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[OFFICIAL] Ik♥️Song Nation - ALOHA COUPLE - Flower♥️Clown - 99ers

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Hello Chingus. Thank you @KDramaFan0828  @HPholic99 @Crystalclear and @snowlou for your wonderful insights. 


My post may be long too, so bear with me chingus.


1. In the car park scene, we see IkJun asking Songhwa to park his bike. He could've parked his bike find without Songhwa's help seeing as he took the time to argue with her. But I also noticed that IkJun loves to tease Songhwa. So far he has been the only one that has teased her. From episode 1 after band practice to now episode 6. And when he was leaving, he asked her to get him coffee. He did not specify what kind of coffee but still Songhwa knew and told him to meet him at the lobby. 


2. At the cafe, we see Songhwa admonishing IkJun for teasing Seokmin. And when Songhwa was asked what shewould like to do if she had one Year off, IkJun jumped out and said that she would probably like to study. Songhwa refused, but then in episode 11 when she said she was going to Sokcho, Songhwa said she also wanted to study while she was there. So despite her refusal, IkJunknew her enough to know exactly what she would do if she were to get time off. 

Also, when she was listing things she would do for fun, she said she would go hiking and to the beach. In one of Dr Bong salon, he mentioned the things IkJun likes doing for fun. Hiking was one of the activity he mentioned. So, as much as we see the difference between IkJun and Songhwa, there are very many similarities between the two.


3. Dinner scene. As my fellow chingus have said, IkJun was way too quiet. He didn't even look at her like the others. Also, when Songhwa said that ''if it's bad, the people at the hospital will talk about it. And she hates that'', IkJun looked at her was when he said ''what are you talking about, it's not going to be bad''. He said it but barely looked at Songhwa. This shows he was more worried than he showed.

Something else to note is that when Songhwa said the doctor will see her earlier than usual, Seokhyeong said that that the doctor is excellent for seeing her early. Then IkJun the big liar said ''RIGHT? IT'S SO EARLY I CAN NEVER DO THAT!'' But we all know he was there earlier than Songhwa herself. 


4. Let me be honest. The first time I watched this scene, I did not think of anything when IkJun was heading out. Only when he bought 5 coffees is when I thought they were all going to the hospital and be there with Songhwa. It did not even cross my mind that he was going to Go Ara. Anyway, this episode is the first and only time we see Songhwa shaken a bit. Even when she told the guys that she was scared, she did not look the slightly shaken. So, it was very heartbreaking to see her struggle alone in her car so worried about the request. She had her brave face on during the long walk to the consultation room until she reached there to find someone waiting. First of all, I screamed when it was only IkJun. Then a bit sad that the rest weren't there. But my shipping heart was happy. I digress, sorry. We saw Songhwa smile after seeing IkJun there waiting, and it was like some of her worries were gone. Even though she told him to go home, she still was glad he was there. And like @Crystalclear said, IkJun acted like her husband when the nurse came. And Songhwa did not say a word during this exchange. A lot has been said about how IkJun said that he would fix her no matter what. She thought he was talking as a doctor but we all think he was talking as a man who is afraid and worried for his friend and maybe the woman he likes. Something to note here is that IkJun knew the consultation room without asking Songhwa. I wonder how he found out about which doctor treated her. 


5. After results. When after the 3 guys went in to check on her, Songhwa asked ''did everyone come?''. Chihong answered ''there's one more''. Some people think she forgot about IkJun here. But in reality, seeing as IkJun did not have his car with him, he came in to work with Songhwa. In her car. So they were together from the consultation room to Yulje. So she didn't think IkJun would come to check on her too since he already was with her in the morning. Which is why she didn't say a word when IkJun came in with the coffee. And I may be wrong, but I think this scene is where Chihong gets an inclination of something going on between the Songhwa and IkJun. Since every guy did not come in and when they opened the door she immediately responded to them. But she was different with IkJun. 


