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[OFFICIAL] Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple) | The King's Affection


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3 hours ago, NTTD said:

One thing I've noticed (and I may be reading too much into it) is that Rowoon posted the mystery coffee truck on his IG story on 04/09 (reverse the number and you know what I mean).


I noticed that too. And it was also the day she held her “Hi Bingo” fan meet.

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11 hours ago, Penny said:

Wow, the DCinsider forum is getting hot and hot about the possibility that Rowoon´s girl friend has sent him a CT.  And some Robin has link this incident to Eunbin 

Although this is not any confirmed and just rumor, it still really makes my day anyway. Thank you so muchhhh :heartxoxo:


Normally sender's name will be mentioned on FT banner, right ? But except for that mysterious FT ...

Besides, Rowoon didn't tag sender's IG as well. Maybe FT sender doesn't have IG. But pls let me be delusional that he know but the situation not allow him to tag that person :joy:


2 hours ago, NTTD said:

One thing I've noticed (and I may be reading too much into it) is that Rowoon posted the mystery coffee truck on his IG story on 04/09 (reverse the number and you know what I mean).

Yes I have just noticed that too. Is it too coincidental ? :sparklyeyes:

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I suppose that you have realized, but anyway I think that should be highlighted here. The response in IG of Rowoon to the CT has included this signal of "I love you".  As I know corean people use to take care a lot the meaning of the emoji you put in the message.  This is the reason that in DC, everyone is angering that Rowoon openly indicate that the CT is from girl friend. 


I´m from Europe, and I´m really curious of this traditional behaviour of human in the opposite side of the earth 


As  Jiwoon mention in one of TKA episode.  Joha, you have appeared in the moment when I was hopeless of  the life.

This is the impact that Eunbin cause to her co-star and fan. 



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It's really strange and suspicious that Rowoon would respond to thank the person who sent him the CT with an "I love you" hand emoji and not disclose whom it was from.  Since he's an idol, it's a pretty bold move so I would think he's sending a message that he may be in a relationship or it's from someone special.  If that someone happens to be PEB then I think that's all the confirmation we need.  If it's not from PEB then we're all delusional and got tricked by their amazing acting skills.  Only time will tell...

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2 hours ago, NTTD said:

It's really strange and suspicious that Rowoon would respond to thank the person who sent him the CT with an "I love you" hand emoji and not disclose whom it was from.  Since he's an idol, it's a pretty bold move so I would think he's sending a message that he may be in a relationship or it's from someone special.  If that someone happens to be PEB then I think that's all the confirmation we need.  If it's not from PEB then we're all delusional and got tricked by their amazing acting skills.  Only time will tell...

This is really interesting :–) … I didn’t know the meaning of the emoji, but after some research I found that the sign originally comes from american sign language, in which the three folded-up fingers stand for three letters: ILY - "I love you". So the emoji really is about a commitment to love. I agree with you that it is very unlikely that the food truck was sent from fans, because Rowoon would never respond with an „I love you“ to any fan. He never did that in the past. When fans tell him that they love him, he always replies by thanking them… so it is very likely that the truck was sent by someone close to him ❤️

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5 hours ago, MimiSchu said:

I agree with you that it is very unlikely that the food truck was sent from fans, because Rowoon would never respond with an „I love you“ to any fan. He never did that in the past. When fans tell him that they love him, he always replies by thanking them… so it is very likely that the truck was sent by someone close to him

I was speaking to a friend yesterday and she said very similar things about how the CT is probably from someone close and not a fan. Besides the hand emoji, she pointed out that the tone he used in his caption was informal and cute. Normally when dealing with fans, he adopts a formal tone and doesn’t pander to “usual idol treatment to fans.” 


16 hours ago, Penny said:

This is the reason that in DC, everyone is angering that Rowoon openly indicate that the CT is from girl friend

Some knetz, especially his fans, were quick to catch on the differences and got pretty upset it seems.


8 hours ago, NTTD said:

Since he's an idol, it's a pretty bold move so I would think he's sending a message that he may be in a relationship or it's from someone special.

I applaud Rwn for being so brave. His fans may disagree with me but he has a healthy relationship with them because of his ability to set boundaries.

Also a minor point of observation is the used of his real name - Kim Seok Woo. It comes up quite often in the vertical banners or side panels of the truck. Another indication of closeness to the sender.



