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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上


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Hey everyone! I've been busy this week - had to move to be physically closer to work - and actually go to work so can't stay up too late tonight. Gonna type as fast as I can later (problem is with deciding what to recap and what to leave out - I like too much dialogue sometimes LOL). Maybe @WinCee or someone else will jump in somewhere in between. 


Since Ep 24 Preview is done, I'll do the Preview for Ep 23 - Na Xi shows CY who's boss:


CY: I wonder if he's on the night watch tonight.


CY: Why didn't you knock?

NX: Can't be bothered. We all have tents. 

CY: Hey~ miss, we're in Nan Sang. You can't expect everyone to go with your wishes.


CY: What are you doing? Let me go!

XY: What's up with these two women?


NX: You'd better watch yourself for the time that I'm here. Otherwise I can kill you the same way I saved you. 


CY: You don't need to come accompany me at night.

XY: You knew that I was there?

CY: We're divorced. And you're the great General Xue; you don't need to be my pillow.

XY: Come back with me. (hey XY's grabbing her now!)

XY: While you're in the palace, there isn't a day that goes by without me worrying about you. Instead of being so anxious all the time, I'd rather bring you back to Xue Manor. You don't need to worry about anything; just go according to my arrangements. 

CY: Can we still start over again?



Gonna take a shower before watching the new episodes!

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Hmm... ok Episode 21 was kinda like a filler episode. I'm not tempted to do much of the dialogue at all.


Episode 21 Recap:


This episode starts at the palace where CY meets her Father, the King. The King is all fake nice, saying that he saw her real father in a dream, who told him that she was unhappy. He also says that the Diviner seemed to say she had the same ability to predict the future. CY thinks that she must tread carefully for the sake of those who helped keep her secret, and plays it off. The King realises that she's going to keep hiding her secret. Then the King presents her with a bowl of bird's nest - which is so obviously drugged - CY tries not to drink it but has no choice.

She starts feeling sleepy when she goes back to her room. Mo Mo comes to meet her, and CY asks if she knew XM. Mo Mo knows the official story of course, but also says many maids tried to catch his eye - he was popular, but it was only the Princess who didn't remember him. Then it's the preview scenes where she tries to stay awake using all kinds of methods but fails. The last one involving fermented eggs, spills on the floor - everyone goes into frantic cleaning mode. XY and LJ pass by on their patrol. TY puts CY's hands into ice-cold water to wake her up. As soon as TY leaves though, CY starts dozing off... and XY comes to catch her as she falls (the preview scene). He sees that her hands are red, then touches the water, and wonders, "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

He carries her into her room - Mo Mo tries to wake the Princess up but TY tells her that it'll be alright if XY is there when CY sleeps. XY tells them both not to breathe a word to anyone. He stays to accompany her (LOL you big pillow.) CY dreams of the King, promises to be good and take care of XC. (Preview scene where he tells her to be confident towards him, that she's not a kid anymore). He sits down by the side of her bed. She rolls over and hugs him, telling him not to go in her sleep. He tries to extricate himself, saying that they're divorced. She just snuggles into his neck - he says, "Fine for tonight. But I'm never coming near you again." (HAHA Yea right.) He smiles.

The next morning, CY wakes up in shock - she doesn't remember what happened the previous night. TY almost tells her but remembers what XY said so she doesn't say anything. CY thinks of why she was so sleepy and realises that it must be the bird's nest. 

Lady Su (NN's aunt) comes over to gloat over CY - she tries to matchmake her to a 73-yr old General who's looking for his 13th wife (She's so ridiculous it's hilarious). CY plays along, wanting to test her Father's reaction - if he called her back because of the Birth Stone, he wouldn't let her be married again. So she demurely tells Lady Su to go ahead with the arrangements but to please inform her Father to make the decision. CY being CY though, she says, "Of course, if Father turns out to a man whose heart is fickle, you can always come to the General, and we can be sisters." HAHAHA :lol:

NN's father hears of his sister's plans and thinks NN should also get married. He wants to arrange some matches for her to choose. NN tries to pretend she already likes someone - her father wonders if it was "that one who sent you home that night" and NN just goes along with it (Oh dear girl... just digging a hole for yourself). She sings his praises (he's honourable, doesn't care for fame or wealth) and it's funny because she doesn't mean them, yet they're true. Her father goes into a fit, saying that he doesn't match up to his daughter (because of their family's position).

