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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上


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I just give some knowledge about the Asian Zodiac, in case somebody's interested to know:

- There are 12 animals :Rat ,Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse,Goat, Monkey, Rooster, dog, pig. They represent for each year accordingly. The rat represents for this year 2020.

- These animals also represent for the time periods in a day:

23 to 1: Rat

1- 3: Ox

3-5: Tiger

5-7: Cat

7-9: Dragon


CY transformed to the Rat, it should be in the time 23h - 01h

She transformed to the Dragon, it should be in the time: 7-9h

Remember the night she transformed to the pig after singing on stage? It should be: 21-23h


The reason why these periods of time are named according to these animals is because: at that time, the animal is most active.

For example, the Rat goes to get food most actively at 23-1h. The Ox eructs & chew the foods again at 1-3h.

Tiger goes hunting at 3-5h


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1 hour ago, SC2019 said:

Anyways, I've briefly watched E27 & E28, and I believe it's been mentioned already in the forum but I'll just do a brief summary based on what I've just watched. 


[I am aghast at the turn of events. Cy and XY have been in this constant relationship of being together, then apart, then together, then apart that when it reached the point of them having this wedding, I thought, finally, yay, this 'dance' is finally over. Well, it turns out that it's not. sigh. I think I wanna wait till the last episode to see the ending, rather than put up with thuis heart-rending plot anymore.]


Thank you for the summary so much! I can feel your frustration just from reading your posting haha:sweatingbullets: 


So they give us the revelation of Xue Yao's brother story arc first then Xue Yao's wedding with Na Xi later? 

I wonder how Xue Yao and Chu Yue will reconcile later since the drama's plot that I guess are happening backwards:huh:


1 hour ago, SC2019 said:

Anyways, CY appears in disguise (as a maid?) and XY thinks he's drunk, that it can't possibly be her but of course it's her really turning up at his residence and that's where the bed scene is. It's awfully sweet, she suggests that they run away together but he refuses saying that he wants to do it properly and officially. So he says they should do the deed first and seek approval later. I think she thought he meant to consummate their marriage there and then but of course none of that takes place (sob sob). There's a scene where they eat out at a stall and take turns to feed each other which is awfully sweet and they prepare for the marriage, properly, wedding garb, decorations and I think the dowry as well. 


Are you sure there's none? No hint about it at all?

But why Xue Yao? Why? I thought you want a son or a daughter? You confused me as the audience like how confusing this drama plot is right now:unsure:


Maybe he actually plan to do it after their second wedding?

Or maybe they actually already did it on that moment but the writer want us to imagine it with the typical tease of "aha, you thought they didn't but actually they did although it did look like they didn't hohoho" bed scene for PG-13 historical asian dramas?


Well at least they have "cuddling & sleeping on the same bed together" scene huhu

*join sobbing with you*:cries:


Seem it gonna be angsty on later episodes with Xue Yao & Na Xi wedding arc until Chu Yue fell in the deep sleep state-_-


So I'm gonna rewatch the mvs and clips of their scene together to ease my heart:expressionless:


Is there anyone willing to translate these bts?

The scene was intense in the drama but they were actually so cute with the splashing water at each other in the bts



I want to know what Zheng Ye Cheng said about in here too:tears:



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@enzek well, there's wishful thinking that sth did happen though by the looks of it, it was perfectly chaste. Of course, I stand corrected if someone else observes otherwise.

I haven't watched spoilers and don't have access to other bits of info, so I am not aware of the actual wedding scene btwn XY and Na Xi.

As for Na Xi, I must say, she looks tough and rude, but she has been trying to win XY's family - went to XY's house and tried to build ties with the Old Aunt, etc (but of course the Old Aunt had already set her eyes on CY and advised her to fight for her relationship with XY, and not give up).She was also rather abrupt and rude to CY but after she saw how upset CY was seeing XY and Na Xi together, she apologised to her. So, that lass is good at heart after all.


