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[Drama 2021-2022] The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


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1 hour ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Sang-Mi took no real part in the Moon family rejecting BSH, in point of fact, she actually questioned her family's actions toward BSH on more than one occasion.  Here, at almost the end of the drama, Sang-Mi still refers to BSH as Unni.   As for what Bok-Soon may or may not do, lets just say I have a bit more faith in her characters levelheadedness  than you seem to - She has railed against both MSH and Chicken Mom on numerous occasions, name me one instance where she's said ANYTHING derogatory about Sang-Mi .... I'll wait. 


Yes, I second this opinion too! Many times, she supported BSH and had that puzzled look on her when her Omma did or wanted to do something bad on BSH. Even that email with virus, she didn't disclose to JK that it was BSH's email to her that somewhat led to the virus attacking Dae Kook's server, which ruined JK's presentation.


Sang Mi has a chance with Seo Jun Oppa. She is not too bad, just a bit naive and dumb.

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35 minutes ago, lhynne said:

Now that I think about it, I feel bad for the Hanok Bakery fam, not only will they get JK as the missing daughter,


We have less than 25 episodes left, and nothing in the story currently is leaning to either JK or Bok-Soon questioning parentage.  So just how would this connection be revealed? 


Additionally,  while I still believe BSH is Bok-Soons missing daughter, even if its proven she belongs to Hae-Ran, JK still doesn't fit the criteria to be the missing daughter - her age is off by 3 years, and an official character chart has her the biological daughter of the madame.  


I don't think the writers are that sloppy, but you never can tell with dailies this late in the game:rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


We have less than 25 episodes left, and nothing in the story currently is leaning to either JK or Bok-Soon questioning parentage.  So just how would this connection be revealed? 


Additionally,  while I still believe BSH is Bok-Soons missing daughter, even if its proven she belongs to Hae-Ran, JK still doesn't fit the criteria to be the missing daughter - her age is off by 3 years, and an official character chart has her the biological daughter of the madame.  


I don't think the writers are that sloppy, but you never can tell with dailies this late in the game:rolleyes:


As I have written before, I strongly believe Bok Soon's missing daughter is the youngest of the 3, while the one that passed away (BSH's friend) was the second child. There's no way the missing daughter was the second as the husband died after the baby was missing.


If YJK is indeed the mistress's daughter, why would she ran away from the hospital with baby JK and then smirked that it was the best decision so far to use YJK as a golden goose. She wouldn't have to do all these if JK was YDK's real daughter. This is in Ep 44.


The exact words used:

"It was the best choice to have run away with her. Where else could I get such a milk cow."


"No one would ever know what I'd even done back then. When JK, my golden goose is here, why should I live in the States?".


"Anyway, I'm glad that I brought JK even at the risk of my life."


In addition, the hints in the middle to later episodes + the way the scenes were arranged in one of Ep 44 (having the mistress own confession followed up straight away by Bok Soon's agony of yet another lost lead on her misising daughter) were all strong indications that pointed towards YJK being Bok Soon's missing youngest daughter.


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1 hour ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


We have less than 25 episodes left, and nothing in the story currently is leaning to either JK or Bok-Soon questioning parentage.  So just how would this connection be revealed? 


Additionally,  while I still believe BSH is Bok-Soons missing daughter, even if its proven she belongs to Hae-Ran, JK still doesn't fit the criteria to be the missing daughter - her age is off by 3 years, and an official character chart has her the biological daughter of the madame.  


I don't think the writers are that sloppy, but you never can tell with dailies this late in the game:rolleyes:


I don't think it was mentioned how old BS's missing child is, we just knew that the other daughter who became friends with SH was older by a year which means the missing child is younger. There are hints that JK is BS's daughter though I can't call that a hint myself but they've been showing it for a couple of times already that it was already cringy. As to how the connection will be revealed, JK's Omma would probably reveal it as she is the only one who knows what happened that night. 


