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[Drama 2021-2022] The Second Husband, 두번째 남편


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1 hour ago, great555 said:

@LeftCoastOppathanks to you for the succinct explanation and breakdown. My confusion with the theory of BSH being bakery mum long-lost baby would be the  DNA performed by JK that has already established that BSH is the daughter of the cookie madam HR. Could  there be babies' mix up in the clinic?


BSH may indeed be Hae-Ran's missing daughter Bit-Na


I am still skeptical for several reasons 


- JK didn't perform the DNA test, she tasked that to Soo Cheol.  SC has always wanted JK for himself - faking a DNA test sample to couple BSH & Hae-Ran, would force JK to rely more heavily upon him, as MSH was already having second thoughts about BSH, if she was to suddenly become the potential heir, JK might lose MSH back to her as well, have you noticed JK has never told him.  Until someone without a nefarious agenda runs a test, I find JK's results suspect.


- The Writer/PDnim has gone out of the way to highlight family tie and bloodline dialogue almost to the point of ironic absurdity with relation to Bok-Soon & BSH & SB


- The Grandma & "Bit-Na" flashbacks are disjointed - One flashback shows her taking the baby in broad daylight, the other flashback shows it happening in the middle of the night. Additionally, theres a scene at the riverside included in the flashback that shouldn't even be there as Grandma wasn't at the riverside in that moment, so that scene is nothing more than speculation.  I believe more happened than what we've seen through flashbacks.


- When the DNA testing was the hot topic in the span of a few episodes, the Writer/PDnim showed us a stand alone scene of BSH going to the police station to pull her DNA test samples - why bother with that scene at all unless the removal of those samples was significant?   In other words - SC could manipulate a test for a false positive if he had samples of beforehand, but that wouldn't stop samples BSH submitted herself.   The Writer/PD is teasing both possibilities and while its leaning more towards Hae-Ran, I'm still not convinced.


- I rewatched a large portion of the early episodes over the last 2 days, and something I missed jumped out at me on the re-watch ... Every time Bok-Soon has a discussion about her missing daughter, if BSH isn't already in the scene, the very next scene is ALWAYS BSH ... definitive? No. But still ...


- Lastly, WriterPDnim has hinted at a possible Bok-Soon & JK connection, yet there is no storyline mechanism for those two characters to ever say ... "maybe I should check her DNA" ... nevermind that story plot points and Official MBC releases make it virtually impossible for them to be related now.  Unless this is bad and/or careless writing  on the part of the Writer/PD then is it an intentional ruse ... to draw attention away from Bok-Soon/BSH perhaps?   Further, what has happened since the "Mole" scene? Nothing. Bok-Soon and JK aren't working together, they don't frequent the same place, JK's madame mother doesn't have any ties to Bok-Soon, if these two are really mother and daughter, then they are running out of time to unfold their story. 







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7 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Seo Hyun ie; Missing daughter - Age: 30 (if alive)


Seo Jung ie: Daughter that died of Leukemia - Age: would be 29 if still alive


I think it is the other way round. It was mentioned that the BS's husband died after the newborn baby was missing. So, I don't think Seo Jung is younger than Seo Hyun. 

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1 minute ago, Newbie21SG said:

I think it is the other way round. It was mentioned that the BS's husband died after the newborn baby was missing. So, I don't think Seo Jung is younger than Seo Hyun. 


Yes, the husband died but they never clarify if it was the day after or the year after the baby went missing.


Per BSH herself, Seo Jung and her were in the same grade, but Seo Jung was a year younger.  BSH and the Missing Seo Hyun are both 30 (if they're not the same person) so if Seo Jung is a year younger than BSH, she's a year younger than Seo Hyun

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Okay I am going back to my original theory 1st one that BSH is the missing bakery daughter. 
The butler did it!
The butler fake the DNA results on BSH and HR. I been going back over the episodes with hard copy results. There are some slight differences. 

1. The envelope that he had was just a plain brown envelope. No address or anything on the outside like with TY.

2. DNA test with fake daughter and TY both had listed where the test was performed at(subtitles)but not the one JK had for BSH.