6. Flashback scenes. We had 2 flashback scenes. The one that shows when they officially first met. Here we see IkJun smitten. He was taut and tense. But still managed to find ways to look at Songhwa. There was also a point where Songhwa tried to seek at IkJun too. I can't post picture of it now. 

The second flashback shows Songhwa's POV and Changwon boys during orientation. Since we only saw the Seoul's boys part in episode 1. We see Songhwa following IkJun(I refuse to consider that she followed JWan because she didn't even get a peek of him in their first melting) but we don't know why she got into the shed the last one. No theory is that she went to take her camera since it didn't seem she had it with her. 

Then we see Seokhyeong confessing and we find out that IkJun planned to ask her out too on that same day. We see after seeing Seokhyeong out, he went back in to drink his sorrows away. Which shows us that he lied to Songhwa when he said he went home after drinking. Which reminds me, when Songhwa asked him why he kept quiet, it seems like something kind of clicked. Maybe she remembered that they were supposed to meet that day but IkJun cancelled and she finally found out why she canceled their meet. But that's just my mind going haywire.


Also, have y'all noticed that in every band practice, Songhwa looks at IkJun. Every single band practice she has managed to look at him. But IkJun only looks at her at some of them. I don't know what this means, it's just something I noticed. 


Extra notes:

We all know that episode 6 is the end of the first act. By now, everything is established. Every love line in episode 6 was seen worrying about their prospective other. You had IkJun worrying over Songhwa, JWan was worrying over Iksun's answer. And in episode 12 flashback, we saw Jwon worrying over Gyeoul same with Seokhyeong lingering look towards Minha. Seems he too was worried for her. 


Lol, I'm afraid my post turned out longer than intende guys. 

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3 hours ago, Jules said:

2. At the cafe, we see Songhwa admonishing IkJun for teasing Seokmin. And when Songhwa was asked what shewould like to do if she had one Year off, IkJun jumped out and said that she would probably like to study. Songhwa refused, but then in episode 11 when she said she was going to Sokcho, Songhwa said she also wanted to study while she was there. So despite her refusal, IkJunknew her enough to know exactly what she would do if she were to get time off. 

Hmm this might confirm that SHwa’s decision in ep 11 didn’t come as a surprise to IJ. Though I feel that he was still bothered that he might’ve been one of the reasons. :tears:


3 hours ago, Jules said:

5. After results. When after the 3 guys went in to check on her, Songhwa asked ''did everyone come?''. Chihong answered ''there's one more''. Some people think she forgot about IkJun here. But in reality, seeing as IkJun did not have his car with him, he came in to work with Songhwa. In her car. So they were together from the consultation room to Yulje. So she didn't think IkJun would come to check on her too since he already was with her in the morning. Which is why she didn't say a word when IkJun came in with the coffee. And I may be wrong, but I think this scene is where Chihong gets an inclination of something going on between the Songhwa and IkJun. Since every guy did not come in and when they opened the door she immediately responded to them. But she was different with IkJun. 

I really like this point especially the one I highlighted. I think it replicates her response to the boys’ offer to help from their dinner. All of them showed concern and offered a form of support only to be immediately rejected by SHwa. Only IJ was able to move past that :wub:




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1 hour ago, KDramaFan0828 said:

Hmm this might confirm that SHwa’s decision in ep 11 didn’t come as a surprise to IJ. Though I feel that he was still bothered that he might’ve been one of the reasons. :tears:

Yes, I think so too. Because he was quiet throughout. At least in episode 6 he had some comments here and there. :tears:

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I love reading all this post. Thank you for sharing your thought chingu @Jules @snowlou @KDramaFan0828 @HPholic99


All of her friends know how Songhwa loves to study, yet she learned to play the bass for 5 years :D 


i keep looking to the flower scene from Jongsu and Rosa but still didn’t have any clue to iksong :sweatingbullets:


even many scenes in eps 6 is parallel to iksong.

