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[OFFICIAL] Song Seung Heon x Seo Ji Hye (Dinner Mate Couple / Destiny Couple)


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Song Seung-heon
Deemed as the K-drama industry's 'tough guy', Song Seung-heon is a real romantic under his tough exterior. As an actor and a restauranteur, Seung-heon knows a thing or two about the recipe of falling in love! As a true romantic, his outfits consist of crisp white button-downs, statement blazers, and nicely fitted trousers.



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If you look back at SSH-SJH's interview on Japanese TV, we will see how actually SSH gave support to SJH in facing this interview and on the other hand SJH needed support from SSH considering this was her first interview with an overseas TV program.


I am guessing that all of you must have paid no attention to how SSH was giving support by nodding his head before SJH started speaking. The moment occurred after they gave their opening words by greeting Japanese TV viewers. 


When it came to the question what role did they play?
We see SJH sat in a formal position, maybe a little tense. 
Her face was looking at SSH. And SSH also was looking at her and giving a sign by nodding his head. She immediately faced to the camera after noticing that the camera actually was on. Then she started to speak.


When the second question came, why did they take that role? 
SSH was still looking at her and (as if) fixing his shirt cuff, while SJH was already feeling relaxed by crossing her left legs. 
She explained confidently why she took the role of WDH. Even she complimented SSH saying that she immediately took the role when she found out the name SSH was there.


It seemed SSH didn't expect that SJH would compliment him, so it made him who initially listened seriously, laughed and replied that he also did the same thing. He immediately took the role when he found out the name SJH was there. They laughed. Then he said that he thought they would have an interesting chemistry.


After that SSH seemed to let her go through the interview well and as we can see, SJH quickly could adapt to the situation. It was seen how she seemed more relaxed in answering the next questions. 


As the question came how did she think working with SSH?
She honestly and sincerely praised SSH by saying that considering SSH was her first co-star, she was initially awkward. But he was able to create a pleasant atmosphere at the shooting location so that she felt at ease. She thought that he had led her, so she thanked him. 


After saying her compliments and thanking to him, she didn't realize when he suddenly bowed his head and saying thank to her. 
She stunned a moment and immediately answered yes while bowing her head too, returning his respect and then they laughed.


Seeing their interview makes me smile. They are like two teenagers who secretly has a crush on each other.

Even if the culture of praising co-star has always been shown in public by actors and actresses in Korea, but this is the first time I've seen interviews of two main leads, complimenting and teasing one another. 

(I've never seen a situation where Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin were interviewed together. Is their behavior like SSH and SJH, complimenting and teasing each other? there any one of you see?)


They also looked blushing when they got compliments from each other. Sometimes there were words and body language that only they themselves seemed to understand.


Have you ever seen SSH do an interview with his female lead and then he said that he was curious about her? Or have you seen another actors do an interview and told honestly in public that they were curious about their female lead?


You can also see how SSH thanked her with respect, he let go of his cross legs, lowered his head and looked directly at her face. (His face looks happy).

Actually he could just say thank you to her while bowing his head without having to let go of his cross legs as he did when he got compliments from his other co-stars. But it seemed he treated SJH very special.


There was a moment when SSH was talking about memorable scenes and lines in DM, SJH suddenly interrupted just to say that SSH's comedy acting was also interesting. 
SSH stopped and turned to her with an understanding face letting her speak. When he knew it turned out that SJH was praising him, he joked with a cough. 
In return SSH praised SJH back how he wondered why she didn't do such bright and attractive role sooner. (He also said this at the press conference.). SJH blushed.


You may wonder why only SJH got the question "what do you think working with SSH"? , while SSH did not get the question "what do you think working with SJH"?


I think it's because of SSH's name has been very popular in Japan, and he has many loyal fans over there. That's why DM was showing in Japan because there was SSH's name. And of course getting the opportunity to star in DM with famous actors like SSH was definitely a very valuable experience for SJH. So that the Japanese TV only directed that question to her.


In my opinion, SJH's experience of having interviews with Japanese TV will be something she can be proud of, because not all female actresses in Korea have this opportunity.


