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[OFFICIAL] Ik♥️Song Nation - ALOHA COUPLE - Flower♥️Clown - 99ers

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5 hours ago, signupabove said:

I love reading all your analysis ladies.  Can’t add more to it so I’ll just ask questions lol. 

Do you think there’s a significance of showing IJ picking up Songhwa’s shoe and measuring it before he throws it down? If so, what’s your take on the “shoe”? 

I’ve read different theories elsewhere but wanted iksong shippers POV.


To me, I don't think there was any significance. He was never settled in that scene. He moved around a lot playing with many things. He played with almost everything when he was at SHwa's desk, then when he was beside SH he wrote on his scrubs. Then he moved again and I think SHwa's shoe was the next thing in front of him to play with.

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@Jules Sorry I didn't quote your first post anymore since I'll just share a general comment. You've given good emphasis on IJ and HJ's dynamics which makes me really curious what went on with their marriage. It's quite confusing how someone like HJ who chased IJ enough to make him marry her eventually became uninterested and ended up cheating and asking for a divorce. 


16 hours ago, Jules said:

Also, IJ barely talked to SHwa. Actually, I think in the whole of episode 3, IJ did not talk to SHwa at all. He may have looked at her while talking, or when he was expecting an answer. The only time he said her name was when he was waiting for GU to pick a surgery. Even then he just spoke of what she wanted to eat. It was SHwa who talked to IJ. But we could all see their connection even. Also, even though IJ moved about the room, he still ended up beside SHwa. He started at her desk where he was beside her and when she moved to the coach, he too moved to sit near her. Which has made me notice that even in the past episodes, IJ was beside SHwa. Episode 1 when signing the contract she was beside him, episode 2 during dinner she was beside him, and now even moving about he ended up near her. Even though they may not have been close for the past 5 years or so, they still have a sense of each other.


Hmm their position during meals is quite interesting. From my recollection of earlier watches they do often sit side-by-side. Including their band positions as well which I believe was deliberately arranged.  


16 hours ago, snowlou said:

Alright here I go...sorry for another long post: 


Ep 3

In summary there are probably even less IkSong moments in this ep compared to the first two: 1. eating scene in SHwa's office  and 2. the band scene. All scenes involved the other 3. 


From this ep, I would say both IJ and SHwa were still only two besties without romantic intention toward another. And their life's directions seem to go in different way too. During the last few minutes of episode, we're shown IJ who was still very subdued post break up and the next scene showed SHwa who cheerfully went camping on the very same day. IJ just lost his wife and SHwa 'gained' a romantic admiration from ChiHong. I dare to say (unless there would be flashback as @Jules hoped) ..they at this point of time these two had really moved on from the past and only saw each other as strictly friends. SHwa, probably also realised his married status, probably didn't even bother checking on him because why should she when IJ got a wife to do that right? But I share Jules' frustration, I also wish SHwa had done something about it...could just drop by to check how he's or something..that way then we had another IkSong moment to add to our collection too :D


The band scene was another flashback band scene. I noticed that ep 2 to 4 band scenes were of those in 1999 and starting from ep 5 onwards (with ep 1 as an exception) the band scenes were shown in the present time. Is this right? Why though I wonder. It might be far-reaching..but if this is the case, it feels like these coincided with when both of them were no longer attached to anyone and became available for each other??? 


The song for this ep is "Aloha". I found it interesting how the 5 described the song (of course unless the translation is off). IJ, SHwa and SHyeong described the song as their favourite/or that they really liked it while JWan and Jwon described it as something they could sing really well. The lyrics could very well become the first three's POV at that time.  


When watching, I was bothered by the B-104 number of SHwa's camping spot. I feel like it was deliberately shown (twice too!) for a reason and I'm so glad that @__jesse answered it - she explained the meaning of the mountain SHwa went to as well as the number B-104 which might refer to a song of "someone longing for a lover who left" ..of course I want to believe that she's referring to IJ... but to be fair..i think it might refer to both dr Jang and IJ. 


I also wonder the importance of the scene showing us the fake roses being planted in Yulje while NS members were watching? 


