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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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11 minutes ago, bluesappir said:



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I wish! But I don’t dare to get my hopes up…


no matter who she marries, there won't have been any romance for her, and it's such a shame, 120 episodes for that


in any case, I may be the only one who does not want her to marry GS for the reasons that we have mentioned, afterwards since she does not like JH, it is better that she waits for another man

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@bluesappir I think two scenarios are possible. Either JH gets some last minute decency and steps aside at the wedding to let YS marry KS instead (a switcharoo if you will) and it alludes to KS dying as YS's husband but they get closure (sad but a "good" ending) OR we get the annoying ending where JH and YS will get married, KS will look on like the noble idiot he is, and he'll die at the end knowing his YS is taken care of (which would be the worst ending that would just make me turn off my TV and sit in the dark silence lol). 


Eitherway, like you, I'm in it till the end and we know we're on a one way flight to heartbreak town which sucks but it's too late now.


I think despite all the differences of opinion regarding YS-KS's relationship, one thing that 98% of us can agree on, it's that we'd rather prefer YS to end up lonely and alone (or dead lol) than with JH :lol:  

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Seeing flowers on JH and his dad. Don't want any hopes.  As long as JaeHee stays till 120. I'm okay.  I want to re-watch if the ending that I like otherwise no. It's been an emotional draining experience.  I think I'll pick up on some jdrama to get away from here.


Whatever it is. Jung Woo Yeon, if that's her name I write correctly, looks beautiful in the wedding dress. It's a pity that there was no romance between them two.  They both look good together.


Now I'm looking forward to JaeHee's next drama see if I like.



THank you to all posters and maybe see you next time. :)

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@TRAN The last few days have definitely been emotionally draining to watch :(   



Not sure if you've watched it already but Alice in Borderland on Netflix is definitely worth a watch. Super thrilling and will keep you guessing!


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38 minutes ago, maribella said:

Both JH and KS are in the picture. @bluesappir better not get your hopes up till it happens. :smile:

The doctors found some new drug that may extend KS' life, so it's living from day to day for them. Or it was wrong diagnosis?



I said he was not going to die, the writers do all this so that the audience accepts the relationship love between YS and GS, that's all, even if it's badly done, there is that to see on this thread how suddenly many people wanted YS with GS when initially it was not the case:joy:

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Sorry -- NOT SORRY!  I will never accept the "Woody Allen/Soon-Yi Previn" relationship that so many seem to think is okay.  I know this is just a drama, but this is too much and one reason I stopped watching.  Except for the stellar acting by the the uncle, everyone else was as expected.  So many who have posted comments seem to be so disgusted by JH's actions, but YS is no better when it comes to her obsession with GS.  Why is it okay for one and not the other?  We all have our own different moral compasses by which we live, and that's fine; but, is there a line that should not be crossed in the name of entertainment?  They are All damaged goods!  I give this drama 2 thumbs down.

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2 hours ago, maribella said:

Both JH and KS are in the picture. @bluesappir better not get your hopes up till it happens. :smile:

The doctors found some new drug that may extend KS' life, so it's living from day to day for them. Or it was wrong diagnosis?




Haha, no intention of getting my hopes up, no matter how much I wished for it. None of us truly held our breaths over it, especially when we saw the photo. Kyung Soo is wearing a suit, and Jung Hoon is the one in a tuxedo. That photo was a group photo that they took after wrapping up filming in the location, and the leads are side by side because they’re the leads. 

If anything, the preview made it pretty much clear that the train wreck I had been following is exactly what it is. Kyung Soo got to see her wedding and probably passes away shortly after, and Young Shin ends up with Jung Hoon and learns to keep living and so forth. 

It’s funny how at the end of every episode I keep changing my mind about whether I’ll watch it or not, but I supposed that was expected. I’m not that strong, especially when I had been this invested in a character, and I’m forced to see them suffer until the end.

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50 minutes ago, bluesappir said:

s funny how at the end of every episode I keep changing my mind about whether I’ll watch it or not, but I supposed that was expected. I’m not that strong, especially when I had been this invested in a character, and I’m forced to see them suffer until the end.

:frown: Just imagine that JH grew to be like KS by the time he's 40. They are only 23-24. Time will heal. The Chairman and the woman will start asking for a grandchild etc. etc.  I still can't accept a murderer is living happily. KS was never in her calculations until she lost everything.


On something irrelevant, I was a real idiot at that age, less of an idiot now.

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I am torn I feel like the whole drama was a waiste in some way, sure there love transended being married and he brought the family back together with his death and sure she appears to getting married as he wished even if it was to HIM.


I would like to say I am selfish here because I cant say he didnt sacrifice it appears the way this is going to end he will marry her anyhow even if she doesnt love him.  He did sacrifice as he knew she wasnt in love with him but he did it anyhow, but I would of preferred him to stand up walk away and say no marry her to the last minute and I will stand by her as her friend.  But that doesnt appear how this will go down.


I hate feeling resentful of any drama but I think she has married him and it leaves an extremely bitter taste in my mouth as there was nothing redeaming about him through the whole series.....


Based on the clip him sitting down smiling up he wasnt the one that married her damn it......looks like he was in the photos at the end which makes no sense except for lasting memories......*shrugs* who knows now......still dont like this series.....

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

:frown: Just imagine that JH grew to be like KS by the time he's 40. They are only 23-24. Time will heal. The Chairman and the woman will start asking for a grandchild etc. etc.  I still can't accept a murderer is living happily. KS was never in her calculations until she lost everything.


On something irrelevant, I was a real idiot at that age, less of an idiot now.


If we think realistically, I agree with you, of course.

