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[OFFICIAL] Ik♥️Song Nation - ALOHA COUPLE - Flower♥️Clown - 99ers

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6 hours ago, Lawyerh said:

#flowerclown lols. Should I add this name too on our main title guys? Give me Likes if agree :lol:


Cr. HP Philipinnes

:joy:If you think about it, it fits us so much. The touches, the glass flicks and all the other little crumbs. Also, IJ is a clown who loves flowers.

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10 minutes ago, Jules said:

HAHAHAHA, we will all be analysing and categorizing the touches. 

I finished watching episode 3. I can't wait to read everyone's insight. Because episode 3 is where our ship was complete:sweatingbullets:

Well..we have like at least another half a year or so before s2 starts..so why not (analysing and categorising every little touches) :mrgreen: Fire away @Jules you can start writing and sharing first:rolleyes:

@Lawyerh abbreviated to FC now? :coolshades:

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Before I post my insights, I would like to vent about something that has been bothering me.  So, if y'all would let me, I'm going to vent a bit.

While watching, some things made me think again and made me disappointed in JWan and JWon.


When IJ left to talk to Gyeoul, JWan first thought was that maybe IJ was cheating on his wife. I know he phrased it as a question but shouldn't he as someone who has known IJ the most, know that he wouldn't cheat on his wife? I mean why go straight into thinking he was having an affair? I was disappointed in him.

JWon too. He knows IJ. They have been friends for 20 years. He did not even say that 'IJ would never do that' but rather went straight to IJ and called him out. If you watch, you'll see IJ taken back after JWon said 'not with Gyeoul of all people'. I understand we get to see JWon get mad and interested in GU, but it paints IJ as someone who can have an affair when married. Neither JWon nor JWan asked IJ if he was having an affair, they just reprimanded him. 


SHwa too in a way. When she was asked to check on IJ, she said he will sort it out himself. Without the knowledge of the later episodes, I was slightly hurt that she didn't go check on IJ. As one of his best friend, one would think she would just go and check if he is okay. Even if he won't tell her anything.


Anyway, now that this is off my chest I'll soon post other insights.

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1 hour ago, Lawyerh said:

About Songhwa, who knows she might be caring to him. But it haven't been showed. Cos thats how it worked for WG (he visit her on ER, but never went in ).

Don't get my hopes up:sweatingbullets:. I've been thinking this is what happened. That she really did go to check on him but we weren't shown. We are Flower Clowns indeed. 


As for JWan and JWon, I already forgave them after it was over but I was still disappointed and just wanted to vent. 

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2 hours ago, Jules said:

Before I post my insights, I would like to vent about something that has been bothering me.  So, if y'all would let me, I'm going to vent a bit.

While watching, some things made me think again and made me disappointed in JWan and JWon.


When IJ left to talk to Gyeoul, JWan first thought was that maybe IJ was cheating on his wife. I know he phrased it as a question but shouldn't he as someone who has known IJ the most, know that he wouldn't cheat on his wife? I mean why go straight into thinking he was having an affair? I was disappointed in him.

JWon too. He knows IJ. They have been friends for 20 years. He did not even say that 'IJ would never do that' but rather went straight to IJ and called him out. If you watch, you'll see IJ taken back after JWon said 'not with Gyeoul of all people'. I understand we get to see JWon get mad and interested in GU, but it paints IJ as someone who can have an affair when married. Neither JWon nor JWan asked IJ if he was having an affair, they just reprimanded him. 


SHwa too in a way. When she was asked to check on IJ, she said he will sort it out himself. Without the knowledge of the later episodes, I was slightly hurt that she didn't go check on IJ. As one of his best friend, one would think she would just go and check if he is okay. Even if he won't tell her anything.


Anyway, now that this is off my chest I'll soon post other insights.