Although SJH is well known in Japan for her role as So-dan in CLOY, she doesn't get the chance to get interview and photo shoot for Japanese viewers. Even if there is a CLOY interview and photo shoot for Japanese TV, surely CLOY's main leads, like HB and SYJ will do it.


Thanks to DM, SSH and SJH got the opportunity to appear together on Japanese TV.

And it was very obvious that SSH looked very proud to introduce his beautiful female lead, Seo Ji-hye, to Japanese viewers.


Throughout the interview he showed his concern and support for SJH. He praised her several times and sometimes teased her. (Seems like he's happy to see her blushing).


Likewise on their interview promo video, he looked proud and happy. Several times he couldn't help but look up at her with a smile.


We can also take a look at their photos for TV guide magazine and Mokkan magazine.
They posed in "playing hard to get" mode, while in their Instax photos with their autograph for fans, they looked very intimate in "a couple" mode (they might think these photos were limited edition specifically for Japanese fans, not for publication in the media and not everyone could see so they acted to be themselves).


If you miss them, you can look back at their interview with Japanese TV,  their DM promotional video for Japanese TV and their interview promotional video for Mokkan magazine.

There you can see how they interacted with each other in reality, especially in interview.


You will smile seeing how they praised each other, teased each other, and blushed when they got each other's compliments.
You can also see how SSH's expression when he said "Is that so" and "Seo Ji-hye is on my mind".

His face looked helpless when he said that words while looking at her.

On the other hand, the straightforward SJH immediately replied to his words with a laugh. As usual they will end their bickering with a laugh.


I don't want to guess whether they are dating or not.
My only thoughts are that they are a soul mate. They will always need each other, especially SSH.

SJH is someone special for him. They are the perfect team.


Looking at SSH's behavior in some of their previous videos (BTS videos etc) including their latest videos interview with Japanese TV, DM promotional for Japanese TV and interview promotion for Mokkan magazine) there is one important highlight on SSH's behavior, where he always looks helpless when he is with SJH.


If you are observant, you can see the difference when he was with SJH and when he was with a bunch of women in the program Gamseong Camping.

Even though on the program he laughed, cared for them, joked around and looked familiar with them, but something was different.  SJH is still someone special for him.


Hoping MBC will have its Annual Awards Event, and SSH and SJH will be there.

I'm curious to see how SSH will react to seeing the beautiful SJH with him there.

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The day after SJH's CF for Vovo comes out, SSH's behind the shoot stills for Pharmsville was released.


and also this...



Leaving this right here.  :heart::heart::heart:     Have a great weekend, friends! :ok:

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Our Couple’s CF update is synchronized again.
A day after the other.

Just like their Collagen Supplement CF. 
SJH’s CF would come out first then SSH a day or two after.


Aren’t they both glowing?

How is SSH 44 years old and SJH 36?

What a good looking couple. 




1 hour ago, mtdgmend said:

2020 APAN STAR NEWS: Another best drama nomination for CLOY. This IG post says SJH was nominated,

but I can't confirmation anywhere else that she was. Kudos to CLOY for another nomination just the same. 




I saw another post in IG where SJH was tagged. I think it’s confirmed.





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On 13/11/2020 at 01.13, hrkharis said:

Jika melihat kembali wawancara SSH-SJH di TV Jepang, kita akan melihat bagaimana sebenarnya SSH memberikan dukungan kepada SJH dalam menghadapi wawancara ini dan di sisi lain SJH membutuhkan dukungan dari SSH mengingat ini adalah wawancara pertamanya dengan program TV luar negeri.


Saya menduga bahwa Anda semua pasti tidak memperhatikan bagaimana SSH memberikan dukungan dengan menganggukkan kepalanya sebelum SJH mulai berbicara. Momen itu terjadi setelah mereka memberikan kata-kata pembuka dengan menyapa pemirsa TV Jepang. 