Ok. This is it for now. Thank you for reading until this point :wub:

Thanks @Jules for your insight! I want to tell you want i found interesting from your post..but I'll do that later. Gotta go for now :) 


Will be commenting on the highlighted points :D

I agree that it was tough to look for moments on episode 3. I even skipped through the episode one more time to see if I missed any interactions but there was barely any. This makes me think that it was on purpose that they wanted to establish the characters primarily as individuals first (despite the scattered clues here and there) before gradually linking them. Which brings me to your observation for the flashback songs. If episode 2 was supposed to give emphasis to SHwa's character and she sang in the flashback and ep 3 was for IJ where he also sang in the flashback, maybe it's a way of saying that the flashbacks/past is more relevant for SHwa's and IJ's stories than the other 3 of the lacking 5. The way they presented the flashbacks imply that it was their respective memories/POV as well: IJ was looking at the noraebang with uju while SHwa was reminded of her birthday where SH confessed. The past significantly shaped the situation they have today and might influence their future choices as manifested by the smooth transition from past to present of Canon being played in ep 4. Then from the later part of ep 4 onwards, with their memories of the past, we witness how they choose to move forward.


I'm also wondering about the fake roses but I don't know what to make of it yet. They put emphasis on SHwa saying that not a lot of people know the names of flowers. And in another episode they also showed Jongsu and Rosa playing with the app that gives the name of flowers. I only recall these scenes but I have no idea what they're implying HAHAHAHA

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1 hour ago, Lawyerh said:

I guess they got to check the side of the loupe, believe it have name on it. But very small one. Saw dr.Garden once before. 

Yes. Every loupe has a name on the sides. 

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On 6/22/2020 at 8:25 PM, Jules said:

It's a tone she has only used on IJ as we all know.. A smile we all know is reserved for IJ. In all 3 episodes, SHwa was free to be angry with IJ. 


 Which has made me notice that even in the past episodes, IJ was beside SHwa. Episode 1 when signing the contract she was beside him, episode 2 during dinner she was beside him, and now even moving about he ended up near her.


 Not that he is married/has a wife but just that he has a kid. I'm not sure yet what to make of this.:innocent:

The colour I use to write will correspond to the colours I put for the text I quote.

So we can see it's not only those 'hits' that only 'belong' to IJ..I agree that she has this sweet smile when she heard his jokes or any funny stories relating to IJ. When I see this emoji it reminds me of SHwa sometimes :yaaa:now I think about it...does she often say 'yaaa' to IJ? 

I'm interested in observing this close proximity between IJ and Shwa in seating arrangement. I could on top of my head recall a few where they're not seated close to one another...one was on the last episode during their dinner after (or before) the band practice after IJ returned from Spain (IJ sat next to...Shyeong?) and SHwa was between JWan and Jwon if I'm not mistaken. I wonder whether the sitting arrangement also reflects the development in their relationship. 

Understandably so since IJ's wife wasn't around much... maybe that's why people didn't associate him with having a 'wife' but rather a kid? 


 @KDramaFan0828 your two parts were beautifully written xx I love how you explain their relationship from the point of view of the song Aloha. And I agree that episode 3 concludes their 'separate' lives and from here on we'll get to see how they become more and more tangled with each other hehe. I faintly remember someone explained something about the roses on the main thread...but I can't recall what s/he said about it. It must have some meaning or else that scene would be just...'useless'?? 


@signupabove when I watched the shoe scene..I also wondered about your question..but it turned out it was Cap who bought her the new shoes so maybe it really held no meaning at this point of time? 


Going along with what @Ketu R said above, I think IJ and SHwa are quite similar in a way that they always put others before them and care for their well-being although they do it in different way..IJ does it more 'secretly or behind-the-scene-ly' while SHwa does it at times through nagging hahahaha. They're also similar in a way that they prefer to handle their own problems and aren't willing to show their vulnerability.. but I do agree that IJ's friends weren't aware of his problems as much as he was of theirs. But again, this was due to IJ himself not willing to voice out his problems. I must say IJ's character feels really real to me...I found that super extrovert people like IJ may have some problems we know nothing about because they choose to act like everything in their lives are going smoothly. 


