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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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1 hour ago, Green Chilli said:

even though he did bring up her mom , it does not excuse his behavior nor it gives him to right to get forgiveness from wife 

She blames her mom

but her main complaint for her mom was that she prevented any contact with father and daughter and dad died in front of her eyes when he came to see daughter. So obviously the daughter will hold grudge . It was just not a simple case of divorce. 


SPY learned from that example and she is allowing her daughter to still see the father , so chances are less that jia  will blame her unless Husband manipulates her with lies again on why they got divorce 

the few times that this argument felt actually real and human was when he brought up her mom. and frankly she needed those jabs and to hear from someone close to her how she lost out on her relationship with her mother. while her anger at not having contact with her dad was understandable, she blamed her mom for all sorts of unrelated nonsense. like not knowing how to cook and having to learn from some neighbour lady or something. ugh, that has nothing to do with whether you are a child of divorce... so it is good that she is learning and will let jia see her dad.. but at the same, she needs to stop obsessing about perfection, creating this image etc. I won't be surprised if in the end, the 40s couple reconcile (since we had an entire episode of him asking her to stay for on and on and on.... ) but they are more real and less putting up this 'perfect' act -- basically more like 30s parents who snipe and annoy each other one moment and sweet the next. 

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I am so done with this drama.


Like we got 20+ episodes of useless and boring events that made no sense. 
Then writer turns it all around and decides to wrap up 2 seasons of braindead writing in 6 episodes.

And suddenly we have redemption arcs that MAKE NO SENSE! :rage:


Just no.


This writer is on my black list from now on.

Thank goodness my oppa / our Event Organizer oppa isn’t featured in this drama.

There would be hell to pay otherwise!


@agenth @Lmangla @Sleepy Owl @confusedheart326

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2 minutes ago, partyon said:

Then writer turns it all around and decides to wrap 2 seasons of braindead writing up in 6 episodes.

this writer is using daily drama style. last revenge daily -- miss montecristo -- the last 2/3 weeks was action packed. whole bunch of nonsense happened. while for some 30 odd episodes before that, I was bored out of my head because she was obsessing over some constipated man who could not cry and obviously had to given lots of glycerin to look sad. so just like how things start moving in the last few weeks of a daily, she is using same technique here. 

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@Lmangla Sweetie, I guess there is a reason I haven’t been watching daily dramas then. And I intend to keep it that way. :D 

Sigh. I guess I need to watch ep 12 so I can give my thoughts on it too, even though I see where it’s going…


Spin Bug GIF by Jin

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I think one thing these men failed to understand is that having an affair / dating someone is different from marrying that person. So it might look rosy for a while but once you marry them and settle down , it is a whole new ball game.  It is fun and games when you are dating, but it is the real life, and its day to day nitty gritties that make up a married life. A-Mi might have felt different to the 40s husband because an affair/ dating is exciting, breezy, 'romantic' way different from marriage that involves staying together, going through the daily chores and just living a life together riddled with responsibilities.  Dating/ an affair is playful and not riddled with responsibilities. It's all play and no work, and marriage is mostly work and less of play. You need to work it out. Any successful relationship is a labour of love. It is hardwork.  They would again start looking for excitement when these 'toys' become old and predictable. Cheating is a choice and the 40s husband made that choice so nohing can justify it. You could have stepped back from A-Mi and the 'blossoming' relationship when you realized that she was leaning on you and was developing romantic feelings for you.  You being   older , maturer and married, should have thought of the consequences.


Anyway, it was a bore of an episode. An entire episode of conversation featuring just two characters. I felt as if the writer made the two characters her mouthpiece to justify her take on the drama.  She needed us to hear her piece and she did it through them. The audience has been up in arms for sometime now and she wanted to say her piece and what was on her mind when she conceived this drama.

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13 hours ago, partyon said:

@Lmangla Sweetie, I guess there is a reason I haven’t been watching daily dramas then. And I intend to keep it that way. :D 

Sigh. I guess I have to start watching ep 12 so I can give my thoughts on it too, even though I see where it’s going…



compared to this drama, many of the daily dramas are masterpieces on true human emotion, hahaha :sipsboba:

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14 minutes ago, lilyphenix said:

Though most of episode 11 gave me hope for where the series is going, and I was so excited when I started watching episode 12, i couldn't keep going past the second half. Beats me!

Maybe you kept dozing off? I know I am by just reading the comments on what (didn’t) happen in ep 12…. :sleeping:
Dog Sleeping GIF by JustViral

Such a snooze fest of an episode 


I will start the episode now. Wish me luck chingus!