Ketika sampai pada pertanyaan, peran apa yang mereka mainkan?
Kami melihat SJH duduk dengan posisi formal, mungkin sedikit tegang. 
Wajahnya menatap SSH. Dan SSH pun sedang menatapnya dan memberi tanda dengan menganggukkan kepala. Dia segera menghadap ke kamera setelah menyadari bahwa kameranya benar-benar aktif. Kemudian dia mulai berbicara.


Ketika pertanyaan kedua muncul, mengapa mereka mengambil peran itu? 
SSH masih menatapnya dan (seolah) sedang membetulkan manset bajunya, sedangkan SJH sudah merasa santai dengan menyilangkan kaki kirinya. 
Dia menjelaskan dengan percaya diri mengapa dia mengambil peran WDH. Bahkan ia pun memuji SSH yang mengatakan bahwa ia langsung mengambil peran tersebut saat mengetahui ada nama SSH di sana.


Sepertinya SSH tidak menyangka SJH akan memujinya, sehingga membuatnya yang awalnya mendengarkan dengan serius, tertawa dan menjawab bahwa ia juga melakukan hal yang sama. Ia langsung mengambil peran tersebut saat mengetahui nama SJH ada di sana. Mereka tertawa. Kemudian dia berkata bahwa dia pikir mereka akan memiliki chemistry yang menarik.


Setelah itu SSH sepertinya membiarkan dia menjalani wawancara dengan baik dan seperti yang bisa kita lihat, SJH dengan cepat bisa beradaptasi dengan situasi tersebut. Terlihat dia terlihat lebih santai dalam menjawab pertanyaan selanjutnya. 


Ketika muncul pertanyaan, bagaimana menurutnya bekerja dengan SSH?
Dia dengan jujur dan tulus memuji SSH dengan mengatakan bahwa mengingat SSH adalah lawan main pertamanya, dia awalnya canggung. Namun ia mampu menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan di lokasi syuting sehingga ia merasa nyaman. Dia berpikir bahwa dia telah membimbingnya, jadi dia berterima kasih padanya. 


Setelah mengucapkan pujian dan terima kasih padanya, dia tidak menyadari ketika dia tiba-tiba menundukkan kepalanya dan mengucapkan terima kasih padanya. 
Dia tertegun sejenak dan langsung menjawab ya sambil menundukkan kepalanya juga, membalas rasa hormatnya lalu mereka tertawa.


Melihat wawancara mereka membuatku tersenyum. Mereka seperti dua remaja yang diam-diam naksir satu sama lain.

Meskipun budaya memuji lawan main selalu ditampilkan di depan umum oleh aktor dan aktris di Korea, tapi ini pertama kalinya saya melihat wawancara dari dua pemeran utama, saling memuji dan menggoda. 

(Saya belum pernah melihat situasi di mana Hyun Bin dan Son Ye-jin diwawancarai bersama. Apakah perilaku mereka seperti SSH dan SJH, saling memuji dan menggoda? Ada salah satu dari kalian lihat?)


Mereka juga tampak tersipu saat mendapat pujian dari satu sama lain. Terkadang ada kata-kata dan bahasa tubuh yang sepertinya hanya mereka sendiri yang mengerti.


Pernahkah Anda melihat SSH melakukan wawancara dengan pemeran utama wanitanya dan kemudian dia berkata bahwa dia ingin tahu tentangnya? Atau pernahkah Anda melihat aktor lain melakukan wawancara dan mengatakan dengan jujur di depan umum bahwa mereka penasaran dengan pemeran utama wanita mereka?


Anda juga bisa melihat bagaimana SSH berterima kasih padanya dengan hormat, dia melepaskan kaki silangnya, menundukkan kepalanya dan menatap langsung ke wajahnya. (Wajahnya terlihat senang).

Sebenarnya dia hanya bisa mengucapkan terima kasih padanya sambil menundukkan kepala tanpa harus melepaskan kaki silangnya seperti yang dia lakukan saat mendapat pujian dari lawan mainnya yang lain. Tapi sepertinya dia memperlakukan SJH dengan sangat spesial.


