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[variety] Loveletter 연애편지

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Guest mintoro

I just watch last week's LL... MINWOO is so cute and *tiny* among all the guys... haha... but I still Love him! <3

He's so funny and keep saying "what are u doing?!?!" influences other guys as well... haha... can't stop laughing... MC mong is funny too with those dance... cute :wub: MINWOO

2nd part finish download! gonna watch now! Oh... thx for sharing!!

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Guest mintoro

yeah yeah just finished part 2!

I like MinWoo's pair... they are cute!

MC mong... oh so touch at last... :wub:

DUN like Hye Bin... She's so ...

<3 MinWoo

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Guest yoojeong

Hey Guys, I dont know whether this will help but I made more translations(v.brief)

from the previous season Love Letter (2005.09.10) with Yunho and Micky.

Hope it helps...^^

Male stars

H.D-Kang Ho Dong

J.H-Shin Jung Hwan

M.H-Cheon Myung Hoon

Y.H-Youn Ho

Micky-Micky you cheon

J.S-Kim Ji Seok

J.K-Kim Jeong Guk

H.B-Song Ho Bom

Female stars

Jang Yeoung Run

Jeon Hye Bin

Sang Mi Rina

Hwang Bo

Lim Jung Eun

Gil Gun

Lee Ji Hye


H.D- From our male guests today there are no better looking males in Korea then these guests

J.H- "No there isnt"

H.D- From our female guests today thre are no lovlier females in Korean then our guests

M.H- "No there isnt"

H.D- And from Republic of Korea there is no other show that is enjoyable to watch than Love Leter

M.H/H.D/J.H- "No there isnt"

H.D- Now we'l introduce our special male guests who are lonely in this Autumn and fill the female hearts.

D.B.S.K, dance charisma- Youn Ho

Focus on this guy- Kim Ji Seok

our silly member- Shin Jung Hwan

I love muscles, romance guy- Kim Jong Guk

Young run's man- Song Ho Bom

Lovely smile- Micky

Prince of making people uncomfortable- Cheon Myung Hoon

And now we'l introduce korea's beautiful ladies;

Dancing queen and love queen- Jeon Hye Bin

Cheon Sang Ji Hee beauty- Sang Mi Rina

Innocent beauty- lim Jung Eun

Power dance woman- Kil Gun

Hobom's idol- Jang Young Run

Honest health beauty- Hwang Bo

Cute girl- Lee Ji Hye

Now, Korea's best stars have joined us on Love Letter today..

Hye bin, please make some call of endearment.

Hyebin- The first time I see him, he makes my heart stop. He shines from everyone please step forward.

Micky, J.K, Y.H step out- "THis is definitely me"

J.K- Oh no, its Dong Bang Shin Ki (and steps back)

H.D to Y.H- Why do you insist its you?

Y.H- Oh i just had a feeling it would be

H.D- Out of the 7 female stars do you think Hyebin is the most gorgeous?

Y.H- Yes

H.D- Is she most loveable?

Y.H- Yes

H.D- Then does that mean you love her?

Y.H (holds onto H.D's hand)- I love you the most, Ho Dong.

H.D to J.G- And you Jong Guk?

J.K- I find her extremely beautiful

H.D to Micky- and Micky?

Micky- My heart stopped not hers.

H.D- now from the people who stepped forward are one of them the one you were hoping for?

Hyebin- Yes

H.D- next

Rina- He who is like a soft gentle music please step forward

J.S/J.G/M.H step out

H.D- now Kim ji suk why do you think its you?

J.S- I've noticed this while looking at Rina, she's very similar to my first love.

H.D- J.G, can you sing rina a song for being the soft genle music

J.G starts singing

M.H- Though my voice is not that sweet but since i heard Rina was going to appear I changed my

name to four letter syllable. From Cheon Myung Hoon to Cheon Sang Myung Hoon and I changed my teams name

from NRG to N aru G Ru

H.D- Next Lim Jung Eun

Jung Eun- My cute body guard please step up

Jong guk/ jung hwan comes up

H.D- Jung Hwan why do you think your her body guard?

J.H- For two weeks finally there is a person who i must be responsible and take care of...

H.D- From these two is there someone your interested in?

J.E- Yes

H.D- Kim Jong Guk Congratulations!

