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[Drama 2021-2022] The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


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45 minutes ago, Newbie21SG said:

Nope, I believe you were mislead by the guesstimate that Bakery Grandpa made in his conversation with Bok Soon. This was the full words by the Grandpa:

“There’s no use in worrying. Since you lost the little baby, it’s been 20, no, 30 years (which implies the Grandpa wasn't  sure the exact number of years...30 was more of an estimate that was near 27, the supposed age of Seo Hyun)

You’re so persistent. After you lost Seo Hyun, your husband died. Didn’t you know that the misfortune in the family began after we lost her? Some scumbag took Seo Hyun away and my own son died because of that. You are not the only one with a broken heart. I wish I could find that scum and beat him to a pulp."


The more important phrase is the one I highlighted, which indicated the son (BS's husband) died not long after Seo Hyun was kidnapped. Hence, there's no way Seo Hyun was the second child. She was definitely the youngest.


You seem to be willing to overlook a glaring omission to reinforce your point - In the scene you detailed above, Bakery Dad is talking Directly to Bok-Soon - a woman who has been searching for her daughter for 30 years - there is NO WAY a woman that tenacious in her efforts would allow Bakery Dads so called "guesstimate"  to go uncorrected.  Sorry, minus a better explanation missing daughter is 30


As for the late husband, your highlighted phrase "... the son (BS's husband) died not long after Seo Hyun was kidnapped. Hence, there's no way Seo Hyun was the second child. She was definitely the youngest...."  Is nothing more than speculation - Bakery Dad said he died after Seo Hyun was taken - YOU are the one saying "not long after" Bakery Dad never said that - for all we know Bok-Soon's late husband committed suicide a month or a year after Seo Hyun was taken - plenty of time for Bok-Soon to get pregnant again.



1 hour ago, Newbie21SG said:

Also, in one of the episodes, Bok Soon straight away knew the person in the police station was not her daughter and she commented: "I would know if she's Seo Hyun." Considering she has been with BSH for so long, she would have already detected that connection to BSH even when BSH was young because it was BSH who kept the dead second daughter Seo Jung company for a long time. This was what she said to BSH: “When Seo Jung was sick, you always come to lend her your notes and kept her company a long time. How can I forget the favor? You’re my lifesaver.” Therefore, I can conclude that BS at most treat BSH as a dear step-daughter.


Again, your speculation - how many drama's have parents interacting with lost children only to discover it later?  The term "Cliche" comes to mind. - This drama is no different



2 hours ago, Newbie21SG said:

So, yes, there's no way that BSH is Bok Soon's daughter. She is definitely JHR's daughter


While there may be a slight chance YJK is also not Bok Soon's daughter, from the evidences so far, and that mole that both have, I am quite convinced that they are mother and daughter!


Let's see in the upcoming episodes on the truth 


While I've already stated many times before BSH may indeed be Hae-Ran's daughter, as far as JK is concerned, there is no "evidence" flashing moles is nothing conclusive, her age of 27 doesn't match, and the official MBC character chart says specifically she is the biological daughter of the madame - while I'll freely admit character charts don't always tell you everything, I have yet to ever see one that straight up LIES about a relationship.


With just 21 episodes left, we'll know soon enough


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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

preview: now that cookie mom knows that tae yang is her biological grandson, how will that shake things up?


:hushed: must watch this. Is Mrs Joo the owner of J capital? What's this? Like Loan Shark grandma's company?

Somebody recommended 'uncle' to me and I have enjoyed it very much.

Although now it tests one's gullibility. A girl jumped off like 30 storeys and survived it.:Megalol:Woke up and moved around. Anyway, this loan shark grandma is so cool, like the witch in wardrobe something with the lion Arsalan. Three-four bodyguards or  gangsters. If Mrs Joo owns an 'investment' company, she ain't cool like Uncle's grandmother. James Kang is the only undercover assistant. Uncle's loan shark grandma whipped the grandson and DIL. Mrs Joo only makes threatening noises. :joy: ok ok she's one of the good guys.

I thought the preview showed how rich BSH is, huge car. Poor JM, how is he going to get used to be really poor and not just a trot singer at night?

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42 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

With just 21 episodes left, we'll know soon enough



We shall see about that :rubchin:  But I (and I suspect many others in this thread) am quite confident of my prediction that BS is YJK's Omma. There are too many coincidences in terms of screen-play that one cannot ignore.


And referring back to the grandpa's words: "Some scumbag took Seo Hyun away and my own son died because of that". The phrase "because of that" infers that the incident of his son dying was linked to the disappearance of the baby. I don't think the gap between those two incidents was more than one year, enough for both BS and her hubby to conceive another baby. Plus the fact that BS was so persistent in finding her lost daughter - she wouldn't even be in the right mindset or mood of getting pregnant since her priority was to find her missing baby girl.


As for character charts, they are only reflecting the "official" status of those characters as shared by the MBC's scriptwriter. In the case of YJK, officially, since Ep 1, she is the Mistress's "biological" daughter, so, the chart is right in highlighting that fact. But of course revelations throughout the drama will not be reflected in those official character chart. Just like BSH was never mentioned to be JHR's own daughter. We only discovered that recently.


