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[Official] Lee Min Ho x Kim Go Eun (MinEun/LeeEul) #1YearWithTKEM


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57 minutes ago, koreaboooo said:


Omg yes! She should marry soon. Skip the dating news. Just reveal us the marriage news already. :lol:


I want them to get married too but I want them to take things slowly. SLOWLY BUT SURELY.


I don't want them to rush into anything that will both end into a bad situation just like what happened to songsong couple (sorry to some songsong couple shipper if I offend you).


I don't want them to be pressured by fans.


I want them to savor the moment, enjoy each other's company, getting to know each other better and be each other's strenght.


To be honest I like their relationship to be keep in private, away from public's attention, from prying eyes, judgmental people, haters and possessive fans (esp from lmh side). 

I want them to have a low key relationship.


I am willing to wait 2-3 years until they are ready to announce their marriage :wub:

but I hope in that years they will give some hints for us to spazz on and will keep us going until the marriage announcement news :wub:



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22 minutes ago, hannahmikhaila said:

Hi everyone!!!!! :D Finally posting here after a week of lurking. It took me that long to catch up to this thread. 200 plus pages! I was surprised that a lot of people are hooked with this pairing. It just tells me one thing: these two are sooooooo obvious. In south korea where most celebs deny any dating rumors to protect their image, we have this OTP. Come on.  All of their actions scream "ship us!". And ship we will.  =) this is my first time shipping two main leads from a drama. I don't do that. I didn't even do it with Hyun Bin and SYJ even if their onscreen chemistry was through the roof. What got me to start shipping these 2 was that bts of them talking in the alley and them just completely ignoring KKN. LOL. LMH looked like a love sick puppy (sorry for the term). Like he can't help himself and just kept going back to KGE. When I saw that, I was like..... ooohhhh. Boy has a crush and he's not hiding it.  :wub: It's like I was seeing a different LMH which is so different from how he is shown to the world. I wasn't really a big fan of LMH before. I've watched a couple of his dramas. He's ok. He's handsome. Lol. But after TKEM, I was like wow. He is definitely something. His acting skills has shown a lot of maturity here. I am now a fan. I'm not gonna talk about KGE's acting skills anymore. We all know what the answer to that is. Let's just say she made me ugly cry a couple of times now. Haha.  How can she do that but still look cute and pretty? Haha. No wonder LMH is so addicted to her. 

And regarding KGE. Where do I even start? A lot of people have mentioned here in the earlier threads that LMH is so obvious and they're not sure with KGE. I was always sure she likes LMH too from the start! She would always laugh it off or will let go of his hand because that's here defense mechanism. I somehow can relate to her because I was like that when I was younger and dating. (Me and LMH are the same age. ) I will try to act all cool, calm and collected when this cute guy would try to get my attention. Can you guys imagine how much more KGE felt? All the feels she was getting because it's freakin' LMH?! Haha. And posting 15 mins after him posting on IG? (yes. That's how I am into deep now. I get notifications whenever they post. Hehe). 

I'm just basically enjoying this ride and just waiting for them to confirm that they're dating. I'M THAT CONFIDENT. LOL. 

Apologies.  This is already a long post. I had a lot of things to say because I've been holding it in for the last week or so! Excited for more news from them.



Can I just say I love everything that you said! Welcome to our thread. :wub: It seems that our pair is gaining more and more followers by the day! It just says a lot about their undeniable chemistry on-cam and off-cam! 


Welcome too @nippy2002!!! :kiss_wink:

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1 minute ago, gatopassero said:

Thank you. Just found some cute gifs in there


She smiled when LMH put his hand over her back 




She copied his mouth’s movement

Omg, you got me excited! She is also mirroring him. Here we all are paying close attention to Mr. Obvious, we forgot to put a microscope on her. I’m going to go rewatch everything immediately! *pretending as though I don’t already do that every single day* :lol:

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3 hours ago, mamabear said:

Okay, for one, we are very much aware of the issues about our couple that is happening outside soompi. It is not ONLY you who is concerned about it. Most of us here are. One thing is for sure though, those issues did not come from us. We just talk about them here coz, hey, just in case you do not know, this is a SHIPPERS' thread. 


I admit, some posts here are delulu. And if you bother to read other comments, some posts debunk theories that we think are not true. So you see, most of us here are level-headed people. You should have also taken time to read all  the pages here for you to know why we call LMH, Mr. Giddy. Why we assumed that he likes KGE. Why we thought KGE feels the same way. It's not as if we based what we say here from our illusions. We based everything from the videos, pictures, posts about them. Now, since this is a public thread, YOU or anyone CANNOT stop us from posting what we feel about our couple. YOU don't have the right to stop us from calling him Mr. Giddy, or any cute names that we want to call him. Do not blame us if fans from other SNS platforms go overboard, because it is not our fault! Call them out, not us. I don't know why you wasted your time asking us to STOP shipping them (which I think what your post is really about). The purpose of creating this thread is for people of the same liking share thoughts, feelings, assumptions, etc. about our couple. So, please do yourself a favor, if you don't want what you read, then do not lurk in this thread. 