- the grandma who gives coffee to IJ in early eps, she gave coffee to IJ because she felt bad to cause nuisance to doctors (as preparing food for her husband). Parallel to IJ who gave coffee to the doctors and nurse because they make them coming in early morning for SH’s biopsy result.

- when Minha said “if he likes you, he will come” then IJ come to accompany SH.


btw, i read some discussion over the main thread how Yunbok and Hongdo is foreshadowing SHwa and JWon. 
I kind of agree to that they’re so like brother and sister, and in eps 6 Yunbok mention that IJ is Dr. Romantic with an admire look, i wonder if she will have a little crush to IJ later, even though pretty sure it will not give much impact to iksong’s relationship.

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13 hours ago, Crystalclear89 said:

btw, i read some discussion over the main thread how Yunbok and Hongdo is foreshadowing SHwa and JWon. 
I kind of agree to that they’re so like brother and sister, and in eps 6 Yunbok mention that IJ is Dr. Romantic with an admire look, i wonder if she will have a little crush to IJ later, even though pretty sure it will not give much impact to iksong’s relationship.

To be honest, this also crossed my mind. But as much as I would love to see someone admiring/crushing on IJ, I think Yunbok is too young LOL :sweatingbullets:

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On 7/14/2020 at 4:29 PM, Jules said:


Some people think she forgot about IkJun here. But in reality, seeing as IkJun did not have his car with him, he came in to work with Songhwa. In her car. So they were together from the consultation room to Yulje. So she didn't think IkJun would come to check on her too since he already was with her in the morning. Which is why she didn't say a word when IkJun came in with the coffee. And I may be wrong, but I think this scene is where Chihong gets an inclination of something going on between the Songhwa and IkJun. Since every guy did not come in and when they opened the door she immediately responded to them. But she was different with IkJun. 

Good obs! I never thought about IJ actually came in to work that morning with SHwa!! 

Yes I wonder when did Cap start suspecting there's something special going on between IkSong. I suppose he'd be suspecting it early on because when a man loves a woman, wouldn't he be suspicious of any man with a close relationship with the woman? Also I feel somehow he's also trying to get that information by asking/reiterating a few times something along the line..that IS and him was just best friend.. just like IkSong. He sort of said that a few times right? 


@Crystalclear89 also brought up something I didn't think before. The 5 cans of coffee. I also never thought why 5 but just thought..wow..that's a lot of coffees hahahah. So he expected the other 3 guys to be there... he probably thought that would be the 'normal' reaction of the other 3 guys..only he didn't realise that because the other 3 guys had no romantic inclination toward SHwa, they didn't choose to take that extra step when SHwa had clearly declined the offer for company. 

@HPholic99 Interesting how you compared HP to Classic. It has similar things as you pointed out. As to the possibility of having a girl/woman that came in between them in the past, I think it's possible. Let's see what S2 shows us. 

@KDramaFan0828 you said you have another part to write? :D Will it involve the OST for ep 6? 


Reminder of Episode 7 Rewatch:

Starting date: Sunday, 19 July 2020

End date: Saturday, 25 July 2020


No need to be sorry chingus if you can't join. Understandably life gets busier now that a lot places/countries have eased up the Covid-19 restrictions :) 


@alleram95 oh yes they look similar...but I must say the one in the past was .... more ... how should I say... sweeter? 

@Lawyerh what a dedication of compiling those smiles (that person who posted in Twitter I mean). I'd laugh at IJ's jokes too..i just don't understand why the other 3 guys didn't find him funny :joy:


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I find this really funny but it also got me thinking that the "crush" filter in Song-hwa's eyes has worn off and that she now see's Ikjun for who he is - a dork. Kidding aside, the way SH looks at Ikjun at the '99 speaks a lot. I find it really cute she was so flustered when Ikjun scooted beside him before they took a photo. BUT I kinda like their dynamic on the present timeline. SH's more sure of herself and she could definitely hold a banter with Ikjun. Both of them know each other better because of the years (and life experiences) they spent together. I think that's a better start to a relationship.


excuse that random thoughts tho haha. hopefully I can join this week's rewatch!!!

