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Guest green_T

The traffic in Jakarta, Indo is so bad, 12 million+ ppl afterall. Sometimes it could take hours to move a few kms and theres soo many motorcycles. People just keep cutting in front of everyone and its a race for who gets into roundabouts and parking exits/entrances. And cars don't keep a few metres apart, more like a few cms. Haha. But I love it, how its crowded, busy and chaotic :D

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Guest iPhets
^ awwww u could of been famous! and soompiers can stalk you =P reminds me of when mr...(forgot his name- drama teacher at willo) was on the jesters ads. Its just weird.

YES MR VLADICH LOL!!! (i think thats how u spell it o.o) its still on tv occasionally..he looks so funny there :D everyone was giving him crap about it 1 or 2 years ago?

and NO i dont want to get stalked =.= and i would look like such a nerd with the safety glasses and all XD

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Psh, one of the reliefs that went to our school was in that home ad...with that guy drinking coffe and the ceiling falling down on him? He also does the statue miming thing in the city xD

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Guest Twilightforest

funny that one of our relief teachers was the guy in the "Sick of renting?" Add. Must be a "in" thing for reelief teachers.

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Guest iPhets
Psh, one of the reliefs that went to our school was in that home ad...with that guy drinking coffe and the ceiling falling down on him? He also does the statue miming thing in the city xD

hey a relief from my school does the statue miming thing in the city too o.o

is he the one that does the magic tricks and the coin ones??? hes awesome..

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^do u guys go to the same school?

yes mr vladich! haha i remember the crushes the girls had on him =P

walking across the street in asia is hella crazy, everyone can tell the foreigners from the locals.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu
yes mr vladich! haha i remember the crushes the girls had on him =P

He was just the youngest and best looking teacher at school. xD

Then everyone was like awww but he's married, with a kid.

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iPhets: YES! Does his last name start with L? xD I think I freaked him out though rofl. Cause my sisters actually used to hang out with his brothers 10 years back and I just came up to him one day and was like @Oh sir~ Do oyu have broters called xxxxx??" HAHAHA

Yes. I win the biggest idiot weirdo.

Everyone loves my chem teacher. He's the youngest at our school and looks like a vampire/zombie. But he's so weird and funny he's awesome =D I've got a friend who is like crazy ahaha She knows when he's on duty and where and stole a poster he made when there wasn't enough people in class to teach xD

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Guest iPhets

^gah!! i dont know!~ i used to know his name but now all i remember is that his name is long....

he looks funny o.o does that help? LOL.

but L does kind of ring a bell =/

EDIT: i asked my friend, she says its le paige :D

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^ lepage actually. =D Yep, thats him. I haven't seen him in aaages though. Saw him in the community newspaper a few months ago and there was an article with him in it, he had a baby. He's an awesome singer oo; He was relief for a music class before and he was played around with the instruments and stuff. Pretty cool =D

HW kills. Redox is too difficult for me T_____T Mainly half equations and then putting em together,

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Redox ,,, lol when u said that it reminded me of the energy supplement. i work too much seriously.

anyway there was a simple way for me to do those, can't remember anymore. I don't remember anything study-wise in high school at all.

Like i had to calculate my interest rate and i had completely forgot how to do that. Haha hopefully you go into a course that requires some of those subjects you're doing.

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Guest iPhets

^^lol think simple and you should be able to get redox right :D

mr ta taught me redox so i know it *whew* if not i would've failed the test sigh..

was thinking too deep with all the questions, went the long way and ended up with the wrong answer, hooray =.=;

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Guest <3 Kim

LOL Redox was my favourite topic :x

But that was because Mr Ta tutored me really well on that topic xD he made us repeat it so many times so it got stuck in our heads :P

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Guest <3 Kim

Just remember that in most cases, the Reduction equation is the equation that is furtherest to the top unless it states in the question that the one more lower at the bottom is the reduction equation.

So MOST of the time the equation on the bottom (since you work with 2 equations) the one that is more further down to the bottom gets flipped around

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I'm pretty sure I haven't used anything learnt in high school yet.

What's really scary is that I remember doing reduction and oxidation crap. The only quality teachers we had in our school where the Science teacher and the Home Economics teacher (they got married). Other than that it was frustrating watching teachers teach incorrect information.

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Guest <3 Kim

^ haha yeah, I wish I did human bio in highschool T_T

my human bio course is a lot easier this semester, i hated the one last semester. The exam was all about monkeys and mini cooper, stuff that I honestly don't care about so I didn't study :x

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Depends what your course is about, but I think stupid Human Bio, Chem and Maths did help me in my first year.

We only started learning Chem formally in Year 11, which I think is quite late.

In lower school Science, we just didn't have many "formal science classes", only those projects for the BHP Billiton Science competitions. It was so fun though, even though my friend and I were like the only group that didn't get prize money. ~__~

Seriously, one of my highschool friends is studying to become a Chemistry teacher. Crazy stuff there. For Chemistry teachers, you were either most hated, most liked, or plain weird/creepy.


Can't believe I'm listening to JJ Lin's music right now. He's not bad. (:

I skimmed through nine of S.H.E's albums and ended up with three songs that I was happy with. Too many slow ballads. >.>


Does anyone know what's the name of the device that you plug into the Ipod when you're using it through in the car speakers?

My friend plugs this white square electronic thing in the USB part of the Ipod and it plays her music through the "radiation of the device". Meaning, no need to plug it in directly to the car.

She bought it on Ebay about a few years ago.

I'm not getting a car anytime soon but still.

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