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[Drama 2021] Bossam: Steal the Fate, 보쌈 - 운명을 훔치다


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Hello to all! I haven't watched the show yet; I hope to, someday. My family and I are currently watching Haechi, and enjoying it greatly. And I always prefer my heroes a little messy-haired and bearded, so since I already love Jung Il-woo from Haechi, I'm thinking I'd love him even more with his look in Bossam. However, there's a potential problem for me: historically, Gwanghaegun is one of my favorite Joseon kings, so I refuse to watch any show or film in which he's portrayed as a bad guy! So I have to wait to see how he turns out in this show before I commit to whether I'll watch it or not. That stopped me from watching Tale of Nokdu; it looked promising to me for a while, but then I found out that Gwanghaegun was pretty thoroughly a baddy in it (and there seemed to be little resemblance to history in what went on with him in it, too), so I knew that would tick me off too much for me watch the show.  I love Gwanghaegun so much in the film The Proxy Soldiers/Warriors of the Dawn, and in Jingbirok, and from what I've seen of him in Hwajung, I love him in that, too ... anyway, the upshot is that I will not go anywhere near a depiction of him as a villain!  What do you all think: how is he being portrayed in this show so far?

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@ingguldainaah,  I dont feel he is depicted as a villain here.  He is shown as a sweet father, and also a good ruler to the people.  But he gets overly irritated/angry when he is being controlled by a bad councillor in the court and another lady when he cannot execute his good plans becoz of them.  They intervene and spoil his plans.  I like that character as of now, no problems. 


When he thought of killing his princess daughter to overthrow the bad councillor I think he had his own plans to protect her and not exactly kill her.  That was my understanding of him.  I liked how he spoke with his daughter in ep. 11 and that hug.  Awwww.  Beautiful. 


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so many thoughts on watching ep 12! so am going to post a little by little. sorry if I flood the thread. :D


the stills of the hug blew me away but when I watched with subs, the feel was so different. this wasn't the happy reunion I thought it would be. instead, it is somber and there is a quiet thread of sadness. but in the midst of this, there is also a content feeling that each other is safe and they get to be with each other for a moment... this isn't a boy and a girl; this is a man and woman who have seen much and there is no frivolity in their feelings or actions.. such a matured love story! :wub:



unlike dramas where noble idiocy plays a part in separation, here, there are forces beyond their control. it is a matter of life and death. bawoo doesn't have a choice in whether or not he wants his old position back. he doesn't have a choice in running away from the future schemes of left councillor. things have turned out in such a way that bawoo needs to step up and take control. so it also means that princess now has to hide in the dark and it isn't safe. he doesn't need to tell her because she understands and accepts. she is putting his safety and that of chadol first.


what a contrast to the the passionate yo-yo feels of dae yeob. here are two people who love each other but she is putting aside her hopes and dreams of having a home. there is no wailing of how unfair it is or why fate is separating them. will it be temporary or permanent, neither know but they can only hope it is for a moment. so they move forward with a sense of resolution that it will be alright.


loved that bawoo wanted to know her name -- he wanted to remember her as a woman who meant something to him and that is what knowing her personal name means. she is that someone to him. there are no big promises from his side because he has no clue how things will turn out. all he can do is reach out to her and hold her hand. let her know she isn't someone he will forget. 




and that hug -- awww, doesn't he look so sad? this is a bittersweet moment. she is trying to put an emotional distance with her speech but he just cuts through all of that with a hug. he is telling her how he feels without words. she is so content to rest in the nook of his shoulder. she is his and he is hers. this feels like such an old fashioned love story no chingus? no splashy confessions or kiss scenes but these two are aware of how important they are to each other... 