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2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

kekeke... me too; I really wanted to fast forward but was waiting for him to drop the truth bomb about her mother. I seriously had to laugh when she said that her dad never lied to her mom directly. right, this is why you HATED your mom and blamed her for not making up with your dad when he begged. his retort was the best "do you think your dad would have told your mom before he cheated?" :lol:....


and she blames 40s husband for not making up with her mom -- I had to eye roll at that. girl, you mom was in the same city for a year. you wouldn't take her calls, cut her off, wouldn't eat with her and now he is at fault?! 



he gave some long random spiels but he made certain valid points. while she refuses to admit it to him, she resented her mom like a tornado and said she suffered as a child of divorce and felt humiliated. she yelled at her mom that she was unprepared for marriage because her mom never stayed in the marriage. so who is to say that jia won't blame her and hate her for the same? well, that stupid man has a point there... 


but yea, other than those moments, it went on for so long that I started hitting the fast forward button. instead of citing books and philosophers, he should have stuck to just one long speech about her mom. that would have finished the argument in five minutes. shrug. 


What did her and her mothers problems have to do with him cheating. 

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Honestly, I thought that was good.


It was a really interesting depiction of an in-depth conversation. Say what you will about this messed-up 40s couple, they do at the very least communicate with each other... er, on a certain level, anyway... and she had her say. She got through to him.


1. It begins with recrimination and bitterness. (Of course.)


2. I was disgusted but also impressed with how he countered everything she said! Man is nothing but an animal suppressing his natural, base urges. He suffers from lack of maternal love. She must forgive him as a parent forgives a child. She must forgive him or else ruin their daughter's life. They must let their marriage ripen like kimchi. He really threw everything at her. It was disgusting but also fascinating to see how far he will go to rationalize what he did.


3. I think at some point, he realized that he's not going to talk himself out of this, this time, and said nasty things to hurt her. Yes, it's true that Pi-Yeong did and said regrettable things to her mom, but she doesn't need HIM to tell her that. She already knows. She even regrets saying that Si-Eun (50s wife) should have worked harder on her appearance or else her husband wouldn't have strayed. She concludes that there is no actual, identifiable *cause* for any husband to stray, and that's it's very sad.


4. I like that they were honest with each other in the end, and accepted the situation cordially. She was honest and true to herself and her feelings, and she stuck to her guns. I really disliked Pi-Yeong at first, but I am proud of her now. This isn't an easy decision, but it was the right thing. She's going to hurt for a long time, but staying in the marriage wouldn't have made that better.


5. His final apology on his knees felt sincere at first, or as sincere as a cypher like him can be. He obviously regrets losing her as a wife, and he will likely honor his promise to give her a fair share of his assets and make sure their daughter is well-provided for. So there was a part of me that was willing to give him some credit for this... and then he ends it all with "Sa Pi-Yeong will always remain the only woman for me." And then I remembered that he promised Ami that he will divorce his wife and be with Ami in two years, so basically... he's a lying sack of poo, and absolutely nothing more than that.

6. She is leaving this gilded hellhole with her head held high and a new perspective. Good for her.


7. I think he's going to find living with Ami to be a very different experience. But... HAHA, I don't care. He is now left in this gothic horror mess that he made for himself, so, um, good luck, dude.


8. My last, very unrealistic thought is that it would have been great if Pi-Yeong recorded this conversation for Ami to hear later. Because Ami should learn what a lying sack of poo he is. But again... HAHA, I don't care. Now she gets to find out on her own and deal with Dong-Mi for the rest of her life.


9. Okay, one more thought. WHAT is with Ami and Ga-Bin, wanting to meet the wives and trying to score some absolution from them? You got what you wanted, so stay in your corner and stop bothering them, please.


So basically, the conversation they had was somewhat similar to the many heated discussions I've seen about this show, actually. If one's wife is a selfish narcissist, does it justify his affair? If you can recognize simultaneously the obvious fact that his affair is wrong, but she is also a selfish narcissist, does it mean you are morally deficient? If the writer made the selfish narcissist wife into a screaming, violent banshee with no self-control whose actions are indefensible, is the writer on a mission to promote extramarital cheating? Haha, I digress.


Okay, so one of things that Yu-Shin made me laugh: There is a saying in Korea, "Man is sky, woman is earth." It's like a yin-yang concept, that the two must work together to create a successful harvest (i.e., children). But there are some people who use the concept as a sexist cudgel - "Man is sky, so must be obeyed by the lowly earth." Which is obviously reprehensible. But, yeah.


Anyway, Yu-Shin used that saying to say, "Man is sky, so he can rain on some other area sometimes. But can the earth move? No." And hahahaha.... OMG, this guy.


(Note: I watch this show on Netflix but with Korean subtitles, so I won't be quoting the English subtitles accurately.)