Kyung Soo and Young Shin’s story is one of a kind, and as mentioned before, it did transcend the whole thing about the will they-won’t they or whatever along those lines. But how they had made us, supporters or not, follow their entire story… to see them end so tragically at the end is just really a blow that will take me some time to properly recover. Even though it’s fiction. I think it was all about having been so invested, so people like me was bound to get hurt.


Time does heal, and I suppose most of us can speak from real life experience. When my dad passed away a few years ago, I don’t remember feeling as lost as I did during those days. It was painful at the time, but we all were able to keep going eventually. Like I said to someone once… time healing doesn’t necessarily mean that the void left is gone, but that we learn to live with it. Some aspects of the end of this drama brought back some of that pain, which is probably why this whole mess has been hurting even more.


At the moment, as idiotic as I feel, just seeing Kyung Soo or even thinking about him is making me cry. I know it will pass, but right now… yeah. Even now I had to pause for a moment to grab a tissue.


Haha, for what it’s worth, at that age I was quite an idiot myself… Like, what did I even know at that age? And I might have been perhaps interested in dating, but marriage? I was more like desperately trying to survive college life.

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Glad it over. It was by far worst drama I seen so far.

I have no comment drama was joke.

They should take time develop four friends more.

110 episode was all About GS and YS through out whole drama. Ys never love JH. Last 9 episode the writer switch it to make JH and YS romance happen. Wow. They still dont make good couple.


Ys doesnt love him at what waste of romance. She was force to married a man that she doesnt love.


This is only korean drama that didnt teach me lesson. I watch mostly all korean drama even classic old school one. Let me tell A good supper  first drama I seen worst. I seen parents arrange marriage. But i never see A man like GS forcing another man to married a woman who they dont love.

Usually First main lead girl always get the man who they love.


This one only drama I seen that Main lead Girl didn't fight for her love or used backbone to pursue the man she dream about.  This drama writing message and time spend to develop JH And YS was waste of time.

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Greetings,  All


I haven't seen episode 119 with subtitles yet nor, of course, episode 120 but let me tell you why despite the frustrations I enjoyed this drama.  Simply because every character in the drama ended up doing the right thing.  Every character was faced with dilemma that required making a moral choice, a courageous choice and they could choose revenge, vengeance and greed but instead whether by choice or circumstance they chose forgiveness. reconciliation and charity,  which is the highest expression of love.  In a previous posting I said this drama explored the myriad facets of love and I stand by that.  I also said the plot reminded me of Pearl Buck's The Good Earth.  I stand by that.  Someone above wisely noted that death is a fact of life and we must face that fact.  I agree and the way I see it,  GS's life could have been different.   He could have dropped YS off at a orphanage but he didn't and all the relationships in the drama flow from that decision the way a tree grows from an acorn.  I think it's not a coincidence that GS asks YS for a tree pod burial, because this is what he's done his entire life.  And GS's good example influences the choices, molds the character of the people, who make up the Diner family.  It's like the theme of It's a Beautiful Life, each individual life touches every other life even those we're unaware of and, in the case of those lives that are Good Earth or Good Supper, those lives bless, benefit and become the basis for good and strong communities small and large that make up this wonderful planet we all call home.  Thanks for the company,  chingu.  Until the next drama...  CP

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In anticipation for tomorrow's episode, I just feel so irritated by the writer. Even in the second last episode, they're pushing YS and KS's unfulfilled love in our faces. The writer has played with our emotions and is still playing with us. Why go through all this just to show us that YS and KS are still in love with one another and 10x more connected than JH ever will be. YS should be allowed to grieve and spend her limited time with the man she loves, not be strong armed into a wedding that she has no desire being a part of. The fact that it wasn't her forced fiancé who saw her in her dress but rather the man she actually loves, it's like the writer is STILL dangling the carrot in front of us but we all know we're never gonna be given the carrot.


Of course, after a few years YS is going to keep living and growing emotionally but as with death in real life, you learn to move forward but you can never truly move on. It just becomes slightly easier to live everyday without the person you love and care for. But making us viewers go through this terminal illness with KS, it's just so sad. I normally love dramas with illnesses, one of my favourite shows is Marriage Contract. When in the right mood, I love shows that make me cry buckets of tears. But this show shouldn't have been one of them. I would have been okay with an open ending, one where YS and KS live at the diner and live the rest of their lives in companionship with one another, looking at each other from a distance as YS often says. But having KS die and force YS into a marriage with an abuser and jerk was ludicrous. 


I know tomorrow is just going to bring more disappointment. I love this show, I don't regret watching it but I wish that it would have gone in a different direction. Unfulfilled love between the main leads is just unacceptable after 120 episodes.

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@Emily Bett.  Greetings, chingu.  I just wanted to remind that "unfulfilled love" is also called "romance".  Those whom Shakespeare calls "star-crossed lovers" are those who "fate" determines can never be together.  The challenges a couple must overcome--and death is a pretty devastating challenge--increases their (and our) desire, longing and frustration for that which should be and yet can never be.  This is romance and it's why we remember stories like Romeo and Juliet.  The alternative is, after the honeymoon,  a lifetime of same old, same old.  Think of YS and GS as SJ's sister and brother in law for all eternity.  No one's writing dramas about them.  YS and GS found their one great love in this lifetime even if it can never come to fruition.  And that finding and losing is the great romance of their lives.  Most people are not so fortunate even if they end up marrying.  GS, if he dies, does so as a man in love knowing the object of his love will be herself well loved and cared for after him.  He can die in peace.  YS, by marrying her second choice, if that's what happens, lets her great love go in peace and the memory of their love will be part of her forever even if she goes on in life with second best.  JH, if she marries him, loves YS so much that he is willing to live in GS's shadow always knowing he is second in YS's heart and memories.  And he too is entering into this marriage to let GS go in peace.  As I said earlier, everyone in this drama is making the right, the difficult but the courageous,  choice.  Cheers.

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