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8 hours ago, ingguldai said:

What do you all think: how is he being portrayed in this show so far?

am not aware of what exactly his impact and impression from history was and so it is hard to say whether it is different and how a history buff would feel about the drama. however for regular viewers, it is a an interesting character. like @pad-hari, I don't think the king is depicted as a villain at all. however, he is a very complex character and this isn't a two-dimensional "is he good or bad" kind of answer. he cares about the princess and we see real moments of affection. how often do we see a father hug his daughter in a saeguk? or play train/horse with a child? (like we did in ep 12)



at the same time, he chose to abandon a daughter he loved. his reasonings and actions aren't as simple. like he tells his daughter that he is a king before he became a father and it is up to him to ensure his kingdom does not implode. but was he concerned for his daughter -- yes, he was and he admits shedding tears of blood. he is glad that she is safe. 


what I found interesting in the exchange is that she doesn't excuse his behaviour by saying "yea, I agree with you. thanks for sacrificing me." instead, she just listens and it is clear from her tears that she is hurt. when he calls her "hwa in", she tells him that is no longer her name. so she has given up her princess name because that is the only way to survive. she now thinks of herself by her name "soo kyung" and here the king points out that it was a name given to her by him. so there is a kind of full circle -- they cannot be king and princess in some sense as that bridge has been burned by his decision. however, they are still father and daughter and it is on the basis of that relationship, he pledges to keep her safe. 


it is interesting that lady Jo and hyung were super petrified of the king's visit. they weren't sure what it meant. will bawoo be kicked to the curb? was the king just playing games? will it impact chadol? but bawoo goes to the princess regardless... 


he is there to comfort her and listen. he just stands by her side and is allowing her space to process her feelings when he asks if she has let go of her resentment. so he is aware that she is hurt by being abandoned by the king. but can she move on? it is very clear that she can but she is afraid in some sense. the king did not randomly make promises to protect her. his action by extension includes bawoo.


the king is in a sense very subtly putting bawoo in the princess present and future. the king sending the royal guard to protect bawoo's house isn't just about protecting bawoo against the left councillor and the whole court politics with the western faction. it is also ensuring the princess has a home and is safe. but will bawoo accept what the king is giving? will bawoo let the past stop him from embracing the princess? so I loved how delighted he was and simply said "so this means we can go home together?"  he wants the princess by his side and he is not letting the past history with the king dictate his present.





bawoo is such a fascinating character and the way he held himself against the king in his meeting was a sort of battle of wits. the king outright asks if bawoo resents him and there is silence. unlike the cronies in the palace, bawoo is not willing to give empty lines about how great the king is. instead, a game of chess is played where bawoo offers to be the sword. both men are pragmatic and open about using each other for their wants and strategies. so it is kind of kindred souls in that sense because there is no BS in their negotiations.


what I found interesting was when the king asked how the princess was doing and bawoo hesitates.  then the king says that he will expect an answer once bawoo passes the military exam. there are a lot of undercurrents to that question and statement. ofcourse, the king knows the princess is alive and bawoo has been keeping her safe. but by asking a formal question, he is almost recognizing the tie between princess and bawoo. he has not been her servant and to the outside world, they were a little family unit. the king is not admonishing or shocked that bawoo has crossed his limits or that it is scandalous that they were living as a family. instead, the king is indicating that once bawoo has shown himself worth of status and recognition, then that question becomes not just personal but also affirming the relationship. when the king will ask in future how is the princess, he is asking as a father because bawoo is her husband and family. should be interesting to watch!!! 



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On 6/7/2021 at 3:36 PM, RobinM said:

I don’t know about anyone else but Mother is already giving off bad vibes. She already went from one salty nasty MIL and to give her another one would be just to cruel. Of course aside from being ride or die for Ba Woo she is proper and filial so she will take it all without complaint but it’s going to be tough to watch. 


what struck me is that mother & sister barely have a relationship with bawoo. they do not know the man he has become or what he has done up till this point. the sister didn't know the name of chadol or that it was bawoo's child. so they hadn't even met at that point. did they even know he was married? did they ever ask? and they seemed to have no clue that chadol's mom abandoned them for someone else and he has been single for quite a while. how long has he been on his own? 