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@kmsl now i’m wondering how SHwa first reaction when IJ show his act of bidulgi :lol::lol:, in eps 6 she said she already seen that for 20 years and now she’s sick to saw that and didnt laugh at his bidulgi *LoL*.

While JWan has a smile crush on IS when he saw her doing bidulgi (maybe for the first time) i’m sure SHwa’s reaction to IJ back then is no different :D

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@snowlou Oops sorry!!! I almost forgot HAHAHAH hereeee :P


As Jwan expressed, IJ was actually talking about himself when he was describing IS. In people’s eyes, they see IJ as someone who is loved by others but has never fallen and pursued a girl first. As the past unfolded in the episode, we find out that 20-year old IJ did like a girl first. Right from the first time he saw SHwa during their med school interviews, IJ can’t help but steal glances at SHwa. We then recall their next meeting during the orientation where IJ acted all awkward around SHwa, being very careful as he put his hand on her shoulder for a picture. IJ liked SHwa enough to buy her a special gift that he plans to give SHwa separately on her birthday. At this point, we could infer that SHwa liked IJ back in the past from her expressions towards IJ, to seeing her follow him out during orientation, and her willingness to meet IJ alone on her birthday. But what was supposed to be an innocent first love story for both of them, never really materialized and progressed as IJ decided to keep his feelings to himself.


The song choice for the episode again fits IkSong’s narrative. In front of City Hall at Subway Station tells the story of past lovers who meet once again as older people living separate lives. As we discovered in the episode, IJ and SHwa were almost lovers who somehow “meet" once again now not just as friends but perhaps as man and woman, now that they’re both uncommitted. It was a conscious wardrobe choice for the team to suddenly make SHwa wear a scrunchie during the band session when she never wore one before. She didn’t even wear one in earlier for her results, nor did she at work. For whatever reason, I’m still unsure of. As we find out that Ikjun liked SHwa in the past, we also gradually see hints that Ikjun’s feelings might resurface as he admits that he sometimes sees SHwa as a woman, not just as a friend.

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Hard sub translation


1st picture

SHwa: Ik Jun-a
IJ: Huh? What's up?
SHwa: It's nothing, but do you have disposable lens or something like that?
IJ: Oh, I do have it~ But why?
SHwa: It's about the wedding that I told you before. It'll be held this afternoon
IJ: Ah, is that so?
IJ: Here you go. Our Ssong Hwa is already look clean and cute so even if you wear glasses, you are still pretty
SHwa: Haha, stop it
IJ: I'm serious, really hehe


2nd picture

SHwa: To look clean and cute
SHwa: Come here 
IJ: ? What is it? I'm wearing my lens so why with the glasses?
SHwa: You too look handsome
SHwa: When you wear glasses
IJ: Oh my. You just made my heart skip a beat
SHwa: Do you have any eye drop? My eyes feels a little dry
IJ: Ssong Hwa yaang~ *making cute sound* 
*probably goes to hug SHwa*
SHwa: Hey! Stop it! I'm trying to wear the lens!
SHwa: Hey! Hey!!
SHwa: You're unbelievable


Waiting for this scene to come true in the upcoming season, but with SHwa hug him back in response. :wub:



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Hello, Chingu-deul!!