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On 5/10/2023 at 10:07 AM, Penny said:

Wow, the DCinsider forum is getting hot and hot about the possibility that Rowoon´s girl friend has sent him a CT.  And some Robin has link this incident to Eunbin 







If you go to the forum discussion page 3. Some one has translate the CT banner message:


오늘도 내일도 힘내세요
오늘도 이 사랑은 불가항력

Do your best today and tomorrow too. Today, this love is irresistible



Someone remember the banner message of the CT from Eunbin to Rowoon ( at the begining of year 2022 )? ::isannoyed:


Today, tomorrow do cheer up please !


Can you see the relation of both banner?


Honestly, or this two is playing with us or some crazy girl fan spent lot of money to kidding us. 


Please stop doing this to me. I have to concentrate in my work, instead of making nosense investigation. 


Wow! You are great detective, too!


You are right. We are usually consistent with the way we talk/speak and write. It seems that it comes from the same author and it may be PEB.


If it was a girl playing us and playing Rowoon and spend all that money to prank all of us. Rowoon would not send a "I love you" hand emoticon back. That means he knows who the mystery sender is. And we don't. Poor us. hahahaha

On 5/9/2023 at 8:02 PM, MT220214 said:

Honestly, I don’t think we are delusional. If anything, we are “cautiously optimistic.” :)



You both came to a similar conclusion, and that observation is a sound one. :D

The impression I got was a pack of wolves tearing at each other. The language used was harsh to be honest. Perhaps in part due to the translation. However, I don’t think it’s far from the actual meaning. 

"The impression I got was a pack of wolves tearing at each other. The language used was harsh to be honest. Perhaps in part due to the translation. However, I don’t think it’s far from the actual meaning."



Yikes! What horrible, horrible people.

22 hours ago, DollEyes said:

@Penny Incredible! I would never really have made that connection. It's very interesting, you have a great eye!


I hadn't noticed, but Eunbin's Instagram followers dropped from 3.11 million to 3.1 million. In DCinsider they blame this drop in followers on the rumors of the romance between her and Rowoon. 

I don't think that's the case, but I hope Eunbin continues to be successful with her next drama.

A drop in followers doesn't necessarily mean the drop was for PEB. These folks could have just left IG altogether for good. I don't have any social media (only YT and NF) but I think that this is how it works.


So what? PEB's talent and goodness is not defined by her number of followers. Just look at all her national and international awards, that will tell you were her career is headed.


Good riddance! If you can be this unreasonable, this petty, this extreme because someone has a relationship with someone. Then you are NOT a true and faithful PEB fan. Better that you leave the club. These will be happily replaced by reasonable and truly supportive fans of PEB in whatever she chooses.

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51 minutes ago, MT220214 said:

I was speaking to a friend yesterday and she said very similar things about how the CT is probably from someone close and not a fan. Besides the hand emoji, she pointed out that the tone he used in his caption was informal and cute. Normally when dealing with fans, he adopts a formal tone and doesn’t pander to “usual idol treatment to fans.” 


Some knetz, especially his fans, were quick to catch on the differences and got pretty upset it seems.


I applaud Rwn for being so brave. His fans may disagree with me but he has a healthy relationship with them because of his ability to set boundaries.

Also a minor point of observation is the used of his real name - Kim Seok Woo. It comes up quite often in the vertical banners or side panels of the truck. Another indication of closeness to the sender.

"...........she pointed out that the tone he used in his caption was informal and cute. Normally when dealing with fans, he adopts a formal tone and doesn’t pander to “usual idol treatment to fans.” 


You asked if someone could translate the response of Rwn (aside from his ILY emoticon). So I am assuming your friend who told you that the response was informal and cute, also told you the translation? If you know it, could you kindly share with the group? Thanks so much!


My deepest apologies my friends, I can't still wrap my head around this behavior: That if you love, you will get hate. I just don't understand it. May God help me.

5 hours ago, MimiSchu said:

This is really interesting :–) … I didn’t know the meaning of the emoji, but after some research I found that the sign originally comes from american sign language, in which the three folded-up fingers stand for three letters: ILY - "I love you". So the emoji really is about a commitment to love. I agree with you that it is very unlikely that the food truck was sent from fans, because Rowoon would never respond with an „I love you“ to any fan. He never did that in the past. When fans tell him that they love him, he always replies by thanking them… so it is very likely that the truck was sent by someone close to him ❤️

My thoughts exactly. If it came from his mother or sister, they would identify themselves on the FT.


Thank you for sharing your research!