On 6/7/2021 at 4:26 PM, MissSuzuki said:

Have same opinion with @RobinMabout Bawoo's mom. Can feel a negative vibe including the sister. I hope i could be wrong. 


I was more surprised that the fiancee/husband of sister is not even mentioned. so did the poor guy get dumped and forgotten because he was a commoner and obviously poor. did anyone reach out to him to find out if he was okay? 


bawoo vs mother/sister is going to be all sorts of trouble because they have processed what has happened to them very differently. mother especially never thought of herself as commoner or accepted that status. that is why her change in status, she is immediately thinking of herself as a noble lady and what that means. she is not thanking her stars that her situation has improved or asking what happened to bawoo or what is the court politics that bawoo will now have to play. there are so many things to worry about in the present and she is instead thinking about whether the daughter-in-law is common and what that means for chadol. 


bawoo on the other hand accepted he was a commoner. to him, it was neither good or bad and nothing to be ashamed of. for him, his past and how he lived -- he is not rejecting it. also because they lived for so long separately, it is very clear that bawoo sees them as relatives but not necessarily as someone to take guidance or confide in. he hasn't shared what has happened to him or his dealings with the king. he is his own man making his own decisions about his life. loved his defense of princess when he bluntly says that he will not take a second wife and gets very angry with them. this isn't a man that is going to get pushed into anything because of family obligations. 


there was also something very subtle when they came to the house. chadol asks if this is grandmother's house and hyung corrects him and says "no, it is chadol's house". the ownership is that this status and belongings comes from bawoo. because they were kicked out, this isn't some ancestral property and rights. instead, by his actions, he has earned his status again. so rather than the mom holding any power, it is very much bawoo because it is his house, his rank that he earned through hustle. 


more than the princess, I worry about hyung and lady Jo. bawoo sees them as his family. when he walks in, he says this is my unit and responsibility. whereas mother/sister don't seem to value the relationships they had earlier or the history. hyung is a commoner and it would seem odd that bawoo and hyung are equals. however, they have gone through so much together that they are brothers by feeling. same with nanny and princess.




I was totally blown away that bawoo brings in princess as his wife. it is one thing that chadol introduces princess as his mom but bawoo does as well. bawoo and princess do the husband and wife bow together. they are not playing house here! 


I also worry for chadol -- rather than seeing him as bawoo's son, they seem to be more concerned with the child's status. what exactly were they implying -- that the child and mother should be abandoned as they are no longer of use? but the princess is not a naïve woman and she can very well take care of herself. loved when she said that because she is protected and loved, she can handle this. it is different from her previous marriage where she was unloved (well he died even before the marriage started) but she had no status or protection in that family. dae yeob loves her but he could not do much for her at all. here, bawoo is living and very much present by her side. he is willing and able to fight for her. so it is a very different dynamic that ensures that she has the fighting spirit to thwart anything bad from mother/sister.... 


I really wonder if we will get any kiss scene at all. bwahahahah.... seriously, these two have basically moved on to being husband and wife and we don't get anything other than really family scenes. 





so he is wearing his noble clothes and she smiles delightedly -- no shy or awkward glances. she does not run off and excuse herself that she has walked in on him. instead she tells him that he looks dashing. umm, doesn't this sound more like a wife? and when she is sitting by him as he is studying -- very wifey helicopter mode to ensure hubby is not goofing off.. kekeke... 


I loved the scene of them practicing with bow and arrow. it was cute but with watching with subs, I was struck by what bawoo said. so when he warms her hands, she is a bit shy and says "what if people see". his response was such a dashing hubby mode "so?" it sounded like a "woman please, who is going to say anything about a man holding his wife's hands? it is not really scandalous..." ...it really feels like these two have skipped all the romance and gone straight for hubby-wifey mode. kekekeke... what do you think chingus? 




