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[Drama 2021] Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha ☀️ 갯마을 차차차


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To me, the Hyeong doesn't sound like a scammer. I know a lot of people think that way over here, but I disagree. 

I guess I feel this way because my dad was an engineer and he did a lot of stock market investments throughout his life. These investments really boosted our way of life and our savings. There is a lot of mathematics and coding involved in investing. So I can understand why Du-Shik inspite of being an engineer found some love for it.


At the same time, a majority of my dad's investments were long term, ie. grew over 20 years. Short term investments come with a risk if not done correctly. It is very easy to become greedy and want a higher profit when a lot of indicators point you to sell.  My dad says You have to be objective and get out when you are winning and take time to cool off.


It's hard to do it correctly, so many people say it is just like gambling. Truthfully, it is not gambling. It becomes gambling when humans become greedy. 


First rule: You shouldn't put your whole savings. This is where Doha's father made a mistake. That is a very horrible decision.


Second rule: Even if the stock is your favorite company, if it goes 10% down, you have to sell no matter how much you like the stock. People tend to become emotional that it will go up for sure and wait and wait for years when it is plummeting 70%. If they had gotten out at 10% loss, they could have invested in something else and recovered that losses in months time whereas a 70% loss often takes years  to come back to its previous price. Good intelligent Fund managers will develop a risk plan like selling at 10% loss and also investing in multiple companies at the same time so that all don't plummet at the same time. I can understand why they felt like they can help poor people. If they are really skilled and passionate, it is stressful, but possible.


If you have seen Pursuit of Happyness, you would know how much the stocks can elevate your life if you have the knack of doing it correctly. I would always recommend anyone to invest.



I was really upset about what Hyung's wife said to him. Doha and his family didn't know what he went through as a child. They just thought he was a rich guy and scape-goated him. I can understand that. Doha also repented and said that he knew it wasn't Du-Shik's fault but nevertheless he needed someone to blame.


But, Hyung's wife knew what Du-Shik went through as a child. She knew her words would break him. I know she was in grief and acted out but her husband also worked in the same company. He was also equally responsible for all the losses. He was driving the car and got into the accident. I would have understood her anger if Du-Shik had driven the car, but it's not the case either. How can she even say that Du-Shik should have died? Those words don't come out easily. I don't know if something got missed in the subtitles but did she say that she wouldn't apologize for what she said???


Another rule in life: Never ever ever ever drive a car when you are emotional. My family got into an accident when we were on a long vacation road trip abroad and we received a phone call that my grandma (back home) had a heart attack and  was hospitalized. 





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I don’t think the hyung wasn’t a scammer at all too. Du Sik’s hyung wanted to take Du Sik under his wing and wanted the best for him, which is why he asked Du Sikto intern at his company (in previous scene, this was mentioned that Du Sik joined as an intern and I’m assuming he converted to full time). It wasn’t the hyung scamming him at all because Du Sik could’ve always told his hyung that he didn’t like the work as a intern and just quit. Even if Du Sik did major in engineering, it’s no surprise that he came to like the work at Hyung’s company. Du Sik ended up liking what he did at the company so continued to work there full-time until the accident happened.


It was definitely Do Ha’s father mistake to put in everything into one stock and risk everything. Now I mentioned before that he was desperate and just wanted the best for his family and some times those factors lead us to make maybe not the best decisions or we think it’ll be a good decision. We are all human, make mistakes and can be irrational at times. I would say that it wasn’t Du Sik’s fault that Do Ha’s father committed suicide at all (he was on the way to see him after hearing the news) but it is unfortunate that he had to miss Do Ha’s father call and answering it could’ve make some impact. It’s always about the, “what ifs”. Du Sik gave the money to the wife because he felt partially responsible for Do Ha’s father committing suicide, not picking up the call and thinking about the “what if” or “I could’ve changed it if I only…”