Meanwhile, XC hears of Lady Su's plans and thinks CY is giving up on herself. He arranges a parade of young men for CY to choose from - which she does, but he disagrees with all of them, one by one, with all sorts of excuses. Gossip spreads through the maids and word comes to Xue Manor. XY hears and immediately disappears while his Aunt reprimands the maids. 

NN's father comes looking for LJ and tells him to stay from NN, even if NN seems to be bewitched by him. LJ is understandably confused and wonders if he's got it wrong - so NN's dad tells him all the praises she sung. HAHAHA. LJ is over the moon as XY comes huffing past.

XY comes to Jin Que Palace but he's stopped by XC's sidekick, who says only potential matches can join the line. Cue - XY in the line :lol: CY tells XC what she intended to do with the whole marriage thing - her position as she whispers in XC's ear is what XY sees when he comes in. XY rushes to pull XC off, before realising who he is. He tries to calm XC down, but XC's been holding it in ever since he found out about Ling Xi Court. XY tries to speak to CY but XC pulls her behind him and challenges XY to a fight. - End of Episode.



Right, off to the next one.


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11 minutes ago, angelflower said:

Hmm... ok Episode 21 was kinda like a filler episode. I'm not tempted to do much of the dialogue at all.


Episode 21 Recap:

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This episode starts at the palace where CY meets her Father, the King. The King is all fake nice, saying that he saw her real father in a dream, who told him that she was unhappy. He also says that the Diviner seemed to say she had the same ability to predict the future. CY thinks that she must tread carefully for the sake of those who helped keep her secret, and plays it off. The King realises that she's going to keep hiding her secret. Then the King presents her with a bowl of bird's nest - which is so obviously drugged - CY tries not to drink it but has no choice.

She starts feeling sleepy when she goes back to her room. Mo Mo comes to meet her, and CY asks if she knew XM. Mo Mo knows the official story of course, but also says many maids tried to catch his eye - he was popular, but it was only the Princess who didn't remember him. Then it's the preview scenes where she tries to stay awake using all kinds of methods but fails. The last one involving fermented eggs, spills on the floor - everyone goes into frantic cleaning mode. XY and LJ pass by on their patrol. TY puts CY's hands into ice-cold water to wake her up. As soon as TY leaves though, CY starts dozing off... and XY comes to catch her as she falls (the preview scene). He sees that her hands are red, then touches the water, and wonders, "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

He carries her into her room - Mo Mo tries to wake the Princess up but TY tells her that it'll be alright if XY is there when CY sleeps. XY tells them both not to breathe a word to anyone. He stays to accompany her (LOL you big pillow.) CY dreams of the King, promises to be good and take care of XC. (Preview scene where he tells her to be confident towards him, that she's not a kid anymore). He sits down by the side of her bed. She rolls over and hugs him, telling him not to go in her sleep. He tries to extricate himself, saying that they're divorced. She just snuggles into his neck - he says, "Fine for tonight. But I'm never coming near you again." (HAHA Yea right.) He smiles.

The next morning, CY wakes up in shock - she doesn't remember what happened the previous night. TY almost tells her but remembers what XY said so she doesn't say anything. CY thinks of why she was so sleepy and realises that it must be the bird's nest. 

Lady Su (NN's aunt) comes over to gloat over CY - she tries to matchmake her to a 73-yr old General who's looking for his 13th wife (She's so ridiculous it's hilarious). CY plays along, wanting to test her Father's reaction - if he called her back because of the Birth Stone, he wouldn't let her be married again. So she demurely tells Lady Su to go ahead with the arrangements but to please inform her Father to make the decision. CY being CY though, she says, "Of course, if Father turns out to a man whose heart is fickle, you can always come to the General, and we can be sisters." HAHAHA :lol:

NN's father hears of his sister's plans and thinks NN should also get married. He wants to arrange some matches for her to choose. NN tries to pretend she already likes someone - her father wonders if it was "that one who sent you home that night" and NN just goes along with it (Oh dear girl... just digging a hole for yourself). She sings his praises (he's honourable, doesn't care for fame or wealth) and it's funny because she doesn't mean them, yet they're true. Her father goes into a fit, saying that he doesn't match up to his daughter (because of their family's position).