18 hours ago, fluffyloaf said:

I am so desperately hoping that the remaining episodes won't turn out to be a flop since I heard his last drama didn't go so well.

fingers crossed! they won't bore us with long palace intrigue and court politics. am really not that interested in a bunch of men with beards all standing around and playing games. you do wonder where it will go from here. since we have 20 episodes, we are only about halfway through. what else can happen when bawoo and princess are already pretty much husband and wife? I would love to see the drama hit 10% ratings and getting a dance with chadol. it will be super cute if that happens. 


I can't believe I am writing such long posts for this drama. hahahahah.. been so long that I felt so inspired.  please excuse my long fangirl ramblings. :lol:

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I am also getting concerned that they skipped romance and the potential sharing a room scene as a couple scene turned into another very sweet and gentle but not romantic moment. I like sugar and sweetness as much as anyone but we know she is physically attracted to him and he should be showing the same by this point. It’s almost as if he adores and respects and protective of her so much he is not seeing her as very beautiful desirable women... It’s Chivalric not sexual. I don’t really expect a bed scene but maybe the beginning of one and fade out would be at least. 


Unless.. They are waiting for them to actually marry to make it proper and then give us those scenes. 


We might get well get a time skip

wherein we see an adorable tot and have to do with that. Which: Boo! Hiss! 

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17 minutes ago, RobinM said:

I don’t really expect a bed scene but maybe the beginning of one and fade out would be at least. 

I really wondered if we are supposed to assume that they are already physically living as husband and wife. a month or more has passed in preparation for the exam. they were obviously sharing a room or something right? maybe the writer/PD is giving us an old fashioned romance (like in those old black and white movies where they don't show anything but we know stuff happened) or thinks that such scenes will just take away the main momentum of all the politics? 

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You know , I though of that. Maybe it’s just a given :) they love each other and they are “married” so what else should we expect? 

Fair enough. Still would like a hint of scene though :) 

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It was the 16th century. People rarely changed clothes let alone washed. I suppose it might be one of those assumed things though. He cleaned up his scruff so he might have bathed as well. 

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44 minutes ago, RobinM said:

You know , I though of that. Maybe it’s just a given :) they love each other and they are “married” so what else should we expect? 

Fair enough. Still would like a hint of scene though :) 

kekek.. yea, definitely it will be nice to get a hint. :D and some romance will be nice. :blush:


but had a question though -- do they need a marriage ceremony to be officially married at this time? in olden days, wasn't it enough that man declares a woman his wife and they move in? especially peasants who didn't have money to throw a feast? 

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I guess they didn’t care what Down and out BA Woo got up to in his peasant cottage but Lord Kim Dae Seok can’t be living with a woman he is not legally wed to and not even a concubine at that  I would think and what if hopefully in a few years they have kids of their own?  I don’t know if any nobility anywhere that would be ok with that. 



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Goodness Princess can’t catch a break - from being in house with mean in laws- to being kidnapped and considered dead- to being chased around and considered dead- to being considered dead-to back to being in a house with judgemental in laws. 

I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when it’s revealed she’s a Princess 

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@Lmangla Wow chingu! I'm in awe of you now. :wub: You are in love with the drama. You have poured your heart out. I loved, loved, loved reading your insightful and passionate take on the drama. I can't wait to catch up the rest of the episodes since you have shared your thoughts beautifully, making me want to experience it too. Not to mention, the photos go so well with your sentiments. :heartxoxo:


@Madu Mita I for one would like her identity to be hidden for as long as possible. I want her to experience 'normal/ common' life for once. Enjoy marital life and the mundane things that go with it, including disapproving in laws. She has been caged too long and she deserves to live as well, especially considering her previous identity is dead and gone. I want to enjoy the mundane life and experience the little joys it bring, experience the good and the bad. She had been quite spunky and taking it into her stride too. (The leaking roof scene). BW and the Princess should play house like the leads in 100 Days My Prince. We want to see their ordinary, mundane married life (with/ without the hint, hint scene).  

