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[Drama 2021] River Where the Moon Rises, 달이 뜨는 강


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최종회까지 단 2회만 남겨 둔 '달이 뜨는 강'은 어떤 결말을 맞이할까.



KBS2 월화드라마 '달이 뜨는 강'이 종영까지 단 2회만 남겨두고 있다. '달이 뜨는 강'은 고구려가 삶의 전부였던 공주 평강(김소현)과 사랑을 역사로 만든 장군 온달(나인우)의 순애보를 그린 퓨전 사극 로맨스로, 역사와 상상을 오가는 역동적인 전개로 시청자들의 호평을 받고 있다.

평강 공주와 온달 장군 이야기의 큰 틀은 따라가면서도, 중간중간 비어 있는 부분들은 새로운 이야기로 채워가고 있는 '달이 뜨는 강'. 그렇기에 시청자들은 역사의 기록이 비극적인 엔딩을 예고함에도 불구하고, 해피엔딩을 기대하게 된다. 이에 단 2회만을 남겨둔 '달이 뜨는 강'이 어떤 이야기를 펼쳐갈지 많은 이들의 이목이 집중된 상황이다. 과연 남은 2회에서는 어떤 이야기들이 펼쳐질까.


◆ 평강X온달, 다시 함께할 수 있을까?

극중 평강과 온달은 서로가 명운임을 알면서도, 함께하면 힘든 길을 걸어야 한다는 것을 알기에 헤어지게 됐다. 그러나 떨어져 있으면서도 서로를 그리워하는 이들의 모습이 시청자들의 마음까지 아프게 한다.

특히 현재 평강은 온달을 대장군에 세워 전쟁에 내보내겠다는 동생 영양왕(권화운 분)의 계획에 맞서 그를 지키고 있다. 온달 역시 유모 사씨부인(황영희 분)을 잃은 이후 다시는 칼을 잡지 않겠다고 마음먹은 상황. 두 사람이 함께하기 위해서는 온달이 필연적으로 칼을 잡아야 하는 가운데, 이 둘의 운명은 어떻게 될지 귀추가 주목된다.




◆ 고구려 영양왕 vs 신라 진흥왕, 두 나라 대결의 끝은?


현재 '달이 뜨는 강'은 고구려 영양왕(권화운)과 신라 진흥왕(김승수)의 시대를 다루고 있다. 두 왕 모두 역사에 길이 남은 정복왕인 만큼, 극중에서도 영토를 확장하기 위한 이들의 욕망이 인물들 간 갈등의 주요 요소로 쓰인다.

무엇보다 아단성을 둘러싼 고구려와 신라의 대결에 이목이 집중되고 있다. 영양왕이 원래 고구려의 땅이었던 아단성을 신라로부터 되찾아오기 위한 전투를 준비 중인 것. 과연 아단성을 둔 고구려와 신라의 대결은 어떤 결말을 맺을까. 이 대결의 끝이 궁금해진다.






◆ 신라로 넘어간 고건X해모용, 이들의 운명은?

고구려와 신라의 대결, 그 사이에는 고건(이지훈)과 해모용(최유화)이 있다. 신라의 첩자로 고구려에서 살던 해모용은 역모를 일으킨 고건을 살리기 위해 함께 신라로 넘어갔었다. 이어 두 사람은 신라의 사신으로 다시 고구려에 넘어왔다.


이들은 고구려를 도발해 죽음으로 전쟁의 씨앗이 되려 했지만 고건을 살리려는 해모용의 이중 첩자 노릇으로 죽음의 위기를 벗어났다. 서찰에 담아 온 신라의 뜻마저 거절당한 두 사람은 무사히 신라로 돌아갈 수 있을까. 또한 이들의 방문이 고구려와 신라 사이에 어떤 영향을 미칠까. 고건과 해모용의 운명에 많은 관심이 쏠리고 있다.

한편 KBS2 월화드라마 '달이 뜨는 강' 19회는 19일 밤 9시 30분 방송된다.


김나연 기자 delight_me@slist.kr

<저작권자 © 싱글리스트 무단전재 및 재배포금지>


i hope somebody will translate it for us

so sad there is blood on their hands again but at least they are together...nice photo ...please run away from the war ,palace and that selfish king

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@andy78 thanks for the article, using Google to translate the text below.....