H.D- Next Hwang Bo

Hwang Bo- An idiot who will do anything for me and sacrifice himself please step up

M.H/Micky/J.G/J.S/Youn Ho step up

M.H- Bo, i was a great fan of her's from when i was young. And also i use to hear i was an idiot when

i was young (starts acting stupid)

Micky- I can be an idiot for Hwang Bo (and starts to act stupid)

J.K- I am stupid (and acts stupid)

J.S- (acts stupid).."Jisuks not here hehe"

Y.H- When i like someone I like them to the end..And Hwang Bo's my idol. (starts to act stupid)

H.D- Now for Lee Ji Hye

Ji Hye- My cutie pie please come out

Myung hoon steps up and starts to act cute...

H.D- So Ji Hye is he your cutie pie

Ji Hye- Most definitely not

H.D- Okay now you can ask direct questions with a yes or no answer only

Jung Eun- To Jong Guk, can you really only look at one person and if so do i fit in?

J.K- No for the moment

H.D- okay he says no and thats final... final

J.G- TO bin, when i stepped up did you like it?

Hyebin- Yes

J.H- to jung eun, if you prefer me "yes" if you prefer Jong guk "no"


Jung Eun- No

J.H- Sorry Pardon, i cant hear you..

H.D (reinforces loudly)- She said NO!

H.D- now ji hye

Ji Hye- When i came out to appear in loveletter i was just hoping not for Myung hoon to step up.

To Myung Hoon in the future can you leave me alone?

M.H- NO!!!

Gil Gun- to youn ho, you said you idolise Hwang Bo can you change your mind about that?

Youn Ho- Yes

Hwang Bo- To younho, you said you can change your mind, does that mean I can be (partners) with your member



Micky- To hwang bo, can you choose love over friendship?

Hwangbo- YES!



H.D- our first competitor youn ho!!

(Girls come forward to cheer/support Younho)

Young run sings~~

H.D- IF you succeed to kick the ball what would you like as your reward?

Y.H- There is a song called "Mi do yo (i believe you)" in my album whilst im singing that, I wish for the

girl to embrace me from behind.

(Youn Ho succeeds and chooses Hwang Bo)

H.D- Next Kim Ji Suk

J.S- As my reward i want the girl to stand 15cm away from me and express her love in 5 different ways.

(J.S unfortunately fails)

H.D- If you express different versions of love and at least 4 girls fall then we'll give you another go.

(gets another go, and succeeds and chooses Rina)

H.D- Next competitor Jung Hwan

J.H- My reward is similar to ji suks.. However instead the girl says:

I love you Jung Hwan,

Jung Hwan your shoulders are not small,

Jung Hwan your cheeks are small,

Jung Hwan you have muscles!

And lastly, Jung Hwan you are better than jong guk overall..

(everyone laughs)

No one wants to support of cheer for jung hwan but forces themselves...

As young run steps forward to cheer for jung hwan, jung hwan shouts "THATS ENOUGH, GO BACK...HOW DARE YOU COME FORWARD"

(Jung Hwan fails)

H.D- next Jong guk

J.G- I would like the girl to massage my back and say " you did well"

(jung eun, rina, bin step forward-"jong guk fighting")

(Jong guk succeeds chooses bin)

H.D- Next Micky

Micky- My reward is: say something charmful, a pose, plus lean on my back "you did well"..

Ji Hye- To be honest from all the following guys i havent supported them or cheered for them. Mickys my idol.

And i will sing DBSK "Mi do yo ( i believe you)"...

Ji Hye sings (unusual tone)

Everyone laughs and Hodong- Hey ji hye this is not the time for you to promote your vocals...

Ji Hye sings again and gets the lyrics wrong~

Out of nowhere Micky I love you (jking manner)

H.D- Do you love him?

Ji Hye- Yes i love him

I only have you

H.D- From when?

Ji Hye- From the begining

H.D- How much do you love him?

Ji.Hye- Forever


(I love you)

(micky unforunately fails)

J.H steps out- Thats okay Micky (looks at ho dong) Give him another chance and give me another go!

H.D- If Micky melts the girls heart by expressing love in different vers. we'll give him another go

Girls already starting to fall when it hasnt started yet...esp ji hye

(eventually they all fall including guys ^^)

Micky then doesnt know who to choose and hodong commands him to go from behind then front...

Hodong jkingly touches Hwang bo's back, and Hwang bo who still doesnt know thinks she was picked..

Eventually she falls for it and starts attacking Ho dong... ^^

Then Micky really chooses Hwangbo..instead of JiHye..

H.D- Next Myung Hoon

M.H- As of my reward i would like to play the scene in Andre kims fashion show the finale...(where the couple have their

heads to each other and look at the audience slowly)

Ji hye surprisingly steps up...she says" To be honest when we were doing the endearment, no one stepped up for me except myunghoon.