Turns out, she did a lot for XY in her own country, to help XY with his military conquests (am guessing some of the content as my Chinese understanding is rather mediocre). But to XY, that was done for her personal gains, however, from her perspective, it sounds like she really did it for him. In fact, she bears a scar on her arm as a reminder of him, they probably fought or something like that. But XY is very harsh towards her and has no eyes for her at all. That's great for CY but I can't help feel sorry for Na Xi.


I also can't wait to find out why CY has been asleep for a whole year (the recounting at the beginning)...


Yah, you can tell I am a bit exasperated, more so with the wedding btwn Na Xi and XY. [reason is I am watching In A Class of her Own, and there is another wedding going on there that is totally unnecessary but has to take place because of the plot. Luckily, I know this is a remake of a Korean drama and happen to know it's ending. Still, feel like pulling my hair out watching parallels in both dramas. And, just saying out loud, what's with C costume dramas all having their plots built around academic life? Dance of the Sky Empire, Dance of the Phoenix, The Heiress, In A Class of Her Own, Qing Qing Zi Jin... LOL] 

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 I find that XY behaviour is really unfair! So, NX and XY really have a "history" granted it may be onesided feelings in her part, but they share live and death situation together, yet he conceal that fact from CY.


In the other hand, he gets crazy upset with CY that his brother died saving the woman he loves (well, technically saving imperial tablet), with CY doesnt even know what happen nor have a choice in the matter.


Did I misunderstand something? Am I lost in translation (or the lack of)?


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2 hours ago, suzy0604 said:

 I find that XY behaviour is really unfair! So, NX and XY really have a "history" granted it may be onesided feelings in her part, but they share live and death situation together, yet he conceal that fact from CY.


In the other hand, he gets crazy upset with CY that his brother died saving the woman he loves (well, technically saving imperial tablet), with CY doesnt even know what happen nor have a choice in the matter.


Did I misunderstand something? Am I lost in translation (or the lack of)?

The drama's writer is unfair to Chu Yue LOL


She's an unfavored princess that been raised for personal gain by emperor that killed her real father.

She had to married while she's unconscious with a man that quite suspicious towards her although then he changed.

The man whom she loved blamed her about his brother's death that actually not her fault.

The foreign princess that she assumed as her friend will get married with her beloved man.


I guess the reason why she in the deep sleep state like in the beginning of this drama is also related with saving Xue Yao in later episode huhu 


That's why I mentioned in my comment before that as the more episodes passed and near the ending, I pitied her more. Thank God that at least the writer gives her a happy ending.


I'm still bit annoyed with how Xue Yao behaved towards her after know about his brother incident.

Like dude, that's not her fault-_-

He better truly staying by her side until the end of his life to make it up.


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49 minutes ago, enzek said:

I still bit annoyed with how Xue Yao behaved towards her after know about his brother incident.

Like dude, that's not her fault-_-

He better truly staying by her side until the end of his life to make it up.

 Can't agree more... there are quite a few instance that XY majorly dissapoint me :

1. The dungeon incident : he frikin just throw his wife to the dungeon without giving her the benefit of the doubt and or just ask her about the letter.


2. Using CY as a bait without her knowing, even so far as giving her a noticable clothes and parade across town that put smiles on her face. I swear if it another drama the FL wouldn't be as forgiving as CY..lol


3. concealing the fact that he knows and shares life and death situations with NX, lucky NX doesnt harbor ill intention towards CY or she could easily harm her.


4. Blindly blaming CY for his brother death. While its his brother choice to love her and save her from danger, while CY doesn't even remember nor have a choice in it. (I Doubt she even knows XM.


XY better make it up to CY, she suffer enough.


on the lighter note, I've notice that the girls that fall for XY are all female warrior (tomboyish) type like NN and NX, while XY type is the girly and cutesy type like CY... lol 





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37 minutes ago, suzy0604 said:

 Can't agree more... there are quite a few instance that XY majorly dissapoint me :

1. The dungeon incident : he frikin just throw his wife to the dungeon without giving her the benefit of the doubt and or just ask her about the letter.