3. Also with the speed of results. Fake daughter (1st test even though JK knew it was fake)and TY she didn’t question the speed but with BSH she did. 
The butler concocted this whole thing to keep to JK close and depending on him and in turn fall in love with him. 
What If Design GIF by Hyper RPG

There is another person working with the butler who flew completely under the radar. That we didn’t even consider. That has been working with him and helping with the finer details. I am not talking about the fake daughter but she could be a possibility( I won’t rule out just yet)

Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth
We know that BSH sent in and cancel and registered her DNA. DNA came back HR is her mother. Majority DNA doesn’t lie but what if the DNA is not lying but it not telling the truth either. 

Thinking What GIF by H.E.R.
The same way that they faked fake daughter’s DNA. They switched BSH’s DNA results and gave it to faked daughter to prove she was HR’s daughter. 
How does that explain BSH? Her DNA was registered at the police station and it was a match you all maybe wondering okay here it goes


d&d deal with it GIF by Hyper RPG

The butler is the only person one who can get close enough to the family to get DNA because he has grown up with them and trust him. 
Now he got the hair sample from JK and supposedly runs it but doesn’t(or he does and it’s not a match) and gets fake DNA paperwork saying BSH is HR’s daughter. When he handed the paperwork to JK to see the results he didn’t look too shock it was like he was judging her reaction.

But what about the police station you ask? 
1. BSH registered her DNA so it’s in the computer system 

2. Who has the knowledge and power to hack into the database and change stuff around?



Anna Kendrick Movie GIF by Pitch Perfect

I think that Jin-ah and butler have been working together for a while. How long you ask? I believe as far back when BSH was in prison. I think that butler planted her in as a mole to keep tabs on BSH.

1. When Jin-ah first entered the prison she look obvious with the hair and big glasses like she was trying to disguise herself. 
2. When asked about what she did to be brought to jail she didn’t say(come on she could have said something). It could be to get BSH to trust her( BSH likes saving defenseless people just saying).

3. How did she know that BSH got fired from Daebook. I mean she literally got her walking papers and got home(news travels fast but not that fast). She wasn’t working there at the time. Why would she call Daebook when she can call BSH by cell.

I believe that JK is HR’s daughter and BSH is the bakery daughter. Now the real question does the butler know this already?
At the time and I can’t remember if presently if bakery mom registered her DNA but before she didn’t she was randomly showing up at the police station looking for her daughter.
I think another DNA test will be ran and everything the truth will come out.


Danielle Savre Yes GIF by ABC Network




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Maximum 3 gifs per post. Please put any other in spoiler tag. Thanks!
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5 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


BSH may indeed be Hae-Ran's missing daughter Bit-Na


I am still skeptical for several reasons 


- JK didn't perform the DNA test, she tasked that to Soo Cheol.  SC has always wanted JK for himself - faking a DNA test sample to couple BSH & Hae-Ran, would force JK to rely more heavily upon him, as MSH was already having second thoughts about BSH, if she was to suddenly become the potential heir, JK might lose MSH back to her as well, have you noticed JK has never told him.  Until someone without a nefarious agenda runs a test, I find JK's results suspect.


- The Writer/PDnim has gone out of the way to highlight family tie and bloodline dialogue almost to the point of ironic absurdity with relation to Bok-Soon & BSH & SB


- The Grandma & "Bit-Na" flashbacks are disjointed - One flashback shows her taking the baby in broad daylight, the other flashback shows it happening in the middle of the night. Additionally, theres a scene at the riverside included in the flashback that shouldn't even be there as Grandma wasn't at the riverside in that moment, so that scene is nothing more than speculation.  I believe more happened than what we've seen through flashbacks.


- When the DNA testing was the hot topic in the span of a few episodes, the Writer/PDnim showed us a stand alone scene of BSH going to the police station to pull her DNA test samples - why bother with that scene at all unless the removal of those samples was significant?   In other words - SC could manipulate a test for a false positive if he had samples of beforehand, but that wouldn't stop samples BSH submitted herself.   The Writer/PD is teasing both possibilities and while its leaning more towards Hae-Ran, I'm still not convinced.


- I rewatched a large portion of the early episodes over the last 2 days, and something I missed jumped out at me on the re-watch ... Every time Bok-Soon has a discussion about her missing daughter, if BSH isn't already in the scene, the very next scene is ALWAYS BSH ... definitive? No. But still ...


