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[OFFICIAL] Ik♥️Song Nation - ALOHA COUPLE - Flower♥️Clown - 99ers

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2 hours ago, Chugo21 said:

After rewatching HP more than 5 times, I just realized that Ikjun is really suffered in whole 20 years. 

He’s funny and cheerful person, we even called him a clown but the truth is behind that mask (happy face) he wasn’t really happy, like joker (movie). 

He never share his problem to his friends, he always go to club before not because he really wanted, it because he thinks that place can help him to his problem and forget anything about it. 

Ikjun is a kind of man that “your happiness is more important than my own happiness.”

He never complained to his exes because he wanted to look contented and happy.


I don’t think he still loved his wife when she called him. He needs to look happy and excited like there’s nothing wrong to their relationship, (it’s really obvious that kind of relationship is not good and stable.) and because junwan was there. He want to see him as strong and happy in front of his friends and to uju. But actually Junwan and even uju know that he is not. When Junwan said to ikjun that divorce is his good decision because he knew that ikjun really suffered a lot.

Ikjun was sad when his wife wanted to divorce because he thinks about his son’s life.  He was really worried about his future, but after hearing to uju that all he needs is him, he’s really happy. 


After his conversation with CH about iksun and his patients/parents, he realized and reflect it to himself. 

That’s why he confessed his true feelings to songhwa and he visited iksun. 


He did wrong decision to his life before, but now he opened  his eyes and heart.


Do you think he told his friends that his wife cheated on him?? For me, I don't think he has told his friends yet. 

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17 minutes ago, Jules said:


Do you think he told his friends that his wife cheated on him?? For me, I don't think he has told his friends yet. 

Interesting point. I haven’t really thought about that. Now that you’ve mentioned it, there’s a good possibility that he didn’t :o

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Ep 4 rewatch thoughts:


This is one of my top favorite HP episode because just like my Iksong chingus, I love how Lee Woo-jung used the Bong's Salon to present Lacking Five in an outsider's point of view before once again using the band practice to show who they are with their closest friends.


Another reason is that I discovered a lot of Ik-jun and Song-hwa's characteristics in this ep. I'll just jot it down since I'm not good with words haha.


- Patient (answering the old man's questions)
- Perceptive (the elevator scene with WG)
- A cool and fun oppa (with Ik-sun)
- Smart but knows how to have fun
- He's not twisted at heart (this is my favorite description of him)
- We also saw his relationship with other professors and nurses and how solid his relationship with appa-holic Uju


- Rational and emphatic (because she's Lacking Five's emotional pillar)
- Reliable and independent (the DLL Program phone call)
- A wild one (haha)


Correct me if I'm wrong but is this the first scene where we saw Ik-jun's new car? Because if so, then this is the point when he was already starting to move on from the sudden plot twist in his marriage life. He said it on the next episode that he decided to bounce back quickly because prolonging his despair is a disservice to himself (I still go  :tears: for this quote).


My third reason for liking this episode is because it's the Canon band perf!!!


We got a lot of short shots with Ik-jun helping out Song-hwa during practice. Ikjun was being patient on Song-hwa learning her part. This was also the first time that I wavered on my "no dating between friends" rule. It's all because of Song-hwa admiring Ik-jun's guitar skills and then Ik-jun praising Song-hwa's improvement (!!!). Romantic sparks were everywhere on those scenes.


Now going back to Canon, this is like the pop song among classic pieces. It's a personal fave so I'm quiet bias about it haha. I've noticed that Seok-hyeong mentioned that he learned George Winston's Variation in Kanon and I think that it was what he was playing on his keyboard when Ik-jun accompanied him with his electric guitar; making it a rock version haha. So I therefore conclude, that they like different versions of Canon. If I relate that to Songhwa then it'll goes like this: Seok-hyeong likes the softer delicate version of Song-hwa just like Winston's rendition of the song; Ik-jun likes her wild version (haha) and the stronger version of her.


~end~ :wub:



Not Iksong related. So this is the episode where Im Chang-min showed up. I find him cute on ep 10 and was wondering why I haven't seen him before :heart4:


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37 minutes ago, Jules said:

Do you think he told his friends that his wife cheated on him?? For me, I don't think he has told his friends yet. 

Possible or They asked him like junwan and iksun did before, when they asked him about Go Ara. He even share that to his patient. 

It’s possible too that they know or hear it from someone. 