So i thank him for that and i want to remain as friends"

Myung Hoon anyway fails..

H.D- Next HoBom.

Hobum- My wish is that if i win i want Young Run to start forgetting about DBSK or Shinhwa..

(young run looks stunned)

(Hobom fails)..

Eventually Kim Ji Suk wins the game...


(going straight to lee ji hyes turn cause i thought it was funny)

H.D- Next Lee Ji Hye

Lee Ji hye starts posing..

H.D- Any Supporters?

Micky/myung hoon steps up

Micky- Ji Hye fighting

Myung Hoon (in great mood)- starts acting cute and jumps around like a kid.."Come To MEEEEE PWEEZE"

In the mean time Kim Jong Guk who hates Myung Hoon acting like that his face is boiling and heads to

attack Myung hoon..Jong Guk- "HEAR IM COMING"

Myung Hoon stops immediately, scared of Jong Guk..

jI hYE chooses micky..

Next Young Run...

H.D- NExt Jang Young Run

Young Run- Now Yun Ho step up, ho bom stay there, and micky step up please...

Micky yunho step up and cheer for her..

Yunho sings "older one hope you win we are here for you... go to hobom please"

Young Run after blowing the candles goes to Younho who says "sorry"

Then tries Micky..who also apologises..

She then tries Jung Hwan who shouts "GET OUT, LEAVE"

she then tries Myung Hoon who says "DO I LOOK EASY TO YOU?"

She then goes to Jong Guk who says "hey myung hoon come over here, how many times do i tell you not to try act cute"

(Myung Hoon on the other hand is scared and runs away from Jong Guk)

Eventually goes to Hobom

(for the ladies game- rina wins)


H.D- first lee ji hye come up please...

Ji Hye starts dancing..out of nowhere "I love you (specifically micky)..."

H.D- any requests men?

J.H- I know shes successful now with solo activities but can you sing us some songs from your group activities with S#arp..

JiHye sings...

H.D- please turn the music on~~

Micky steps forward..

Lee Ji Hye- you like hwangbo, have you stepped forward because you felt sorry for me??

Micky- no...

jIhye- why did you step forward..

Micky- when you said i love you, it made me rethink again..

Jihye- then is there anything you can say to me??

Micky- your beautiful....and your (thumbs up) best..

Jihye-please catch this flower.. Micky I LOVE YOU...

(Hwang bo intrudes and holds micky back from taking the flower)....

Whew~~ I hope you guys understand the show through this translation..its not thorough or detaile through...^^

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Hey Guys, I dont know whether this will help but I made more translations(v.brief)

from the previous season Love Letter (2005.09.10) with Yunho and Micky.

Hope it helps...^^

Male stars

H.D-Kang Ho Dong

J.H-Shin Jung Hwan

M.H-Cheon Myung Hoon

Y.H-Youn Ho

Micky-Micky you cheon

J.S-Kim Ji Seok

J.K-Kim Jeong Guk

H.B-Song Ho Bom

Female stars

Jang Yeoung Run

Jeon Hye Bin

Sang Mi Rina

Hwang Bo

Lim Jung Eun

Gil Gun

Lee Ji Hye


H.D- From our male guests today there are no better looking males in Korea then these guests

J.H- "No there isnt"

H.D- From our female guests today thre are no lovlier females in Korean then our guests

M.H- "No there isnt"

H.D- And from Republic of Korea there is no other show that is enjoyable to watch than Love Leter

M.H/H.D/J.H- "No there isnt"

H.D- Now we'l introduce our special male guests who are lonely in this Autumn and fill the female hearts.

D.B.S.K, dance charisma- Youn Ho

Focus on this guy- Kim Ji Seok

our silly member- Shin Jung Hwan

I love muscles, romance guy- Kim Jong Guk

Young run's man- Song Ho Bom

Lovely smile- Micky

Prince of making people uncomfortable- Cheon Myung Hoon

And now we'l introduce korea's beautiful ladies;

Dancing queen and love queen- Jeon Hye Bin

Cheon Sang Ji Hee beauty- Sang Mi Rina

Innocent beauty- lim Jung Eun

Power dance woman- Kil Gun

Hobom's idol- Jang Young Run

Honest health beauty- Hwang Bo

Cute girl- Lee Ji Hye

Now, Korea's best stars have joined us on Love Letter today..

Hye bin, please make some call of endearment.

Hyebin- The first time I see him, he makes my heart stop. He shines from everyone please step forward.