- Lastly, WriterPDnim has hinted at a possible Bok-Soon & JK connection, yet there is no storyline mechanism for those two characters to ever say ... "maybe I should check her DNA" ... nevermind that story plot points and Official MBC releases make it virtually impossible for them to be related now.  Unless this is bad and/or careless writing  on the part of the Writer/PD then is it an intentional ruse ... to draw attention away from Bok-Soon/BSH perhaps?   Further, what has happened since the "Mole" scene? Nothing. Bok-Soon and JK aren't working together, they don't frequent the same place, JK's madame mother doesn't have any ties to Bok-Soon, if these two are really mother and daughter, then they are running out of time to unfold their story. 







I am holding on to two things

the official chart that @Ayame posted said that lounge madam is JK's bio mum. 

Demised grandma left a note about Bit Na's mother who messed around with another man very soon after the husband's death. The note was to BSH. 

The mothers of the protagonist and antagonist are clear.


The missing parentage is JM's and the missing daughter is one of the Seo's.

I am completely lost with the names of the bakery kids. 

Thank you both @Newbie21SG & @LeftCoastOppa for rewatching the earlier episodes. Complete dedication.




The awful thing the writer could do to us is with the two scenes

1) Grandma took the baby from the crazy woman. It was the wrong baby but us kdrama viewers must believe that a grandmother who took care of her granddaughter would not be aware of the switch, if there were one.

2) lounge madam was seen running away with a baby. We don't know what that was all about. It could be JK or Seo baby or JM or even BSH, butler and others.

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28 minutes ago, maribella said:

I am holding on to two things

the official chart that @Ayame posted said that lounge madam is JK's bio mum. 


Agreed - I'll add to that the MBC character chart that shows JK's age as 27, clearly NOT the 30 that Bakery Dad said the missing child would be.



30 minutes ago, maribella said:

Demised grandma left a note about Bit Na's mother who messed around with another man very soon after the husband's death. The note was to BSH.


But what if the child Grandma grabbed wasn't Bit-Na in the first place, but Seo Hyun, whom she mistakenly believed was Bit-Na?



31 minutes ago, maribella said:

The mothers of the protagonist and antagonist are clear.


JK = Yes,





33 minutes ago, maribella said:

The missing parentage is JM's and the missing daughter is one of the Seo's.

I am completely lost with the names of the bakery kids. 


Okay, you lost me here ... yeah we need to know JM's parents, but the missing daughter is one of the Seo's?  ... well yeah ... she is the only Seo thats missing = Seo Hyun.


Seo Jun is Bakery Oppa - Seo Jung is BSH's younger classmate that died of leukemia.  Thats all 3 Seo's accounted for.



36 minutes ago, maribella said:

Thank you both @Newbie21SG & @LeftCoastOppa for rewatching the earlier episodes. Complete dedication.


Don't know about dedication, I'm just really starting to worry Writer/PD is gonna get sloppy.


While I'd clearly like to see BSH as Bok-Soons daughter, if she ends up actually related to Hae-Ran, then I won't like it, but the story hasn't contradicted itself.  That's not the case for JK and Bok-Soon. If the Writer/PD makes JK Bok-Soons daughter, then the Character Chart and Character Descriptions were both lies, and Bakery Dads dialogue was a lie.  And that will be complete and utter BS if it happens.


Currently, this Drama is edging out A Place In The Sun, for best Daily I've watched, but if they've lied and they couple JK to Bok-Soon when almost everything they said and showed us the viewers said otherwise, then I'll tuck this one in near the Bottom with Miss Montecristo, Red Shoes.

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3 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Okay, you lost me here ... yeah we need to know JM's parents, but the missing daughter is one of the Seo's?  ... well yeah ... she is the only Seo thats missing = Seo Hyun.

Thank you. I get them now Jun, Jung etc.


This what I had above. A ridiculous possibility, not know your own grandchild. It's not as if they had been living in another country and grandma never saw the baby. The shoes would not have matched.