What will be the end of the'River River', which has only two episodes left until the final episode?


There are only two episodes left until the end of KBS2's Monday and Tuesday drama'River River'. The'River of the Moon' is a fusion historical drama romance depicting Princess Pyeong-gang (Kim So-hyun), who was all of Goguryeo's life, and Ondal (Na In-woo), a general who made love into history. It is a dynamic development that goes back and forth between history and imagination. It has been well received.
The'River of the Moon' is filling the empty parts in the middle with new stories while following the big frame of the story of Princess Pyeonggang and General Ondal. Therefore, viewers expect a happy ending despite the historical record foretelling a tragic ending. This is a situation where many people's attention is focused on what kind of story the'River of the Moon' will unfold. What kind of stories will unfold in the remaining episode 2?

More under spoilers....


◆ Pyeonggang x Ondal, can we be together again?
In the play, Pyeonggang and Ondal were separated because they knew that each other was Myeongwoon, but they knew that if they were together, they had to walk a difficult path. However, the appearance of those who miss each other even though they are away hurts the hearts of viewers.
In particular, Pyeonggang is currently defending Ondal against the plan of his younger brother, King Yeongyang (played by Hwaun Kwon), who plans to send Ondal to the war. After Ondal lost his nanny's wife (played by Hwang Young-hee), he decided not to hold the knife again. In order for the two to be together, Ondal inevitably has to grasp the sword, and attention is paid to the destiny of the two.

◆ Goguryeo King Yeongyang vs. Shilla Jinheung, the end of the confrontation between the two countries?
The current'River River' deals with the times of Goguryeo King Yeongyang (Kwon Hwa-un) and Shilla Jinheung (Kim Seung-soo). As both kings are conquering kings that have remained in history, their desire to expand their territory is used as a major factor in the conflict between the characters.
Above all, attention is focused on the confrontation between Goguryeo and Silla over Adan Castle. King Yeongyang is preparing for a battle to recover Adanseong, which was originally the land of Goguryeo, from Silla. What will be the end of the confrontation between Goguryeo and Silla, who have a strong personality? I am curious about the end of this confrontation.

◆ Go Gun X Haemo-yong, who passed to Silla, what is their fate?
The confrontation between Goguryeo and Silla, between Go Gun (Lee Ji-hoon) and Haemo-yong (Choi Yoo-hwa). Hae Mo-yong, who lived in Goguryeo as a spy of Silla, went to Silla together to save Go-Geon, who caused the tragedy. Following this, the two returned to Goguryeo as ambassadors of Silla.
They tried to provoke Goguryeo to become the seeds of war with death, but escaped the crisis of death by acting as a double spy of Haemo-yong trying to save Gogon. Will the two people who have been rejected even the will of Silla, which has been contained in the temple temple, return to Silla safely? Also, how will these visits affect between Goguryeo and Silla? Much attention is being paid to the fate of Go Gun and Ha Mo Yong.
Meanwhile, the 19th episode of KBS2's Monday-Tuesday drama'River River' will be broadcast at 9:30 pm on the 19th.
Reporter Kim Na-yeon delight_me@slist.kr
<Copyright © Single List Unauthorized Reprint and Redistribution Prohibited>


I hope they will go for the novel’s happy ending. 

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thanks @shinkeru...in the novel Go dies by Dal sword...i wonder if in the drama he will die by Dal sword or he will duel his student, our beloved princess...


Here is soompi 's article version i think...

Key Points To Anticipate In Final Episodes Of “River Where The Moon Rises”

As the drama heads toward its final week, KBS 2TV’s “River Where the Moon Rises” has shared what to look forward to in the final two episodes!

“River Where the Moon Rises” is a reinterpretation of a classic Goguryeo folk tale that tells the love story between Princess Pyeonggang (Kim So Hyun) and On Dal (Na In Woo).


Here are three key points to look out for in the final episodes of “River Where the Moon Rises.”