But I’m very sure that they know how the ex-wife treated Ikjun. 

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@Jules i never thought about it too! But agree with kdrama..maybe never..as IJ also never told them about his 'drunk' confession at NS dinner gathering. So it seems he is of character who can keep personal things...personal? 

@kmsl wow...the car! But did he drive a different car than that with which he used to drive the fab 5 to kalgulsu's place? Ohhh..i like your interpretation on the different versions of canon by shyeong and IJ and how they might be related to SHwa!:coolshades:


Interesting thing to note: when Dr Bong coined them as Lacking 5..he said that because everyone has something lacking...only later to start the introduction with Shwa..who he described as 'perfect' :waitwhat: lol. 

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1 hour ago, kmsl said:

Now going back to Canon, this is like the pop song among classic pieces. It's a personal fave so I'm quiet bias about it haha. I've noticed that Seok-hyeong mentioned that he learned George Winston's Variation in Kanon and I think that it was what he was playing on his keyboard when Ik-jun accompanied him with his electric guitar; making it a rock version haha. So I therefore conclude, that they like different versions of Canon. If I relate that to Songhwa then it'll goes like this: Seok-hyeong likes the softer delicate version of Song-hwa just like Winston's rendition of the song; Ik-jun likes her wild version (haha) and the stronger version of her.


Ooohhh your interpretation of canon is quite interesting B) Seems very possible hehe. And we know IJ has a thing for bass-playing SHwa LOL

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51 minutes ago, snowlou said:


Interesting thing to note: when Dr Bong coined them as Lacking 5..he said that because everyone has something lacking...only later to start the introduction with Shwa..who he described as 'perfect' lol. 


Yes, this too I noticed the first time I watched it. The only one on the list that was lacking in anyway was Junwan and maybe Seokhyeong as per his description. So, it was interesting the they were the lacking 5 only to proceed mentioning their greatest traits. 


56 minutes ago, Chugo21 said:

Possible or They asked him like junwan and iksun did before, when they asked him about Go Ara. He even share that to his patient. 

It’s possible too that they know or hear it from someone. 

But I’m very sure that they know how the ex-wife treated Ikjun

The only reason he told his patient about his divorce is so that she can relate and take care of herself. Also, this is the episode where it made me think about whether he told his friends. 

Because he said he was embarrassed and his pride was hurt. So I honestly don't think he told them. And I don't think they heard it from someone since he never told anyone when he found out. 

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Hi! Inserting some of my observations from my HP ReWatch of Episode 4 :D

1) In the scene with IkSun note here that when IJ teases her, IS says, “We’re really just friends, just like you and SongHwa”. Which I'm not sure if that's meant to distract us again from thinking that they're a possible love line, or if it was the writer's way of showing that friends of the opposite sex can be just best friends and that's normal. Or maybe this is also IkSun showing us that she knows how fond of SongHwa IJ is, similarly to the closeness she has with Chi Hong. 


2) This episode shows so much of the character of SongHwa. She’s very self reliant. When they had an Indonesian patient who had no money for hospitalization, she called Daddy Long Legs program and even called the Anesthesiology Department in order to book an emergency OR. In my early years of surgical training, never has a consultant/professor done that for himself (they’d always rely on their trainees to do the errands for them). 


3) We also see a bit of Ikjun’s character, he’s very helpful and considerate even to nurses, remember when he sits on the nurses station just so SuBin can eat? This episode I think shows IJ to be selfless too. 


4) SongHwa is the type of girl mothers would want their kids to date. Remember when SH's mom said, “Call SongHwa for dinner. I really like her.  She’s kind and calm.” Can she be more perfect? :D


5)At the parking lot, with Songhwa driving so fast… Ikjun goes, “That startled me.” (is this a foreshadowing?!) When Songhwa goes down the car (after parking flawlessly beside IJ) we see them smiling warmly at each other. This is in stark contrast to their earlier encounter at the parking lot in episode 2 (that part when SongHwa seemed to really avoid IJ). 


6) During the scene where they were eating dinner at SongHwa’s Office: 

"Our taste in food changes as we grow old. Yes, but not gradually. It changes overnight. All of a sudden."
IJ says she took 6000 pics of flowers. Maybe this too was a foreshadowing, SongHwa being said to symbolize flowers or spring. I remember people say that the confession in Episode 10 came out of nowhere, now while I don't agree with that statement, I think how they say that our taste/preferences can change all of a sudden can also point to how feelings can be re-awakened (like the deep seated feelings IJ has for SongHwa).