I get what you mean HAHA Although to be fair, I guess Jwan and Jwon didn’t even consider Hye-Jeong to be IJ’s wife but still it was sad that they’d think he’s capable of cheating. On the other hand, I think Jwan is the type to joke with a straight face LOL. Like their banter about Micky-Iksun, I have a feeling that Jwan was just fooling around with IJ but his straight face made it seem like he really had no idea but IJ was the one who ended up confused and frustrated. He said “Is he having an affair with Gyeoul?” in the same manner. It suddenly made me think that Jongsu’s remark “People know even the things you assume they have no idea about” might actually be pertaining to Jwan. I initially thought it was about Jwon or Ikjun’s perceptiveness which was emphasized again and again and Jwan was the last thing on my mind as I thought that he had always been clueless about everything :lol: But the way he fooled around with IJ about Iksun-Micky seems similar to him trying to push Jwon’s buttons about Gyeoul because he had actually caught on. Now it makes more sense when we think about his approach to his friends’ problems in the first 3 episodes. He didn’t tell SHwa about Prof. Jang cheating and he didn’t want to pry on IJ’s problem even when he had noticed him acting weird. Now I feel that Jwan actually knows things but he chooses to feign ignorance when he thinks it’s none of his business. Jae-hak even commented about this saying that Jwan doesn’t care about other people’s business when he actually does but just chooses not to get involved.


HAHA thinking about your post made me think of other things as well LOL but to get back on the topic, I think Jwan was playing with Jwon and sadly Jwon was easily triggered :sweatingbullets:.

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I ended up having a long post. So I'll put it in 2 parts. :D



This episode we mostly say the 3 friends that were the first to meet. IkJun, SongHwa and JunWan. They had more screen time this episode than SH and JWon.


This episode, SHwa and IJ did not have much screen time together. Even in a group. They were together only during their lunch hour. And for us IkSongs, it is enough to write a full blown article about the two of them.


I'll start with IJ's call from his wife. When he got the call, he was surprised and said it's been so long. This means, they haven't talked to each other in a long time. One would think you would talk to your wife/husband that lives so far away almost everyday. But in their case, they can go many days without talking to each other. This shows that they are not very close as most husband and wife would be. So the wife hasn't called to check on her child. And the fact that they both agreed to live apart, is a statement in itself about their feelings for each other.


Although we all agree IJ may have loved his wife enough to marry her, I think somewhere there he was just more happy having a kid and the fact that his wife lived so far away, it didn't cross his mind much that maybe his feeling may have changed and or lessened. When JWan asked out loud whether IJ was having an affair, I think the show was trying telling us that his wife was the one having an affair and not IJ. It was like a foreshadowing.


When IJ was talking to his wife and she asked to go somewhere quiet, I think he may have had a feeling of what would be said. His face changed from being happy to see his wife to alert. He was so excited to see his wife, but she wasn't. She was serious from the get go. Like she was meeting a coworker and not her husband. 


When he called the restaurant to know what Uju ate that made him have an clergy reaction, he found out that his wife was there with someone else. He learned that his wife was cheating on him. It was blow after blow for our IJ and this was able to put him in a terrible mood. Enough for people to recognize something is wrong. Even the transplant coordinator was able to pick it up just from a phone call. But he put his feelings aside and was there for his patient. 


This episode was about IJ's life as a father who was living for his son. We saw him passing by a karaoke place at night with his son. By then we did not know where his wife was. We just know he was married. 


The best part for me in this episode was when he pushed the removal of the heart until after midnight so that the patient's son would not be sad every children's day.

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The lunch scene is where it's all at. First of all, just to put it out there, IJ and SHwa have the same eyesight. This means they tried and probably wore each others glasses. Just food for thought :D

Anyway, when SHwa was telling JWon about his cleanliness and how he should see a shrink, she said it in a calm voice. But when she turned to IJ to scold him about playing around with her things, her voice changed into a strong one. It's a tone she has only used on IJ as we all know. Mostly it's because IJ is usually all over the place. We got to see her hit('touch') him and see her scold him for moving about. And she had a smile when JWan was talking about IJ's highschool days. A smile we all know is reserved for IJ. In all 3 episodes, SHwa was free to be angry with IJ. Like episode 2, although she was arguing with JWan, she still was a bit calm. Imagine had it been IJ who didn't tell her. We saw in the first episode after band practice, when IJ teased her about singing, she threw her shoe at him. 