1. Pyeonggang and On Dal’s relationship

Although Pyeonggang and On Dal knew that they were fated for each other, they broke up due to the knowledge that they would have a difficult road ahead if they remained together. The sight of the pair still yearning for each other tugged at the hearts of viewers.

Pyeonggang is protecting On Dal from her younger brother King Yeongyang (Kwon Hwa Woon), who wants to make On Dal a general and send him off to war. This comes after On Dal had made up his mind to never pick up a sword again after losing Lady Sa (Hwang Young Hee), the woman who raised him. As On Dal must take hold of the sword once again in order for for him and Pyeonggang to be together again, viewers are eagerly anticipating how their relationship will play out.


2. The battle between King Yeongyang and King Jinheung

The drama has been following the bitter conflict between Goguryeo’s King Yeongyang and Silla’s King Jinheung (Kim Seung Soo), both known historically as kings bent on conquest. Viewers’ attention is focused on the battle between the two leaders surrounding Adan Fortress. As King Yeongyang prepares a plan to take back the fortress for Goguryeo, the final result of the two nations’ battle remains up in the air.





3. Go Geon and Hae Mo Yong’s fate

Stuck in the midst of Goguryeo and Silla’s conflict are Go Geon (Lee Ji Hoon) and Hae Mo Yong (Choi Yoo Hwa). Having lived in Goguryeo while working as a spy for Silla, Hae Mo Yong saved Go Geon after he caused a conspiracy and brought him with her back to Silla. The pair then returned to Goguryeo, this time as Silla’s ambassadors.

Although they intended to plant the seeds of war by provoking Goguryeo to kill them, they managed to escape death thanks to Hae Mo Yong’s role as a double agent. Whether or not they will be able to return safely to Silla after their actions remains to be seen, as well as the effect their visit will have on the relationship between the two nations.



The final two episodes of “River Where the Moon Rises” will air on April 19 and 20 at 9:30 p.m. KST.


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4 Powerful Moments From Episodes 17-18 Of “River Where The Moon Rises” That Changed Everything

4 Powerful Moments From Episodes 17-18 Of “River Where The Moon Rises” That Changed Everything

River Where the Moon Rises” hit hard this week with two gritty episodes that showed the sageuk isn’t afraid to venture into darker territory. Go Geon (Lee Ji Hoon) and his crazy partner Hae Mo Yong (Choi Yu Hwa) thankfully take a backseat as the show focuses on Pyeonggang’s (Kim So Hyun) climactic battle with her nemesis, Go Won Pyo (Lee Hae Young), and the horrible fallout of what should be a triumphant moment.

None are left unscathed by the final battle for Goguryeo. Here are the most powerful moments from this week’s episodes that changed everything for our favorite and not-so-favorite characters.

Warning: spoilers for episodes 17-18 below.


1. On Dal’s departure


This was coming from the beginning. On Dal (Na In Woo) was already on shaky ground post the many, many battles he found after entering the palace, and things weren’t getting better. Despite having returned to the wife he loves, there’s an awkward tension between them that Lady Sa (Hwang Young Hee) picks up the moment she returns to the palace. It’s hard not to, when soft spoken Dal sterns tells Pyeonggang to let it go and stop trying to force his mother to live in the palace. Ouch!

The archery scene with Crown Prince Won (Park Sang Hoon) where Dal loses it when Won seemed to relish the thought of taking a life is further proof that his mental state is deteriorating.


Dal has seen and shed too much blood and it isn’t the straightforward business he thought it would be. He did all of this for Pyeonggang, to build a better Goguryeo with her, but none of that matters when he’s unable to protect the people he loves as a result.

When he left Lady Sa in the secret passage, Dal made a choice: that he would protect the royal family first and his mother second. It’s a reasonable choice, one that avoided much bloodshed and civil war. But it’s a choice with unforeseen devastating consequences. Lady Sa’s death precipitates a departure that was inevitable and in line with the character we’ve come to love from the start. Dal was never happy in the palace and will never be happy there. And at long last, he’s realized that suppressing himself and living for Pyeonggang will only make him resent her and tear them apart. It’s not that he doesn’t love her. It’s just that they’re on paths that the other can no longer follow. It hurts to watch him break his promise to her, but deep down, even Pyeonggang must have known her softhearted Dal would never be able to keep it.


