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[Drama 2020/2021] Delayed Justice, 날아라 개천용


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I am really enjoying this show. The actors are spot-on. The main two are great, but everyone else is awesome too.


It is also really funny. But it is also really... depressing. All this domestic abuse and the damage it causes is just terrible to see. At least the funny parts are very funny... but wow, the sad parts are just absolutely wrenching.

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9 hours ago, chickfactor said:

It is also really funny. But it is also really... depressing. All this domestic abuse and the damage it causes is just terrible to see. At least the funny parts are very funny... but wow, the sad parts are just absolutely wrenching.

so true. two extremes all squished together.  the sob stories were really sad but then you have sam soon turning this around into an article of tears where he makes money. he even makes his grumpy future father-in-law cry. that was funny. kekeke... but then this same article convicts the real culprits that one ends up taking his life and another is so guilty that he is barely holding on. what was sad is that these culprits could have served their time but because of the crooked system, they were sent away. however, justice seems to have a long arm in that their freedom comes at a personal cost where they are racked by guilt and fear. interesting take on the system. am still not sure why the system decided to randomly blame it on 3 guys -- it wasn't like these 3 culprits were of any importance....


didn't expect the tall culprit to actually own up after the pressure from prosecutor jang but like he said, he was screwed if he told the truth and also if he told a lie. ultimately, it is his mom who wants him to live freely without the burden of guilt that really convinces him to move ahead even though he will be separated from his wife and son.


when tae young tells reporter lee that it is his sister's kids, she looked so delighted. found it sweet that he acknowledges the efforts of the mom of his half-brother who also supported monetarily the best she could. complex family but somehow they are all in it together. so is the sister a single mom?


so what's ahead in ep 6 -- are they going to go after all those involved in the cover-up?

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Note: the woman Tae-Yong is living with is his younger sister Seon-Min who is a widow with two young children. Her husband died in an accident.


Just wanted to point out, regarding the Samjeong City case and Sang-Hyeon:


1. The police officer testified that Sang-Hyeon wrote the confession himself, with no intervention. So allegedly, Sang-Hyeon could read and write.


2. Prosecutor Jang Yun-Seok testified that he couldn't coach Sang-Hyeon to say that he killed that woman because Sang-Hyeon could not read or write.


Cheol-Gyu's testimony was a slam dunk for the case, so this shouldn't matter, but I just thought Tae-Yong should have pointed out how both people's testimony couldn't be true.

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I'm a huge fan of legal drama so this one caught my attention and so far this drama is so GOOD. Such a shame it isn't popular thus very underrated. What a perfect combination of laughter and tears, funny yet heartwarming. It got strong main casts too, their interaction are awesome. Though I'm not anticipating loveline I lowkey ship Tae Yong and Yoo Kyung.

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That male reporter can't seem to decide what he wants to do. Also, he's loud. He's always shouting. Accordingly, he's a good reporter and writes really well. If he's that good, how come he doesn't have money and living off his girlfriend?


However, I feel that he doesn't know much. In Ep. 5 he keeps doubting the person he was interviewing, one of the framed guys in the murder. He doesn't even know that people with disabilities have heightened senses, that one or two of their senses get more developed, such as memory, hearing, smell or taste? The man may not be able to write, but he can remember faces and odors. He can remember dates.


The man already said that he remembers everything that he has to do. So why is he frustrated? If he has better understanding of the abilities of a disabled person, he'll be more effective. Just saying...

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On 11/4/2020 at 1:43 AM, Lmangla said:

Thanks for your tag, @Lmangla Better late than never, huh? lol.

I'm watching this drama, too, and loving it even though the pace and tightness of plot is a bit off, I feel. However, it's getting better and better by the episode. This drama is so underrated, it deserves more love. So I'm quoting all your tags in case some others, like me, missed it... (Pardon me if you've already responded to the original tagging)

:waves:  Hello everyone! Thanks to all for your thoughts and updates. 


Can't wait for more! :heart2:

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waving hello to @jadecloud; hello old friend! am not surprised in some way that this drama is underrated. the sob stories have been too much that I am dragging my feet to watch ep 6 and 7. perhaps other viewers like me are looking for a little escape and not necessarily something so heavy. plus, the thread is rather inactive and so not enough motivation to keep watching. :sweatingbullets: wonder how many chingus are watching this drama? if you are, please wave!

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12 hours ago, Lmangla said:

ving hello to @jadecloud; hello old friend! am not surprised in some way that this drama is underrated. the sob stories have been too much that I am dragging my feet to watch ep 6 and 7. perhaps other viewers like me are looking for a little escape and not necessarily something so heavy.

:waves:The draggy and sob bits are true. Probably big hurdles for attracting viewers, esp. during this pandemic.


I like the inspirational parts of the plot:

  1. An attorney who didn't go to college, who was "adopted" and "raised/helped" by a non-related woman, is now rising in fame and paying it forward. Hoping he will be rewarded with his bucket of monetary returns cos his "adoptive" fam needs his support. Will its literal title, Fly from Rags to Riches, ring true for PTY in the monetary sense, eventually? It could also be "riches" in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Self-Actualization. 
  2. A discriminated and shunned reporter who found his flair in writing through his painful past.
  3. A rookie reporter with a silver spoon does not take her life's blessings for granted. Instead, she tries (together with PTY and PSS) her best to help the disadvantaged (poorer, older, less educated, etc.) folks get their day in court for retrials, or the so-called drama title, Delayed Justice. 
  4. I like the brilliance in some parts of the script. For instance:









There are more (from Ep 8), but I'll stop here. This drama may not have many pretty gals or pretty boys with absolute abs lol (though I bet if KSW, still looking good, shows his, it should still be darn awesome lol), nor a sweet romance, though there's a hint of attraction (PTY and LYK) and a mature romance (PSS and gf), the (selective) script and the overall portrayal are the pull factors, not forgetting KSW hehe, at least for me.