Ada saat ketika SSH sedang membicarakan adegan dan dialog yang berkesan di DM, tiba-tiba SJH menyela hanya untuk mengatakan bahwa akting komedi SSH juga menarik. 
SSH berhenti dan menoleh padanya dengan wajah pengertian membiarkan dia berbicara. Saat mengetahui ternyata SJH memujinya, ia bercanda sambil terbatuk. 
Sebagai balasannya SSH memuji SJH kembali bagaimana dia bertanya-tanya mengapa dia tidak melakukan peran yang begitu ceria dan menarik lebih awal. (Dia juga mengatakan ini pada konferensi pers.). SJH tersipu.


Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa hanya SJH yang mendapat pertanyaan "menurut Anda bagaimana bekerja dengan SSH"? , sedangkan SSH tidak mendapatkan pertanyaan "menurut Anda bagaimana bekerja dengan SJH"?


Saya pikir itu karena nama SSH sangat populer di Jepang, dan dia memiliki banyak penggemar setia di sana. Makanya DM muncul di Jepang karena ada nama SSH. Dan tentunya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk membintangi DM bersama aktor terkenal seperti SSH tentunya menjadi pengalaman yang sangat berharga bagi SJH. Sehingga TV Jepang hanya mengarahkan pertanyaan itu padanya.


Menurut saya, pengalaman SJH melakukan wawancara dengan TV Jepang akan menjadi sesuatu yang bisa dia banggakan, karena tidak semua aktris wanita di Korea memiliki kesempatan ini.


Meskipun SJH terkenal di Jepang karena perannya sebagai So-dan di CLOY, dia tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk wawancara dan pemotretan untuk pemirsa Jepang. Kalaupun ada wawancara dan pemotretan CLOY untuk TV Jepang, pasti pemeran utama CLOY, seperti HB dan SYJ yang akan melakukannya.


Berkat DM, SSH dan SJH mendapat kesempatan untuk tampil bersama di TV Jepang.

Dan sangat jelas bahwa SSH terlihat sangat bangga untuk memperkenalkan pemeran utama wanita cantiknya, Seo Ji-hye, kepada penonton Jepang.


Sepanjang wawancara dia menunjukkan perhatian dan dukungannya untuk SJH. Dia memujinya beberapa kali dan terkadang menggodanya. (Sepertinya dia senang melihatnya memerah).


Begitu pula pada video promo wawancara mereka, ia terlihat bangga dan bahagia. Beberapa kali dia tidak bisa menahan untuk tidak menatapnya sambil tersenyum.


Kita juga bisa melihat foto-foto mereka untuk majalah TV guide dan majalah Mokkan.
Mereka berpose dalam mode "bermain keras untuk mendapatkan", sedangkan dalam foto Instax mereka dengan tanda tangan untuk penggemar, mereka terlihat sangat intim dalam mode "pasangan" (mereka mungkin mengira foto-foto ini adalah edisi terbatas khusus untuk penggemar Jepang, bukan untuk dipublikasikan di media dan tidak semua orang bisa melihat sehingga mereka bertindak untuk menjadi diri mereka sendiri).


Jika Anda merindukan mereka, Anda dapat melihat kembali wawancara mereka dengan TV Jepang, video promosi DM mereka untuk TV Jepang dan video promosi wawancara mereka untuk majalah Mokkan.

Di sana Anda bisa melihat bagaimana mereka berinteraksi satu sama lain dalam kenyataan, terutama dalam wawancara.


Anda akan tersenyum melihat bagaimana mereka memuji satu sama lain, menggoda satu sama lain, dan tersipu ketika mereka saling memuji.
Anda juga dapat melihat bagaimana ekspresi SSH ketika dia berkata "Begitukah" dan "Seo Ji-hye ada di pikiran saya".

Wajahnya terlihat tak berdaya ketika dia mengucapkan kata-kata itu sambil menatapnya.

Di sisi lain, SJH yang lugas langsung membalas kata-katanya sambil tertawa. Seperti biasa mereka akan mengakhiri pertengkaran mereka dengan tertawa.