7 hours ago, NTTD said:

It's really strange and suspicious that Rowoon would respond to thank the person who sent him the CT with an "I love you" hand emoji and not disclose whom it was from.  Since he's an idol, it's a pretty bold move so I would think he's sending a message that he may be in a relationship or it's from someone special.  If that someone happens to be PEB then I think that's all the confirmation we need.  If it's not from PEB then we're all delusional and got tricked by their amazing acting skills.  Only time will tell...

True that. I agree with the posts that applauds Rwn for being brave.


Remember, PEB's line in TKA (forgot the episode #). She said: "I will bear the consequences of this love." I think it should be true to both, the RoBin couple. Even if it means that some of Rwn's fans get mad. Or some of PEB's fans get mad. Then, SO BE IT.


But this I tell you, just like parents who get mad at their daughter for marrying a man they disapprove of; they will eventually come to their senses and accept the fact of that love. Especially when the grandkids come. LOL!


I will also say this. They can huff and puff and get mad all they want. At the end of the day, IT IS THE TWO OF THEM THAT MATTERS (if the rumors are true).

18 hours ago, big_love_9 said:

Although this is not any confirmed and just rumor, it still really makes my day anyway. Thank you so muchhhh :heartxoxo:


Normally sender's name will be mentioned on FT banner, right ? But except for that mysterious FT ...

Besides, Rowoon didn't tag sender's IG as well. Maybe FT sender doesn't have IG. But pls let me be delusional that he know but the situation not allow him to tag that person :joy:


Yes I have just noticed that too. Is it too coincidental ? :sparklyeyes:

Yes, this is a place for PARADISE. You are allowed to imagine and to wish about RoBin couple, all you want. hahahaha

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On 5/2/2023 at 5:28 PM, DollEyes said:

@MT220214 Thank you very much for these new data. You really are the pillar of this forum, I really appreciate that you're still here.


It's really very difficult for me to navigate these forums, since I am not familiar with the language or the interface, not to mention that some of them require membership to purchase certain features. However, I was able to find some gems with the help of Google Translate: like, apparently, Rowoon's parents were really upset that he forgot to include Eunbin in his acceptance speech at the KBS awards.

Apparently, according to dcinside users, Rowoon secretly came to one of Eunbin's fan meetings, but I don't know more details because the comments are very difficult to understand. 


Please take this information with a grain of salt. I ask you to share it only in the forum. If all this is true and they are indeed dating, I think their privacy needs to be respected, especially now that they are going through such important phases in their careers.


One other thing, based on the comments on dcinside and the screenshot from Dispatch, it's likely that an article could be released. Let's hope their respective agencies handle this situation well.


@Pen G

@cherry47 I really appreciate your presence here! Thank you for continuing in this small community and all your contributions.

Oh btw. I forgot to respond to a particular item in your report.


It would have been a good story that Rwn's parents were upset at him since he did not thank PEB in his speech during the KBS awards that night. Because, if I read the translation right. PEB thanked Rwn in her speech and Rwn did not.


Because the day after on 1 1 2022 (correction it was not 1 4 2022), Rwn sent out that written acceptance speech c/o FNC in which THIS TIME he thanked PEB. Both mentioned (either verbal or written) that each was each other's BEST PARTNER.


So even if you misread the quip due to a mistranslation. The story still adds up. hahahaha

7 minutes ago, MT220214 said:

I saw a comment on the forum this CT is unique in the sense that it has encouraging messages on both the horizontal and vertical banners unlike his other CTs. 

I screen grabbed the translation from the forum page tagging the original comment.

Horizontal banner

  Hide contents



Like @Penny pointed out, it sounds very similar to the sticker from the CT EB’s sent last year. 

Vertical banner

  Hide contents



IDK, it sounds strangely like something EB might say … just saying. 

Yeah, it does sound like her. Like I mentioned, in a previous response. We usually are consistent in our style of writing or speaking.


Thank you so much for this!


Do you now know the translation of Rwn's response, aside from the ILY hand emoticon? Just wondering? Thanks!


9 minutes ago, MT220214 said:

I saw a comment on the forum this CT is unique in the sense that it has encouraging messages on both the horizontal and vertical banners unlike his other CTs. 

I screen grabbed the translation from the forum page tagging the original comment.

Horizontal banner

  Reveal hidden contents



Like @Penny pointed out, it sounds very similar to the sticker from the CT EB’s sent last year. 

Vertical banner

  Reveal hidden contents



IDK, it sounds strangely like something EB might say … just saying. 