Now if we are talking about the accident with hyung, it’s a bit different from Do Ha’s father situation. Du Sik and the hyung were both involved in the car accident and the Hyung did drive instead of Du Sik. I’m not saying that it’s Du Sik’s fault that he caused his hyung’s death but Du Sik does feel responsible for it because his hyung offered to drive instead (which btw totally agree with @Sunset and no one should drive when emotional because youre distracted and not focus during that kind of situation). The wife definitely need someone to blame at that time and since Du Sik was in the car with him, she resented him and said he should’ve been the one to go instead of the hyung. That’s what grief is all about. However, I didn’t really like how she won’t apologize for saying those hurtful words back then and don’t think that was right on her part. After all these years, the least she could’ve done is say sorry to Du Sik for saying those hurtful words. She was grieving her husband’s death so of course she’ll blame Du Sik at that time, but after all this time, she did mature and should’ve realized… That part kinda bothered me about the wife but I like how she did tell Du Sik to move on and he needs to forgive himself because that’s exactly what he needs to do

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I think the whole scenario the 2008 housing crisis post Lehman,  the suicides that happened really did happen. Were these lives lost for no reason? Yes - as money should never be greater than a human life. Were some fund managers or any sort of money manager directly at fault? That would depend on case to case. But as a group of people the finance community did go overboard and were driven by greed, ego, a certain ruthlessness and recklessness at that point in time. Money had become a game to them and they were high on that money and the power it gave them . Greed is one of the Seven sins for a reason. So it was a little of everyone’s fault.

Some people who saw direct impact of the greed on people couldn’t take it like Du Shik. He mentioned the profession was too money oriented for him to begin with. He was good at his work because he has a knack of being good at almost everything but was it a fit to his personality? may be not. Others reacted in varied ways. But I don’t think anyone was left unscathed. It’s just that the lessons learnt and reactions were dependant and directly proportional to their conscience level.

So although Du Shik shouldn’t be blamed for the Hyung or Watchman I just think that they all were ill fated like Ji PD said  because those times were really bad and they all were in the midst of it. Whatever happened to any of them was indeed bad circumstances but it was caused by a part of the human race or a group of people driven by greed and being absolutely insensitive to the fact that money has a direct impact on human lives and their survival, it’s not a game for all. 

But I think what’s important here is for everyone ruthless person in finance who survived the crisis less impacted there will be a Du Shik and watchman who’s life was ruined by it. There were countless people who couldn’t survive the financial ruin to their savings. And there will be a Hyung who’s life was collateral damage. It was the human race driven by greed that caused all the disaster and mayhem.


yet it was still a community of people - the Gongjin poeple, Hye Jin, Ji PD and even hyungs wife who turned a leaf and told her son that Du Shik was family because honestly that’s what her husband would have wanted. For every human driven by one of the 7 deadly sins there will be more who understand love and belonging. No heartfelt good gesture is small like Gamris message to Du Shik. Like the Gongjin people keeping Du Shik busy. There is a healing power in communities - through the kindness and  love making you feel that you belong and are valued. That’s how humanity survives generation after generation. That’s how hope survives and tides and times turn from bad times to good times ♥️

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Hyung's wife really made me mad and triggered me. She was so rude and disrespectful and thinks she was being helpful. She knows it wasn’t his fault yet she won’t apologize for what she put him through. I get she lost her husband but he wasn’t just her husband. In this world it doesn’t matter what your relationship is to someone, you don’t get a monopoly on grief. People have many titles in their life and may different important relationships. Idk if I was her husband I’d be extremely disappointed in her. 

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17 minutes ago, ferily said:

I don’t think the hyung wasn’t a scammer at all too. Du Sik’s hyung wanted to take Du Sik under his wing and wanted the best for him, which is why he asked Du Sikto intern at his company (in previous scene, this was mentioned that Du Sik joined as an intern and I’m assuming he converted to full time). It wasn’t the hyung scamming him at all because Du Sik could’ve always told his hyung that he didn’t like the work as a intern and just quit. Even if Du Sik did major in engineering, it’s no surprise that he came to like the work at Hyung’s company. Du Sik ended up liking what he did at the company so continued to work there full-time until the accident happened.

A lot of people who work in the engineering field go to the Stock market field. Coming from a family of engineers, I know it. Also, a lot of people working in big companies like Apple, Google, Bosch, etc etc, get stocks as a part of the salary. Naturally they start getting involved. I know a lot of people who ultimately started earning more through their stock investments than their engineering job.