Four years later, Dal is ridiculously handsome(wow, never thought that stubble would look so good) and has in essence turned into Wol Gwang (Cho Tae Kwan) with a much sadder twist. Rather than the classic outpouring of grief in dramas where male lead keeps remembering the last hurtful thing they said to their dead parent, Dal preserves his mother’s memory by imagining her with him at every moment of the day. It’s probably what kept him sane during four years of utter solitude, minus Sa Poong Gae’s (Kim Dong Young) yearly visits, but it’s painful to watch, especially because he knows he’s hallucinating.

The years have only made Dal double down on his position to remain alone for the rest of his life. Dal might seem unlikeable for this, but it takes great strength of character to walk away from what you love when it hurts you. Nevertheless, it appears fate has other plans for him.


2. Pyeonggang’s revenge and the years since


Lee Hae Young sure makes a mighty fine villain!


If Dal’s lesson was that love can’t conquer everything, Pyeonggang’s is that revenge can’t heal everything. After so many years, she finally gets what she wishes: for Doo Joong Seo (Han Jae Young) and Go Won Pyo to die by her sword. And yet, when the moment is over, she is left without purpose. The goal she had for so many years was fulfilled. She has no goal of her own to accomplish. Worse, while she was so busy scheming and usurping Go Won Pyo, she lost her husband.

And she knows this. When Dal was leaving, she offered to come with him and was ready to leave. Yet, for the first time, our lovable fool saw something that Pyeonggang didn’t. That somewhere along the way, Pyeonggang has given up her dreams. The forthright girl who wanted to rule over all Goguryeo vanished at some point without Pyeonggang even noticing it. She was so busy protecting King Pyeongwon’s (Kim Bup Rae) throne and Crown Prince Won that she forgot her own dreams. It’s worth noting that Dal has mentioned this several times to her over the past few episodes, asking if she’s sure she doesn’t want to rule herself, and Pyeonggang has always avoided the questions, as if she doesn’t believe it can happen. But even when he’s leaving, Dal reminds her of that dream, telling her that she gets to choose who she becomes.

Four years later, the powerful Pyeonggang of episodes before has mellowed to a sad young woman who pushes herself into battle after battle to forget the man she loves. It’s a lonely life, especially contrasted with the happier developments around her like Tara Jin (Kim Hee Jung) and Poong Gae’s marriage (now there’s a hilariously realistic couple). But things haven’t gotten much better for Goguryeo either. Crown Prince Won (now played by the amazing Kwon Ha Woon) has turned into an arrogant ruler with Go Geon-issues. He strips his sister of her military rank if she so much as speaks the wrong way to him. Worse, he wants to force Dal to return to the palace. And Pyeonggang is not going to have Dal ruin himself again.

So it makes sense that she seeks him out when she can’t bear the mess that is her life anymore. However, unlike the dramatic reconciliation viewers might have expected, this show makes it clear that neither Pyeonggang nor Dal have wavered from their separate paths. She offers to abandon everything for him, but would feel conflicted if she went through with it because of her brother’s inexperience as a ruler. Dal knows this but cannot keep being tortured by what he can’t have. It’s a great stalemate and excellent characterization!

But here we return to the idea of fate, which Dal so strongly believed in, and to Pyeonggang’s dream from the beginning of the show. Because fate seems to want Pyeonggang to achieve that dream, and a very unwanted visitor is about to turn everything upside down.


3. Go Geon’s departure and return


It’s hard to feel sorry for Go Geon. This is the man who incited a rebellion with his father, and when his father died as a direct result of said rebellion, he proceeded to kill a blind old woman because he could. It’s unclear if Dal even knows this because he would go berserk for sure.

His teary-eyed moments with Hae Mo Yong (Choi Yu Hwa) are eye roll-inducing because he has nothing to be angry about! He brought this on himself. No one was out to get him; they were trying to stop him from causing further harm in his madness for the throne.

