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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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Another good fortune for Evil woman and she's back in JW's good books.

Good thing is we finally get the YS-KS part out in the open.


KS tells YS his mother killed her mother so they cannot be together.  I didn't know he knew that. How could he let her stay with him knowing she's a murderer of none other than the mother of the child he had cared for and loves?

Allowing how strong the mother-child bond is I still can't understand it. Perhaps the show is about that mother-child bond. Manager Seo would do anything for her son. The son seems to take after his father and has scruples. KS would put up with anything with what his mother has been doing. She? Well, we know what she's capable of.


Why aren't they asking why she killed the woman? I'm guessing this is the last time SJ will be in a good place.

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Only 33 more episodes to go before we put an end to CSJ!


On the other hand, I loved today's ending scene. Not cause it was sad or that our noble idiots are being idiotic as usual but because it's finally out in the open that they love one another and they both accept each other's love. Despite KS's instance on not being together because of his birth mother, neither has looked upon their mutual love as wrong which is the only approval they truly need.


I hope YS will become a less passive character now. She needs to take down CSJ for her own and her namja's sake.


I also REALLY want Min Kyung and Young Shin to bond again, I miss their mother-daughter interactions. 

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Saw preview JH want YS now. It boring. Ys will end up with JH. What point Confess your love for GS.


I hate direction it going. No romance  so boring and I see more chemistry with GS and YS  then JH.


JH is boring too demanding and he doesnt have storyline. But writers choose him as main lead to be with Ys. These two will end up together. So boring.

Speaking GS I feel writers no intention give him new love interest He will remain single and old. I thought from interview and summary. It said GS really cared about her  more than that. I figure it lie.


Main lead of drama is JH and YS. Because GS and Ys will end up as brother and sister. No comment because they should end 100 episode. It worst drama love interest on show is super boring.

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52 minutes ago, lindab12 said:

Saw preview JH want YS now. It boring. Ys will end up with JH. What point Confess your love for GS.


I hate direction it going. No romance  so boring and I see more chemistry with GS and YS  then JH.


JH is boring too demanding and he doesnt have storyline. But writers choose him as main lead to be with Ys. These two will end up together. So boring.

Speaking GS I feel writers no intention give him new love interest He will remain single and old. I thought from interview and summary. It said GS really cared about her  more than that. I figure it lie.


Main lead of drama is JH and YS. Because GS and Ys will end up as brother and sister. No comment because they should end 100 episode. It worst drama love interest on show is super boring.

I really want JH with YS, they look so sexy and i think their chemistry is strong, but i think that writers will make YS with GS at the end of the drama, there are many hints about it.

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I think the writers understood that to put YS with GS, and at least to make this relationship acceptable against those who don't want it, GS has to sacrifice himself, and JH has to be insistent, annoying or even a little crazy towards YS and it will work

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You know who amazes me with her double standards? Se Jin! She's just FULL of hypocrisy in my opinion. 


She pushed for Pil Sun to be with Yong Goo, criticizing Pil Sun's moms very valid concerns about him being mentally handicapped and yet she rejected Oh Bok multiple times, calling him a nobody and not good enough for Da Jung. I remember her pushiness and disregard for Pil Sun's family had made me really uncomfortable at the time. Furthermore, in today's episode she felt the need to tell Mang Soon that there's no need to spend money on Yong Goo's wedding cause how else will she pay for Oh Bok's wedding or an apartment for him. She's so selfish, only thinking of herself and how her daughter who is pretty much going to marry Oh Bok is somehow deserving of Mang Soon's money for an apartment/wedding. 


Now, she's at it again. She never helped Gyung Soo when his evil birth mom was illegally squatting at his house, taking over every aspect of his life to torture him but now all of a sudden she feels like she has a say in GS/YS's relationship. She claims that Young Shin is "like her daughter" but where was she when Young Shin was literally getting bullied by her own daughter over the recipes. Da Jung literally destroyed Young Shin's room, where was the "mother figure" then? When all the rumours about YS/GS were spreading, why was she ok with YS going to live with strangers rather than inviting her into her home and giving YS a safe place to live?


When Pil Sun's mom and brother came to take her away, Se Jin said that Pil Sun was an adult who could make her own decisions. Why can't Young Shin, a very capable and consenting adult make her own decisions?


I just can't deal with Se Jin's hypocrisy and double standards. She needs to butt out, it's people like her who are representative of the whole "what will people say" mindset.

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For me, if YS ends up with JH, that will disappoint me. I feel like she's over JH long ago. If she's not with GS then she'll meet someone else later in her life. But they're best looking when they cooking together. Looking beautiful, warm and full of love. Too bad.


So what's happened to Da Jung? Is she going to marry O Bok and takes over her mom's shop? Still puzzle me why did she want to become a cook in the first place. If she was working as a waitress, that would make more sense.

