon so you have more time to spend outside. I like it when I go and watch an Indian movie at Hoyts (they're usually 3 hours long and theres usually a session around 4 30pm) and when I get out there's still light. It's a bit dodgy going on public transport when it's night.

This is what I meant about riding on the roof of a bus:




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^ yehh >< even though it's like the same with daylight savings, i still end up sleeping really late like an hr later than i usually do and i already sleep late >< though i guess it's a good thing if i had late classes or something.

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Guest nikkila

ugh daylight savings. it was for the northern hemisphere ie not us because if youve been there it stays light in europe til like 10 pm. we have no need for it. just messes up our internal clock. and what about all the farms? its not like you can tell the cow why it hasnt been milked for another hour. i just dont see why we need to globalise everything. you can see what thats done the stockmarket already.

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I remember doing a school run from Trinity to the city (only around the corner really) and some idiot kid got on my roof. I made sure I braked really hard and sent him flying. He didn't have to spend long in hospital. I was actually trying to get him to fall of the bus But I must not have braked hard enough.

My god Perth is turning into Australians version of Florida.


Basically Aboriginal man and woman both pushing prams with kids in rob a teenage girl and Thornlie train station.

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Guest green_T

Poor girl. I wonder, would those people actually stab. Won't people be suspicious if blood started coming out of someone or if they yelled. Actually, that would be the best thing, just scream and run.That's dodgy, it's my station :unsure::(

^^What a stupid kid (the one who went on the roof)

To get on those buses there's a ladder at the back. You find buses like that in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It's pretty safe, unless the bus falls off a cliff or makes a really sharp turn. There's rail around the sitting area and probably cushions too, haha. Many people sit on top of trains also. Now that is crazy. Many people die from being electrocuted because of the live wires or when the train has to go through a tunnel.

Here's some video examples with my favourite Bollywood actor, enjoy! Hahaha.

Bus Ride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYvs0bh1PqI (I like the part he's standing and singing on the ferris wheel hahaha)


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Guest Xiaoba1tu

How did a kid climb onto the top of the bus?

I actually thought you were referring to your car first. Haha.

Only three possible reasons why he climbed up there: It was schoolies week, it was a dare, or he was drunk.

It didn't say that they were Aboriginal. Uh, still scary though, particularly with people pushing prams, you don't expect that to happen.

I am happy the principal for the all boys private school that suspended the entire year (or school?) when the students went crazy and smashed everyone's property on muck up day. They don't have respect for anyone or their personal property.

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No it didn't say they where aboriginal to the press, but the descriptions circulated to bus drivers on the day it happened did.

When I used to listen to the police radio while driving buses it gave me the opinion that about 96% of police time is spent dealing with something to do with aboriginals. Unfortunately it's very hard to listen to the cops now because they have all digital radios.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Is it true that they have $2 breakfasts at IKEA? O_O


This was a funny read; "Are you Australia's greatest tightarse?"

I liked-

"When going through the supermarket ask for one plastic bag per item. You can never have enough plastic bags for storage, or if things get even worse, clothing needs."

I do this one-

"Pay phones and vending machines are always worth a passing thump just in case you are rewarded with the wonderful rattle of coins being loosened into the change slot. "

I was on the bus and this happened to a family before but the driver was really pissed at them-

'When getting on a bus try proferring a $20 or above note. Sometimes the drivers will say they don’t have change and let you on for free. Reluctantly remember that you’ve got some change if they threaten not to let you on at all. "

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

This guy almost crashed into me yesterday. He wasn't looking out for cars around him at all.

He was doing a turn-around on the side and I was near his car when he was going to drive out onto the road again. (Didn't look)

Then he drove a few metres further up and parked on the side of the road, in the city. He was adjusting his parking and the front part of his car stuck out and was in the way of my path. But he just swung out, didn't check for anything and almost hit me.

Suddenly, being able to drive isn't that great anymore.

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^thank goodness ur okay though. i hate it when their in the wrong but then they get angry at you.

i liked this one from the article.

"Resist pressure to buy new clothes by saying you are just waiting for the style to become fashionable again. If the clothes are torn claim to be a punk devotee. "

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CUTE baby avi!~ who is it =]???

i seaweed salad for $2 today @ southlands. happy at my find my friend told me she got 1kg of it for $9 in the city *pout*

its so addictive. i should really act my age. =.=;

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

I got it off the net.. ^ ^


Guys, you should or (maybe should not) listen to this person's attempt at our accent. BOGAN to the max!! :lol:

And he sounds like he skipped school and never learnt how to speak properly.

His other accents are crap as well.

The only ok one is the Indian one. Haha, but anyone can do an Indian accent. d:

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Asian babies are so much cuter than white ones.

Wait until you have your first crash. My first crash was some dumb little white girl was talking to her friends and didn't notice the fact that I had stopped at a stop sign. Hyundai Excels are not a very good car to crash in to my car with :-)

The bus crashes that I've had even though I have had so many you still get an awful feeling in side of you.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

I have many pictures of babies.

Yeh I'm imagining the Hyundai Excel is an easily crushable car.

Argh, I really don't want think about crashing.

I figured that I'll drive when the weather's bad and take public transport when the weather's nice.

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heh. a woman crashed into my bro in law's ute the other week. same day that accident with the truck + traffic jam happened =/

he was going straight, she was going west. so she crashed into the side. thank goodness nothing's wrong with him. -_-

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