Meanwhile, XC hears of Lady Su's plans and thinks CY is giving up on herself. He arranges a parade of young men for CY to choose from - which she does, but he disagrees with all of them, one by one, with all sorts of excuses. Gossip spreads through the maids and word comes to Xue Manor. XY hears and immediately disappears while his Aunt reprimands the maids. 

NN's father comes looking for LJ and tells him to stay from NN, even if NN seems to be bewitched by him. LJ is understandably confused and wonders if he's got it wrong - so NN's dad tells him all the praises she sung. HAHAHA. LJ is over the moon as XY comes huffing past.

XY comes to Jin Que Palace but he's stopped by XC's sidekick, who says only potential matches can join the line. Cue - XY in the line :lol: CY tells XC what she intended to do with the whole marriage thing - her position as she whispers in XC's ear is what XY sees when he comes in. XY rushes to pull XC off, before realising who he is. He tries to calm XC down, but XC's been holding it in ever since he found out about Ling Xi Court. XY tries to speak to CY but XC pulls her behind him and challenges XY to a fight. - End of Episode.



Right, off to the next one.



Angelflower, my goodness :O this is more than enough! Thank you so much for spending the time to do this! I hope your moving is going well! I was honestly just expecting a paragraph summarizing what happened! Thank you again!!! 

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Right, more happened in Episode 22. But these two episodes just feels like the cusp of someTHING happening... I guess we can't have good episodes all the time haha. 


Episode 22 Recap:


XY and XC are in a standoff. CY breaks them apart. Each of them catch hold of one of her hands (blergh.) She tells them to let go. Looking at XY, she says, "We've said everything there is to say between us. Just go and do what you want to do." and walks off. XY with teary eyes, "You've always chosen to stay by my side. You finally stopped pretending. Fine, I'll do as you said. I won't be concerned about you anymore." (Famous last words, that.)

XC walks with CY in the garden. He can tell that she still has feelings for XY, and asks why they got divorced. She can only say because she's the princess. XC gasps if XY has thoughts of treason, but CY says she's the one with those thoughts instead. She tells XC what she thinks the King knows - XC is certain she's right, "Over the years, I've handled so many things for you that you think people are kinder than they actually are." CY knows that she's not loved, but she still can't believe that the King would be so heartless towards her. XC resolves that he must take her away from the palace this time, and she must not argue.

CY is called away to see the King. The bowl of bird's nest is there again, and this time, the pretence is up. CY tries to tell the King that she doesn't know how to use or control the Stone, but the King says that she must inherit her father's place - it is the destiny of their clan. CY says the same thing her father said - why should they predict the future when the country is at peace - but the King reveals that Xi Zhao has mined a new metal and regrouping their military. So he's concerned that they will rebel again. He holds up the bowl, and tells her to ask the Stone. CY asks with tears in her eyes, "Do you really have no warm feelings towards me at all?" The King replies, "If you listen well, of course I'll love you." CY thinks to herself that XY was right, the King only saw her as a tool (oh no I feel so sad for her :tears:) but she was unwilling to accept the fact. She has only ever known him as her father, and she says, "Ok, I'll listen" and drinks the bowl (Nooooo).

That night, TY runs to the guards' quarters to look for XY to save CY. He's gone on a mission to catch the assassins though - and with his guards, they have TB and his men cornered. Just as he thinks they've got them, TY comes running up to him and TB seizes the chance to run away. His men are ordered to give chase as TY grabs him and says he really must save CY or she'll die. That catches his attention. He asks what happened to her, and TY wonders if CY never told him about the Birth Stone. He thinks back to all the things she said, and TY confirms that they are true. (Preview scene where TY tells him. YES He finally knows!) TY says that if the 12 chances are used up, the person becomes comatose (the literal translation is "living dead person").

TY and Mo Mo distract the guards while XY slips into the King's study where CY is, unconscious. She's fallen into the Stone's dreamscape, which she has never seen before. She sees the floating ball and in it, images of war, though she doesn't know where it is. She's about to touch it but a voice tells her to stop. She asks who is it - (preview scene) - she can't resist reaching out to it. XY is trying to shake her awake and finally resorts to pulling her up into a kiss, which effectively pulls CY out of danger. A tear falls from her eye; XY kisses that away too. He tells her to wake up if she can hear him. He gently holds her and promises to stay the night.