As for SH, since episode 1 we already knew there was a connection between SH and HR. A DNA test was done and that's why JK is doing everything in her power for the two not to meet


Though I did have doubts when Grandma was shocked when she found out about the missing baby. But then she did not mention anything about it in her diary/letter if she had doubts that SH is her granddaughter that there might be a baby swap somewhere. 


Ahhhh it keeps getting better. We are doubting what we thought we already knew so all is good :grin:



Yay to the highest rating yet. 

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Poll time !


A new poll is up at the suggestion of @maribella. With her and @Lmangla sweetie's help, as well as me reading through some of the discussions on this thread, we have included 3 questions in this poll.


Please vote!


Hopefully this poll will help bury the hatchet between chingus @maribella and @LeftCoastOppa who have been having heated discussions about Grandma. Surprised I haven't seen any unamused reactions thrown around yet. :joy:






tagging: @backstreetboysfan @Lmangla @maribella @LeftCoastOppa @lhynne @Newbie21SG @jayakris @youngae @lysanderayumi @knkg @afv @great555 @calledtoteach @marrez1 @youactlikeicare @tofumochu @dolorisbrady @chococarmela @vintage @lilybeth baah @whome @UnniSarah @dulceres @msmy @Yazusa @TheQueenReturns @Ayame @joccu @Ldy Gmerm


re: @confusedheart @agenth @Sleepy Owl

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23 minutes ago, lhynne said:


I don't think it was mentioned how old BS's missing child is, we just knew that the other daughter who became friends with SH was older by a year which means the missing child is younger. There are hints that JK is BS's daughter though I can't call that a hint myself but they've been showing it for a couple of times already that it was already cringy. As to how the connection will be revealed, JK's Omma would probably reveal it as she is the only one who knows what happened that night. 


As for SH, since episode 1 we already knew there was a connection between SH and HR. A DNA test was done and that's why JK is doing everything in her power for the two not to meet


Though I did have doubts when Grandma was shocked when she found out about the missing baby. But then she did not mention anything about it in her diary/letter if she had doubts that SH is her granddaughter that there might be a baby swap somewhere. 


Ahhhh it keeps getting better. We are doubting what we thought we already knew so all is good :grin:



Yay to the highest rating yet. 

These theories keep us glued. Once JK is kicked out, the Mistress may do something.

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Okay guys I'm posting this again as the age order of Bok-Soon's children has been established through the following scenes ...


On 12/26/2021 at 10:31 AM, LeftCoastOppa said:

Okay guys - after everyone's input, I tracked down the Episodes/Scenes that set Bok-Soon Child age order - it goes as follows ...


Seo Jun ie; Bakery Oppa - Oldest - Over 30 - (actual age unknown at this time)


Seo Hyun ie; Missing daughter - Age: 30 (if alive)


Seo Jung ie: Daughter that died of Leukemia - Age: would be 29 if still alive





- From the Bakery Dinner scene in Episode 7, we know that Seo Jun is older than missing Seo Hyun


- We know from Bakery Dad in Episode 13, that missing Seo Hyun would currently be 30


- We know from the Official MBC character description that Seon Hwa is also 30 (Seon Hwa and Seo Hyun BOTH 30)


- In Episode 40, Seon Hwa is explaining her relationship to Bok-Soon, with a then still friendly Hae Ran, and she states that Seo Jung was in her class but a year younger.




If the ages on the Character Descriptions are accurate, then -at the very least- JK (Age:27) is NOT Bok-Soon's missing daughter.  While BSH may or may not be the missing Seo Hyun


As to JK and why the madame has stated what she has, as unscrupulous as the character is presented I suspect, JK is indeed the madames daughter ... but NOT the Chairmans daughter ... the madame could've placed her up for adoption, then when she realized the Chairmans wealth/status, she stole her back to work herself back in with him.