Tell her to read this Cinggu ... :glasses:

sorry, this is all about money, anyway ... And their romance on and off screen is pure love story for me n us, 


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13 minutes ago, koreaboooo said:




i want to believe that they took each other photo :joy: but i'm gonna lower this expectation since this was a filming set. BUT, even if they just coincidentally took the photo on the same place (not to mention they also posted it on ig), i still find it cute and what can i tell, fate? :phew: *slapping my delulu mind*


oh and btw, here's a little thing that reinforces the statement that LMH was indeed happy and felt special for TKEM

cheers and have a good day Ladies! 

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5 minutes ago, Mineun said:


I want them to get married too but I want them to take things slowly. SLOWLY BUT SURELY.


I don't want them to rush into anything that will both end into a bad situation just like what happened to songsong couple (sorry to some songsong couple shipper if I offend you).


I don't want them to be pressured by fans.


I want them to savor the moment, enjoy each other's company, getting to know each other better and be each other's strenght.


To be honest I like their relationship to be keep in private, away from public's attention, from prying eyes, judgmental people, haters and possessive fans (esp from lmh side). 

I want them to have a low key relationship.


I am willing to wait 2-3 years until they are ready to announce their marriage :wub:

but I hope in that years they will give some hints for us to spazz on and will keep us going until the marriage announcement news :wub:




So true. Ideally I would hope they date privately for 1-2 years and then come out and date another year or so in public before going with marriage. Of course I would still like my breadcrumbs from our ship, maybe some obvious cryptic posts on their instagram. :wub:


@hellomonday I also don't think they took each other's photos but I do believe they enjoyed that day together at that moment on set and had others take a photo of them individually to avoid too much drama. It's still cute regardless. 

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8 minutes ago, gatopassero said:

Thank you. Just found some cute gifs in there


She smiled when LMH put his hand over her back 

I didn't see this before but I absolutely dig it!! :heart: Its like LMH discretely trying to get skinship with KGE while with a big group of people around...


Actually now looking back, I realized LMH and KGE body contact were super close during the press conference :D

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2 hours ago, Heretorant said:

1) You’re right, lmh has always been a happy person. He is always cheerful and is a fun person to be around. They have fun on set indeed. And we shippers believe it’s more fun than normal costars have but if we are wrong, we’re ok here. We aren’t delusional, we know shipping can end one way or another. What we observe is beyond just two people having fun. He does quite a few things that we cannot turn a blind eye to: mirroring her, praising her, touching her hands/arms, paying extra attention to her and staring intently at her all the time. I don’t think calling him Mr. Giddy is offensive in any way! Giddy isn’t exactly a term that is bad. 

2) No one is judging him. We all love his personality here. You say you’re a fan of kge so you probably don’t know much about lmh. I’ve been a fan of him for over 8 years so I know him better. I don’t assume anything about his personality, I just state his difference of behavior that I have observed. 

3) I agree, it’s not right to PM her manager.


4) Thank you but they are doing just fine! Lmh gained over 3 million followers on Instagram in less than 2 months’ span and kge over 1 million. They are doing JUST FINE. Their frequent updates on Instagram also proves they are quite thrilled about this drama. Believe me, lmh was sad with Faith and he did not hide it from his fans. Just so you’re aware, actors and actresses don’t make hits all the time and it’s absolutely fine! You think their career will end here? Believe me, they are already receiving offers for many other projects. One “failed” project does not define them. And again, TKEM is arguably the most successful international drama this year. Number 15 most watched show on Netflix worldwide? That’s international success, yes! Haters will choose to focus on the negativity, fans will always look on the bright side. The actors did the best they could. The drama is in a good place; they made a lot of profits. At the end of the day, people in the industry don’t care much about the ratings but how much profit an actor can bring. Lmh has selling power regardless of the king’s ratings. Please don’t bring in another actor. If his drama is successful, who cares. He is someone completely different from lmh. As a fan, I’m not concerned about where he goes from here so you shouldn’t be worried either. And if you believe this drama has affected kge negatively, have some faith! She’s a great actress and has many high rated projects behind her. She’s doing just fine! This drama proves her selling power is beyond South Korea. Imo, it’s a good thing she took on this drama. Goblin gave her a name internationally and TKEM sealed it.