Then he hears a sound and hides. A masked figure in black comes towards CY. XY comes forward and they exchange a few moves before XY unmasks him to reveal Dong Shi (current Diviner). DS is surprised that XY is also concerned about the Princess. He states that he was here to save her, but is now relieved since XY is there. He gives XY medicine for CY, claiming that the drug the King gave her was harmful. As he turns to leave, XY remarks that DS has good martial arts skills. (Hmmm this is fishy...)

CY wakes up the next morning. She notices that the flowers are watered and thinks that her hazy vision of XY tending to her must be real. TY comes in and at first denies anyone came, but CY points out the flowers. TY gives in and says that XY didn't want to be known - he thinks it's not proper for them to be together through the night since they're divorced. TY tells CY to keep up the pretence (of not knowing) so that XY won't stop coming. CY says that she doesn't want him to take that risk, and she also doesn't want to be bullied by the King. 

XY is investigating the medicine that DS gave him with Mr. Bai. Mr Bai tells him about Xi Zhao sending a mission to Nan Sang, and about their new metal.



Splitting this into two parts for easier reading...



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Episode 22 Recap (Part 2):


The ministers are talking about Xi Zhao's visit with the King. The other minister favours diplomacy while Minister Su thinks they should go down hard on them. In the end, the King decides that they should be treated with the best, but asks Minister Su to keep an eye on security. 

XC has CY dressed as a maid - they plan to walk out of the palace. CY tells XC not to stand up for her if anything happens. Both of them think about how they're about to accomplish what they've both dreamt of since young - walking out of the palace together in search of their freedom. They're almost there - CY stands among all the other maids XC is "taking" to go with him - but Minister Su comes up to say that they have to register everyone and orders them to stand in a line for inspection. He sees CY and thinks she looks familiar and tries to get a closer look, which XC interrupts.

Before they can go further, the mission from Xi Zhao arrives. CY looks back and forth and makes a split-second decision to run for it. She darts in and out between horse and men as the guards try to capture her. She's almost hurt when a hand reaches out and brings her up on a horse - it's Na Xi (LOL CY's been saved by cool females twice now - first NN, now NX). Minister Su recognises CY and tries to capture her, particularly since she bumped into the foreign mission. XC argues that the decision should be up to the mission - Na Xi reveals herself (she was riding on a horse instead of being in the palanquin) and dismisses it as a small incident. Her right-hand man advises her to get into the palanquin before meeting the King - NX tells CY to get on it instead.

As they approach the palace, they're stopped by the Eunuch who brings CY to the King. CY tries to say that she wasn't running away - but she was trying to stay alive. She tells the King that she only has one chance left (the King didn't know that) and if she has to become comatose, she could just kill herself right there. The Eunuch reminds the King of the late Diviner's last words and the following tragedy - they should not repeat that tragedy. He advises the King about the book (that describes the use of the Stone - the one the Hooded Evil Master is after) and tells the King to keep the Princess alive - they can have use for her as they figure it out. 

NX's right-hand man advises her not to offend the King but NX has a clearer grasp of the situation - it is the King who can't risk offending them. He reminds her, "On the surface, this mission is for the diplomatic wedding (!!) and the mine, but don't forget our actual purpose." (Hmm... are they also after the Stone?) She tells him to take care of the diplomacy since she's no good at that.

The King softens his tone towards CY and mentions XM - saying that he was such a good general, he would have been very useful on the battlefield, yet he chose to keep XM next to him in the palace, "Do you know why?" CY's eyes widen. - End of Episode.



Way past bedtime... goodnight guys! Tomorrow's episodes seem to be more exciting! 


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Thank so much for the efforts @angelflower and @WinCee :Megathanks:

The funny thing is the many failed attempts of XY trying to capture the assasins, to the point where XY and the head assasins now could talk to each other, and the assasins always manage to escape the same way by using the white powder, to think that XY should have ways to counter that by now. Lol

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Thank you so much @angelflower @WinCee for the translation!




In the water 

CY : Too many people here, not that good.

XY : Yes, I'll take you somewhere with no one around.

Atta boy! Rather than just longing from afar, finally our general decided to take a lead!

Hurray, congratulations to our princess!