Also, IJ barely talked to SHwa. Actually, I think in the whole of episode 3, IJ did not talk to SHwa at all. He may have looked at her while talking, or when he was expecting an answer. The only time he said her name was when he was waiting for GU to pick a surgery. Even then he just spoke of what she wanted to eat. It was SHwa who talked to IJ. But we could all see their connection even. Also, even though IJ moved about the room, he still ended up beside SHwa. He started at her desk where he was beside her and when she moved to the coach, he too moved to sit near her. Which has made me notice that even in the past episodes, IJ was beside SHwa. Episode 1 when signing the contract she was beside him, episode 2 during dinner she was beside him, and now even moving about he ended up near her. Even though they may not have been close for the past 5 years or so, they still have a sense of each other.


Something else to note is that, when the GU was having lunch with the Dr and nurse, they asked her if she liked Professor Lee. When she said yes, they told her 'but he has a kid'. Not that he is married/has a wife but just that he has a kid. I'm not sure yet what to make of this.:innocent:

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Alright here I go...sorry for another long post: 


Ep 3

In summary there are probably even less IkSong moments in this ep compared to the first two: 1. eating scene in SHwa's office  and 2. the band scene. All scenes involved the other 3. 


From this ep, I would say both IJ and SHwa were still only two besties without romantic intention toward another. And their life's directions seem to go in different way too. During the last few minutes of episode, we're shown IJ who was still very subdued post break up and the next scene showed SHwa who cheerfully went camping on the very same day. IJ just lost his wife and SHwa 'gained' a romantic admiration from ChiHong. I dare to say (unless there would be flashback as @Jules hoped) ..they at this point of time these two had really moved on from the past and only saw each other as strictly friends. SHwa, probably also realised his married status, probably didn't even bother checking on him because why should she when IJ got a wife to do that right? But I share Jules' frustration, I also wish SHwa had done something about it...could just drop by to check how he's or something..that way then we had another IkSong moment to add to our collection too :D


The band scene was another flashback band scene. I noticed that ep 2 to 4 band scenes were of those in 1999 and starting from ep 5 onwards (with ep 1 as an exception) the band scenes were shown in the present time. Is this right? Why though I wonder. It might be far-reaching..but if this is the case, it feels like these coincided with when both of them were no longer attached to anyone and became available for each other??? 


The song for this ep is "Aloha". I found it interesting how the 5 described the song (of course unless the translation is off). IJ, SHwa and SHyeong described the song as their favourite/or that they really liked it while JWan and Jwon described it as something they could sing really well. The lyrics could very well become the first three's POV at that time.  


When watching, I was bothered by the B-104 number of SHwa's camping spot. I feel like it was deliberately shown (twice too!) for a reason and I'm so glad that @__jesse answered it - she explained the meaning of the mountain SHwa went to as well as the number B-104 which might refer to a song of "someone longing for a lover who left" ..of course I want to believe that she's referring to IJ... but to be fair..i think it might refer to both dr Jang and IJ. 


I also wonder the importance of the scene showing us the fake roses being planted in Yulje while NS members were watching? 


Ok. This is it for now. Thank you for reading until this point :wub:

Thanks @Jules for your insight! I want to tell you want i found interesting from your post..but I'll do that later. Gotta go for now :) 

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Hi, everyone! Just like the others, my notes ended up being lengthy so I’ll be separating them in two. :lol:


Focus on Ikjun


As the first 2 episodes have given a good focus on SHwa, I think the 3rd episode established IJ’s character and conflict better. I’d like to go into this in detail using the song for the episode “Aloha” as an overarching theme (to be discussed in more detail in another post). Looking at the lyrics, it’s a song of commitment - a promise of an unchanging love and to share each other’s pains and joys with each other for the rest of your lives. IJ singing this with much emotion in the karaoke scene tells me that it’s how he envisioned his love in the future. Using the song vis-a-vis the developments in his life for the third episode shows great irony with his present situation. Up until Hye Jeong broke the news, IJ had been living in his fantasy of a loving marriage. He was excited when HJ called him even boasting to his friends that she’s coming straight to the hospital because she misses him. But Jwon and Jwan continued to badmouth HJ to which IJ replied “Stop it. She’s my wife and she’s Uju’s mother.” He was still fully committed to their marriage and was certainly confused when HJ asked for a divorce thinking that everything was okay as he was a great father to Uju and a supportive husband to HJ that it didn’t even occur to him that they had actually been separated. 


Just as how I think Ba-Ram was a parallel to SHwa in ep 2, IJ’s patient in ep 3 also mirrored how his marriage was suddenly broken into pieces. He admiringly checked-up on his patient’s family, even striking a conversation about their surname “Yuk” which is the same with his wife's. For me this scene establishes their connection with IJ seeing his own in his patient’s family.  What made it clear to him that their relationship had been dysfunctional all along was discovering HJ’s infidelity. After learning about his patient dying and seeing how their happy family have been broken overnight by the father’s death, the image of his own happy family suddenly shattered when he heard of HJ’s cheating. 


It’s been discussed before how eating is a love language emphasized in HP. Even SHwa classified people into three based on how they enjoy their food. I agree with other people saying that SHwa misclassified IJ because it amuses him to see his loved ones enjoying good food. With our knowledge of latter episodes we see how he generously gives food to the people he cares about: Uju, Shwa, even Gyeoul. He also loves watching them eat adoringly. Moreover, he even explained Go Ara’s eating habits when he was sharing why they didn’t work out. With this, we know how sharing a meal with someone he loves is important to IJ and is a mark of his affection. When HJ first arrived, IJ immediately asked her “Did you order? The coffee here is good. Do you want some cake?” But instead, HJ invited him somewhere quiet. After explaining her request for a divorce, she said she wanted to eat with Uju on Children’s day just the two of them. The sudden divorce is one thing, not eating with Uju on Children’s day is another, but finding out your wife and child shared a meal with another man on Children’s day is just adding insult to injury. The fact that HJ couldn’t even spare some time to share a meal, even coffee, with IJ but she was able to eat out with Uju and her boyfriend was a slap in the face to IJ which opened his eyes to the true state of their relationship. With no time to agonize over his situation, IJ sucked it up and went to surgery. As IJ was explaining his decision to delay operating on his braindead patient, he said “He was supposed to have jajangmyeon with his dad”. In a way, I think IJ was also speaking for himself here, especially since he had no choice but to put his emotions aside to perform his duties. I believe in this scene, the sadness brought about by his sympathy to his patient’s family was intensified further by his own grief. 




@snowlou @Jules Great insights! Will be commenting on them separately as well so as not to lengthen my post more :sweatingbullets:

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More on Aloha and IkSong


It was quite interesting to me how a song about promising love and commitment was entitled “Aloha” when there’s nothing Hawaiian about it HAHA (Hawaii is haunting us LOL :w00t:). So I decided to research what Aloha meant. Conversationally, Aloha is used to greet hello and goodbye, however, in a much deeper sense, Aloha is an essence of being: love, peace, compassion, and a mutual understanding of respect. It’s a way of living by sharing in another’s pain and in another’s joy. With that, I think it’s very apt for a vow with someone you want to share your life with. What’s interesting is that the spirit of Aloha’s deeper meaning lies in loving our own beings first creating a ripple effect to spread the love to others - something IJ learned the hard way when he had always put others’ happiness first before his. 