Micky, J.K, Y.H step out- "THis is definitely me"

J.K- Oh no, its Dong Bang Shin Ki (and steps back)

H.D to Y.H- Why do you insist its you?

Y.H- Oh i just had a feeling it would be

H.D- Out of the 7 female stars do you think Hyebin is the most gorgeous?

Y.H- Yes

H.D- Is she most loveable?

Y.H- Yes

H.D- Then does that mean you love her?

Y.H (holds onto H.D's hand)- I love you the most, Ho Dong.

H.D to J.G- And you Jong Guk?

J.K- I find her extremely beautiful

H.D to Micky- and Micky?

Micky- My heart stopped not hers.

H.D- now from the people who stepped forward are one of them the one you were hoping for?

Hyebin- Yes

H.D- next

Rina- He who is like a soft gentle music please step forward

J.S/J.G/M.H step out

H.D- now Kim ji suk why do you think its you?

J.S- I've noticed this while looking at Rina, she's very similar to my first love.

H.D- J.G, can you sing rina a song for being the soft genle music

J.G starts singing

M.H- Though my voice is not that sweet but since i heard Rina was going to appear I changed my

name to four letter syllable. From Cheon Myung Hoon to Cheon Sang Myung Hoon and I changed my teams name

from NRG to N aru G Ru

H.D- Next Lim Jung Eun

Jung Eun- My cute body guard please step up

Jong guk/ jung hwan comes up

H.D- Jung Hwan why do you think your her body guard?

J.H- For two weeks finally there is a person who i must be responsible and take care of...

H.D- From these two is there someone your interested in?

J.E- Yes

H.D- Kim Jong Guk Congratulations!

H.D- Next Hwang Bo

Hwang Bo- An idiot who will do anything for me and sacrifice himself please step up

M.H/Micky/J.G/J.S/Youn Ho step up

M.H- Bo, i was a great fan of her's from when i was young. And also i use to hear i was an idiot when

i was young (starts acting stupid)

Micky- I can be an idiot for Hwang Bo (and starts to act stupid)

J.K- I am stupid (and acts stupid)

J.S- (acts stupid).."Jisuks not here hehe"

Y.H- When i like someone I like them to the end..And Hwang Bo's my idol. (starts to act stupid)

H.D- Now for Lee Ji Hye

Ji Hye- My cutie pie please come out

Myung hoon steps up and starts to act cute...

H.D- So Ji Hye is he your cutie pie

Ji Hye- Most definitely not

H.D- Okay now you can ask direct questions with a yes or no answer only

Jung Eun- To Jong Guk, can you really only look at one person and if so do i fit in?

J.K- No for the moment

H.D- okay he says no and thats final... final

J.G- TO bin, when i stepped up did you like it?

Hyebin- Yes

J.H- to jung eun, if you prefer me "yes" if you prefer Jong guk "no"


Jung Eun- No

J.H- Sorry Pardon, i cant hear you..

H.D (reinforces loudly)- She said NO!

H.D- now ji hye

Ji Hye- When i came out to appear in loveletter i was just hoping not for Myung hoon to step up.

To Myung Hoon in the future can you leave me alone?

M.H- NO!!!

Gil Gun- to youn ho, you said you idolise Hwang Bo can you change your mind about that?

Youn Ho- Yes

Hwang Bo- To younho, you said you can change your mind, does that mean I can be (partners) with your member



Micky- To hwang bo, can you choose love over friendship?

Hwangbo- YES!



H.D- our first competitor youn ho!!

(Girls come forward to cheer/support Younho)

Young run sings~~

H.D- IF you succeed to kick the ball what would you like as your reward?

Y.H- There is a song called "Mi do yo (i believe you)" in my album whilst im singing that, I wish for the

girl to embrace me from behind.

(Youn Ho succeeds and chooses Hwang Bo)

H.D- Next Kim Ji Suk

J.S- As my reward i want the girl to stand 15cm away from me and express her love in 5 different ways.

(J.S unfortunately fails)

H.D- If you express different versions of love and at least 4 girls fall then we'll give you another go.

(gets another go, and succeeds and chooses Rina)

H.D- Next competitor Jung Hwan

J.H- My reward is similar to ji suks.. However instead the girl says:

I love you Jung Hwan,

Jung Hwan your shoulders are not small,

Jung Hwan your cheeks are small,

Jung Hwan you have muscles!

And lastly, Jung Hwan you are better than jong guk overall..

(everyone laughs)

No one wants to support of cheer for jung hwan but forces themselves...