4 hours ago, suzy0604 said:

The funny thing is the many failed attempts of XY trying to capture the assasins, to the point where XY and the head villain now could talk to each other, and the assasins always manage to escape the same way by using the white powder, to think that XY should have ways to counter that by now. Lol

ahaha ain't it the truth:loolz:

To be honest, to me, the assasins, hooded man and his brother story arc are quite slow and draggy now.


But I really love the romance development between the main couple in here. Zheng Ye Cheng and Hu Yi Xuan chemistry with each other are great. I can watch their flirting in this drama all day. 


I like that even they are in divorced state, their romance continue blossoming. He already open his heart and it his turn to chase her. 



So, they had kissed about 8 times so far and 4 of them were initiated by the princess.

General need to catch up!

credit to sweetgaeja on ig



The thing he did many times so far was gave her princess carry.

Hope he didn't get broken back after so much of that LOL

credit to sweetgaeja on ig



My favourite bts of them.

Hu Yi Xian is so cute while Zheng Ye Cheng wink give me a heart attack:bashful:

credit to kanajang_jks on ig




credit to drama_aholic_ on ig

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3 hours ago, enzek said:

Atta boy! Rather than just longing from afar, finally our general decided to take a lead!

Hurray, congratulations to our princess!




I like that too. But I guess, this cut is only a teasing from the film director. I don't think they will find somewhere with no one around to kiss each other :)) , like in real life or like the modern film :)) , it may appear in some ending episodes.

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Yikes gonna post these before they disappear.  @angelflower Hopefully you can do the recaps later for eps 23 and 24!


Preview Ep 25


CY : Ay, what are you doing? You're trying to take this away again right?

XY : I really wished this is not a bell, but a piece of rope, that way you can be tied to my side.

CY : Don't be mad. Smile! Quick, smile! (poking him in the face) Smile once please!

XY :Hehe.

CY : Hehe

(that was so sweet)


XY : I've got a solution!

CY : What's your solution?

XY : If you're pregnant with my child, then don't we have something to stand on?

CY : Who wants to have your child?

XY : I'm serious.

CY : If the Royal Doctor checks me then we'll be committing treason.

XY : Then.... we can only make it real. (Opens his arms)

(Oh he's so cheeky!)


XY : Stop bothering CY!

*struggles and NX hugs XY, CY walks in calling out "Na Xin!" and catches them hugging*




Preview Ep 26



CY turns to leave, XY chases her

XY : CY!  (NX tries to stop him - is that a royal decree she is holding? XY shoves her out of the way) Out of the way. CY!


XY : Listen to Me

(CY covers his move, cries)


CY : You (two) will get married soon.

XY : Even if I'm getting married, the bride can only be you.  I will go and beg the Emperor to take back his command.


XC : Royal Sister, if in the end XY and NX really get married, will you finally give up on him. 

CY : XY he promised me, he won't get married. I believe him.


XY defends NX from assassins and holds her (like the beginning scenes with CY  :tired:)

NX : Can you please return the bell on your ankle to me?

CY : The bell on my ankle... is yours?


(OMG if they leave that at the end of ep 26 tomorrow I am going to so frustrated until next week!!!)


A lot of jealousy inducing scenes for CY.  I feel so bad for her.  In episode 24 she finally sort of gets back with XY and then this will  happen, and we know there is still the letter from XM obstacle to go....... 


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i love how he pushes the other princess out of his arms after “catching” her from the spray. Only 11 episodes left to go, i need more happy moments. And I agree, the brother storyline is starting to drag. And how does that bell belong to the other princess...another good trailer! 

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13 hours ago, Jessica Vargas Rubio said:

On a facebook page about the drama, he said that maybe the wedding of XY and the foreigner is a dream of CY:blink:

I hope so! I’ve been dreading this upcoming episode. :sad1:

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57 minutes ago, ILoveDramas said:

i love how he pushes the other princess out of his arms after “catching” her from the spray. Only 11 episodes left to go, i need more happy moments. And I agree, the brother storyline is starting to drag. And how does that bell belong to the other princess...another good trailer! 


I'm liking XY doing more chasing of CY, but the preview video above makes me feel like that won't be lasting too long. I wished they would have done more for the brother's story, I feel it's def. related to the kidnapping attempts and the concubine's death. Did they say how long ago the concubine died? I feel like it was years ago, long before XM died. Also, what happened to the old guy and other half of the book?