17 minutes ago, ferily said:


It was definitely Do Ha’s father mistake to put in everything into one stock and risk everything. Now I mentioned before that he was desperate and just wanted the best for his family and some times those factors lead us to make maybe not the best decisions or we think it’ll be a good decision. We are all human, make mistakes and can be irrational at times. I would say that it wasn’t Du Sik’s fault that Do Ha’s father committed suicide at all (he was on the way to see him after hearing the news) but it is unfortunate that he had to miss Do Ha’s father call and answering it could’ve make some impact. It’s always about the, “what ifs”. Du Sik gave the money to the wife because he felt partially responsible for Do Ha’s father committing suicide, not picking up the call and thinking about the “what if” or “I could’ve changed it if I only…”

The whole "What ifs" and second guessing is something that affects our mental health. Mental health is not given much importance especially by people of older generation. It can just kill a person without any physical harm. Not many people sell all their assets to help a poor person in need. Du Shik is definitely a kind and emotional soul.


17 minutes ago, ferily said:


Now if we are talking about the accident with hyung, it’s a bit different from Do Ha’s father situation. Du Sik and the hyung were both involved in the car accident and the Hyung did drive instead of Du Sik. I’m not saying that it’s Du Sik’s fault that he caused his hyung’s death but Du Sik does feel responsible for it because his hyung offered to drive instead (which btw totally agree with @Sunset and no one should drive when emotional because youre distracted and not focus during that kind of situation).

It has been proven that distracted driving due to emotions or something as simple as answering phone calls in a car is equal to driving while being drunk. (can read an awesome book named the Invisible gorilla for more info) .I try to tell everyone around me to not answer phone calls in a car because of this.

Some cousins think of me of being overly cautious and some even make fun of me for it.  I was very young when that accident occurred. No one was injured in a life-threatening way but I think it made a lasting psychological impact in my life. Science is on my side too. So I don't mind being called crazy for it.

17 minutes ago, ferily said:


The wife definitely need someone to blame at that time and since Du Sik was in the car with him, she resented him and said he should’ve been the one to go instead of the hyung. That’s what grief is all about. However, I didn’t really like how she won’t apologize for saying those hurtful words back then and don’t think that was right on her part. After all these years, the least she could’ve done is say sorry to Du Sik for saying those hurtful words. She was grieving her husband’s death so of course she’ll blame Du Sik at that time, but after all this time, she did mature and should’ve realized… That part kinda bothered me about the wife but I like how she did tell Du Sik to move on and he needs to forgive himself because that’s exactly what he needs to do



So the subtitles were correct. It really bothered me when she said that.




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13 hours ago, heartbeam said:

oh what a sob fest, i teared up, stopped, teared, stopped and finally cried buckets at the last part :sad1:

i speculated something would happen based on the wise words she said and it really happened. 


this episode was amazing though. amazing acting from everyone. 


im excited for tmr’s last episode and hopefully it’s either no tears or happy tears! one thing’s for sure, i’m going to have swollen eyes tmr!

Same! The Show put in the crying scenes in between, I guess to give us room to breathe. I have a headache now that I finished it from all the crying though!


I thought TvN curse was episode 14 but here they also did it in episode 15 whew!


12 hours ago, YuSanSeul said:

And shoutout to KSH, that level of detail as opposed to the usual Kdrama where the actors rush out of a door and straight into their cars! That lost look, fumbling with his keys to the key drop, jitters and heavy breathing. What can't he do!


Oh wow I can't believe that was one shot!! The power of theatre actors :love: His method acting (I think) is really shining through.


21 minutes ago, Sunset said:

A lot of people who work in the engineering field go to the Stock market field. Coming from a family of engineers, I know it. Also, a lot of people working in big companies like Apple, Google, Bosch, etc etc, get stocks as a part of the salary. Naturally they start getting involved. I know a lot of people who ultimately started earning more through their stock investments than their engineering job.

The whole "What ifs" and second guessing is something that affects our mental health. Mental health is not given much importance especially by people of older generation. It can just kill a person without any physical harm. Not many people sell all their assets to help a poor person in need. Du Shik is definitely a kind and emotional soul.


It has been proven that distracted driving due to emotions or something as simple as answering phone calls in a car is equal to driving while being drunk. (can read an awesome book named the Invisible gorilla for more info) .I try to tell everyone around me to not answer phone calls in a car because of this.