@__jesse welcome! and spend your time delurking here :D

@Lawyerh I see you added #FlowerClown on this thread's title already ;) Thanks! 

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Any theory why Ikjun married his ex wife? From what we know, Jeongwon said he introduced her to Ikjun, then Junwan said the ex wife chased Ikjun for 3 months? 


So after that "chasing" did Ikjun end up liking and even fall in love with his ex, even went for marriage or maybe he was already thinking of marriage bc of his age. He did mentioned how he married late. 

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3 hours ago, milkokoa said:

Any theory why Ikjun married his ex wife? From what we know, Jeongwon said he introduced her to Ikjun, then Junwan said the ex wife chased Ikjun for 3 months? 


So after that "chasing" did Ikjun end up liking and even fall in love with his ex, even went for marriage or maybe he was already thinking of marriage bc of his age. He did mentioned how he married late. 


Adding to your possibilities, I happened across this tweet a couple of hours ago. It would plausibly explain how detached the ex-wife was able to be?




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3 hours ago, milkokoa said:

Any theory why Ikjun married his ex wife? From what we know, Jeongwon said he introduced her to Ikjun, then Junwan said the ex wife chased Ikjun for 3 months? 


So after that "chasing" did Ikjun end up liking and even fall in love with his ex, even went for marriage or maybe he was already thinking of marriage bc of his age. He did mentioned how he married late. 

My own theory is he liked her enough to date her. She chased him and he probably liked that and maybe he did fall in love and married her. I dont think it is a passionate or understanding kind of relationship. She was carrer driven and he rarely expresses his emotions. Most probably it was just convenient for both of them to be together until it was not for her. Uju happened and she left the country soon after. She fell for someone else. 


Also it is possible ik Jun s wife sensed he was always in love yet to forget someone else. That is sure to drive a women away. I mean I am not condoning her actions and cheating is never ok but I do feel a little sympathy for her, when it is clear the ij never let his feelings for song hwa go. Maybe he never acted on it but most wives can usually tell when their husbands like someone more than them. 

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21 minutes ago, Lawyerh said:
Too bad haha  ... but nice try ...

The truth hurts but the truth shall set you free HAHAHA our momentary happiness was short-lived chingu but I won’t forget how excited I was thinking that he used SHwa’s loupe :tears:

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4 hours ago, wallflowersforjane said:


Adding to your possibilities, I happened across this tweet a couple of hours ago. It would plausibly explain how detached the ex-wife was able to be?




Another possibility is they got Uju right after marriage. Which made IJ devoted to his son. When he was talking to his wife about her wanting a divorce, he said he likes that she is a career woman and that he can take care of Uju. Nothing about his feelings for her. This means he may have had feelings for her enough to get married but he ended up loving Uju more. 


Also if I may jump to episode 7 when IJ was talking to his patient about his wife cheating on him, he said at first his pride was hurt. Then he was embarrassed. Not heartbroken or anything, but just that he was embarrassed to face other people and that he felt his life get difficult. 

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2 hours ago, KDramaFan0828 said:

The truth hurts but the truth shall set you free HAHAHA our momentary happiness was short-lived chingu but I won’t forget how excited I was thinking that he used SHwa’s loupe :tears:

I too was excited. But we still have the fact that they have the same eyesight :D. It will keep us going for now. 