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1 hour ago, ILoveDramas said:

i love how he pushes the other princess out of his arms after “catching” her from the spray. Only 11 episodes left to go, i need more happy moments. And I agree, the brother storyline is starting to drag. And how does that bell belong to the other princess...another good trailer! 

You think the bell is related to XM? is she involved with XM and the evil master? Maybe shes related to the woman whose lying on the bed thats with the evil master? 

2 hours ago, lovehuche said:

I wonder what happen here


Omg why is he crying and going crazy and why the hell is she wearing a wedding dress?! Is she engaged to XC?! :O 




Episode 23 raw: https://youtu.be/KJie1Vy-JuA 

Episode 24 raw: 


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@jessica somerhalder and @lovehuche If you go back a few pages, there were a few other spoilers that we talked about and translated already about why XY goes crazy and pushes CY - that scene in the street. But additionally from this video -


XY asks in tears, "Do I have to cancel even my marriage?"


Jumping right into Episode 23... it's kinda a mixed bag though a lot did sort of happen. We get more of Na Xi who's both annoying and cool, and angst from our beloved couple who're forced to separate (I kinda like angst when there is sufficient motivation for it, which there is in this case). But of course, I'm looking forward to when they reconcile.


Episode 23 Recap: 


We start from the King talking to CY. He says he kept XM in the palace as a guard because he didn't want power to be held in the Xue family's hands (XM was a talented General) - so instead he essentially held XM as a hostage in the palace (Seriously how did this King stay on the throne for so long - he's crazy). But XM was so loyal - the King even says it's unfortunate he died because then he wouldn't be as worried about Xi Zhao. Anyway, CY puts her foot down about drinking any more of his "bird's nest" and the King just puts on a show of kindness - basically they both know she's being kept here because she's still of use. 

NX comes in and requests for another accommodation place to get away from her "controlling" uncles - she asks to stay with CY. CY finds it strange but obviously has no choice in the matter. She shows NX around Jin Que Palace. NX wasn't fooled by CY's earlier tricks and knows she was trying to run away from the palace - she decided to say with CY because it seemed like they had similar personalities (in terms of not blindly doing what they're told). NX picks her bed to sleep in because she prefers the hardness.

Mr Bai reports to XY that the medicine DS gave only contained the best herbs, and it was very good for CY. XY tells him to do a thorough check, because DS is someone CY trusts, and he must be trustworthy (actually I'm hoping the same... CY doesn't have that many people on her side). 

XY goes to see DS on the pretext of getting more medicine for CY. He wonders how DS knew that CY was drugged. It gets a bit tense as DS replies, "Before General started protecting the Princess, it was Shun Wang and me who cared for her all along". It's like they're testing how much to trust the other. 

XC comes to see CY, worried that she had been harmed. He thinks they should definitely leave. NX overhears their convo and tells them to bring her out - which they oblige, because CY can't leave the palace without NX. They go around the streets and NX wonders at all the new food and things in Nan Sang. She tries to pay for something but fails when the vendor doesn't recognise her currency (the previous metal from Xi Zhao). CY drags her away before she makes a scene. 

NX finds cosmetics and skincare at a stall interesting. They go to Pan Xiang Ge (the famous store which sells Liu Yun Fei Xue, owned by XC). There's a line of ladies waiting to get their hands on LYFX. CY remembers the receipt she had asked XY about. She starts to make the link between XM and Lady Yun and the questions XY asked her before. XC takes her to a corner and checks her bell (NX clocks it), putting more LYFX in it (to be honest, I have no idea why they're putting such a supposedly expensive powder into the bell - can't any ordinary powder do? :sweatingbullets:) Meanwhile, XY has arrived outside after LJ reported to him about CY.

XC tells the story behind LYFX. A long time ago, there was a couple in love - the man's name was Liu Yun, and the lady's name was Fei Xue. The man went to war and died at the border. The lady was married to a man she didn't love. Her hair turned white in a day. Then it turned out that the man did not die; he sent this salve called LYFX to the lady, which turned her hair back and she regained her youthful looks. But in order to protect her honour and propriety, the two never saw each other again. CY thinks to herself that there are many points that overlap with XM and Lady Yun. XC says he heard this from the palace, but also that he merely used the story to sell his amazing product.

XY meets with CY privately and she finds out that he already knew about LYFX. She reassures him that she didn't tell anyone, not even XC. Then she tries to leave but he stops her. He says, "You seemed disappointed after hearing XC's story. Can I understand it as this - you hoped for a different ending?"