9 minutes ago, MT220214 said:

I saw a comment on the forum this CT is unique in the sense that it has encouraging messages on both the horizontal and vertical banners unlike his other CTs. 

I screen grabbed the translation from the forum page tagging the original comment.

Horizontal banner

  Reveal hidden contents



Like @Penny pointed out, it sounds very similar to the sticker from the CT EB’s sent last year. 

Vertical banner

  Reveal hidden contents



IDK, it sounds strangely like something EB might say … just saying. 

Btw, isn't Rwn in Singapore for the CK photo shoot?

10 minutes ago, MT220214 said:

I saw a comment on the forum this CT is unique in the sense that it has encouraging messages on both the horizontal and vertical banners unlike his other CTs. 

I screen grabbed the translation from the forum page tagging the original comment.

Horizontal banner

  Hide contents



Like @Penny pointed out, it sounds very similar to the sticker from the CT EB’s sent last year. 

Vertical banner

  Hide contents



IDK, it sounds strangely like something EB might say … just saying. 

Yeah, I read it again. It doesn't sound like a love from a parent or a sister. If it was from a fan, Rwn would not be caught saying ILY to a fan. 

19 minutes ago, MT220214 said:

I saw a comment on the forum this CT is unique in the sense that it has encouraging messages on both the horizontal and vertical banners unlike his other CTs. 

I screen grabbed the translation from the forum page tagging the original comment.

Horizontal banner

  Hide contents



Like @Penny pointed out, it sounds very similar to the sticker from the CT EB’s sent last year. 

Vertical banner

  Hide contents



IDK, it sounds strangely like something EB might say … just saying. 

I see. The other FT messages are not encouraging messages? Could you kindly give us examples how it could be different from a CT that would possibly come from PEB? If you can't, it is okay. Just wondering about the basis of your observation?

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2 hours ago, Pen G said:

Do you now know the translation of Rwn's response,





2 hours ago, Pen G said:

The other FT messages are not encouraging messages? Could you kindly give us examples how it could be different from a CT that would possibly come from PEB? If you can't, it is okay. Just wondering about the basis of your observation?

That’s what the person said on DCinside.

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3 minutes ago, lilydaisy said:

Just a quick question, is there any news bout the probability of RW send another CT to EB nowadays?

I think, we are all waiting for that to happen. :) If anything, he is more likely to do that. Still life isn’t always so predictable.

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In the context of the date which the CT is deliver to Rowoon ( 09/04 First Bingo meeting ) and the message in the vertical banner, I would like to share my analysis ( this is not meant that is approach to thee reality, but it is what I would like that could be:crazymad: ):

     As you know Eun Bin has been working hard on the Fanmeeting preparation, this event is one of the most important of her life, she put lot of effort on the idol dance preparation, which is not a domain that she use to familiar with.  I suppose that she feel that she didn´t attend to her close people enought, so this could be the reason that in the day D, she send the CT: in one hand like she want apologise that she has been not available in that whole period of fan meeting preparation, and in other hand express her love. This conclusion is come from the vertical banner analysis:


             "I hope to meet you well": this is some kind of invitation message to him that she right now is more available ( not mean face to face, but could be more in touch texting or by call,  both of them are very busy )

             "I´m cheering for you": This is the sentence that make Rowoon recognize that the CT is belonging to her. (When she refers to Rowoon she always use the word cheering in all their interview )

              Today, This love is irresistible: This sentence has a lot of meaning. In one side it seems to link to Rowoon´s current drama, but she add "Today", so she is refer to her current feeling. She want to let him know that she is full in love with him. Besides, "Today and Tomorrow" is the wording game that PEB already used in the last year CT.           



       Maybe my subconscious make me see thing, because I really would like that PEB has a happy live. But the effect that she cause to me is like my endophine ( copy from Rowoon ) . I suppose that all of you have the same feeling. 

Have a nice and safe weekend

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20 hours ago, lilydaisy said:

Hi everyone.

Just a quick question, is there any news bout the probability of RW send another CT to EB nowadays?

He probably wants to. But logistically I think it would be difficult since she is supposedly shooting on " an island"? They are probably moving the shooting location all the time? Unless, I am corrected?

20 hours ago, MT220214 said:


  Hide contents


That’s what the person said on DCinside.

WOW! Thank you kindly!


This racks my brain? What does ".......... doesn't mean anything, it just mimics funny sound or gesture"? Is this a mistranslation? hahaha

20 hours ago, MT220214 said:


  Reveal hidden contents


That’s what the person said on DCinside.