7) During band practice, IJ helps Songhwa fix her bass. *crumbs*


8) When IK says, “Alright then, SongHwa can be vocalist” without even hearing her sing (fine, she said she was coarse). But remember when IJ had to test SH’s piano skills lots of times even asking him to play multiple pieces? I think that while SongHwa pretended to know how to sing to get into the band, IJ really wanted her to be part of the band anyway.


9) When IJ plays Canon with SH, and we see SongHwa staring at IJ intently (with so much love). *crumbs*

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Everyone's insight was so great. I'll just add a few things. 


Episode 4 shows us more of SHwa and IkJun because these two are the ones that went through changes in the past episodes. So we get to see how they are handling things especially for IkJun. 


First of all, I think Dr. Bong is more close to Songhwa and IkJun than the rest. Because everytime he talks about IkJun he always calls him a prick or a jerk. And Songhwa because they've probably been working together for 10 years. Which is why most of what he says about these two are accurate than what he says about the other three. I think he relies more on the past regarding the other three.


To me this episode made clear of the love lines except for SHyung. We saw the way Jwan looked at Iksun during her bidulgi scene, the elevator scene specifically put IkJun out as Gyeoul possible partner to a mentor/brotherly relationship and put in Jwon as the only possibility. Even though at this point we still weren't convinced IkJun and Songhwa will go the love route, we still saw the contrast in their being alone between this episode and the 2nd episode. When IkJun commented on her excellent parking, Songhwa responded cheerfully and even made a joke. This exchange showed promise between the two. 


We also got to see the past love interest. During canon, when Songhwa said she would be the vocalist, it was only Jwan than interrogated her. It always made me wonder why didn't IkJun interrogate her too seeing as he can sing too? But without the foresight of episode 6, it was just a wonder. 

Anyway, during practice in 99 we saw that Songhwa fell for IkJun even before SHyung fell for Songhwa. Without the knowledge of episode 6, this can be seen by how Songhwa looked at IkJun when he first played the guitar. And it was then we knew that he was her first love. 

Further down the line as practice goes on so maybe months or weeks is when we get to see SHyung falling for Songhwa. Seeing as Songhwa was practicing blood without IkJun, it means she was good enough to not need IkJun. It was also the only time she wasn't with IkJun. We also got to see lots of 'crumbs'. In the present, we also got to see IkJun explaining and pointing some tweaks to Songhwa about how to play the bass for the song. 

Also, during band practice in 2019, Songhwa and Jwan were both set in a way that they faced IkJun. But throughout the whole piece, Songhwa looked at IkJun and smiled. Especially the part where IkJun went solo(I think?). Even though Jwan also looked at IkJun, it was because IkJun was there with him. But Songhwa looked at IkJun even when he wasn't looking at her. 


I can't add anymore since everyone said so much already so I just noted down a few things. There are things I noticed in all your insights and I would get to them separately so as not to make this one long.

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5 hours ago, kawaiiprincess1987 said:

8) When IK says, “Alright then, SongHwa can be vocalist” without even hearing her sing (fine, she said she was coarse). But remember when IJ had to test SH’s piano skills lots of times even asking him to play multiple pieces? I think that while SongHwa pretended to know how to sing to get into the band, IJ really wanted her to be part of the band anyway.


4 hours ago, Jules said:

We also got to see the past love interest. During canon, when Songhwa said she would be the vocalist, it was only Jwan than interrogated her. It always made me wonder why didn't IkJun interrogate her too seeing as he can sing too? But without the foresight of episode 6, it was just a wonder. 

HAHA I found it funny too that IJ tested SH’s skills so hard but immediately gave in to SHwa’s lie. Our boy is whipped!!!!!!


Anyway I saw this on twitter. Thoughts? Do you think these lines bear deeper meaning? If we think about it, narratively, the past holds much more significance to IJ and SHwa than the others in the group.



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Not sure if everyone could view the video on bilibili, a chinese video streaming site.

But just wanna share some links of the chinese fan edit using IkSong crumbs.