In the earlier part of the episode, it was mentioned how “Aloha” was IJ’s favorite song, to which SHwa replied that it was her favorite. Interestingly, SH also claimed that it was his, foreshadowing how the three of them was involved in a love triangle which will be revealed later on. What I’d like to focus on now is SHwa claiming it as her favorite song. When we like a song, it’s usually associated with the song’s meaning and emotion it emanates, aside from the melody. This makes me think that sharing her life with someone isn’t completely off of her list. It might in fact be something she still yearns for.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, SHwa being independent and self-sufficient doesn’t make her immune to needing someone to depend on from time to time. And as IJ’s marriage fell apart, the “Aloha” in his life is still yet to be found. With that, I’ll be holding onto this concept when I observe IkSong’s relationship because I think it’s appropriate to their dynamics.


But again, at this point, there remains a wall between IJ and SHwa. When IJ was inviting them for karaoke and the guys have given excuses why they’re not available, he didn’t even bother to wait for SHwa’s excuse because if she were free it would only be the two of them. But when he asked for their availability on another day, he still waited for an answer from SH who was last to give an excuse. On the other hand, SHwa didn’t want to be involved in IJ’s marriage saying “Well I’m sure he’ll sort it out”. Just as how we know SHwa has the tendency to handle her own struggles, IJ went through this problem all on his own, not bothering the guys, or even SHwa who supposedly is the emotional pillar of the group. At the end of the episode, they established that it was raining and showed us both IJ and SHwa continuing with their separate lives and again, the rain carrying no sentiments. But while IJ’s divorce wasn’t finalized within the episode, he's already single by the next, making the end of episode 3 the turning point where both IJ and SHwa are both uncommited at the same time. So from here on out, we shall be seeing a shift in their dynamics. Maybe they’ll get to realize their favorite “Aloha” that they sang together and maybe they will find it in each other. :wub:

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HAHAHAHA, I noticed this episode should be separated in two parts. Ik-Jun part and IkSong. Because this episode was mostly on IJ POV and since he is the half of IkSong, we dived deep into it. :D

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1 hour ago, KDramaFan0828 said:

As IJ was explaining his decision to delay operating on his braindead patient, he said “He was supposed to have jajangmyeon with his dad”. In a way, I think IJ was also speaking for himself here, especially since he had no choice but to put his emotions aside to perform his duties. I believe in this scene, the sadness brought about by his sympathy to his patient’s family was intensified further by his own grief. 

I have lots to comment on, and I will when I get settled. But this part is something that has also been on my mind I just didn't know how to put it. I think, the fact that IJ did not want the son to remember children's day as a day his dad died, I think IJ will remember it sadly. It's the day he found out how dysfunctional his marriage was. And that despite his efforts he couldn't have done anything. So, while he was grieving this, he was able to still think of his patient's son and make sure he avoids the sadness that would've been children's day. 


I think IJ will remember children's day as the day everything crumbled in his marriage life. Or something to that effect. 


I'm so excited to be able to do this with you all:wub:

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I recently found out the song SHwa was singing in the karaoke scene which Jwan cut short HAHA It’s “Good Person” by Toy. It tells the story of someone who stayed by his love’s side watching and liking her one-sidedly, unable to tell her his feelings. Here are a few lines from the song:

When you laugh, I feel good too

Even if you say it’s just pretend

The days waiting for you

The nights longing for you

They fill me with overwhelming happiness

Even when I’m alone it’s fine

As long as I can see you

Always behind you

Always watching you

Seems like that’s all my part is about

Despite the upbeat melody, the story is quite tragic. I doubt any of the song choices are just randomly picked, regardless whether they’re played only for a short while or had significant exposure. The question now is, does this give us a glimpse of SHwa’s POV?




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2 hours ago, Jules said:

I have lots to comment on, and I will when I get settled. But this part is something that has also been on my mind I just didn't know how to put it. I think, the fact that IJ did not want the son to remember children's day as a day his dad died, I think IJ will remember it sadly. It's the day he found out how dysfunctional his marriage was. And that despite his efforts he couldn't have done anything. So, while he was grieving this, he was able to still think of his patient's son and make sure he avoids the sadness that would've been children's day. 