Some cousins think of me of being overly cautious and some even make fun of me for it.  I was very young when that accident occurred. No one was injured in a life-threatening way but I think it made a lasting psychological impact in my life. Science is on my side too. So I don't mind being called crazy for it.



So the subtitles were correct. It really bothered me when she said that.




Thank you for the insight on those in the engineering field going to the stock market. It really gives perspective in the supply and demand for work, but also that some fields would really churn more money than others.


I will check out Invisible Gorilla! I myself do not drive a car because I already know that I tend to focus solely on one thing and can't focus on many things like checking roads, if cars are near me, are there people in front or the sides, is there a stop sign, etc. In this case, the hyung was perceptive of this in that DS is not able to drive a car safely. 


But also! Kdrama trope -- the white truck of doom. I thought it wouldn't be the case but from previous previews, they did show a blinding light coming towards a car DS was in. Aigoo~


I'm glad the Show will give us a 2-hour finale -- what a gift!! 


Also adding in this theory from someone on Twitter regarding the hedgehog:


Edited by Chesleigh
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20 minutes ago, Raynaa said:

I think the whole scenario the 2008 housing crisis post Lehman,  the suicides that happened really did happen. Were these lives lost for no reason? Yes - as money should never be greater than a human life. Were some fund managers or any sort of money manager directly at fault? That would depend on case to case. But as a group of people the finance community did go overboard and were driven by greed, ego, a certain ruthlessness and recklessness at that point in time. Money had become a game to them and they were high on that money and the power it gave them . Greed is one of the Seven sins for a reason. So it was a little of everyone’s fault.


It is definitely case by case basis and like you said Money should never be greater than human life. There should be more programs that really help people seek financial advice. As a high school teacher, I have felt that managing finances should be a high school subject. It is something that many people need to make good decisions in life.


20 minutes ago, Raynaa said:


yet it was still a community of people - the Gongjin poeple, Hye Jin, Ji PD and even hyungs wife who turned a leaf and told her son that Du Shik was family because honestly that’s what her husband would have wanted. For every human driven by one of the 7 deadly sins there will be more who understand love and belonging. No heartfelt good gesture is small like Gamris message to Du Shik. Like the Gongjin people keeping Du Shik busy. There is a healing power in communities - through the kindness and  love making you feel that you belong and are valued. That’s how humanity survives generation after generation. That’s how hope survives and tides and times turn from bad times to good times ♥️


I always try to reach out to people who are going through tough situations in life and try to support them and listen to them. A small gesture goes a long way.

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Gamri's death at the end of the episode will be a test for Dusik after today's event...will he get out of his own guilt this time and know that elder people will eventually leave this world, sooner or later? Or, will the self-suggestion that he's the bad-luck who would just push everyone to death solidify even more? On top of it, Hye-Jin's job offer will force him to evaluate his priorities again. It will be interesting to see.

Up to episode 15, I gotta say the writer intentionally not made Hometown chachacha a story of two people in love. It's a story about a town that mends broken hearts. Even Ji PD, or the wife of the dead husband, or even the cameraman with a vegetative father...Everyone comes and gets the closure of their story here.

Surprisingly, the highlight of this episode for me was  I- Jun, Gongjin's little genius. The way he was unsure how to deal with this newfound happiness, a.k.a his parents' reconciliation, hence go cry alone in a deserted place was so touching but also relatable. This feeling in him as well as the girl crying for mama during the storm are rarely explored in dramas and arts. I really appreciate writer-nim for making us reliving many pure emotions besides romance.

Last but not least, I so love Hye Jin's personality. Back then, till now, from a student to a dentist, she has always been this strong, calm and independent lady, who's not afraid to speak what she thinks, who demands the truth she deserves, and always gives a helping hand to people who are in need. This realistic character do exists in real life, and is one of those who makes this world a better place to live. 

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13 minutes ago, L A said:

Gamri's death at the end of the episode will be a test for Dusik after today's event...will he get out of his own guilt this time and know that elder people will eventually leave this world, sooner or later? Or, will the self-suggestion that he's the bad-luck who would just push everyone to death solidify even more? On top of it, Hye-Jin's job offer will force him to evaluate his priorities again. It will be interesting to see.