23 minutes ago, lhynne said:

As for SH, since episode 1 we already knew there was a connection between SH and HR. A DNA test was done and that's why JK is doing everything in her power for the two not to meet


There is also a clear connection between Bok-Soon and BSH, the early episodes are littered with insinuations to bloodlines and why the Bakery family cares for her - As for the DNA test, it was accomplished by SC who is suspect in the extreme, and has been trying to keep himself as close to JK as possible, and sure enough, since then JK has relied on him heavily.  And again, why the stand alone scene of BSH pulling her DNA test sample?  Why again, after suspecting BSH for a plethora of crimes would even an emotional HR NOT have a final conclusive DNA test done? (HR knows nothing about SC's test). 


BSH may be Hae-Rans daughter, but I'm still on team Bok-Soon.

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56 minutes ago, partyon said:

Hopefully this poll will help bury the hatchet between chingus @maribella and @LeftCoastOppa who have been having heated discussions about Grandma.


...bury the hatchet... :huh:   Me? ... and @maribella ?

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While I appreciate your peace keeping endeavors Chingu @partyon, there's nothing to worry about - this ... how shall I put it ... when it comes to "disagreements" between myself and @maribella ... this isn't our first drama ... literally or figuratively :rolleyes: 



1) Sang Mi is a sweet naive girl with a good heart. She is not her family, and should pursue Bakery Oppa as she wishes


2) Grandma lied and stole Bong Sun Hwa from her mother. She raised her well, but she is THE cause of this drama - Loving? Yes ... At Fault? Yes.



And lest this Opinion Poll start anymore fires, remember to focus on that first word ...."opinion"







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5 hours ago, lhynne said:

Now that I think about it, I feel bad for the Hanok Bakery fam, not only will they get JK as the missing daughter, they will also have inlaws who are greedy and both father and son were fooled by OK who is a friend of the MIL.... Wow...that's a lot to take in

For me, it would be a heck of a lot. Hopefully, they would stop SH's mother's flirting with the bakery uncle, :persevere: . 
I don't think JK's origin is finalised. Did I miss it?

3 hours ago, Newbie21SG said:


As I have written before, I strongly believe Bok Soon's missing daughter is the youngest of the 3, while the one that passed away (BSH's friend) was the second child. There's no way the missing daughter was the second as the husband died after the baby was missing.


If YJK is indeed the mistress's daughter, why would she ran away from the hospital with baby JK and then smirked that it was the best decision so far to use YJK as a golden goose. She wouldn't have to do all these if JK was YDK's real daughter. This is in Ep 44.


The exact words used:

"It was the best choice to have run away with her. Where else could I get such a milk cow."


"No one would ever know what I'd even done back then. When JK, my golden goose is here, why should I live in the States?".


"Anyway, I'm glad that I brought JK even at the risk of my life."


In addition, the hints in the middle to later episodes + the way the scenes were arranged in one of Ep 44 (having the mistress own confession followed up straight away by Bok Soon's agony of yet another lost lead on her misising daughter) were all strong indications that pointed towards YJK being Bok Soon's missing youngest daughter.


I don't like it but there is a possiblity, that the station botched the chart.


I remembered a show which said a woman could time travel and I thought it was the usual going back and forth. But no, she was senile.


What a poopy thing to do to a very nice character if true. 

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HR had a big house cleaning in today’s episode by getting rid of three out of the four vermin that’s been infesting her home. It’s a good thing HR is keeping TY with her. If she can’t be near Bit Na then at least she’s with her grandson. How foolish and risky for MSH to lie and threaten HR. If looks could kill, MSH would have left the house as a corpse after he impassively told HR about SB death. I don’t think she’ll be allowing that squatter rat back into her house. It is now essential for HR to know TY is Bit Na’s son to better protect him from JK, MSH, Mal Ja, and the chairman now that Bit Na  inherited J Capital.


Ep 99-Looks like HR figured out TY could be BitNa/SH son after his visit at the Hanok Bakery.


Edited by vintage
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4 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Okay guys I'm posting this again as the age order of Bok-Soon's children has been established through the following scenes ...