I do agree that maybe this episode wasn't a fun watch. It's a level of raw, emotional labor and introspection that I think is rare in a Korean drama. Solely on Pi-Yeong's part, that is, laying her heart out bare, like that. I think we saw some genuine honesty from Yu-Shin, but again, his final comment reminds me that he is nothing but a lying sack of doo-doo, so nothing he says really matters.

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I have read some comments that say the 40th husband will get some valid points because marriage is a sacred engagement, you are kidding I hope, so according to him this is the first time he has cheated on his wife? do you realize how pointless this argument is? :sleeping:the guy spent several months sleeping with another girl, several times, going out with her, shopping, and even  want getting engaged and all he says is it's the first time? I will have kicked him out by hitting him very hard:rage:

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4 hours ago, marrez1 said:

I have read some comments that say the 40th husband will get some valid points because marriage is a sacred engagement, you are kidding I hope, so according to him this is the first time he has cheated on his wife? do you realize how pointless this argument is? :sleeping:the guy spent several months sleeping with another girl, several times, going out with her, shopping, and even  want getting engaged and all he says is it's the first time? I will have kicked him out by hitting him very hard:rage:


Yeah, a whole lot of doo-doo came out of his mouth.


You know, the one thing I was hoping that she would say to him is, "You and your stepmother have a sick relationship with each other." She was sort of getting there when he criticized her upbringing, replying, "What about you? You were raised by Madame Kim." (implying that Madame Kim Dong-Mi is not a good influence)


But you know, why bother? It's not her problem anymore.




Anyway, as I said before, I'm finally figuring out that the writer intended for the show to end with all three husbands stuck in self-created misery.


1. Yu-Shin is going to find out life sucks when your wife won't put your underwear in the fridge for you.

2. Hye-Ryun is going to find out Ga-Bin was never in love with him and used him to get over her true love. (She even told you that!)

3. Sa-Hyeon will be stuck with Hye-Ryeong forever! This will be the one marriage that survives!

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2 hours ago, chickfactor said:

3. I think at some point, he realized that he's not going to talk himself out of this, this time, and said nasty things to hurt her. Yes, it's true that Pi-Yeong did and said regrettable things to her mom, but she doesn't need HIM to tell her that. She already knows. She even regrets saying that Si-Eun (50s wife) should have worked harder on her appearance or else her husband wouldn't have strayed. She concludes that there is no actual, identifiable *cause* for any husband to stray, and that's it's very sad.


4. I like that they were honest with each other in the end, and accepted the situation cordially. She was honest and true to herself and her feelings, and she stuck to her guns. I really disliked Pi-Yeong at first, but I am proud of her now. This isn't an easy decision, but it was the right thing. She's going to hurt for a long time, but staying in the marriage wouldn't have made that better.


5. His final apology on his knees felt sincere at first, or as sincere as a cypher like him can be. He obviously regrets losing her as a wife, and he will likely honor his promise to give her a fair share of his assets and make sure their daughter is well-provided for. So there was a part of me that was willing to give him some credit for this... and then he ends it all with "Sa Pi-Yeong will always remain the only woman for me." And then I remembered that he promised Ami that he will divorce his wife and be with Ami in two years, so basically... he's a lying sack of poo, and absolutely nothing more than that.

6. She is leaving this gilded hellhole with her head held high and a new perspective. Good for her.


Amazing Episode

I am at awe with today’s episode. I love the dedication to only the 40’s couple. Some say that YS was full of YOU KNOW WHAT!! But I believe everything he said was because he was taught this way. Even though he was taught this way on how man are supposed to , I believe when he got on his knees was when he realized that he truly messed up.  I agree with @chickfactor that it was good they were able to be honest with each other. After watching this episode, I kept seeing them reconciling but not as a married couple. I see him realizing his where he went wrong and understand not all woman will compromise their pride for the sake of their children.  When she confess to him the reason why she tried so hard to be perfect, how she never understood her mom for leaving her father and keeping her away from him? Truthfully I can’t reallly say that the reason why he is trying to stay married is due to his image but I think it is from his upbringing that formed the man he is today, his belief of today. I do believe those tears were real and I think he will realize that he truly loves his wife, and that he could  have  succumbed to temptation. If this affair was his first, I really think he wanted to be forgiven but he chose to be selfish about it.  He also knows if his daughter finds out her dad isn’t as perfect as he portrayed, his wife will hate him. I feel bad for the 40’s and 50’s feel that all men are alike and can’t be trusted .  @Green Chilli Wow I forgot about that. She was grooming her kid to be the perfect wife.  I believe SPY did mention how her mom was nagging and such in the marriage. That is why she never nagged her own husband, trusted him and let him do his own thing.  But since she did the opposite of what her mom did and husband still cheated , she realized her mom was never at fault for the cheating. TBH SPY said the truth, The only way to understand how a woman feels when husband cheat is to have experienced it themselves. When he mentioned Men are for Mars and women are from Venus, you can clearly see his beliefs in how a man acts is clearly something he was taught. He will know how wrong he is in the end .  
I do believe he doesn’t love A- Mi, he was using her because she was needy and in need of affection.  @partyon I loved your theory but don’t know if it will happen. 