Yes, especially since he didn't eat/acknowledge Gamri's food everyday. He finally ate some when Hye Jin gave it. Did he visit Gamri after he cleared up his head? Makes my heart bleed for him.

13 minutes ago, L A said:


Surprisingly, the highlight of this episode for me was  I- Jun, Gongjin's little genius. The way he was unsure how to deal with this newfound happiness, a.k.a his parents' reconciliation, hence go cry alone in a deserted place was so touching but also relatable. This feeling in him as well as the girl crying for mama during the storm are rarely explored in dramas and arts. I really appreciate writer-nim for making us reliving many pure emotions besides romance.


Yup Little genius was absolutely amazing. I was fully crying with him. My eyes are totally red today .


Also a worthy mention of how beautifully Yeo Hwa Jeong knew and accepted Chu Hee's love for her . It was such an awww moment for me.

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1 hour ago, Sunset said:

To me, the Hyeong doesn't sound like a scammer. I know a lot of people think that way over here, but I disagree. 

I guess I feel this way because my dad was an engineer and he did a lot of stock market investments throughout his life. These investments really boosted our way of life and our savings. There is a lot of mathematics and coding involved in investing. So I can understand why Du-Shik inspite of being an engineer found some love for it.

Hey I didn't mean that Hyung was a scammer, but the words he used or at least the subtitles "we give poor people hope that they can also become rich" is 100% words of scammers. Also, when we talk about ourselves, we are talking about a privileged section. We invest our money and we become richer, but we already have that money to invest. I have quite a few investments too. But these funds aren't for those like Do Ha's dad, hence saying that poor people can become rich through investments is quite a stretch. It's like glossing over the actual realities. Having financial knowledge itself is a privilege, something Do Ha's father didn't have and hence he made utterly stupid investments. Also, money isn't infinite, it's a finite resource. Some people become rich when other people remain poor, billionaires become billionaires because they can make powerless people work more, obtain more labour at a cheaper price, get 5 people to do 15 people's job. Apple for instance manufactures their phones in China where labour is cheap and then sell them to rich people even in developing countries like ours at an astronomical price. Most of the high quality branded clothing get made in Bangladesh, again for reasons obvious.

Anyway, I digress. What I meant is that describing investment funds as something that makes poor people rich isn't the right thing. I guess that confused Du Sik too.

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9 hours ago, refugeebluez said:

This episode leaves me so dissatisfied. :expressionless: It's like the climax of It's Okay to Not be Okay all over again.

So Du Sik's crime was NOTHING? I at least hoped he was a ruthless corporate climber but NOPE!

I'm not going to contain my disappointment here and say it, the writing let me down. I'm a sucker for good writing, over any ships and romance. This was actually my biggest fear, that they'll show Du Sik as someone who's atoning for crimes he did not commit. Why are Kdrama production houses so scared of portraying the male lead even in a remotely a negative light?

Du Sik didn't even ask Do Ha's father to invest in that fund, in fact he advised him against it, but his dad took out all his savings and deposited it in because he was greedy and also not very educated, as simple as that. Then Du Sik gets blamed for that and gives up on his life and his career??! I bet Do Ha's dad would have even joined Squid Game and then they'd have blamed Hong Du Sik for it. :expressionless:

Also, clearly Hong Du Sik was never cut out for this job, he should have stuck to his original career path, but his hyung persuaded him to join his firm, why bro? :unamused: Hyung said to him that "we give hope to poor people that they can also become rich", in other words: we scam poor people. No poor person has ever become rich by investing in funds, it's the rich people who become richer. Investing in stocks is something that only those can afford to do who have that kind of savings every month, because it comes with a lot of risk. That's why we have a whole paragraph of disclaimer in Mutual Fund advertisements.

Now coming to hyung's widow, okay she was reeling in shock but does that mean you blame the one who survived the accident? That's such crap and not convincing at all. After all, it's her husband's firm which lost the money and hence the suicide attempt and hence the accident, so why was she blaming Du Sik for it? And then she couldn't reach out to him and apologise? And even today she said I won't apologise because I was in grief??! You told a vulnerable person who grew up an orphan that he should have died, something he probably already contemplated when his parents and later his grandpa died and you don't think of apologising even once??