Edits using 'I Knew I Loved' OST for BGM



A edit using 'Aloha' OST for BGM



A edit using Jay Chou '不能说的秘密' for BGM



A edit using Epik High (ft. Lee Hi) 'Can You Hear My Heart' OST from Moon Lover:Scarlet Heart drama for BGM



A edit using Chanyeol & Punch 'Stay With Me' OST from Goblin drama for BGM



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On 7/1/2020 at 2:39 PM, kawaiiprincess1987 said:

5)At the parking lot, with Songhwa driving so fast… Ikjun goes, “That startled me.” (is this a foreshadowing?!) 

Interesting! Could you please elaborate more on what kind of foreshadowing it will be? :rolleyes:

On 7/1/2020 at 2:39 PM, kawaiiprincess1987 said:

"Our taste in food changes as we grow old. Yes, but not gradually. It changes overnight. All of a sudden."
IJ says she took 6000 pics of flowers. Maybe this too was a foreshadowing, SongHwa being said to symbolize flowers or spring. I remember people say that the confession in Episode 10 came out of nowhere, now while I don't agree with that statement, I think how they say that our taste/preferences can change all of a sudden can also point to how feelings can be re-awakened (like the deep seated feelings IJ has for SongHwa).

I'll try to keep this in mind because really the flower scenes sort of bothered me in a way that I think it really has some sort of meanings. 

In ep 3? started the flower scene when the NS team saw the fake roses being planted in Yulje

In this ep (ep 4) - we got IJ saying that he suddenly took 6000 photos of flowers

I think there are also 'flower scene' in ep 5 and 6 and then there's no more in ep 7. 


@Jules I never thought of who liked who first so what you posted was sort of an eye opener in a way. So the 'timeline' is sort of like : IJ started liking SHwa during the interview -> SHwa MIGHT also start lkJun during the interview but we got further confirmation during that band practice -> SHyeong started liking SHwa a bit later. 



23 hours ago, KDramaFan0828 said:

Thoughts? Do you think these lines bear deeper meaning? If we think about it, narratively, the past holds much more significance to IJ and SHwa than the others in the group.

I came to a realisation about this last week. I agree..coz when I think about it...almost all flashback scenes have something to do with IJ - SHwa (minus the flashback scene of Jwan reason of choosing his specialty). So I'd be very confused to why there's a need to have the flashback scenes at all if this loveline weren't intended from the beginning.  

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3 hours ago, snowlou said:

Interesting! Could you please elaborate more on what kind of foreshadowing it will be? :rolleyes:


We haven't really seen that moment when IJ realizes that he has feelings for SongHwa again (I mean in 2019); so I'm thinking that SongHwa coming into that scene and driving so fast and parking so flawlessly could be a foreshadowing of IJ's romantic feelings for her too. Or something like thattt :D

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i’m newbie here, i’m only silent reader from the beginning and i love all the theories that iksong shipper explain. 

when all of you start rewatching the episode, i cant help but wanna join the club.


i don’t know if someone already mention this before, but as i watched eps 4, there’s so much foreshadowing from this eps to eps 10. 
When IJ and SH meet at the parking lot, and suddenly JWon stop them and giving them his car to park, it’s foreshadowing how he will gave DLL program to IJ and SH.

and i remember it’s also in eps 10 that JWon sell his car, and officially ask SH to take care DLL program and unofficially ask IJ to support the funding via VIP patients. On eps 10 IJ and SH find out that JWon is the DLL. 
I feel like JWon will become the bridge or have a specific role for iksong relationship in next season. 


in eps 4, when IJ have lunch with Uju, knowing his son have date with Mone (his gf) with her mother, IJ realize that his son didn’t have a mother figure much, even Uju said his dad is his universe.

While foreshadowing in eps 10 IJ find SH cuddling in bed with Uju who was sick at that time - just imagine how she become “a mother” to Uju.


sorry for forshadowing much to eps 10 as that episode is my favorite so i’m quite remember.


btw, i also find eps 4 is giving us a hint for future triangle loveline when SHyung said Canon is his favorit and IJ said “it’s mine” and SHyung again said “it’s mine” while SH is in the middle of them. And as SHyung the first one who said “that’s my favorit song” he’s the first one that confess to SH.

i’m sorry for my bad english (not my basic language) 


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Welcome to world of crumbs, I mean Iksong @Crystalclear :D!!!


