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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Guest mae risong

Hello dear SIK-ers it is my dedication for you.I sincerely hope that you enjoy my litle realization.I did it out of love for our beloved SIK and we provide with all my heart.

:x :x :x
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METAL, I'm glad you are enjoying my videos, too.  Actually, I included some scenes related to Aeri and Yuntek 'cause they played a big role in the love story of Eun Pah and Jang Soo.  I want the viewers to see the connections among these four.  Also, I find the scenes that speak about them, especially about Eun Pah and Jangsoo important in adding insight to their story, so I also included them  
I promise to finish this project unto the end. We need something to watch, like this one, to relieve us from our pain in missing SIK so much. 

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@ardently, your TOE part 8 and 9 are playing fine.  You just need to change the preview/thumbnail.
"Editor box" is simply the area where we enter our post, the "Rich Text" mode.  It's just the terminology that confuses you.
They way you're posting your YouTube video is fine, don't need to do anything differently.


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A piece of news posted by mewre on songilkook.com. It seems that SIK participated in a Pianobebe Concert.

The news posted on this blog [ http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=bebeisbabo&logNo=10160821455]

includes a photo and the following comment (translated by Mr. Google)

Pianobebe Concert. 배우 송일국. 탭 정권. 소은이

( Pianobebe Concert. Actor SONG IL KOOK. Tab regime.SO EUN IL)


우 송일국 씨가 일행들과 콘서트에 오셨습니다.

많은 사람들과 상냥히 사진을 찍어주는 모습이 인상적입니다.

따뜻한 에너지 감사합니다.

Mr. Song Il Woo, welcome to the party and concert.

With a lot of people take pictures of the gentlest look that is impressive.

Warm energy audit.

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Guest elisabeta

Hello SIKers!
Soon triplets will celebrate their first birthday ! I'm sure parents will be very happy!
Maybe after this event our prince will begin  new film. We expect all this.
Until then I watch Five Fingers, I Miss You, Queen of Ambition.
They are so ,so....
I wish you the best!


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Thanks for the news, CELIA.  
Our man is not really hibernating at home but still goes out once in a while to attend some functions. Maybe the reason he's not doing any drama is because there is no good offer coming to him.  As a hallyu star, he can't just accept any quickie or low-budgeted films, unless the director and scriptwriter are really good. In his past dramas, we saw a lot of flaws in the script and directing, thus, the low rating.  If he continue to do movies like that, he will only lose his credibility as a bankable actor.  Moreover, he is a meticulous person and maybe he has observed that no matter how realistic his acting is, he alone can not take the burden for the success of his drama.  I think he is just waiting for something with a big bang, a production comparable to Jumong, EOTS and KOTW.(probably for another historical drama?)

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Guest danasibro


Good to see you Mae Risog on soompi forum!

Thank you dear Kona Beans for all your wonderful posts and the  early Spring pictures , ...i wish spring will also come in my soul sometime again

Dear Gabi, Ardently, Metal, charmy,alex, h20g,Hwg, Celia,Ileanz. Elisabeta....and all the others I enjoyed yor videos, artwoks pictures and all the informations you gathered...thank you dear friends!



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I would suggest to those who have not watched this drama yet to give it a try. You won't regret it.  This edited version is less boring and will encourage you to watch more.  Just keep a tissue paper handy for your future use in wiping your tears.

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Thanks Ardent for wonderful work!  Like many SIKers, I started at Episode 21 and skipped through for SIK only.Now we can sit back and watch the whole TOE again.

Celia, It's great to get a glimpse of SIK.  Isn't he enjoying his break?




Thanks Mewre for the info!

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Actually, Kona, I felt like having more than a glimpse on this “Pianobebe” thing and I learned that it is nothing related to kids (as I first thought) but the nickname of Korean pianist and music writer, Bae JI Hoon. The musician was invited by Kim Bang Eun from PSYNUT Ent. (never heard about it before) in a project called Gabriel’s Game.

Gabriel is the name of an archangel recognized by three main religions of the world (Judaic, Christian and Islamic) as a messenger between God and Man.

The motto of Gabriel’s Game is: “We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.” (Luciano De Crescenzo). The message is that we can achieve peace and happiness in life if trying to understand each other, holding together in spite and/or regardless of cultural and religious differences.


To demonstrate this, Pianobebe and Kim Bang Eun undertook a 65 day journey around the world, meeting people of different religions/cultures in Latin America, Africa (Sahara), Europe (Paris) and Asia and performing concerts (with different guest artists). The music from Pianobebe’s first album, “Pilgrim of Melody” was performed during these concerts.

Given the message of the project, it is easily understandable why Song Il Kook was invited and why he accepted to be present at the concert held by Pianobebe and other invited artists at Seongnam Art Center in Seoul, on 20 February 2013.

The second stage of Gabriel’s game Project will focus on sports as a vehicle to understanding, peace, love between us, one wing angels.

I found all this info on the internet (starting from mewre’s posts on songilkook.com)

Here are some other photos with SIK and guests from the concert:




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