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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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Thank u everyone who agree with I truly happy that we all understand how awful this drama is.

Thank u once again that A good supper suppose to be about cooking and KS should found love interest.

Thank u for agree that JH is worst character and truly abuse guy.

Thank u once again writers want poor KS to be only just to suffer.

I not YS side either.

KS side on this. Poor writing poor romance poor drama

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1 hour ago, bluesappir said:


At the ending of the episode, while he was at the doctor’s appointment. They found some suspicion while they were getting him checked. 

OK, Thanks, but that doesn't mean he's going to die, maybe that's what he'll bring him closer to YS, and everyone include YS's dad and mother of GS,  will be okay with their relationship, it reminds me of another drama, where the FL was sick and that's what made her marry the male lead at the end of the drama, since his sister (ML's sister) had stolen her first husband.

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After talking about this show with a few friends, you know who I'm also mad at? Jung Hoon's dad.


He KNOWS the situation, he's an adult who has been friends with Kyung Soo for years now, has lived in his home, eaten his food, seen him give emotional support to his son when Mr. Park himself couldn't (remember JH used to ask KS to make food for school cause his dad was a pathetic parental figure?).


How can he betray Kyung Soo again and again and allow his son to disrespect the man who has treated everyone with so much love and compassion. Mr. Park is aware of Kyung Soo and Young Shin's mutual love for one another, Jung Hoon's obbsession with owning Young Shin and that Jung Hoon is a cheater at heart with mommy issues. Why is going over to Young Shin's house with his son? Why is he okay with Jung Hoon bring flowers along? Why is he okay with potential marriage talks? Honestly, no wonder his wife cheated on him, he was probably a slimey and pathetic man back then too (imagine being so petty about a divorce that you take your son away from emotional and financial stability just to spite your ex for cheating).


I'm just so annoyed at the fact that no one ever sticks up for Kyung Soo, he has done so much for people like Mr. Park and in return everyone just thinks of how to benefit off his kindness without having the decency of respecting him.

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6 hours ago, Emily Bett said:

I'm just so annoyed at the fact that no one ever sticks up for Kyung Soo, he has done so much for people like Mr. Park and in return everyone just thinks of how to benefit off his kindness without having the decency of respecting him.


I'm very fond of the Diner family, but I tend to agree with you @Emily Bett No one seems to truly check on *him* directly. They talk about Kyung Soo when they're concerned about him, but rarely did we get to see them checking on *him*, to go and see how *he's* doing. Back in the days of the rumors spread at the demon's instigation, everyone was worried about Young Shin, but no one seemed to be looking after Kyung Soo, the one who was left behind and arguably took the larger brunt of the impact of those rumors. Or when the demon invaded the Diner and made herself home, what did the Diner family do? They all left him alone. They even tried to adjust to her presence, and tried to be nice to her because she's "his mother". Sure, they were often talking about how concerned they were for him, but did anyone actually go after him, to check on him? No. He was completely alone on that one.


Way back in the old days before Young Shin, there was always some sort of a wall between Kyung Soo and the Diner family. He has a good relationship with them, but he never truly opened to any of them. Perhaps the exception would be Mr. Lee, after Young Shin came into his life. But even Mr. Lee, perhaps in trying to respect his privacy, he tends to leave him alone a lot as well, unless Kyung Soo comes looking after him seeking advice or does have a rare moment of opening up about a matter or two.


Young Shin was arguably the only person he had that truly could reach him beyond what he tends to show the world and taking away his loneliness, but she's been taken away from him since, and even though she wants to be there for him, he's now drawing a line between them (and she kept that line drawn during his amnesia, in great part for his own sake), as well. And if the current flow of the story is any indication, he might take that final step to really walk away from her completely.


He's surrounded by genuinely good and caring people, people that do care about him, but he's also the loneliest person I've ever seen in this story. And it pains me to see how he's still not catching a break. All he did in his life was to give and give and give. And virtually everyone just took and keeps taking from him, even the one true happiness he ever had.