I like your thoughts about Jeongwon becoming their “bridge” in S2. The IkSong duo drilled some sense to this guy in S1 and their words/advice helped him realized he’s better off staying at the hospital. So I guess, it’s time for him to give back and helped his friends realize their feelings wahahaha. Another reason I agree with you here is because I think he knew both Ikjun and Songhwa‘s side of the story. Some of our Iksong chingus pointed out how he looked at SH during the funeral scene wayback ep 2(?) as if he knew something. I’m guessing he also knew about Ikjun’s past feelings for SH since he’s nosy like that haha. 


and yes! I also agree too that if they’ll go down the love triangle route, Seokhyeong could be the most likely candidate. Although I’m not sure how they’ll do it since they already build up that Seokhyeong’s family conflict is his issue for not accepting Minha’s feelings. 

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Welcome @Crystalclear :) Both you and @kawaiiprincess1987 mentioned some 'foreshadowing' which are really interesting! So kawaiiprincess1987..is it like..SHwa suddenly and flawlessly entered into IJ's heart once again as in romantically? :rolleyes: I could imagine like a pretty looking sport car suddenly takes over his heart lane hahahahahah. 

It would be very nice if JWon could 'in return' help this ship sail :D


4 hours ago, kmsl said:

and yes! I also agree too that if they’ll go down the love triangle route, Seokhyeong could be the most likely candidate. Although I’m not sure how they’ll do it since they already build up that Seokhyeong’s family conflict is his issue for not accepting Minha’s feelings. 

I agree that SHyeong is very likely candidate considering his past and also considering how he still listened to SHwa''s advice (and at one point..SHwa's advice only) but I really won't like it if they decide to enter SHyeong into the love triangle story.. I'm really hoping that this love triangle (IJ-SHwa-SHyeong) stayed in the past and is resolved completely already in the present. I can't imagine the heartbreak over the love triangle if it occurs within the fab 5 (coz after all we all love SHyeong too and don't want to see him sad - again). :tears:

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8 hours ago, Crystalclear said:


i’m newbie here, i’m only silent reader from the beginning and i love all the theories that iksong shipper explain. 

when all of you start rewatching the episode, i cant help but wanna join the club.


i don’t know if someone already mention this before, but as i watched eps 4, there’s so much foreshadowing from this eps to eps 10. 
When IJ and SH meet at the parking lot, and suddenly JWon stop them and giving them his car to park, it’s foreshadowing how he will gave DLL program to IJ and SH.

and i remember it’s also in eps 10 that JWon sell his car, and officially ask SH to take care DLL program and unofficially ask IJ to support the funding via VIP patients. On eps 10 IJ and SH find out that JWon is the DLL. 
I feel like JWon will become the bridge or have a specific role for iksong relationship in next season. 


in eps 4, when IJ have lunch with Uju, knowing his son have date with Mone (his gf) with her mother, IJ realize that his son didn’t have a mother figure much, even Uju said his dad is his universe.

While foreshadowing in eps 10 IJ find SH cuddling in bed with Uju who was sick at that time - just imagine how she become “a mother” to Uju.


sorry for forshadowing much to eps 10 as that episode is my favorite so i’m quite remember.


btw, i also find eps 4 is giving us a hint for future triangle loveline when SHyung said Canon is his favorit and IJ said “it’s mine” and SHyung again said “it’s mine” while SH is in the middle of them. And as SHyung the first one who said “that’s my favorit song” he’s the first one that confess to SH.

i’m sorry for my bad english (not my basic language) 


Welcome, chingu! Glad to have you here as we’re always in need of more people looking out for more crumbs LOL. I find the highlighted part interesting as I’m also convinced of Jwon’s knowledge and involvement in IkSong. And if we look at all the band practice flashbacks, while IJ was teaching SHwa, Jwon was always at the back. Most likely that it was intentional to put only them in-frame instead of everyone in the group.






6 hours ago, kmsl said:

and yes! I also agree too that if they’ll go down the love triangle route, Seokhyeong could be the most likely candidate. Although I’m not sure how they’ll do it since they already build up that Seokhyeong’s family conflict is his issue for not accepting Minha’s feelings. 

To be honest this thought also crosses my mind at times. They’ve put a lot of emphasis on the triangle especially in the first half. Not sure if the purpose is only to prepare for the revelation of IJ’s feelings for SH and build-up the gravity of IJ’s choice. And if we think about it, the very first scene of the season was SH (with SHwa) and the very last scene of the season ended with SH as well. Sometimes I get the feeling that although I don’t feel any romance between SH and SHwa, there might still be a possibility that he or his situation may get in between IkSong, for reasons outside of romance. Most of the time I just brush-off the feeling justifying that it would be too melodramatic for HP to do that and that SH’s life is already melodramatic enough. :lol:

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5 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

It is too melodramatic if SeokHyeong is included in the equation. Shin PD already planned not to do so.