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6 hours ago, Lmangla said:

the few times that this argument felt actually real and human was when he brought up her mom. and frankly she needed those jabs and to hear from someone close to her how she lost out on her relationship with her mother. while her anger at not having contact with her dad was understandable, she blamed her mom for all sorts of unrelated nonsense. like not knowing how to cook and having to learn from some neighbour lady or something. ugh, that has nothing to do with whether you are a child of divorce... so it is good that she is learning and will let jia see her dad.. but at the same, she needs to stop obsessing about perfection, creating this image etc. I won't be surprised if in the end, the 40s couple reconcile (since we had an entire episode of him asking her to stay for on and on and on.... ) but they are more real and less putting up this 'perfect' act -- basically more like 30s parents who snipe and annoy each other one moment and sweet the next. 

she already realized her folly towards her mother  in the hospital , seeing her husband with another woman had basically  woken up to the fact that what her mother must have experienced , that is why she regrets so much that she could

not have asked sorry.


she also herself regretted what she told about writer and what she got after trying so hard to be a perfect wife .


the only truths he told is about her father which no body knows the story and about the perfection she showed and the youth she maintained is due to their social status And if she did not

him and the riches she would

lost her youth and perfection like others.


i also think that she needs to be more herself and not look for perfection but she did that in good faith to provide husband with a good home and keep him at peace which she thought were negatives in her mother .


30s parents is a different story , he looked down on wife and never respected but then he did not physically cheat on her as what we were shown so far , if he did that than story would be different plus she is an older woman and did not seem capable of walking away from

marriage . And it was a pathetic life for wife who spent her entire life serving one man who was not respectful and always admiring other women . Why would you live like that just to get some few moments of peace or praise or thanks at old age , but I believe that is where 30s couple

are heading even though I want better for BHR.


i don’t want the 40 couple to

reconcile , realizing divorcing someone is not a women’s fault is her character ARC I believe , they better not mess with this and show her happy divorced 


the only compliant I had SPY for major part is how she was grooming her daughter to be this

Perfect  wife material and I am

sure that will stop now.


through  all that 1 hour talk the writer was trying to put blame on SPY for not giving her husband a chance and calling and making her look like a STUBBORN woman . This is

So Very wrong 

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7 hours ago, lilyphenix said:

Did he just bring up Kimchi in his pleading?? :lol:

Kimchi goes with everything, didn't you know that?  lol


The nude ghost in ep 11, is just too weird and makes no sense.  Is it a filler?  Usually, flashbacks are like fillers in episodes, but maybe this writer uses ghosts.  the rock eyebrow GIF


Episode 12 was pretty intense.  I can see the 40's wife going either way.  But if she stays with him and gives him another chance, she should make sure A-mi isn't pregnant. If she is, we are back to the 30s situation.    

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My prediction for how all this ends:


- 50s husband: Seo Dong-Ma has been hanging around for almost two seasons doing nearly nothing. The Dong-Ma trigger will be pulled and Ga-Bin will leave Professor Milquetoast for the young chaebol, leaving Professor crying on the floor.


- 40s husband: Ami has been waiting for this divorce, and she will dive in head-first. That Ami-Dong-Mi boxing match will no longer be just her daydreams, it will be everyday reality for Yu-Shin.


- 30s husband: Sa-Hyeon is stuck in his sad marriage with Hye-Ryeong. He will live every day like a zombie speaking only two words a day, but Hye-Ryeong is too self-absorbed to notice. Years pass, and he sees Song Won playing with a young child from far away. He stands on the street watching and cries. Rain begins to fall. *Final Scene*


Seo Ban, another trigger waiting to be pulled. Who will he hit?


Ghost Pervy Grandpa, another trigger waiting to be pulled. We know who he's going to hit.


So Pi-Yeong's aunt came to Korea, slapped Pi-Yeong, buried her sister, fondled Seo Ban's hands, said some creepy stuff in a mirror, and now she's leaving? That's almost as random as Ghost Pervy Grandpa.


Last prediction: I don't think it's an accident that Ga-Bin and Ami are in show business. News gets out that they are homewreckers, and their careers tank.

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