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My thoughts for Episode 3 (I won't repeat what others have already mentioned) :D

In the earlier scene, IkJun says they're getting seafood stew. Jwon said he’s allergic to seafood stew but IJ says… “Songhwa wants seafood stew” and it seems settled then. It's a small detail but goes to show how SongHwa is really lucky to be friends with people who let her get food she wants. HAHA 


At the karaoke scene, the lyrics of the song SHwa was singing goes, “Seeing you smile makes me happy, even if you’re just joking” Guys, who likes to joke?!? Who's a goofball? (okay, maybe I'm reading too much into this, LOL). And the part of Aloha that SHwa sings goes like this, “I ask only one thing from you, I’m dreaming to be eternally happy with you. It doesn’t have to be fancy, I don’t need a perfect life. The only thing I want is you.” :D

If we recall, this karaoke scene was actually 4-5 years into their band practices right? Because during lunch time they were talking about how they've improved after 4 years of practice (the karaoke scene was supposed to be the night of the comedy fest or something right?). So based on that timeline, SHwa and IJ were likely already in relationships at this point. I'm not sure if they still have feelings for each other then, given that it's probably been 3-4 years since IJ gave up on SongHwa because of SH. 


Actually, I think IJ loved his wife. If you recall, when the wife calls him, he does seem happy and he was really excited to see her and talk to her. And IJ is shown to be sad at the very least about the divorce. I guess even more devastated to learn that she cheated on him (and we get to verify this in a future episode right?).


Rewatching this actually makes me put things in perspective. Episode 3 happens in May (based on the calendar at SHwa's office) right? Which means IJ's divorce was probably finalized after 2 months at the soonest? I mean, if IJ was still that excited/happy to see his wife in May, I'd be uncomfortable too if he professes his love for me after 6-8 months. (I know, I know it's been 20 years worth of love, but you know...)


Lastly, this episode really shows so much of IJ's character as a doctor. :D

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25 minutes ago, kawaiiprincess1987 said:

In the earlier scene, IkJun says they're getting seafood stew. Jwon said he’s allergic to seafood stew but IJ says… “Songhwa wants seafood stew” and it seems settled then. It's a small detail but goes to show how SongHwa is really lucky to be friends with people who let her get food she wants. HAHA 

I agree. There’s been a lot of talk about SHwa’s significant role in the group but SHwa’s pretty lucky herself having these amazing people as her friends. And she really enjoys their company. I recall after they did their rounds, Seokmin invited SHwa to eat with the team saying he found a good place for seafood stew and they will have it delivered but she said it’s too much.




SHwa said “Go ahead without me. I’ll eat with the guys” then initiated lunch with her friends.



Turns out she wanted seafood stew herself just that she wanted to eat with her friends. :lol:Seems like SHwa is pretty thrilled to bond with them again.

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Actually in episode 3, when the 5 of them were in Songhwa's office and Ikjoon sat at her desk and start touching and using her stuff.

He took her glasses and tried it before asking her whether her eyesight had worsen because they used to have the same degrees of eyesight before she told him to take off his contact lenses.


That why some of them assume he used her loupe


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9 hours ago, kawaiiprincess1987 said:

If we recall, this karaoke scene was actually 4-5 years into their band practices right? Because during lunch time they were talking about how they've improved after 4 years of practice (the karaoke scene was supposed to be the night of the comedy fest or something right?). So based on that timeline, SHwa and IJ were likely already in relationships at this point. I'm not sure if they still have feelings for each other then, given that it's probably been 3-4 years since IJ gave up on SongHwa because of SH. 

Owwww....I didn't think of this! So the karaoke scene didn't happen in 1999??? For some reasons I always assumed all the flashbacks happened between 1999-2000. And did the scene where SHyeong confessed to IJ about being rejected by SHwa happened in 1999-2000 too? If yes, then could we safely say perhaps 4 years on they probably still had feeling for each other based on the song Aloha? Hmmmm

@milkokoa tbh I'm not sure about what truly happened in the beginning between IJ and his ex-wife. The theory of Uju being a shotgun baby actually did make sense to me too ... but I also think that IJ, in a way, did love his wife...although maybe not in a way that he's in love with her. And IJ being a responsible person, did his very best as a husband and a father. Who knows S2 will also give us a peep on this :D


Bye bye loope theory :doggie:hahhahaha 

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2 hours ago, snowlou said:

Owwww....I didn't think of this! So the karaoke scene didn't happen in 1999??? For some reasons I always assumed all the flashbacks happened between 1999-2000. And did the scene where SHyeong confessed to IJ about being rejected by SHwa happened in 1999-2000 too? If yes, then could we safely say perhaps 4 years on they probably still had feeling for each other based on the song Aloha? Hmmmm