While Pyeonggang’s learned her lesson on revenge, Go Geon’s hellbent on it and furious when Mo Yong drugs him and sweeps him off to Silla. Thus, in the ensuing four years, while absence makes the heart grow fonder for Pyeonggang and Dal, Go Geon and Mo Yong have been at each other’s throats. It’s one of the best “you deserve each other” moments in drama history, as he drinks and slurs his way across Silla and Mo Yong’s left to clean up after an unshaven baby. So when Go Geon pulls himself together and volunteers to head back to Goguryeo as an Silla envoy, it seems for a moment like he has something up his sleeve, in keeping with the brilliant military commander he’s supposed to be (where did that man go, honestly?) Only it turns out that this is his plan: get killed so King Jinheung (Kim Seung Soo) of Silla has an excuse to start a war with Goguryeo and maybe Pyeonggang will get killed.

This has to be one of the weirdest plans in history. Worse, he’s so disappointed that Pyeonggang managed to save his life. And even worse, (or even better) is that he’s still in love with Pyeonggang. Go Geon, what?

He sends Mo Yong out of the room (but she’s eavesdropping, of course) and starts making crazy eyes at Pyeonggang telling her that their marriage could have built an empire, and it’s just wild. Did he love Mo Yong at all? Or did that love die a quick death when she thwarted his revenge, proving that Go Geon really only cares about what he wants more than anyone? It’s sad because if he had truly stuck to the promise he made so many years ago and chosen Pyeonggang over his father, things could have been very different. They still probably wouldn’t have been married but they could have been allies. But Pyeonggang was right in that Go Geon will never change, and any country with him at the lead would only resemble Go Won Pyo’s dream nation: where the ruler cavorts at the people’s expense.


It remains to be seen if there’s anything remotely surprising up Go Geon’s sleeve after this reveal. However, while he’s an open book, the true wildcard in this show is Mo Yong. And she’s just had a nasty shock.


4. Mo Yong’s return to double-agenting


Will we ever know whose side Mo Yong is on? After four years of playing nursemaid to Go Geon, she’s back in Goguryeo and immediately back to making deals to save Go Geon’s life. Or is it her own? It’s unclear if she always knew that Go Geon no longer loves her or was just waiting to hear it out loud. What is clear is that she still says things like this with a straight face:


Mo Yong, how are you not embarrassed!


All this is set to change after she hears that Go Geon doesn’t love her. Perhaps she’ll fight with Pyeonggang instead. Or she could also try to kill Pyeonggang for “taking her man away.” Mo Yong remains a question mark, which is a shame because she had the greatest potential out of every character in the show, excluding Pyeonggang. This was a show where the women could really have shone as powerful, capable, and brilliant, all of which Mo Yong is! Instead, she’s just obsessed over a man who doesn’t love her and who waffles between whether he wants to kill everyone or kill himself. One could almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

With the finale in sight, we’ve so many character and plot threads to wrap up. What has Queen Jin Bi (Wang Bit Na) planned during these four years after the death of her lover? Why is Crown Prince Won so antagonistic toward Pyeonggang, who never did a thing to hurt him?


The preview shows him arresting Pyeonggang and all her friends for treason, forcing Dal to return to the palace to fight for her at Adan Fortress in what could be his final battle. We hear Dal asking Pyeonggang one last time if she really has no intention of ruling over Goguryeo. He tells her that if she wants to rule, he would be the first to fight for her. Is this return to battle and to the palace permanent? Or will Dal see that Pyeonggang is seated on the throne and vanish to the mountains once more? More importantly, what does Pyeonggang really want? Will she choose Goguryeo or Dal? Finally, what craziness will Go Geon and Mo Yong come up with next? Those two won’t sit still for sure.

It’s been an action-packed road and next week will answer all questions. But here’s hoping that Dal and Pyeonggang get their happy ending, the two lovebirds really do deserve it! Plus we need more cute moments. There really have been too many tears the past couple weeks!



Nice article. I like the writer’s analysis and agree that Ondal looks good with stubble :love:

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12 hours ago, rocher22 said:


Dal reminds me here of The Knights of the Round Table..  :wow1:


Omg, On Dal looks finnee in that uniform :cutekitty:


1 hour ago, shinkeru said:

He’s wearing the bracelet again.

I really love this couple. 