And then Do Ha asking Du Sik if he thought money solves everything, well not everything but clearly money solves a lot of problems in life, that's why his father was so crazy about getting rich in a short time.

If the money wasn't important then his mother probably wouldn't have taken it, since she was so disgusted and all.

The problem is capitalism, we are all slaves to it, but they nicely managed to guilt trip Du Sik and ruin his life. I honestly got so mad that he gave up everything, his aspirations, his achievements in the city, all his money, atoning for nothing. Yes, he had a life in Gongjin to fall back on, that helped him, maybe he's after all a country boy, but from a city dweller's pov it all seems very unfair. It's hard to build a good life in a big city, giving it all up for sins that he did not commit and then live as a handyman sounds very romantic but not so nice in real life. It's not like I don't like his life's philosophy, I do. As a city person myself, running in this corporate rat race everyday, even I wish to give it all up and go live in the hills or something. I'm sure a lot of people feel like that. But my issue is Du Sik never chose that life, he was never very ambitious about dealing in money, assets, making a lot of money, swiftly climbing up the corporate ladder. He got persuaded into that field of work and he didn't understand it well until the crisis hit. And then coupled with his personal tragedy, that life became too much of a burden for him. All his hard work amounted to nothing and despite his kind nature he got painted as a villain.

1. Agree with you once about how it's like the climax of It's okay to not be okay. I remember reading all crazy theories about the FL's backstory in It's okay and turned out it's a simple backstory that wasn't really sympathetic at all. As for Homecha,the previous episodes were all about building up an enormous mystery of why Dusik "killed" some people and suddenly he could explain what happened in one go to Hye Jin only in 5 minutes. Because the story was fairly simple.

2. Agreed with you twice about being a sucker of good writing over any ships or romance. The writing has been almost perfect in all these episodes, until ep 15. TBH, everyone's backstory, from the coffeeshop owner to Chinese Restaurant Owner, to Ijun's parents, or Grandma Gamri's were even more sympathetic to me. I do understand that Dusik has guilt because of the bad things that happened to his loved ones almost at the same time, but he is absolutely not to be blamed in both situations that he felt so bad about. It is very well known that stock market is volatile and if you can become a billionaire in one night, you can become penniless the next night. I don't understand-what would the cameraman's dad told his son so that he had such a bad impression about Dusik? I hope the dad didn't tell his son that Dusik told him to invest in this and that...? because that will be such a lie.

3. Agree with you thrice about the dead hyung's wife. To be honest, no matter how heartbroken she is, a person who had conscience would have to apologize to Dusik for getting him into this accident because her husband was THE driver. Okay, she could be momentarily angry and say "you should die instead of him" as a desperate wish, but to blame him that cause his death...that was so extra and irrational. 

4. In a way, I'm glad he left those crazy people. He does well with simplicity. With a small town where people owns their feelings, instead of blaming one another and creating unnecessary dramas to make life even more complicated. If it were other people, they would feel lonely rather than guilty. Yes, lonely because their loved ones have left them. But they shouldn't feel guilty for all the bad lucks in their life. Feeling guilty makes the character seem weak, rather than giving the intention that the character is an alpha man with a golden heart.

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1 hour ago, refugeebluez said:

Hey I didn't mean that Hyung was a scammer, but the words he used or at least the subtitles "we give poor people hope that they can also become rich" is 100% words of scammers. Also, when we talk about ourselves, we are talking about a privileged section. We invest our money and we become richer, but we already have that money to invest. I have quite a few investments too. But these funds aren't for those like Do Ha's dad, hence saying that poor people can become rich through investments is quite a stretch. It's like glossing over the actual realities. Having financial knowledge itself is a privilege, something Do Ha's father didn't have and hence he made utterly stupid investments. Also, money isn't infinite, it's a finite resource. Some people become rich when other people remain poor, billionaires become billionaires because they can make powerless people work more, obtain more labour at a cheaper price, get 5 people to do 15 people's job. Apple for instance manufactures their phones in China where labour is cheap and then sell them to rich people even in developing countries like ours at an astronomical price. Most of the high quality branded clothing get made in Bangladesh, again for reasons obvious.