I'm excited to read your notes on ep 7. I don't have much notes on ep 7 so my post won't be as long as before :lol: But anyway, here are my thoughts:


Although Ep 7 didn’t have much IkSong scenes, the episode established another turning point for IJ. Here we see his patient, again reflecting his own story. In the past episodes, despite IJ downplaying, we were able to infer from the song “Oh! What a Shiny Night” that he is in fact hung-up on his divorce. In this episode we find out this is actually true as IJ reveals it himself. His patient, struggling to make peace with her husband’s cheating and refusing to take care of herself, was something IJ could relate with as he experience this himself. Hyejeong cheated on IJ and left Uju with him the same way the patient’s husband cheated and donated a part of his liver. We find out that IJ struggled to accept this fact but eventually realized that not moving on is a disservice to himself and Uju. True enough, their band song reflected this POV again where it seems like IJ has finally understood that this time, he had to take care of himself and Uju first when he had always believed that other peoples’ happiness should always come before his. This might imply his openness to pursue his own happiness by allowing himself to enjoy SHwa’s company, something I believe he had restricted himself on doing too much when he was commited. A good foreshadowing for this development in IkSong is the strategic cameo of Sunwoo and Taek’s parents from Reply 1988, who were also long-time friends turned lovers and were given a second chance at creating a family.

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3 hours ago, KDramaFan0828 said:

Hyejeong cheated on IJ and left Uju with him the same way the patient’s husband cheated and donated a part of his liver. We find out that IJ struggled to accept this fact but eventually realized that not moving on is a disservice to himself and Uju.


A good foreshadowing for this development in IkSong is the strategic cameo of Sunwoo and Taek’s parents from Reply 1988, who were also long-time friends turned lovers and were given a second chance at creating a family.

What a comparison! It's like Hyejeong left a 'piece' of her 'heart' = liver in IJ's heart ~ same situation as the patient's. Unlike the patient, IJ had never been in two minds about 'accepting' Uju wholeheartedly even after his divorce. 

I didn't know this as I didn't watch R88. So thanks for bringing that one up. I guess then we have Sunwoo and Taek's parents as well as Jung Su and Rosa as comparison to IkSong. 


EP 7

Also don't have much things to say. I remember I felt so ecstatic after watching ep 6 (when I watched HP for the first time) and then ep 7 came and I was a bit disappointed that the drama chose not to maintain and carry the 'excitement' forward. Now upon rewatching, I knew it's because we really didn't have many IkSong moments. I think we only had 2 scenes where they're on the same frame: the scene where they're waiting for JunWan to pick them for dinner, the dinner and the band scene. 


The scene where they waited for JunWan was the only that they had a brief moment just between the two of them before SHyeong came into the picture. People have noticed it: the shirts colour of IkSong were the same as Jungsu-Rosa in previous episode. 


Both IkJun and ChiHong did similar thing to their patients which was to reveal their 'secret' for their patients' sake. I thought it's interesting that the two guys who both admired SHwa did the same thing on the same episode. 


I was also surprised as well as a bit 'sad' to know that SHwa intended to ask ChiHong to go for a drink originally before she found out he already went with Seok Min. I was like...ok... she definitely never asked IJ out first to get a drink or to eat food? :huh:


@KDramaFan0828 and @Jules errr...SHwa patted/touched SHyeong's back this ep... :emmm:


@KDramaFan0828 so this ep OST wasn't about IJ wanting to go back to his ex right? I was just wondering coz the lyric was sort of saying that he would be the same guy that 'she' left..and that if you want i can wait... When I listened to that...I thought, could it be at this particular episode, he still somehow had not gotten over his wife? But couldn't be right? 


Funny/sad thing is during this week OST, the other 4 had someone who's falling in love with them... except our IkJun! (oh..he did have Uju though :lol:


That's all folk.




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Due to not much Iksong scene in eps 7, i also dont have many insight. As we go to act 2 now, i start to look the clue from act 1 to connect the dots. So sorry if i mixed up the points from eps 7 with previous eps.


My insight not much different with @KDramaFan0828 and i agree with all you mention :rolleyes: , but as i already draft this i will just post it :D


I think i would like to say eps 7 is the closure of IJ’s marriage story and Iksong could start their second chance journey in the next eps. 