South Korea alone cannot measure how successful a drama is. KES chose lmh because she knew he has international influence. A drama that can be sold internationally and loved in South Korea is a major hit. A drama that is loved only in South Korea doesn’t last long and definitely will not make as much money as one that is loved internationally. TKEM is loved internationally and even in South Korea where the ratings are low, it’s the number one most watched show on Wavve which has 30% of South Korea’s population. They remain one of the most talked about drama and actors! Lmh and kge also ranks high on brand ranking. Anyone can see they are killing it regardless of the ratings. Of course everyone wants good ratings but at the end of the day, if a drama has high ratings but cannot make money, it wasn’t successful. On the other hand, a drama with low ratings but made a lot of profit is successful. 


GOLD!!!!! THANK YOU :thumbsup: 
We are in the 21st century, a time of technology   where emails can now detect junk mails which is why there’s a folder called JUNK:lol: I’ve read so many posts about some fan who emailed their managers :skull:Let us be realistic here.... if I was one of their managers, I would not have even bothered to open or responded to some crazy lunatic fans :sweat_smile: Some folks are getting way out of their level in trying to control others.  They need to calm their arses down and just enjoy the fun :skull: those actors & actresses are paid for what they do as an actors.  They’re in the entertainment business for a reason and that’s to entertain us? lmao I, for one subscribed for NETFLIX just for TKEM :relaxed:

while they’re getting paid tons for their jobs, we have those lunatics getting all pissed & angry trying to CONTROL OTHERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR FREE:tounge_xd: 

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24 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

Wait, are you seeing something I’m not? How do you see 209 posts but I only see 147? 

Please tell me the 62 posts I don’t see is all MinEun. And please share if they are :lol:

1st sorry my English.

209 pictures in. Not numbers he was posted. There's. 209 pictures all at his IG. 

Even if we calculate by his posted number which is only 147 post, we will get the differentiation . And comparation,. For , 3/month from  36 months and 6/month from 6 month.


There's isn't math formula here. Coz it's not exact numbers. This is possibilities theory.



and 78 pict. Is related to TKEM I didn't say about them only anyway. :D

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35 minutes ago, gatopassero said:

Thank you. Just found some cute gifs in there


She smiled when LMH put his hand over her back 

:D the reason why i said she also like him, there were other instances where you know can see how she behaved towards him.  If you compare with her other press conference, you can tell the difference.  

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56 minutes ago, nippy2002 said:

OMG you made my day! I’ve been searching high and low and found nothing.Thank you  thank you thank you :kiss_wink: What I see on Weibo about this series is pretty negative, which upsets me quite a bit. Again a gigantic THANK YOU :heart: Going to check it out right now :blush:

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    •  Copied from the main drama thread! Cr: @Jemrie

perfect gentleman 

#LeeMinho 's car was parked in the shape of a cross, so his car was blocking #KimGoeun 's car. it seemed that KGE was going to leave first but LMH's car blocked. then LMH's car pulled it back a lil bit & let KGE's car leave first

127.gif?w=560just like the Emperor escorting the(her) Empress








   On 6/1/2020 at 5:58 AM,  Heretorant said: 

they’re so stinkin’ cute! 

chingu your fave :love:




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39 minutes ago, gatopassero said:

Thank you. Just found some cute gifs in there


She smiled when LMH put his hand over her back 




She copied his mouth’s movement

Oh my :wub: y’all have no idea how much I’ve rewatched those clips ( lost count ) lol never noticed those small details....  WOW is all I say... y’all are freakn AMAZING.  I’ve laughed, cried from laughing to the point my stomach literally hurts reading through y’all POV :love:

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35 minutes ago, effyisme said:

I didn't see this before but I absolutely dig it!! :heart: Its like LMH discretely trying to get skinship with KGE while with a big group of people around...


Actually now looking back, I realized LMH and KGE body contact were super close during the press conference :D


that’s what i actually noticed having reviewed the press conference clips.. they were seated so close to one another, you would think they were holding hands under the table :joy: but thats just me... haha pls ignore lol



i needed time to back read every comment.. i must say im still going at it for LMH’s 180 deg change since he started working with KGE. He’s a changed man alright ...  :heart:

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15 minutes ago, zba72 said:

:D the reason why i said she also like him, there were other instances where you know can see how she behaved towards him.  If you compare with her other press conference, you can tell the difference.  


She steals glances at him when he's not looking too. There were instances during the Swoon who me video where she glances over to see what choices LMH would choose and copy him. I also had a feeling she wasn't too happy when he was having too much fun joking with JEC. :phew: She was smiling, but she wasn't laughing as much as everyone else. She pulled off the bitter smile better than LMH though. :lol:

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Bigger gif. She even tilted her head towards his side


I also found out a piece of translation  which seems a little different. (With my limited Mandarin) LMH said their 1st scene together was in the chicken restaurant. Anyone knows the source interview?zzDEQRj.jpg

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