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Jung Hoon just feels abusive to me at this point. He lead Da Jung on and used her for years, then didn't care when he broke YS/DJ apart, left for three years, dated around, and then thought that YS was going to pine for him for the rest of her life. He treated YS like some kind of worthless toy and got mad when she rejected him. He can't take no for an answer, doesn't understand the concept of consent and is actively scheming to always keep YS away from KS. Why? Nugusayeo? Who is he to isolate YS from the one person she finds refuge in both emotionally and physically? The whole "look at me when you talk" thing yesterday was just so uncalled for, he's a literal man child who has mommy issues and can't deal with rejection.


I'd be disappointed if YS dropped her standards and self-respect to be with him so I'm REALLY glad he isn't the male lead in this drama.

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Jong Won believing his wife (who he knows is a habitual liar) is just annoying. Honestly the man lost a lot of braincells when that heart-attack happened. He's gonna regret being so heartless to Young Shin after he finds out she's his daughter. 

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26 minutes ago, Emily Bett R said:

Jong Won believing his wife (who he knows is a habitual liar) is just annoying. Honestly the man lost a lot of braincells when that heart-attack happened. He's gonna regret being so heartless to Young Shin after he finds out she's his daughter. 

Yeah I so agree he will regret it once he finds out that she is his daughter.

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Like I said before in this forum, Chairman Jong Gwon who is a successful businessman with many years of experience, sure has a pea size brain and has no personal judgement at all.  He himself has  said to his wife face that she is a habitual liar who lies about everything under the sun and yet he still listen to her words without a pinch of salt.  He always shows what's on his sleeve thereby giving his wife the chance to do damage control so to be seen like she is innocent and that others want to destroy her because they are jealous of her.  He should hire private investigator instead of using his company employees etc and keep the investigation hush hush without telling a soul about it.  It is beyond stupidity just to listen to his wife accusation when he could have quietly went to the village to find out from his friend Park Kyeong Cheol whether the rumours about Young Shim reputation, and whether she is a conniving scammer who scams on rich old man for fame and richness. 



Her nephew Sung Chan is also another idiot.  In front of his aunt and father he keeps telling them to stop doing evil and yet he does not have the courage to tell the truth when he sees Young Shim being threaten and accused of wrongdoings in front of the family meeting.  He just sit there like a dumb idiot and watch the hoohah and then silently follows the aunt when she leaves the room.


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YS is being paid for keeping quiet about the evil woman's relationship with KS. If she had shown that she was no pushover, the two nasty women and feckless brother would think twice before victimising her. But of course that means we won't get a drama. 

I find it hard to sympathise with her for being orphaned and abandoned when KS brought her up with love and care for her growing years. She should have felt more driven to protect him from the conniving woman. But then she's half the evil woman's age who is more experienced in conniving and manipulating. 

I hope the writer has a punishment for the brother and his wife. These long daily shows usually have kumbaya endings. If manager Seo just got away with 'I am very sorry', that would be the pits. Obstructing a sick old man from meeting his daughter should earn them a place in the gutter; all for money that is not theirs.


I hope they don't kill OB, now that he and DJ are happy together.

I have been wondering about the significance of YS nose bleed. They might give her a disease that would mean testing for donors. That's when her identity is revealed. The chairman will be griefstricken.:surprisedwut:

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I think the entire house hold is stupid. YS makes that accusation and none of them ask who is her mother. What is her name? IF someone had asked that question all of it would have fallen into place for everyone in that room who did not know.  It is for sure that the Chairman will pay for his stupidity and awful behavior after all YS did for him. Here he is looking for his daughter and twice he has rejected her. Yes, he never knew YS was his daughter, but if he continued with the adoption at least he would have been granted some solace since his child was beside him. Now he has gone ahead and alienated and not believed YS and all the clues where right in his face. When he finds out that she is his kid and he turned her away and accused her unjustly believing in his lying wife. He will end up falling again and this time he will be at the end of his life. He may barely survive if that. In my opinion he deserves what's coming as he knew what his wife was like yet he chose to believe her and she will show him her true colors soon I think. 


The nephew is a disappointment. He wants his father and Aunt to stand up and do the right thing but he knows that neither of them will. They are both selfish and greedy and will never admit to any crimes let alone his aunt help YS get back to her father. She cared nothing for her own child why would she care about the child of the woman she disliked who the Chairman loved and help her get to her father. In her mind YS wasted her sons life when we know that is not true. Her actions set in motion for her son to end up with YS raising her. Now she has gotten what she wanted and thinks per the preview she can get YS to come back to work for them. Sure YS will but it will be at the cost of the past coming back to finally bite this witch. There were so many ways he could have told someone that YS was the Chairman's daughter without exposing himself but he did nothing. He is in the same moral/filial trap that GS is in. He knows his elders have done wrong and that his Aunt is still doing wrong but they are his family and he wont tell on them. GS knows that his suppose bio mom is evil to the bone and has killed YS mom but yet he does not go and tell anyone. Just like when he never said he was her son until he was forced too. 


I give it another week or two before someone else starts realizing that YS could be the Chairman's kid. My thought is the Chairman will prolly not make it in the end but he will have made sure his daughter got everything possibly. It would be sad if he died when YS wanted nothing more to have her father but then again with the meddling of so many she can only possibly be happy with the time she spent with him prior to finding out he was her dad. 

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