Grandma took the baby from the crazy woman. It was the wrong baby but us kdrama viewers must believe that a grandmother who took care of her granddaughter would not be aware of the switch, if there were one



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I propose an alternative theory: I think JM may be the baker's son if there has been an exchange of babies in the hospital crib. I mean the daughter who died of leukemia was not the biological daughter of the baker, but being female they are all convinced that the baker must have a girl, since HR is deceiving the president with JM he is not 28 but 29 years old so the accounts they are done. :phew:

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6 hours ago, Naty828 said:

being female they are all convinced that the baker must have a girl, since HR is deceiving the president with JM he is not 28 but 29 years old so the accounts they are done. :phew:

That's a tricky one. How come the  chairman does not know JM isn't his son? No DNA test? Surely he would know if his wife wasn't pregnant.


Bakery lost baby was actually a boy? 
:Megalol:we may even get 'no, there was no lost baby, it was a phantom pregnancy'.

So JK or JM or BSH isn't the stolen baby.




Just watched the raw episode.


JK lost her painting in a sting.

And she&butler snuggled up. 
He got cocky and sneered at SH after bringing her home.


Mrs Joo still picking on Sharon. Managed to get the two of them to kiss witnessed by SH.


BSH spoke to Mrs Joo as Bit Na. No way BSH is bakery mum's baby now.


JK must have done something, Mrs Joo was still giving baleful looks to Sharon in the preview.


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While still waiting on subs for Episode 92 ... time for some nit-picking


- cutting a painting out of a frame essentially destroys it ...


- any meeting room for large gatherings would have emergency backup lighting


- with those annoying screen cuts, did SC actually kiss JK or was that his imagination?


- Bok-Soon attempts an intervention


- Sang-Mi is making it happen with Bakery Oppa :wub:


- speaking of making it happen, JM helps his sweety with the laundry and he's not sleeping on the floor anymore :lol:


- SC face off with MSH, was it about JK or BSH though?


- Hae Ran and "Bit-Na" (cough:rolleyes:) share a phone call



moving on ...


7 hours ago, maribella said:

A ridiculous possibility, not know your own grandchild. It's not as if they had been living in another country and grandma never saw the baby. The shoes would not have matched.


Grandma took the baby from the crazy woman. It was the wrong baby but us kdrama viewers must believe that a grandmother who took care of her granddaughter would not be aware of the switch, if there were one


I for one don't find it as ridiculous as you do - we know Grandma took care of BSH after the fact, but we are never told or shown how much interaction these two shared beforehand.  If she didn't see the child frequently its not unbelievable for her to mistake them.   As for the shoes, thats not an issue at all - we are never told that Seo Hyun had shoes on when she was taken.  I'll submit that BOTH shoes are indeed the real Bit-Na's, that were found at the riverside, one by crazy lady the other by Grandma.


Here is the KEY SCENE that makes or breaks Bit-Na's real identity - The Crazy Lady stealing the child at the riverside. 


That scene is "look back" speculation - It was shown as BSH is reading Grandma's letter about events. The KEY is that Grandma was NOT at the riverside during the fight/murder so she has NO WAY of knowing exactly when or how the baby was taken, if it was taken at all.


What if Hae Ran's husband and Bit Na were both actually killed at the river, and Bit Na's body was never found?  The baby Crazy lady had at the camp was always Seo Hyun. 


6 hours ago, maribella said:

BSH spoke to Mrs Joo as Bit Na. No way BSH is bakery mum's baby now.


so certain are you - Yoda | Meme Generator

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54 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

I for one don't find it as ridiculous as you do - we know Grandma took care of BSH after the fact, but we are never told or shown how much interaction these two shared beforehand.  If she didn't see the child frequently its not unbelievable for her to mistake them

I saw my nephews a few times in a month. By 6 months, there was no way, I could not notice differences with other babies. 
But what's stopping this writer from doing it?  Swapped and stolen babies, rigged up DNA...

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Great gifs @backstreetboysfan


I have watched the subbed episode. The writer has to be on the sick side if BSH is not Bit Na. He put them through painful moments and then 'surprise! You were switched'. Nope, don't think so. Even Agatha Christie could not make something as convoluted.


Butler confessed his love and the two had some sweet moment. Yes @LeftCoastOppa it was all imagination.


SH is now losing both women to other men. Serves him right. 

They are giving Bakery oppa and SM their us time. Not sure if I like that. Poor Bakery mum sees her FIL being made a fool by the gold digger who is a good friend of SH's mum, now her only child is matched with SH's sister. All she needs is her BIL to be matched to SH's crude mum. :headbang:

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