Anyway, I digress. What I meant is that describing investment funds as something that makes poor people rich isn't the right thing. I guess that confused Du Sik too.


I guess the wordings do feel like a scammer's pickup line but I don't feel that his intention was such or he meant it as such.


As I mentioned, it was my father who was an investor and my father wasn't rich at all. He wasn't privileged. His home in India which he lived his life with his parents consisted of one room which was the kitchen as well (like a studio) around 100 sqft.  There was no bathroom either. They used a public restroom common for all residents in that building. He worked multiple jobs while studying  and never had money to buy his engineering books and used library books, didn't have money to buy a calculator. He was extremely smart. He worked menial jobs and went to college to get a degree in engineering.  He got a job offer from a company and also got 2nd place in an entrance exam for masters in  the best university but he gave up his dream of studying further because of his family's financial condition.


He invested a small portion of the money he earned. Not very risky. He was able to make money through those investments. Ofcourse some of the companies did better than others. I don't believe it is a stroke of luck either. Knowing my father, he would have probably spent so many nights trying to find out which companies are better investments through newspapers in libraries.  


When my maternal grandpa retired, I remember the company offered a severance package of money or stocks and my father told my grandpa to take the stocks instead. The price of that company also multiplied a lot and my grandpa never left an opportunity to brag about his son-in-law to others lol.


Yes, rich becomes richer and billionaires make the poor people work like slaves. But there are poor people like my dad who persevere to get out of that position.

He didn't become a billionaire. It eased his financial situation.

Most of my life I lived in a one bedroom home and slowly, slowly our life improved. Now he owns a 3 bedroom home. It's been 60 years of hard work that makes me respect my dad. He is my role-model in life.


So, my opinion is different from yours. I think investments are important for poor people too. What they shouldn't be attracted by is ponzi schemes,Things that would multiply your money 10 times. Financial education is important. You can say "Hey an apple stock costs xxx$ and how can a poor person invest so much money?" That's where the fund managing company comes in. I don't know if I am allowed to mention names, but I know a one of fund managing company allows you to open an account with 100$ in the account which shows promising returns. I am living in US with my husband now and hence only have knowledge of the fund managing companies here. I know 100$ itself is a lot in developing nations. But I'm sure there are similar scaled down methods of investing.

Nowadays we can buy partial shares and buy partial cryptocurrency too.

I don't know if you read about how rural people/kids in Philippines and other developing countries were able to buy houses because of playing cryptogames etc.


I can totally understand the passion that Du Shik would have developed. He would be able to use his intelligence to properly invest money and give returns for people who need it just like how my dad encouraged my grandpa to get his shares. My father would have been like Du-Shik. He would have wanted to take a job with passion to help others invest but he isn't really built for it. He would be comfortable losing his money and reinvesting but not others.


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ShikHye wedding aside, I hope to see more of Ji PD and writer Wang tonight. Ji PD acting jealous is so funny, I think writer Wang knew already but she wants him to be able to tell her his feelings directly. Can DS go and knock some sense into Ji PD? I want to see more bromance please, they have been such good friends to each other. 

Are you ready to say goodbye to HomeCha and our beloved cast? I am definitely not :(




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3 hours ago, EInfinity said:

ShikHye wedding aside, I hope to see more of Ji PD and writer Wang tonight. Ji PD acting jealous is so funny, I think writer Wang knew already but she wants him to be able to tell her his feelings directly. Can DS go and knock some sense into Ji PD? I want to see more bromance please, they have been such good friends to each other. 

Are you ready to say goodbye to HomeCha and our beloved cast? I am definitely not :(



 Me neither! As much as we've seen our characters develop and their relationships blossom, it was only yesterday that I was bawling my eyes out (and woke up with a headache!), but the series is ending today?!! :cry:


@bearcreek I can't believe they are already airing final thoughts! Just makes it more surreal that tonight really is the end. NOoooo. SMA is true to her character, she's so cute with her pose as if she's crying, whilst posing with the scriptbook. Haha


I think it's really cute how the main cast is promoting the scriptbook for the last episode. Is it just me, or is it a really odd/out of the ordinary item to release for a drama? Hmm

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