The other amazing factor, apart from the inspirational ones, in this drama (and many other dramas) is the emotive essence that makes a viewer reflect within and without. I thought it's JJANG! 


Lastly, just to lighten up and err... hopefully am making sense of it all:





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  • Guest changed the title to [Current Drama 2020/2021] Delayed Justice, 날아라 개천용 - Fri & Sat @ 22:00 KST
48 minutes ago, Jillia said:

As filming is complete through episode 16, these episodes will air with Bae Sung Woo edited out as much as possible, and episodes 17 through 20 will be filmed without this actor. We will prepare to air the broadcasts without any issues.

woah! haven't been watching the series but hope it doesn't affect the story telling.

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5 minutes ago, Jillia said:

I hope so as well. From what I heard the story is interesting and compelling. And since they're almost halfway-through it will be complicated to make the plot consistent when removing one of the main characters.


yea, it would require quite a bit of re-write. so it makes sense they are taking 3 weeks off to figure out how to do this. there is another reporter character but she is a rookie. guess, they will have her step up and do more in the story...

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I am enjoying this drama. it's a pity about Bae Sung Woo - he played his role well.  But glad to hear that Korea doesn't treat their celebrities like demi Gods.  Look at that drama around wife-beater Johnny Depp.  His cuckoo fans demand that his ex-wife, the person he beat up be fired from her movie!  And Dior is standing by him.  So they are saying it's okay to be a wife beater.  I will not purchase anything from dior ever again!

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@Jillia it's suprising isn't it? Jung Woo Sung has not played in any drama almost 9 years and now he'll be here. Just wow!! I am wondering what makes him want to do it.


I love Bae Sung Woo, but I think it's a good decision. I hope all the best for Delayed Justice. This drama is so heartwarming.

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On 12/21/2020 at 4:27 PM, ayamom said:

@Jillia it's suprising isn't it? Jung Woo Sung has not played in any drama almost 9 years and now he'll be here. Just wow!! I am wondering what makes him want to do it.


I love Bae Sung Woo, but I think it's a good decision. I hope all the best for Delayed Justice. This drama is so heartwarming.



I think Jeong Wu-Seong and Lee Jeong-Jae own a talent agency together and Bae Seong-Wu is one of their clients. So I think this is an attempt by them to try and protect one of their own and try to save the project and the other actors and staff members.


I have no objection to this, by the way. DUI is not okay and I hope he gets treatment and learns a lesson. But I hope this is not the end of his career.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thread is too empty and deserted I believe, well, even I had been procrastinating commenting here for weeks, and finally I am getting the time to do it. 


So I have been liking this drama since the first episode. There is always special about dramas which are based on real events, and I always look out for such dramas. Loved the overall concept of this drama, mainly because it is relatable. Relatable in the sense, that I believe you can find such cases almost everywhere, by this I mean, people wrongly accused for the crimes they didn't do, not it maybe because of wrong investigation or because they caught up in it and there was no way to prove otherwise. 


Anyway, the drama has been funny, but sad at the same time. All the stories of the inmates and even the criminals involved were actually sad. This was rare in the sense of showing the actual culprits as good people too, who did something wrong, committed a crime, sinned, but were not totally evil at the same time. Some of them even wanted to get punished for it, but got caught in the blame game of Police and Prosecution and were told to leave as none of them wanted to confess to have caught and prosecuted innocent people instead. 


The latest case had left me two hearted. I did want the culprit to be punished, but I mainly wanted Kim Du Shik to be declared as innocent. Not sure I wanted the main culprit to be punished as much, mainly since he had changed as a person, wanted to get punished but wasn't and now had a family of his own. It was not like he used his connections to get away. I think if he didn't have a family of his own, or even children, he could have confessed in the court about it, because when you have a child, you think about them being labelled as the "Murderer's child". So I do understand why he didn't confess about his crimes in the court. 


Coming to present story, Park Tae Young seems to have convinced himself that he does need more power to do more, and he even said that he does not know whether it is what he actually believes or it is what is convincing him to go for the assembly elections. But after the current case, he does seem a bit lost with it and well, is trying to use his head when it comes to the Court's dealings, but well, on his part he was right saying in the end the Prosecution will have to be involved, but at the same time, I do feel he was kind of naive in believing that prosecutor. 


As for the Sam Soo, I believe he was a bit too emotional in Kim Du Shik's case, mainly because he knew how it felt to be labeled as murderer's son and also since Kim Du Shik was wrongly accused. But sometimes he was too immature. But well, why should be complain on it, since he is the best when it comes to writing. Same is the case with Yoo Kyung, she is hot tempered, does misread the situation sometimes, but knows how to write well. 


As for Jung Woo Sung acting as Sam Soo, I was looking forward to it, and was not disappointed, but at the same time, I cannot help but compare some of his scenes with Bae Sung Woo and think would he look better doing it or not (mainly because I have not really seen Jung Woo Sung doing comic scenes and also Bae Sung Woo had been doing that role for 16 episodes). 


Looking forward to tonight's episode, I don't really think that Park Tae Young will go the Politics way, instead we might see him digging into the past cases just like Yoo Kyung and Sam Soo, now that he knows how the ultimate baddie is. Looking forward to Lee Elijah reprising her chief of staff's role in this one. I have heard, Lee Jung Jae will do the same. This drama has been quite underrated despite being so good, I really hope it would be more recognition. 


@Thong Thin, @Jillia looking forward to your posts on this one (if you are still watching it) :approves:



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