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Guest <3 Kim

I went to the show yesterday. Got in for the kids price LOLOL

Yeahh bags weren't as good as years before, didn't go on any rides cos they were like $10 each <_<

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Guest myclock

LOL!!! im planning to go this sat. not really for rides and showbags though ( i only want one or two this year cos they so lame). just to hang out. is the evening events any good such as fireworks?

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Luckily I haven't eaten there before. Dirty dishes and getting OJ mixed up with AJ. Not good at all.

I searched for the restaurant's reviews and ratings. People still put some positive comments about it, they both are obviously not Asian.

They should really update this:


I think most of us has been to one of those places. =/

Uncle Billy's should be on the list.

thanks for the link! omg i ate at emperor's court can't believe it has so many charges. what's alduterated food =.=;

haha nah my boss is white and he told me that i should never eat at UB.

its pretty funny how most of the owners are asian (mainly viet too)

lalallala what's been happening ppl? im so bored , its just uni and work.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu
what's alduterated food =.=;

"Adulterants may be intentionally added to substances to reduce manufacturing costs, or for some deceptive or malicious purpose."

There's a list of foods that are examples of food and beverage adulteration.

I think it's to do with adding substituted food ingredients to cut the costs for producing the food, making it lower quality.

Also, "Deliberate addition of toxic adulterants to food or other products for human consumption is known as poisoning".



The neighbour's dogs keeps coming over to our front garden lawn to defecate. I have to see it every time I walk outside.

Why can't it defecate in it's own garden. I was going to catch it red-handed but I was too slow with the camera.



You can get fined for spending too long parked at KFC.

What's a trainee nurse doing eating a family pack of KFC anyway? Three times a week.

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Guest nikkila

a worm in your food?? when that happens you need to let the whole restaurant know. by means of screaming. i hope someone gets onto them. now that i think about it im pretty sure a large part of foodie places work in ways we're better off being unaware of.

im really stressing now. tee is like in a month. im having the worst procrastination ever though. its never been this bad.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

I can't remember that well but I think I probably procrastinated for my TEE too.

It's such a relief when it's all over.

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Guest TrainDriver

any1 drive a manual car?? first time i've been in peak hour, garden city, underground parking. was a pain, so many damn pedestrian crossings and hills and the massive pillars in the underground that block your view. sucks to drive manual in those conditions, sometimes wish i got an auto car.

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^nope. but i do want to learn cos my friend took me to the riverside and randomly asked "if i get stung by a jellyfish, how are we going to the hospital?!!!! U can't drive my car..."

im having huge procrastination now too! *cries* i don't want to learn more about molecular stuff in the brain. boring.

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Guest mystique

^same hey, manual looks fun to drive compared to auto lol plus u dont need to jump start a manual car if u leave ur head lights on! xD

went to the show yesterday, it wasnt that bad actually.. but was so tired when i got back T_T

back to uni next week! zzzzzz.... back to study :D

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Guest Xiaoba1tu
but i do want to learn cos my friend took me to the riverside and randomly asked "if i get stung by a jellyfish, how are we going to the hospital?!!!! U can't drive my car..."

In a life and death situation, I think you would still try to drive the manual car.

I've had some experience with manual so I roughly know which gears to change to, just that maybe the car will stall at the lights and the whole journey might be a bit uncomfortable. I accidentally rev the car and do that for too long.

Just hope the police don't catch you, but you've got a pretty good excuse to do it anyway.

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i love driving manual. i actually prefer driving manual over auto. its more... fun? to drive :P

auto is just steering. but manual feels like you're really driving... and its cooler. i don't make sense, do i?

my parents were telling me about an incident they saw on a korean tv show.

somewhere in australia, a woman was dragged out of her car at a red light. the chick who dragged her out got in the car, and then jumped out again and ran away. she was going to steal the car, but she couldn't because it was manual. :P

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

I'm getting really desperate now so I'm going to go to the State library to find if they have any information. (The first time I've had to resort to the State library).

I haven't borrowed anything from there before and I don't know how are you supposed to know which books are available for public loan? Can you use your local library card to borrow?

I'm going to be so lost there. T_______T

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Guest <3 Kim

^ I dunno, I've never borrowed from there before since a lot of the stuff you cant loan there :/ I just go up there to do my assignments if I really have to use the books, or I bring a camera and take photos of the pages I need

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my parents were telling me about an incident they saw on a korean tv show.

somewhere in australia, a woman was dragged out of her car at a red light. the chick who dragged her out got in the car, and then jumped out again and ran away. she was going to steal the car, but she couldn't because it was manual. tongue.gif


my parents are really paranoid about me locking my car doors at night and i can see why. I was driving home at 2ish, first i saw a guy walking alone with a plank of wood :ph34r: . Second, bunch of guys and girls in front of macas (omg go home) and third i was driving along the park near my house where i saw 4 dodgy guys around. It really freaked me out cos they were so close to my car, i had to speed away into my street and turn my car lights out immediately when i got home since i had to park outside.

I'm getting really desperate now so I'm going to go to the State library to find if they have any information. (The first time I've had to resort to the State library).

I haven't borrowed anything from there before and I don't know how are you supposed to know which books are available for public loan? Can you use your local library card to borrow?

I'm going to be so lost there. T_______T

don't worry there should be those librarians at the front that can help u.

i have no idea, ive never borrowed anything from there either. what are u searching for?

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Guest Xiaoba1tu
my parents are really paranoid about me locking my car doors at night and i can see why.

what are u searching for?

I always lock the doors too. Anyone could just open your door at the lights when you stop, and drag you out of the car.

Books/info for assignments. I think I'll just read the books there since you can't borrow them.

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Yep, Lock my doors day and night too. I used to only lock them at night but now it doesn't really matter what time of day it is, drunk idiots are out at all times now.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu
WITHIN a few decades, the "cultivated" Australian accent of politicians Alexander Downer and Julie Bishop will have vanished, according to a new book.

The broad Australian accent is also on the way out, says its author, lexicographer Bruce Moore.

Dr Moore, director of the Australian National Dictionary Centre, in Canberra, says the vast majority of Australians now speak with a "standard Australian" accent.

That's because we have recovered from the cultural cringe that led some to ape English pronunciation.

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard, NSW Premier Nathan Rees and tennis player Lleyton Hewitt all speak with broad accents, but Dr Moore said they are "remnants" of a cultural distinction that arose in the late 19th century.

He traces the development of the "cultivated" accent to the 1880s trend in Britain for the association of "received pronunciation" with education.

Australian educators and elocutionists set about eliminating the distinctive features of our speech, such as pronouncing "mate" more like "mite".

The trend for elocution is dying - so there is no longer a need for "ocker" Australians to distinguish their speech with nasal intonation and sharp vowels, Dr Moore said.


This is good to know.

I think saying "mate" as "mite" sounds bad. It would be good if they eliminated the use of the word "mate" altogether.

I prefer people to talk in a normal accent using standard English and not sound like a bricklayer.

That's because we have recovered from the cultural cringe that led some to ape English pronunciation

Gotta hate the ape English pronunciation.

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Haha... my parents always say 'to-die' instead of 'to-day' because they find it amusing how some Australians actually say the former pronunciation.

Ooh, btw is anyone going to Church Together on Sunday the 16th of November? Should be awesome to be united!

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