Saya tidak ingin menebak apakah mereka berkencan atau tidak.
Satu-satunya pikiran saya adalah bahwa mereka adalah belahan jiwa. Mereka akan selalu saling membutuhkan, terutama SSH.

SJH adalah seseorang yang spesial untuknya. Mereka adalah tim yang sempurna.


Melihat perilaku SSH di beberapa video mereka sebelumnya (video BTS dll) termasuk video wawancara terbaru mereka dengan TV Jepang, promosi DM untuk TV Jepang dan promosi wawancara untuk majalah Mokkan) ada satu sorotan penting pada perilaku SSH, di mana dia selalu terlihat tidak berdaya. saat dia bersama SJH.


Jika Anda jeli, Anda bisa melihat perbedaan saat dia bersama SJH dan saat dia bersama sekelompok wanita dalam program Gamseong Camping.

Meskipun dalam program itu dia tertawa, merawat mereka, bercanda dan tampak akrab dengan mereka, tetapi ada sesuatu yang berbeda.  SJH tetaplah seseorang yang spesial baginya.


Berharap MBC akan mengadakan Acara Penghargaan Tahunan, dan SSH dan SJH akan hadir.

Saya penasaran untuk melihat bagaimana SSH akan bereaksi melihat SJH yang cantik bersamanya di sana.

Where find the link for the interview? 

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1 hour ago, S. jayanti said:

Where find the link for the interview? 


You can find it at Dinner Mate's IG 


Someone here (probably @fiona628) had shared a video more complete and clear but without the sub, with Google Drive mp4 format.

Or you can search back to the previous page of this thread.

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42 minutes ago, hrkharis said:


You can find it at Dinner Mate's IG 


Someone here (probably @fiona628) had shared a video more complete and clear but without the sub, with Google Drive mp4 format.

Or you can search back to the previous page of this thread.

Here you go





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3 hours ago, S. jayanti said:

Where find the link for the interview? 








Those are the videos found in IG of @dinner_couple of the Japan interview with English sub.

51 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

I can't find confirmation, that this nomination for her role in CLOY.

Maybe it was for her role in CLOY for which SJH is nominated since CLOY is nominated also. She must be really good because she is nominated for best actress and not best supporting actress even if she is the second female lead in CLOY.

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10 minutes ago, huckleberrymoonriver said:


Maybe it was for her role in CLOY for which SJH is nominated since CLOY is nominated also. She must be really good because she is nominated for best actress and not best supporting actress even if she is the second female lead in CLOY.

It can be for her role in DM. For example, Ji Chang-wook is nominated, but his drama is not. And he is not the only one.

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18 hours ago, hrkharis said:


Thanks for your response but the video @s.jayanti meant was an SSH & SJH interview with Japanese TV.

If I'm not mistaken, you've shared that video in Google Drive format on the previous page.

Sorry Dear wrong link earlier.

I do not have the google link for the KNTV interview. I only know the ILA link. 
The interview can be watched on Dinner Couple’s IG 


16 hours ago, airgelaal said:

It can be for her role in DM. For example, Ji Chang-wook is nominated, but his drama is not. And he is not the only one.

Wikipedia said SJH was nominated for Best Actress in CLOY. “Pending Status”.
I was expecting her to be nominated for DM since that is her most recent drama. Joo Won was even nominated for Alice when his drama just concluded.

Such a bummer that SSH or anyone from DM did not even get a single nomination. 

I saw this in FB.

Yoon So Yi’s (SJH’s BFF) bridal pre photoshop with Seo Hyo Rim(she just had a baby girl) and Shin So Yul

Majority of her BFF’s are married.
I really hope and pray she will get married soon. 



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@fiona628 Yes, it seems that there is some synchronicity happening with these two: CFs releases (and outfits as well), appearances in shows (ILA, and Emotional Camping), etc. Then there's the giddy, glowing, happy couple vibe as we've seen in the Japanese KNTV and magazine interviews. Here's to more of the same with this couple. Have a great week, ALL!


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