Similar to what we had witnessed in Red Shoes - Kim Gemma turned out to be the daughter of the Chairman only at the very last few episodes. Surely, the KBS scriptwriter will not even want to reveal that "ultimate secret" right till the end! The official description of Kim Gemma was still "Daughter of Kim Jeong-guk and Min Hee-kyeong, Min Hee-kyeong disappears one night, her father is killed in a hit and run case, she grows up as the adopted daughter of the aunt Ok-kyung next door".

There was also a speculation of KHB being KJG's daughter in the discussion during the later part of the show, which was also debunked.  

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7 minutes ago, Newbie21SG said:

We shall see about that   But I (and I suspect many others in this thread) am quite confident of my prediction that BS is YJK's Omma. There are too many coincidences in terms of screen-play that one cannot ignore.


There are even more such "coincidences" between BSH and Bok-Soon, discussing mothers & children bloodlines etc.  As those are more plentiful, JK's mole is easy to ignore.


9 minutes ago, Newbie21SG said:

And referring back to the grandpa's words: "Some scumbag took Seo Hyun away and my own son died because of that". The phrase "because of that" infers that the incident of his son dying was linked to the disappearance of the baby. I don't think the gap between those two incidents was more than one year, enough for both BS and her hubby to conceive another baby. Plus the fact that BS was so persistent in finding her lost daughter - she wouldn't even be in the right mindset or mood of getting pregnant since her priority was to find her missing baby girl.


Again your speculation - we don't even know how the husband died.  You say she wouldn't be of that mindset while I could easily see her in a moment of profound grief taking solace with her husband - maybe they weren't "trying" to get pregnant sometimes these things happen.


14 minutes ago, Newbie21SG said:

As for character charts, they are only reflecting the "official" status of those characters as shared by the MBC's scriptwriter. In the case of YJK, officially, since Ep 1, she is the Mistress's "biological" daughter, so, the chart is right in highlighting that fact. But of course revelations throughout the drama will not be reflected in those official character chart. Just like BSH was never mentioned to be JHR's own daughter. We only discovered that recently.


You are obviously missing the point - I already said character charts don't always tell us everything - if BSH is Hae-Rans daughter then the chart didn't lie, it just didn't tell us everything - thats not the same with JK, if it turns out JK is Bok-Soons daughter, then the Character chart is a deliberate LIE as it states clearly she is madames biological daughter, the MBC character synopsis page with character ages is a LIE as it states JK is 27 not 30, and the dialogue describing the missing child age was a LIE as it clearly states the missing child is 30.  Believe it if you wish I'm still suspect.


I have never seen an official character map or character synopsis outright lie - 

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we must always remember in the discussion of the age that there is a time jump of 4 years.
Is there any chance that JM is the lost child? since he has this strong bond with this family he would make me happy (let me dream of the impossible), while JK would be perfect in reality as the daughter of the gold digger and one of her suitor for his, so that she is left with nothing in the end.

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19 hours ago, backstreetboysfan said:

Here is their 2nd scene from today's episode (99)!:).


One more under spoiler tags.


  Reveal hidden contents


So sweet of them to have lunch, just like a couple. 

17 hours ago, msmy said:

This is amazing.  The pieces are falling into place bit by bit in an orderly fashion.  Tomorrow BSH becomes a director... HOLY COW!  That should shake things up.  :lol:

She promised SH to introduce him to her financier, so now is her chance to 'buy' the evidence against JK.

Edited by ferily
Please don’t quote gifs. Thanks!
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17 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Okay guys I'm posting this again as the age order of Bok-Soon's children has been established through the following scenes ...


There is also a clear connection between Bok-Soon and BSH, the early episodes are littered with insinuations to bloodlines and why the Bakery family cares for her - As for the DNA test, it was accomplished by SC who is suspect in the extreme, and has been trying to keep himself as close to JK as possible, and sure enough, since then JK has relied on him heavily.  And again, why the stand alone scene of BSH pulling her DNA test sample?  Why again, after suspecting BSH for a plethora of crimes would even an emotional HR NOT have a final conclusive DNA test done? (HR knows nothing about SC's test). 


BSH may be Hae-Rans daughter, but I'm still on team Bok-Soon.

Since you've pointed it out I rewatched some older episodes and you were right there were insinuations that BSH might be BS's daughter. There were a lot of scenes too in the earlier episodes.


Also I rewatched the scene where the grandma found out about BS's missing daughter and I realized she was stricken with guilt when BS told the story coz she might have felt she did wrong hiding the baby to her mom.


Anyways I got confused with the ages of the characters again. If I remember it right there was a scene where SH was saying the daughter that died with Leukemia was older than her by a year and that she had helped her do her school activities by bringing it to their home that's why BS is grateful to SH. I might be wrong though I  might rewatched some old episodes later again if I have free time hehe


As for the DNA test, a test was also done at the police station where SH and HR registered their DNA, I remember the scene coz HR was again angry at SH when she saw her there. They also called HR to say they found her match but JK had other plan in mind so they did not meet at that time



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29 minutes ago, lhynne said:

Anyways I got confused with the ages of the characters again. If I remember it right there was a scene where SH was saying the daughter that died with Leukemia was older than her by a year and that she had helped her do her school activities by bringing it to their home that's why BS is grateful to SH. I might be wrong though I  might rewatched some old episodes later again if I have free time hehe


Episode 40 approx 21:35 mark -  While discussing her relationship to Bok-Soon, BSH tells Hae-Ran about Seo Jung - they were in the same grade, but Seo Jung was a year younger.



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