As young run steps forward to cheer for jung hwan, jung hwan shouts "THATS ENOUGH, GO BACK...HOW DARE YOU COME FORWARD"

(Jung Hwan fails)

H.D- next Jong guk

J.G- I would like the girl to massage my back and say " you did well"

(jung eun, rina, bin step forward-"jong guk fighting")

(Jong guk succeeds chooses bin)

H.D- Next Micky

Micky- My reward is: say something charmful, a pose, plus lean on my back "you did well"..

Ji Hye- To be honest from all the following guys i havent supported them or cheered for them. Mickys my idol.

And i will sing DBSK "Mi do yo ( i believe you)"...

Ji Hye sings (unusual tone)

Everyone laughs and Hodong- Hey ji hye this is not the time for you to promote your vocals...

Ji Hye sings again and gets the lyrics wrong~

Out of nowhere Micky I love you (jking manner)

H.D- Do you love him?

Ji Hye- Yes i love him

I only have you

H.D- From when?

Ji Hye- From the begining

H.D- How much do you love him?

Ji.Hye- Forever


(I love you)

(micky unforunately fails)

J.H steps out- Thats okay Micky (looks at ho dong) Give him another chance and give me another go!

H.D- If Micky melts the girls heart by expressing love in different vers. we'll give him another go

Girls already starting to fall when it hasnt started yet...esp ji hye

(eventually they all fall including guys ^^)

Micky then doesnt know who to choose and hodong commands him to go from behind then front...

Hodong jkingly touches Hwang bo's back, and Hwang bo who still doesnt know thinks she was picked..

Eventually she falls for it and starts attacking Ho dong... ^^

Then Micky really chooses Hwangbo..instead of JiHye..

H.D- Next Myung Hoon

M.H- As of my reward i would like to play the scene in Andre kims fashion show the finale...(where the couple have their

heads to each other and look at the audience slowly)

Ji hye surprisingly steps up...she says" To be honest when we were doing the endearment, no one stepped up for me except myunghoon.

So i thank him for that and i want to remain as friends"

Myung Hoon anyway fails..

H.D- Next HoBom.

Hobum- My wish is that if i win i want Young Run to start forgetting about DBSK or Shinhwa..

(young run looks stunned)

(Hobom fails)..

Eventually Kim Ji Suk wins the game...


(going straight to lee ji hyes turn cause i thought it was funny)

H.D- Next Lee Ji Hye

Lee Ji hye starts posing..

H.D- Any Supporters?

Micky/myung hoon steps up

Micky- Ji Hye fighting

Myung Hoon (in great mood)- starts acting cute and jumps around like a kid.."Come To MEEEEE PWEEZE"

In the mean time Kim Jong Guk who hates Myung Hoon acting like that his face is boiling and heads to

attack Myung hoon..Jong Guk- "HEAR IM COMING"

Myung Hoon stops immediately, scared of Jong Guk..

jI hYE chooses micky..

Next Young Run...

H.D- NExt Jang Young Run

Young Run- Now Yun Ho step up, ho bom stay there, and micky step up please...

Micky yunho step up and cheer for her..

Yunho sings "older one hope you win we are here for you... go to hobom please"

Young Run after blowing the candles goes to Younho who says "sorry"

Then tries Micky..who also apologises..

She then tries Jung Hwan who shouts "GET OUT, LEAVE"

she then tries Myung Hoon who says "DO I LOOK EASY TO YOU?"

She then goes to Jong Guk who says "hey myung hoon come over here, how many times do i tell you not to try act cute"

(Myung Hoon on the other hand is scared and runs away from Jong Guk)

Eventually goes to Hobom

(for the ladies game- rina wins)


H.D- first lee ji hye come up please...

Ji Hye starts dancing..out of nowhere "I love you (specifically micky)..."

H.D- any requests men?

J.H- I know shes successful now with solo activities but can you sing us some songs from your group activities with S#arp..

JiHye sings...

H.D- please turn the music on~~

Micky steps forward..

Lee Ji Hye- you like hwangbo, have you stepped forward because you felt sorry for me??

Micky- no...

jIhye- why did you step forward..

Micky- when you said i love you, it made me rethink again..

Jihye- then is there anything you can say to me??

Micky- your beautiful....and your (thumbs up) best..

Jihye-please catch this flower.. Micky I LOVE YOU...

(Hwang bo intrudes and holds micky back from taking the flower)....

Whew~~ I hope you guys understand the show through this translation..its not thorough or detaile through...^^

WOW...your are awesome..thanks for the translation!!



Today's episode

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