So I believe that Shin PD will not disappointed us and will keep it simple and it will be just Ik-Song


I honestly hope that's the case. Their current situation is already angsty enough :sweatingbullets: LOL Shin PD admitted it himself that SHwa-IJ loveline is quite melodramatic HAHA I don't wanna get hurt even more.

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Annyoeng Chingu deul!!


I’m not into shipping couples – fictional or otherwise but I ended up being an accidental shipper. And not just 1 but 2 ships - Ik Song and Winter Garden. What can I say? Hospital Playlist is to blame and the season format is not helping. We’re too far from the resolution and let’s just say Shin PD and Writer Lee have viewers’ curiousity till the next season just as they would have intended.


I’m currently re-watching the series and I came across this thread and read you guys were also doing the same. Fortunately I was also upto Ep 4 by that time. The band formation scene in Ep 4 has been insightful in so many ways but I’ll mention something that I noticed in connection with Ik-Song. @KDramaFan0828 , @Crystalclearand @kmsl have already pointed out the same.


I just posted on the main thread my thoughts on who has knowledge about Song Hwa’s feelings in the past. My friend@KDramaFan0828 was also speculating if Jeong Won knew about Song Hwa’s feelings. That kind of cemented my observations.


I can’t help but think that how Ik Jun and Song Hwa are the ones that realized or knew that Jeong Won had feelings for Gyeo Ul, similarly Jeong Won is the one who knew about Song Hwa’s feelings towards Ik Jun in the past. In Ep 2 during Chairman Ju’s wife’s funeral when asked about past dalliances, Jun Wan said “Oh, that (romance)? Then Jun Wan gave a probing glance to Jeong Won who immediately looked at Song Hwa. And Song Hwa avoided Jeong Won’s eyes and looked at Ik Jun. (I even learnt to make GIFs specifically to make this post. It took me a couple of days to get the whole thing right.)




In retrospect why Jeong Won looking at Song Hwa may be meaningful and indicate he was aware of her feelings is because of what has been shown in Ep 4 during the Lacking 5’s band formation scene. Song Hwa’s admiring eyes towards Ik Jun are in focus when he starts playing the guitar. In the background are an irritated Jun Wan and a smiling Jeong Won who eyes move towards Song Hwa. Here’s the other GIF




His glance towards Song Hwa is very brief and it fades into the next cut of various band rehearsals and in 3 of these Ik Jun is giving Song Hwa guitar lessons. Also in all these 3 shots Jeong Won is in the background practicing. So if Jeong Won really is as perceptive as he’s said to be in the series and that glance in the GIF carries some meaning then he has to know what was going on at least from Song Hwa’s side. 


This also throws more light on the scene in Ep 12 when Jeong Won is having dinner in Song Hwa’s room and Ik Jun is mentioned. Song Hwa is about to ask or say something but she lets it go. It can be assumed that Song Hwa may have wanted to discuss about Ik Jun with Jeong Won because he was aware of her feelings in the past.


Where Ik Jun’s feelings are concerned it can’t be said for sure if Jeong Won was aware given that it was him who introduced Ik Jun’s ex-wife to him. Though in Ep 10 Ik Jun did say to Jeong Won, "Do what your heart says, that way you won’t regret. Don’t make your decisions rashly and end up like me. Think carefully."


But Jeong Won does not question Ik Jun’s statement about regretting rash decisions. Either Jeong Won was too caught up in his own feelings to register what Ik Jun meant or he really understood what the background was. I will avoid drawing a conclusion about this. Neither do I want to speculate why despite knowing how Song Hwa felt Jeong Won still introduced Ik Jun to his ex-wife. We don’t know the time line of events so any speculation is inconsequential and frankly I’m not that invested in a fictional love story.


In retrospect, it is quite clear that Jeong Won knew Song Hwa liked Ik Jun in college. Whether or how that knowledge is instrumental in the coming seasons is something I’m looking forward to seeing. 


Please let me know if there’s a schedule you people are following for the rewatch. I’ll try sticking to it because otherwise keeping track of discussions becomes difficult. Thanks in advance.

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