I think IJ will remember children's day as the day everything crumbled in his marriage life. Or something to that effect. 


I'm so excited to be able to do this with you all:wub:


Hi everyone! Delurking to share some of my thoughts on this scene. The fact that Ikjun considered the son's POV suggests that he probably thought of it from Uju's POV too.


Uju will remember that Children's Day as the day he witnessed his mom having an affair. Moreover, she didn't know about his allergy and caused him to suffer a serious allergic reaction. A five-year-old boy, what does he know? Well, he's old enough to understand the concept of wife and mother-in-law. So, I'm pretty sure he knew what his mom was doing.


Uju: If she doesn't miss me, I don't miss her, either. I just need you, Dad. You're my favourite person in the entire universe.


For Ikjun, I think this patient's death served as a poignant reminder that life is unpredictable. The son is of the same age as Uju. No one can guarantee that he wouldn't get into an accident himself the next day and leave Uju fatherless. And I think this realisation led to this convo in ep 7:


Ikjun: But all of a sudden, one day, I realised how much time I was wasting. Wasting my life away like this because of what she did to me was doing a disservice to myself. 


The patient was left with a piece of her adulterous husband's liver. Ikjun was left with Uju. Even though he never said it, it was probably painful to be reminded of his ex-wife every time he saw Uju. 


We all think of Ikjun as the clown, the mood maker, the one who always makes others laugh. But no one was there to cheer him up when he was at his lowest point. He's always listening to others and giving other people advice, while he keeps his troubles bottled up inside him and tries to overcome them on his own. Sigh.


Edited to add: At that point, Songhwa and Ikjun were deliberately keeping their distances from each other, so I wouldn't blame her for not checking in on him. 

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8 hours ago, Jules said:

SHwa too in a way. When she was asked to check on IJ, she said he will sort it out himself. Without the knowledge of the later episodes, I was slightly hurt that she didn't go check on IJ. As one of his best friend, one would think she would just go and check if he is okay. Even if he won't tell her anything.


I have a guy best friend too, and while we're best friends and we tell each other everything... we also respect each other's privacy. I usually just wait for him to open up about his relationship (even if I've already heard from other people the rumors etc.) and he does the some. Maybe it's because we know that we can sort out our stuff on our own and that when things have mellowed down and we've processed out thoughts, then we'll give each other a call to update each other.


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48 minutes ago, __jesse said:

We all think of Ikjun as the clown, the mood maker, the one who always makes others laugh. But no one was there to cheer him up when he was at his lowest point. He's always listening to others and giving other people advice, while he keeps his troubles bottled up inside him and tries to overcome them on his own. Sigh.

This is why I was slightly, just slightly disappointed. Even though I understood the situation between them. 

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12 hours ago, Jules said:

Before I post my insights, I would like to vent about something that has been bothering me.  So, if y'all would let me, I'm going to vent a bit.

While watching, some things made me think again and made me disappointed in JWan and JWon.


When IJ left to talk to Gyeoul, JWan first thought was that maybe IJ was cheating on his wife. I know he phrased it as a question but shouldn't he as someone who has known IJ the most, know that he wouldn't cheat on his wife? I mean why go straight into thinking he was having an affair? I was disappointed in him.

JWon too. He knows IJ. They have been friends for 20 years. He did not even say that 'IJ would never do that' but rather went straight to IJ and called him out. If you watch, you'll see IJ taken back after JWon said 'not with Gyeoul of all people'. I understand we get to see JWon get mad and interested in GU, but it paints IJ as someone who can have an affair when married. Neither JWon nor JWan asked IJ if he was having an affair, they just reprimanded him. 


SHwa too in a way. When she was asked to check on IJ, she said he will sort it out himself. Without the knowledge of the later episodes, I was slightly hurt that she didn't go check on IJ. As one of his best friend, one would think she would just go and check if he is okay. Even if he won't tell her anything.


Anyway, now that this is off my chest I'll soon post other insights.