2. Using CY as a bait without her knowing, even so far as giving her a noticable clothes and parade across town that put smiles on her face. I swear if it another drama the FL wouldn't be as forgiving as CY..lol


3. concealing the fact that he knows and shares life and death situations with NX, lucky NX doesnt harbor ill intention towards CY or she could easily harm her.


4. Blindly blaming CY for his brother death. While its his brother choice to love her and save her from danger, while CY doesn't even remember nor have a choice in it. (I Doubt she even knows XM.


XY better make it up to CY, she suffer enough.


on the lighter note, I've notice that the girls that fall for XY are all female warrior (tomboyish) type like NN and NX, while XY type is the girly and cutesy type like CY... lol 






Totally agree with this!  CY has drawn the emotional short straw.  Knowing CY though if she is here reading this she would justify that she was brought up as a princess despite not of royal birth and so she feels fortunate enough.


Below is my next theory so I have popped it into a spoiler.  Theory only!


We know that CY falls into a deep sleep, she likely saves XY somehow using her last chance and he will feel guilty. 

However I did somewhere see a spoiler when XY is actually married to NX but he rips of his groom's clothing and walks out of NX's bedroom to go to CY.  


Ai it's going to be a long week, and that was not a good place to stop at!


2 hours ago, enzek said:




BTS Bath Scene

Caption : XY's Day - Bath Scene Day

Caption : Preparation before getting into the water 

Voice over : one, two, three.... counting his pushups

Caption : Exercising ernestly. Level up exercise (lifting weight over head) Change of position (swinging weight) 

XY : urrr tired.


XY wiggling in water - caption - wiggle wiggle shake shake

CY : (reading XY's script) Oh, you really don't want to look?

XY : hahaha, you don't want to look?


CY : You know what, when you said you're a mermaid, I esepcially wanted to make you into a fish head hot pot.  I say how can there be such an unattractive mermaid?


XY splashing CY. Caption - Doesn't want to live.

Caption : Happiness before the storm


The scene where she covers her eyes and slaps him.


XY : Didn't you want to look? Come, look!

She slaps him.

Director : Didn't push  him.

XY : Didn't hit. Got slapped for nothing! I'm too unfortunate!



Director : Too scared to kiss? At the start, the lips are strongly puckered up, then further into the kiss (lips) will slowly relax

Caption : Shy x1 , Shy x2 , Where to put safely (CY's hand), Shy x3


XY : hold hands 1,2,3

CY : 1, 2...

XY : Ai (liftin CY's head) caption - using his strength

CY : Zheng Ye Cheng his hair piece has fallen apart! His hair piece has come off.

XY : Aiya, a show of poor form. It's not I'm useless, look at this, there's  a reason due to the physics of force. Theres's no pivot (?I'm not sure of the word here)

I can move the earth if you give me a pivot point.

Caption : Embarassly loss of manners.



Caption - successful at finding pivot point.



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Ep. 25 -28 are available on yt if anyone wants to watch,  but is RAW no subs.


I agree that XY has treated CY poorly and unfairly throughout their marriage,  but to be the "devil's" advocate (or XY's lol ) his reaction is understandable too extreme at times though.  Early on she was pretty suspicious and a complete stranger,  and remember their marriage was just a way for the Emperor to control/spy on him through CY. I can "forgive" him for the beginning stuff,  but he IS a major AH for using her as bait,  and pretending that it was to celebrate her bday. I think he's ruthless towards her bc it's his way to prove (to himself really) she means nothing to him.


Things change when she almost dies (falling off a cliff) and then when he thinks she's trying to kill herself,  even though that was a comical moment,  XY realizes he's fallen in love.


Then,  learning XM died after saving CY bc she accidentally caused a fire while transformed,  tbh I get how he feels,  he's heart broken that his brother died,  heart broken she caused the fire that killed him,  but can't blame her bc she didn't do it on purpose or have any control over herself, not sure he can forgive her or forget her. Then,  on top of that,  he learns that XM was in love with CY. XY prob. thinks he's betraying his brother by loving CY too.