@milkokoa tbh I'm not sure about what truly happened in the beginning between IJ and his ex-wife. The theory of Uju being a shotgun baby actually did make sense to me too ... but I also think that IJ, in a way, did love his wife...although maybe not in a way that he's in love with her. And IJ being a responsible person, did his very best as a husband and a father. Who knows S2 will also give us a peep on this :D


Bye bye loope theory :doggie:hahhahaha 


True, you can love someone without being in love with them, maybe that what Ikjun really feel for his ex wife, she was persistent on pursuing him, ofc he would feel something for her then add Uju. His ex wife is still Uju's mom after all. 

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Here to share a few thoughts on Ep 2! I paged back to scan through your Ep 2 comments to check if they were already mentioned but if I do miss anything, please let me know, apologies in advance!


Foreshadowing Song Hwa and Ik Jun

As I was watching Song Hwa approach the problem of Prof Min, Seok Min and the good samaritan patient, I was struck by the thought whether this could foreshadow Song Hwa approaching the problem of Ik Jun.  For the Prof Min issue, Jun Wan and Jeong Won both share their perspective of the issue and what they would do, they present black and white, either / or options that we would immediately think of. However Song Hwa does neither and finds a third option of channeling the decision back to the patient. When this does not work, she finds yet a fourth solution in providing her assistance to Prof Min. If we apply this format to IkSong, we could speculate that this pattern again appears with Jun Wan and Jeong Won providing the obvious either / or options. Song Hwa will ignore them, pursuing a third option where a third party (I am thinking Uju, since this will affect him very much) makes the decision on IkSong. However, something will happen there that will require her to step up to personally confront the problem herself and doing so in a gentler and unexpected way like in Ep 2.


Chi Hong and the Shoes

With hindsight, I found Chi Hong really strange in this episode. The impression he gave off here is that he didn't know Song Hwa that well despite being her resident (and liking her) for at least two years. He sounded surprised about Song Hwa when Seok Min was telling him about her and then not being able to go in to fetch her for her outpatient appointments. I suppose it was because it was Jun Wan's office but just thought it was quite odd.


Regarding the gift of the shoes, in Chinese culture, it's considered bad luck to gift shoes because the person will "walk away" from you. If you have to give shoes, you must include a little money as part of it. My friends did that one year for me and we are still friends so hopefully it's true. :sweatingbullets: But back to ACH, I looked up whether Korean culture has the same superstitions and the very first result is Koreans believe that if you give shoes as gift to someone, the recipient will wear the shoes and run away from you. Therefore, Koreans do not give shoes as gift to lovers and friends as they do not want to break up with them. So it seemed like Chi Hong was doomed from the start. And in giving Chi Hong back a pair of shoes, I read it as a message from Song Hwa to ask him to walk away from his feelings for her.


A Crumb: During the reveal of Seok Hyung's confession, there was an electric guitar strum sound after he confesses. Because Ik Jun was the third person here? As Seok Hyung's confidante and as the person Song Hwa likes? I just thought it was a really cool sound clue here.


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I've skimmed the translation and all I could think about is whether or not we'll get Songhwa's POV in earlier episodes for S2 :lol: I'm also excited for some '99 flashbacks. 




I think this is the original article @KDramaFan0828 :


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3 hours ago, kmsl said:

I've skimmed the translation and all I could think about is whether or not we'll get Songhwa's POV in earlier episodes for S2 :lol: I'm also excited for some '99 flashbacks. 




I think this is the original article @KDramaFan0828 :



Thank you!!! :lol: Yup, I think we could expect SHwa’s POV next season so we’ll probably get a lot of flashbacks too. But we’ll have to brace ourselves as it looks like IkSong won’t be sailing anytime soon and they might even drag it until season 3 if we’re going to have one. Might as well prepare for an initial “rejection” of some sort. But I’m good as long as we get IkSong moments and the narrative moves towards IkSong as endgame LOL. AHHHH I can’t wait HAHAHA :w00t:

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