 Beautiful fan MV

Ohh is Pyeonggang tied up in the chair because the King captured her and put her in prison? Guess we'll find out in today's episode

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1 hour ago, ferily said:

Omg, On Dal looks finnee in that uniform

he is so handsome...a real man that returned to hell so he ca save his love...she’s so willing to die for him...i love this couple so much

2 hours ago, shinkeru said:

wearing the bracelet again.

i noticed that...means he is her  man again

Na In Woo Appears Before Kim So Hyun In A Dire Situation On “River Where The Moon Rises”

KBS 2TV’s “River Where the Moon Rises” released new stills of Kim So Hyun and Na In Woo!

“River Where the Moon Rises” is a reinterpretation of a classic Goguryeo folk tale that tells the love story between Princess Pyeonggang (Kim So Hyun) and On Dal (Na In Woo).

The new stills depict On Dal approaching Pyeonggang who is on the execution ground as a criminal. In the stills, Pyeonggang is sitting down with her two hands tied to the chair. Despite her identity as as criminal, she overflows with a dignified spirit and sophisticated class. King Yeongyang’s (Kwon Hwa Woon’s) cold expression as he looks down on Pyeonggang from high above adds tension to the scene, making viewers curious to learn what crime Pyeonggang has committed to land herself in this troubling situation.




Another still reveals On Dal coming back to the palace for Pyeonggang while dressed in a full suit of armor. Although he had been taking care of his cottage in the mountains until now, On Dal has come back outside to face the world for Pyeonggang. As they reunite, the two look into each other’s eyes affectionately.




After On Dal left the palace, Pyeonggang and King Yeongyang clashed numerous times. As a vassal to the King, Pyeonggang tended to side with King Yeongyang on most aspects, but she vehemently refused his order to call back On Dal onto the battlefield. On Dal also refused to come out of the mountains on the day Pyeonggang went to find him just to see him again.



Despite all this, On Dal has returned to the palace for Pyeonggang. The stills capture the moment in which On Dal, who only wields a sword for the person he loves, has to face the world again because Pyeonggang is in danger. Viewers are looking forward to finding out how On Dal came to know that Pyeonggang was in trouble and whether he’ll be able to rescue her from the dangerous predicament.

The next episode of “River Where the Moon Rises” airs on April 19 at 9:30 p.m. KST.


i hope she will win too...

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pre released clip of episode 19...




let's hope will end well at least for our otp...

otp best friends...hope they'll survive the war...


New article about war i hope somebody will translate it for us...





i hope is after the war and they decide to leave the palace and that selfish stupid king

yes i hope the 4 best friends survive the battle...


i hope they'll leave and have a son...seems they want to start a familly...

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 EVENT: Game: Guess the drama Part 2


The gossip loving EOs are back with another set of blinds based on the juiciest gossips we heard from the Kdrama world. Let's see if you can guess the dramas based on blinds :hooray:



Your friendly neighborhood and resident Event Organizers,

@Lmangla @partyon @Sleepy Owl



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last preview


i'm so worried ...i hope he'll survive like the monk did...just pretend he is dead to fool the king...


it better be a fake death...like our monk...


so good the evil queen is paying for what she did...

seems he tried to save her...from preview she will try to kill the Silla king and stop the war

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22 minutes ago, andy78 said:


last preview

i'm so worried ...i hope he'll survive like the monk did...just pretend he is dead to fool the king...


Omo, they’re keeping us in suspense until the last episode:weary:  


Maybe this will be Dal’s final lesson from Wol Gwang for our happy ending :D


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8 minutes ago, shinkeru said:

Maybe this will be Dal’s final lesson from Wol Gwang for our happy ending 

yes i hope that...the king will never let otp leave...only if he thinks they are dead...

i don't want to be a dream...

i hate him too...i think he used his sister to get his best general back

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Oh boy, based on the preview for episode 20, it looks like they’re hinting Dal will die in battle :brokenheart: Let’s hope that the preview is deceiving right? I have a feeling that On Dal will die though..


Also WOW! Looks like Go Geon will protect the princess or not betray her the last time?! I honestly had no expectations from him but after all this time, he will be loyal to her? :huh:

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