I like this drama bc the emotions/ internal obstacles the MC encounter are real,  there's very little misunderstanding for the sake of plot, or angst just for angst.


Like when XC realizes he loves CY in a more than brotherly way,  he's disgusted with himself, and realizes that it's a turning point in their relationship.


Though It's not perfect,  bc there are plot holes, and still waiting to see how everything gets resolved.


I think XY definitely comes to forgive CY on his own, but it's CY that keeps them apart, prob. bc she has another vision,  and knows she doesn't have long to "live" plus from learning that she caused the fire that killed his brother.  Bc ya girl is logical,  to a fault.


I think that CY falls asleep bc she uses the stone to save XY's life, remember that's why the hooded man (CY teacher?)wants it, so he can revive the lady on ice (yun concubine? ). There are scenes in the MV that hint at what happens,  there's CY in a transformation we haven't seen,  the gang (NN, LJ, XC, TY & XC) being confronted by assassins in the hooded guys lair, and CY crying and clutching an injured XY (not the cave scene) also there's a glimpse of an army campsite, which I don't think we've seen yet.

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2 hours ago, suzy0604 said:


on the lighter note, I've notice that the girls that fall for XY are all female warrior (tomboyish) type like NN and NX, while XY type is the girly and cutesy type like CY... lol

Did you guys also notice that both the people who like XY (but XY doesn't like) have "Na" in their names?


I looked up the translation of their names bc the eng subs kept referring to XC as "stars" and CY as "first month"


Apparently XC means star(s)

CY does literally mean first month?? Maybe it's an allusion to the moon? A new moon usually signifies the beginning of a new month/cycle. Hence the stars/moon jade.


I checked on XY, and Yao can mean day or bright? Depends on context. But prob. Chosen bc it's close in pronunciation to the word medicine/drug. So CY saying XY is her medicine is a play on his name. Hehe.


Anyway I just used Google translate, so someone with good knowledge of mandarin can let us know if their names have any significance.

Just checked XM name and Mu means dusk/twilight, so XY's Yao probably does refer to Day.


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I'm confused as to why Ep 27-28 are released already? That's an extra two episodes, no? Not that I'm complaining of course... But I don't think I'll be able to recap that many episodes in a day - I will do my best to recap Ep 25-26 but @SC2019 has already written about EP 27-28 so that should tide you guys over haha. I still have to cook and eat dinner so it might be a few hours before they'll be up.


@xiaoxf Yes in an earlier comment, I did write that the words 'star' and 'moon' appear in XC and CY's names. For Xing Chen - "Xing" is the word for star, and additionally, "Chen" is morning. "Yue" is the word for moon. "Chu" can be first, early, beginning. I wouldn't say "Yao" means day - but it definitely means either bright (like shining), or glory. I think his name is very fitting/ makes sense for a son born in a general's house. 


I never really knew the meaning of the word "Mu" so I looked it up. One of the meanings is as you said, "dusk" but another one I found interesting was "late". So in the sense like it's late - the day is late. Which if interpreted in the story, could be describing how XM never let CY know of his feelings, even unto his death - late. I don't know, that's just me reading into it.

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ep 25 - 28 are available for audience in China to buy early, but leaked online. It's on the schedule I think, but I can't read mandarin so . & thanks for following up on their names. If XY means Day do you think that's why he can ward off the "nightmares" for CY? Heheh. Since her visions only come at night, but bc she's sleeping "with the "Day :smirk:" he keeps the nightmares away. Or his "aura" is so bright he keeps them away, it's like he's bright as the sun, lmbo :joy: now I'm reading too much into it. :rubchin:


Thank you spending your time to recap the episodes, you do a great job and don't feel too much pressure to get it out asap if you don't have time.


Also, I think your reasoning about XM name makes sense.

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Watched the RAWs, what a sad history his brother has a one side shy love with the princess, the scenes were so beautiful!!! And being sincere, I would hate to be in XY shoes, his brother literally died for her, and he is madly in love with the girl and she acts so inocent ohhh it kills me

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