The thing is I think no one in the group really knows ij well enough. Or he doesnt want anyone to know him well enough. He only shows them his funny dont care side. Very very rarely does he show anger or sadness in front of them especially about his personal side.


Ij is a complex character that his friends and even many of the viewers assume is just a prankster who is a good doctor. But there are many many facets to him that are shown but in a very subtle way. He is kind hearted and loving but in a different way than someone like andrea who is more expressive. He doesnt expressly show his emotions but cares deeply about friends and even his patients. Like when he showed up for song hwas appointment but did not say much when she told them as a group. Or he had tears in his eyes seeing the daughter who gave her liver to her father reuniting after surgery. He joked around with her till the last minute but still was deeply caring in his own way. He even learnt sign language just so he could communicate with the mute child. He put the family whose father had cancer in a ward with other patients knowing they would be able to deal with it better with others around but said nothing to them about it. 



Also I think his entire life has always been about being happy and showing positivity. In the face of it nothing seems to be to matter to him much. But we know that not true. He has this almost hidden layer of sadness and heartbreak. That he does not share with anyone even with ones who are closet to him. He is also someone who projects confidence and self assurance. So everyone normally assumes he is just fine all the time. I think he is insecure and afraid of failure. Everything has always been easy for him he has brains, looks and talent. So he would have never actually faced a failure before. Loving Song hwa and not being able to tell her his feelings maybe his first glimpse at something of a failure. And he chose to not confess because he did not want to hurt his friend. Maybe part of the reason is he did not want to get turned down like sk, he was scared of the rejection.  


All the pranks and jokes is a cover for his deep insecurities. Like Chandler in friends. Am sure he is a funny person. But no one is that positive all the time. He just chooses to only show that side of him to others.


Also I get the feeling he thought of himself undeserving of real love after that. Maybe after he decided he is not going to propose to song hwa he just did not kind of gave up. Which is why he never chased a women. He settled for a marriage with his wife because she chased him. 


His real moments of weakness are only shown when he is alone or extremely drunk. Which is why I think his confession to song hwa in 10th episode about her being his only happiness Carried so much weight to me. More than any other confession or action. That was a real moment he actually showed some vulnerability to her. I think he is finally starting to open his heart up to the possibility of love. And he knows in his heart that she was always the one. 


In a way he is sort of a tragic character. Which is why I do hope he gets the love he actually deserves in leaps and bounds from her. And is finally able open up and grow as a person along with her. 

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I love reading all your analysis ladies.  Can’t add more to it so I’ll just ask questions lol. 

Do you think there’s a significance of showing IJ picking up Songhwa’s shoe and measuring it before he throws it down? If so, what’s your take on the “shoe”? 

I’ve read different theories elsewhere but wanted iksong shippers POV.


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7 hours ago, Ketu R said:

His real moments of weakness are only shown when he is alone or extremely drunk. Which is why I think his confession to song hwa in 10th episode about her being his only happiness Carried so much weight to me. More than any other confession or action. That was a real moment he actually showed some vulnerability to her. I think he is finally starting to open his heart up to the possibility of love. And he knows in his heart that she was always the one. 


In a way he is sort of a tragic character. Which is why I do hope he gets the love he actually deserves in leaps and bounds from her. And is finally able open up and grow as a person along with her. 

Yes, IJ is a person that would rather find the happy side of things than dwell on the sad parts. There many things about IJ one notices as each episode goes by. Also, his first confession was the best to me for many reasons.


Rewatching episode 3 just reminded me of the low point in his life and how he handled it all alone. I got so used to the IJ in the later episodes that was taking care of everyone else that I forgot no one took care of him in this episode. And since he is such a joker, it was easy to know that something was up with him. JWan knew, the transplant coordinator also knew. 


It's why I want to see him happy. Since his happiness is with SHwa, then I'll support him all the way. Also, many people consider SHwa the emotional pillar of the group, but I think to SHwa, IJ is somehow her pillar too.

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