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3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

he is wearing his noble clothes and she smiles delightedly -- no shy or awkward glances. she does not run off and excuse herself that she has walked in on him. instead she tells him that he looks dashing. umm, doesn't this sound more like a wife? and when she is sitting by him as he is studying -- very wifey helicopter mode to ensure hubby is not goofing off.. kekeke... 


AHHHH this was so simple but soooo my favourite scene. I know there has been so many good scenes but I just loved it from how she got him clothes and SHOES (just like he did for her) and them finally looking at each other in their new clothes in their new life and the princess finally calling him dashing AHHHHH. And the simplicity of him sitting there trying to read but distracted by her presence AHHHHH CUTEEEEE. I can'tttt. They are too adorable. I crave more moments of their simple joy of just being with each other. Wholesome 100%.


The script is pure gold in many moments of their heartfelt exchanges. Just like the one you brought up about them thinking they have to be apart. And another would be how the princess readily embraces her new in-laws and assures Bawoo she is fine because of him. Definitely some good ol' romance right there when you can endure some hardship and some separation for another. Better than the best k-drama kiss scenes so far. I think I will self-combust when Bawoo gets a kiss from the princess (if it happens).


I find JIW looking like he finds it hard to resist a smile everytime he is around Yuri. Super adorableee. I don't know how much of "acting" is going on with his expressions during the romantic scenes but he seems to be doing it quite a bit for their other appearances on other shows too. SEND HELP. It leaves me so weak everytime it happens :wub: He looks like an adorable pupper basking in the sunshine that is Yuri. And even when it was for the romantic scenes, it all feels TOO REAL. If it was pure acting, then JIW is too good at bringing out the feels. MY FEELS. Okay enough of me fangirling too HEHE.


Side note: I don't think bed scene happened yet since princess is so shy about Bawoo holding her hands and the directing of the scene made it felt like a very special moment when he did that so probably not yet? But I guess that don't need to stop us from imagining :rubchin: HEHE.

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37 minutes ago, confusedheart326 said:

@Lmangla Wow chingu! I'm in awe of you now. :wub: You are in love with the drama. You have poured your heart out. I loved, loved, loved reading your insightful and passionate take on the drama. I can't wait to catch up the rest of the episodes since you have shared your thoughts beautifully, making me want to experience it too. Not to mention, the photos go so well with your sentiments.

kekek... I can't remember the last time I liked a drama so much. don't tell anyone but I didn't even know how to capture pics and upload online till this drama. :joy: I feel so proud of myself for figuring out how to do a collage and upload. LOL. though my tech skills are still super low. 


but yea, I love the maturity of all the characters including selfish dae yeob and love how this feels like a story about adults. at the same time, it is rather sweet, cute and we are not bored. most of the time I watch romances, this is me: 

Bored Cat GIF 


so it is rather lovely to know that my inner fangirl only got hit by truck of doom of boredom for a long while. she is still alive! :lol:


30 minutes ago, fluffyloaf said:

Side note: I don't think bed scene happened yet since princess is so shy about Bawoo holding her hands and the directing of the scene made it felt like a very special moment when he did that so probably not yet? But I guess that don't need to stop us from imagining  HEHE.

you know those dating/reality shows where the host asks -- "so ahem, did anything happen?" :joy: we are all so curious about these two like that...  

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I mean it could have happened that night... he was certainly more than handsy and flirty than usual. Even if they practice all the drawings in those books The Princess will probably always be demure and reserved about PDA per her nature and training. 

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8 minutes ago, RobinM said:

I mean it could have happened that night... he was certainly more than handsy and flirty than usual. Even if they practice all the drawings in those books The Princess will probably always be demure and reserved about PDA per her nature and training. 

we need the nanny to raise her eyebrow and ask "your highness... so what is going with you two?"


interested kevin nash GIF

 come on nanny, help out the audience...  :joy:

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