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I don't know, what if KS knows he's dying and wishing that JH and YS to be together so that's why with JH's dad.  If that's the case, then KS doesn't understand YS at all. I haven't watched full episodes for past week, just YouTube clips and read the forum. But from what I have seen since episode 57 to 90. The only person in YS's heart is KS and no one else. And I have to believe in her.  I watch this drama for her and GS, but later I like watching Mrs Choi too. (I'm the odd one), she just amazed me, and I believe in repent and forgiveness.

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This episode and Monday's preview was just a huge disappointment. The writers are trying to paint YS as an almost saint-like character to the point that she's become unbelievable. If a woman murdered my mother to marry my father and attempted to not only sabotage my career but also her son's life (who raised me) and then proceeded to hide my paternity and attempt to kidnap and murder me without any remorse why should I feel bad that she's been left destitute without alimony? She doesn't even deserve the benefits she's reaped living as my father's wife all these years. Furthermore, the reason she is destitute isn't because of a lack of alimony, mind you the chairman has been giving her a good salary for years as an employee despite her being his wife, she's penniless because she paid out her brother to kill my mother and keep hush about it.On top of that she hasn't shown an ounce of remorse for what she's done after all is said and done. I'm just in complete disbelief that they're painting SJ as such a pitiful character and all of a sudden, the chairman's sister-in-law is talking about her leaving a hole in their lives, like her whole mission in this drama wasn't to kick her out in the first place? The chairman talks about not forgiving SJ for kidnapping and attempting to murder YS but has conveniently forgot to even mention that she murdered his ex-lover who was supposed to be the love of his life...he said he can't live with her because of what she attempted to do to YS but really, is that all she did sir? Then the writers decide they've exhausted every single trope and cliche in kdrama land possible, so they throw in the only thing left, a lung cancer diagnosis, on the one tragic character in this whole show to stretch out the angst in the last 10 episodes. Have the writers gone mad? The only way they can redeem themselves is if this situation humbles SJ and KS recovers from cancer with YS by his side as his wife but I'm not holding out too much hope now because YS says that the summer of her 23rd year is when she cries her heart out in her POV at the end of the episode. It's probably foreboding that KS will end up very sick.  


My other issue is with JH, his father, and the whole Kang family. They all know YS and KS love each other romantically but are now exerting their right as her newfound family to force her into a marriage with someone she doesn't love.  They need to chill with their high handed behaviour because they were strangers to her just a couple episodes ago LOL. I agree that JH has merely changed his tactics, he's still cornering YS...I don't understand why the writers are now trying to paint him as a character that is selfless but is only merely unable to express his feelings because of his difficult father? They even have KS trying to defend JH's behaviour to YS as if he was altruistic all along even when YS, DJ, and OB were kids and not just completely selfish as he's shown himself to be. Also, Mr. Park has known YS doesn't love his son but chooses to push forward with this marriage meeting anyway? My only consolation is that YS doesn't look interested in their tactics to corner her, so I think nothing will come of this. 




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I really hope they are not pushing towards killing off the main character due to cancer so she marries the fall back guy.  He is to obsessed and I have to like his acting as I really want to reach through the screen and slap him and yet I am anti violence myself.  He is that annoying....


These dramas are all about forgiveness way too quickly, if she ends up marrying someone she doesnt love like HIM or ends up with HIM as a fall back guy after the other one has passed away this will really be a waiste of a drama.  The fact that the father who knew what his son was doing brought him to the house made me loose all respect for him.  But will wait for the subtitles.

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I had kept wondering why Mr. Park would have been in on the whole bringing Jung Hoon to the chairman’s house, when he knows well about Young Shin’s situation. It didn’t seem like him. 

Now it makes more sense. Kyung Soo was the one who gave the idea to the chairman to invite Mr Park and use that as an excuse to invite Jung Hoon, in the process. (The dressing up was mostly for manners)


Mr. Noble Idiot should know by now that Jung Hoon is not above a lot of things if it means he can get his way, and heck, didn’t even he himself once say that Jung Hoon’s way only ends up hurting everyone? Then again, Kyung Soo had always seen the good in him (that a lot of us don’t seem to see anymore), and he believes in the genuineness of the boy’s (yes, boy) feelings for Young Shin. So he seems to believe that, even if Jung Hoon has his flaws (understatement of the year), at least she’ll be looked after. 