She looks at him and says, "Where there is hope, there is disappointment." Preview bit where she says he doesn't have to accompany her at night anymore, that he's the General who shouldn't be her pillow. "Don't trouble yourself over my problems, and don't get involved anymore." He says, "If I don't come, you will die." She says that she won't because her Father will not trouble her anymore. He asks if she believes that, and she just says that she has to. 

XY grabs her wrist and tells her to come home with him. She releases herself and says that they're divorced. Preview scene where he says he's worried about her all the time. 

NX causes a scene this time when she tries to buy a hair ornament with her currency. CY and XC step in. XC offers it to her - she takes it this time because she's paid, and she's leaving. XY calls out, "Chu Yue!" XC takes CY's wrist, and XY watches them leave.



Seems to be getting long... gonna break it up.

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Episode 23 Recap (Part 2):


Back in CY's room, NX corners CY till she is sitting. NX uses the hair ornament to unlock her ankle bell - saying that only prisoners in Xi Zhao has it and she looks uncomfortable. CY locks it back again and says that she's keeping it on because she likes it and she has the key herself. CY thinks NX is quite nice despite her brashness. NX isn't going to sleep early either so she's decided to plop herself in CY's room, and she tells CY to each mind their own business. CY thinks that NX is arrogant despite being a guest, and that she's similar in some ways to XY.

XY is sleeping but dreams of his meeting with CY in Pan Xiang Ge earlier, when she had left with XC. He starts awake and frowns. It's like their separation is hurting him physically :tears:

CY wakes up and sees that NX is still sleeping on her settee. She moves to sleep on her bed. Then NX gets up (she had been pretending) and starts going through all of CY's things on her table (hmm... is she just curious or is she looking for something...). 

Interlude with LJ and NN. LJ hears that NN is going to select someone, and his mind thinks that she's selecting a husband. He rushes in where the new disciples have gathered. He pulls NN aside and asks why she's doing it when she has such true feelings for him LOL. NN is very confused and wonders if he's drunk or sick. He fights and hurts everyone, and finds out the truth when they get taken away - NN was going to pick someone to train. LJ confesses what he thought, then says in all earnestness, "Aside from me, no one can marry you." It stuns NN speechless. LJ is then called away. When NN's master reprimands her for hurting the new disciples, she's about to say it was "Luo..." but then changes her mind and takes on the blame, thinking that it will repay him for her using him as an excuse in front of her dad.

NX is asking CY about all the products on CY's table. CY finds it amusing as she explains her everyday products. She comes over to check NX's face and NX catches her into a backhug-like pose (preview scene). XY is watching from outside - LJ says that he rushed here as soon as it was day. 

NX demands that CY do her makeup. They spend a bit of girly time (I find it funny that NX had stronger makeup on before CY did it, and her contouring disappeared after LOL.) XY thinks to himself, "What are these women doing?" (preview scene)

NX spots XY and comes out, holding her sword against his neck. (Ooh looks like I was wrong - she doesn't know him. More interestingly, she doesn't even recognise that he's XY, the one who conquered their country). CY quickly rushes over and stops her, saying, "He is my..."

She thinks to herself, "Wake up, Xu Chu Yue. If the story of LYFX is real, then it's impossible between XY and you. Don't give him any more hope. Don't hold him back."

NX asks, "He is...?" CY replies, "A guard." Oof... XY gives him greeting to NX. NX turns to go back inside. 

XY asks CY if anything happened last night, whether she got one well with NX. CY says she thinks NX will be her friend. XY tells her to be careful, his instinct tells him that her motive for coming to Nan Sang is not pure. 

CY calls him as he turns to leave. "Xue Yao, I know you're concerned for me. But... I hope you won't come to Jin Que Palace anymore." XY turns to her, "Wasn't I clear enough in Pan Xiang Ge yesterday?" CY replies, "It's you who's unclear. I also said in Pan Xiang Ge, that I wished you wouldn't come anymore. Father will not drug me again either. I..." She looks down and grips her dress.. "I don't need a pillow anymore." Ahhh the disappointment on XY's face... He does the greeting thing, "Right... Princess." CY's eyes widen (because he doesn't call her Princess :tears:) - End of Episode.



Off to watch the next one!

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