We know he got divorce in eps 3, but since then he’s just keeps those feelings by himself (disappointment, upset, frustate). In eps 5 he looks cool that he got divorce, but we really dont know how he went through that divorce (even SHwa said “we’re so cool, that we talk about this heavy topic like it’s nothing”, so yeah turn out that IJ’s divorce is not that simple to skip)


From eps 3, IJ said that he’s willing to leave his life in Korea and follow Hyejong to Germany, but as she asked him to stay here and take care Uju, he’s still agree to her. I believe He once loved Hyejong (he’s happy once she calls him and when he walk to meet her, he is counting how long since the last time he saw her- one and half year) but just like his previous relationship - he seems passive to act and showing his love towards her (by answer Hyejong’s call seems like they didnt call each other much - maybe due to gap/different time also). I dont’t like Hyejong but i could imagine that she might feel IJ didnt love her much.


Connect to eps 2 Kalguksu scene when SHyung asked his mother if she want him to buy her Kalguksu, IJ said “why are you asking her? Just buy some for her” - From what i see, that’s the real IJ, if he cares he will observe and just do what he wants/need to do instead ask - that’s why in eps 6, IJ didnt ask anything to SHwa, he observe and without need to asked her he came to hospital to accompany her, because he is worry and he knows SHwa need accompany to face whatever her biopsy result, and that’s just a little trigger for IJ that he cares so much to SHwa. 


And in eps 7, when he’s telling the patient about his marriage life - we can see that he has so much sadness/regret in his eyes about his life. “Wasting my life because of what she did to me was doing a disservice to myself” this is said that he allowed her to make a decision for his life, he let her do what she wants and just follow them without him doing much or consider what he wants to do. This scene is telling alot how IJ process his divorce, how he dealt with it, and finally how he moves on and close the book. 

And after that, IJ doesnt hesitate to approach SHwa, to do something what he wants to do, and how he start to treat himself better (well yes by having meal with SHwa *lol*)


I understand both IJ and SHwa didnt want to get involve to each other’s relationship and sharing the story about their ex, because deep down they know they will get sensitive and getting emotionally towards each other. 

Different with SHwa to CH, she’s already set boundaries/wall to her colleague that sharing something or buying drinks for them wont make her involve her feelings.


ah yes, also CH asked Dr Bong if IJ and SH were a campus couple is because he sense something from eps 6 when all of the boys come to SH and ask her, while IJ just come to her bring her a coffee without ask her anything. 


I know that SHwa said that they’re not in Reply1988, but seeing Taek’s father and Sunwoo’s mother in this eps is like telling us that they could start their journey from long time friend to become family (also in reply88, both of them start their relationship by having meal together regularly).

*note: just realized that Uju sleep with his toy Lion figure and make cookies with Lion head for IJ (Leo hints already here)


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Good points!!! For the OST maybe it’s implying that gradually IJ starts to develop romantic feelings for SHwa all over again. I felt that it was already IkSong’s narrative being told in the song lyrics pertaining to the romance that almost happened between them and the romance that’s yet to unfold. I believe it’s like a prelude to what’s about to happen. Especially the line “I don’t want to comfort myself with lies anymore. I knew love for the first time, I’m gonna find you again.”


I agree with Chihong as well. Being someone who gives all his attention to SHwa, he is bound to notice her dynamics with people. This made him aware that there is something special about IkSong’s relationship leaving him to assume that they were a campus couple.


Good catch on the kalguksu scene and the lion!!!! :lol:

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some say that it's a waste for their friendship if ikjun confess, but i think the reason that they meet and want to be close to each other is because they like each other to begin with.

how songhwa follows him, wants to be in a band with him and how ikjun instantly accepts her as a vocalist and even teach her how to play a guitar. ikjun even said how bad she is at playing that it took him 5 years to teach her in playing guitar, wonder if songhwa intentionally do that so she can spend more time with him.   






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