- From the Bakery Dinner scene in Episode 7, we know that Seo Jun is older than missing Seo Hyun


- We know from Bakery Dad in Episode 13, that missing Seo Hyun would currently be 30


- We know from the Official MBC character description that Seon Hwa is also 30 (Seon Hwa and Seo Hyun BOTH 30)


- In Episode 40, Seon Hwa is explaining her relationship to Bok-Soon, with a then still friendly Hae Ran, and she states that Seo Jung was in her class but a year younger.


Nope, I believe you were mislead by the guesstimate that Bakery Grandpa made in his conversation with Bok Soon. This was the full words by the Grandpa:

“There’s no use in worrying. Since you lost the little baby, it’s been 20, no, 30 years (which implies the Grandpa wasn't  sure the exact number of years...30 was more of an estimate that was near 27, the supposed age of Seo Hyun)

You’re so persistent. After you lost Seo Hyun, your husband died. Didn’t you know that the misfortune in the family began after we lost her? Some scumbag took Seo Hyun away and my own son died because of that. You are not the only one with a broken heart. I wish I could find that scum and beat him to a pulp."


The more important phrase is the one I highlighted, which indicated the son (BS's husband) died not long after Seo Hyun was kidnapped. Hence, there's no way Seo Hyun was the second child. She was definitely the youngest.


Also, in one of the episodes, Bok Soon straight away knew the person in the police station was not her daughter and she commented: "I would know if she's Seo Hyun." Considering she has been with BSH for so long, she would have already detected that connection to BSH even when BSH was young because it was BSH who kept the dead second daughter Seo Jung company for a long time. This was what she said to BSH: “When Seo Jung was sick, you always come to lend her your notes and kept her company a long time. How can I forget the favor? You’re my lifesaver.” Therefore, I can conclude that BS at most treat BSH as a dear step-daughter.


If BS felt strongly that BSH was her daughter, she would have ordered to do a DNA matching test already. She also get called often to the police station as her DNA was already in the system. If BSH's DNA is a match, that would have been flagged out by the police and both should have been asked to come to the police station for a match. But nothing on that so far.


And that DNA test that KSC (and YJK) did was not the only one that can prove BSH and JHR are mother and daughter. Both have registered their DNAs at the police station and it was the police station who informed them both that there's a match. The reason why JHR did not come to the police station was because she was tricked by YJK and instead met up with the fake Bit Na. YJK was the one who called the police station, pretending to be JHR, to cancel the meet-up. 


So, yes, there's no way that BSH is Bok Soon's daughter. She is definitely JHR's daughter


While there may be a slight chance YJK is also not Bok Soon's daughter, from the evidences so far, and that mole that both have, I am quite convinced that they are mother and daughter!


Let's see in the upcoming episodes on the truth :rubchin:

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this episode was fun. was cracking up when sang hyuk bluntly said that jae kyung is not taking the blame but rather she is the one who did the crime. bwahahaha... it won't be long before he really tires of her "woe is me" routine and gives it to her. 


cookie mom and jae min seemed to really feel bad about sae chool. it makes them mad that sae chool is being used and he doesn't even see it. for him, it is a matter of love but jae min asks a great question -- is covering up for someone love? 


in regards to the poll -- I chose the something else option for grandma question. so I am somewhere in the middle. I didn't find grandma loveable and actually kind of annoying. but then again, my view was that she has dementia for a really long time and not really in her senses. she was totally out of it that rather pulling cookie mom's hair, she walked out of the hospital thinking that cookie mom was with chairman. umm, wouldn't the normal reaction be to argue, scream and atleast yell at the person? so grandma has not been in her senses for a long time. 


as for sang mi, so far she is filler just like the gold digger chicken lady. what was the point of this story of her dating both grandpa and mr pae? unless there is some last minute plot twist, it is hard to see what purpose the gold digger or sang mi really serve to this drama other than filling up airtime so that the writer can stretch story to 120 eps. 

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