But *of course* Jung Hoon went after the opportunity and made himself quite comfortable, even asking if next time he can visit alone. I’ll leave it at that, or I’ll probably say something I’ll regret later.

Today’s episode was obviously a heartbreaking one, for Kyung Soo and his fans like myself. Seeing him slowly putting his affairs in order, including burning photos (the last one being the one he kept all this time since they were separated)… I don’t have words to describe how my heart ached for this soul whose life was all about giving… and he’s still doing it.


Heck, he’s even trying to look after the demon, who still refuses to repent at this chance given to her and keeps flipping the table he sets for her.


I know the coming episodes won’t be any easier, and last night I almost considered quitting. But we’ll see, maybe it’s a better idea for me to go through this, one episode at a time.

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48 minutes ago, bluesappir said:


Today’s episode was obviously a heartbreaking one, for Kyung Soo and his fans like myself. Seeing him slowly putting his affairs in order, including burning photos (the last one being the one he kept all this time since they were separated)… I don’t have words to describe how my heart ached for this soul whose life was all about giving… and he’s still doing it.


Heck, he’s even trying to look after the demon, who still refuses to repent at this chance given to her and keeps flipping the table he sets for her.


I know the coming episodes won’t be any easier, and last night I almost considered quitting. But we’ll see, maybe it’s a better idea for me to go through this, one episode at a time.

so he has really a cancer in stomach???

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25 minutes ago, marrez1 said:

so he has really a cancer in stomach???

The suspicion is in the lung, actually.

We hear the doctor’s voice over in the beginning of the episode, talking about how when it is usually discovered, it’s already at a more advanced stage…

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KS is burning a photo album. I think it's the end for him.

This writer is not nice. 
There was a lot of talk on her marriage but need to wait for the subs.


The ML in you are too much is also a lot like KS, illegitimate, ambitious mother, man besotted for her. But he became a priest at the end. 

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On 6/19/2021 at 12:13 AM, TRAN said:

Okay, GS says he's turning 40 soon, so he is 39 and YS now 24.  So could it be the preview about her crying her heart out was when GS got hit at the warehouse?

Uhhh... can writer-nim do math? This gives them a 15-year age difference.  So, GS was 15 when YS was born, she came to him at 6?  So, he completed his education,  mandatory military service, was running the Diner and raising a little girl at 21?  Amazing.

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I'm just sooo disappointed in the writers in every aspect, I don't wanna watch the direction this drama is going in anymore tbh. I'll probably just continue to read the progress in the comments on this forum to the end because I'm so far gone in episodes into this drama but I can't bear to watch the writers trash everything by putting JH and YS together and kill off KS. I'll actually be more content if YS just goes her own way without either men at this point.  

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So I was reading other comment like YouTube etc. Some of people think like us they hated fact Writers trying put JH and YS together and KS dying.


NO ONE LIKE JH AT ALL. It all about GS and Ys. They also said if they put JH and Ys together Truly not fair.


Writers totally mess up JH ruin drama  with YS no storytelling between them


Ys look sad GS look sad. Gs letting go. Truly not fair.


This drama is laughable Because viewer like us watch it for GS and Ys hoping these two have happy ending. Now it not.


JH agenda Was keep YS and GS apart. Now he winning her affection by Destroy GS life

Another thing I see viewers like us been lie to especially when they said GS cared about her. Who Main lead it JH. Jeez watch JH smiling and touching Ys saying he love her. He seem so happy to be with her.


Predictions Jh will get married. Next couple episode. Probably this week. Writer make GS to give up and tell Ys married Jh. Once she found out his sickness. She will be devastated and still JH will be lucky one.

Not fair. Not fair at all writers screw this up

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2 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Uhhh... can writer-nim do math? This gives them a 15-year age difference.  So, GS was 15 when YS was born, she came to him at 6?  So, he completed his education,  mandatory military service, was running the Diner and raising a little girl at 21?  Amazing.


They have 15 years age gap, she came to him as 8 years old.


Still hoping YS stay true to herself and not going to be with JH.

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