Ah! Gotcha!

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12 hours ago, Penny said:



In the context of the date which the CT is deliver to Rowoon ( 09/04 First Bingo meeting ) and the message in the vertical banner, I would like to share my analysis ( this is not meant that is approach to thee reality, but it is what I would like that could be:crazymad: ):

     As you know Eun Bin has been working hard on the Fanmeeting preparation, this event is one of the most important of her life, she put lot of effort on the idol dance preparation, which is not a domain that she use to familiar with.  I suppose that she feel that she didn´t attend to her close people enought, so this could be the reason that in the day D, she send the CT: in one hand like she want apologise that she has been not available in that whole period of fan meeting preparation, and in other hand express her love. This conclusion is come from the vertical banner analysis:


             "I hope to meet you well": this is some kind of invitation message to him that she right now is more available ( not mean face to face, but could be more in touch texting or by call,  both of them are very busy )

             "I´m cheering for you": This is the sentence that make Rowoon recognize that the CT is belonging to her. (When she refers to Rowoon she always use the word cheering in all their interview )

              Today, This love is irresistible: This sentence has a lot of meaning. In one side it seems to link to Rowoon´s current drama, but she add "Today", so she is refer to her current feeling. She want to let him know that she is full in love with him. Besides, "Today and Tomorrow" is the wording game that PEB already used in the last year CT.           

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       Maybe my subconscious make me see thing, because I really would like that PEB has a happy live. But the effect that she cause to me is like my endophine ( copy from Rowoon ) . I suppose that all of you have the same feeling. 

Have a nice and safe weekend

Penny. I actually have the same thoughts, IF indeed this was sent by PEB. But then again, who else would dare to send an expensive mysterious FT? If a were a fan, I would sure as hell tell Rwn it came from me (identify myself) and that I spent a lot of money on him. hahahaha

A) I hope to meet you well

PEB is saying that they are both very busy but she would like them to see/talk/contact each other sometime. 

b) I'm cheering for you

Yep, she does use that often in her language and writing.


C) Today, this love is irresistible.

IMHO, I don't think she is talking about the current shooting of Rwn. This whole mysterious FT thing is a more personal, affectionate, initimate message. She wouldn't waste Vertical Banner Space talking about the shooting. She would rather get her money's worth and say something about how she feels.

Plus, she may be aware that Rwn's current drama is a fantasy-world love story. But I bet you, she doesn't know the whole script. She has no time for that. So, I wouldn't think she would know that on THAT particular shooting day the FT arrived, that  "Today, this is love is irresistible" (referring to Rwn's drama).


Honestly, to me this sounds like PEB has finally found love and admitted that she loves. She is the one that was not interested in love before. She had 1% interest in love. Never had a BF. She thought she didn't have time for it and she thought it was a waste of her time and was not important. Quoting one line in one of her recommended songs STONE by Alessia Cara: "And I will follow where this takes me".

In the end, Rowoon's love is/was "irresistible".


Don't worry we all feel the same. If PEB has an endorphin effect on us (I would assume majority of us are ladies). Then how much more endorphin effect PEB has over a male like Rwn? hahahaha.

Yes, I would want PEB to be happy. She has already achieved the highest recognition in her career. She got her dream of the Daesang Award. It is now time to focus on things that really matter in the end, will last a lifetime or beyond.

20 hours ago, MT220214 said:

I think, we are all waiting for that to happen. :) If anything, he is more likely to do that. Still life isn’t always so predictable.

Could someone please tell me if the mysterious FT is the same company PEB used last year for Rwn in 2022? Does anyone have that information?

20 hours ago, lilydaisy said:

Hi everyone.

Just a quick question, is there any news bout the probability of RW send another CT to EB nowadays?

If we have not welcomed you properly, lillydaisy? WELCOME!


Share your information, thoughts, feelings, desires, imagination or whatever about RoBin couple.


We are all respectful of each other here. Unlike other forums that "tear each other like wolves" per MT220214 report. 

Edited by ferily
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1 hour ago, Pen G said:

Could someone please tell me if the mysterious FT is the same company PEB used last year for Rwn in 2022? Does anyone have that information?

That mysterious FT is not from same company PEB used last year :sweat_smile:

Last year she booked from Cafe.Imoi


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I don't think the hiring differences between FT companies are a big deal. I don't think that each actor holds an exclusive contract with a certain FT company. It would make sense to hire a different FT company for PEB, especially if she seeks discretion.

So, it's Ok

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