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[Drama 2020] It's Okay not to be Okay, 사이코지만 괜찮아


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They better kiss at least once more this weekend! And I don't mean a peck okay we need another LEGENDARY scene. Hopefully something that can top the previous one <3









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Sigh, from seal with a kiss downstairs to him fanning himself walking back to his room in his pj, come on, surely some scenes are missing isn’t it? Well this is wat I imagine those missing scenes may be… I demand to be given my missing scenes… maybe in the director’s cut? I wish! I really do…

Can’t remember fanfix rules, been a while since I login to soompi so am hiding this story in a spoiler tag.



'Missing scene after 'seal with a kiss scene' (all purely my imagination)

Looking at MY smiling lovingly at him, flashes of their kisses came to his mind


‘Their first kiss, him giving her a peck on impulse, she looking surprised but totally pleased with it’

‘Their passionate kisses, where he gave up his control and she followed his lead bashfully, flaming their passion n love’

And now, she kissed him, SHE KISSED HIM, SHE initiated… what a powerful aphrodisiac. With his blood roaring, his heart fluttering, his breath short n heavy… he started to say, in between breath..




MY blinked, the smug smile on her face changing to a recognition of the emotions on his face, hearing him counting down, her breath following his becoming short..

She took a quick step forward and with her lips, swallowed his ‘san’.. no way is she going to allow him to install the safety pin that she had plucked out!

She gasped when she felt his tongue seeking entrance, giving it to him without restraint… mmmm so this is how it is like when his safety pin is gone!

Unable to gain control over his raging passion, KT gave in and took their embrace to the next level. Moulding her body close, letting her feel all his passion with no space separating them, he let the blaze take over..  there’s no stopping him anymore when she started to duel with his tongue at first tentatively, gaining more confidence as their kiss deepened…


‘MKT! KMY!’ like a splash of cold water, the sound of ST calling them shocked them apart.

Still keeping their bodies stuck together by the steer force of MY holding tightly to KT, KT turn his head n answered ‘Hyung’ while trying, not very hard, to pry himself away from MY's hold.

‘I’m going to bathe now’ ST announced fr upstairs..

KT, looked back at MY, both in deep blushes.. feeling tat he’s been caught red handed. MY with a look of defiant on her face, stared back at him ‘hubpang tonite!’.

Knowing there’s no way he can loosen her hold until he says yes, he nodded n was freed.

‘I’m going to bathe first, I’ll wait for you in my room’ MY says coyly walking to her room.

In his room, KT took off his suit, grabbed his pj, went to another bathroom to bathe. Meanwhile ST finished bathing n went back to his room to watch dooly.

<fill in your own bath scenes> After bathing…

KT opened MY door, seeing an empty room. A pair of arms grabbed him fr behind, she was waiting behind the door..

Turning around, he grabbed her face n planted a big kiss. But when she started to lift his shirt, he told her ‘no, it has to be later’






Later after


Marriage, k?

She looked surprised, so many tots going thru her mind, liking the idea, and she says,

‘Seal it!’ puckering up with her eyes closed…

Feathery kisses fluttered over her forehead, down her nose, to her cheek, barely skimming her lips to her other cheek, down her neck to her nape, up her ear, bringing all sort of thrills running thru her body… finally landing on her lips, a chaste closed lip kiss to seal their agreement.

She opened her eyes, staring in his, seeing all his love for her shining thru. KT give her another quick peck, and said ‘sleep well’ and he’s up n out of her door..

Outside, KT leaned on the closed door letting out ‘san’.. smiling, he walked back to the room he’s sharing with his brother, fanning his still hot body with his Tshirt..

Wish I could write better, if it’s lacking in any way, pls use your imagination to fill up all the gaps K?


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1 hour ago, ahbling said:

Sigh, from seal with a kiss downstairs to him fanning himself walking back to his room in his pj, come on, surely some scenes are missing isn’t it? Well this is wat I imagine those missing scenes may be… I demand to be given my missing scenes… maybe in the director’s cut? I wish! I really do…

Can’t remember fanfix rules, been a while since I login to soompi so am hiding this story in a spoiler tag.


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'Missing scene after 'seal with a kiss scene' (all purely my imagination)

Looking at MY smiling lovingly at him, flashes of their kisses came to his mind


‘Their first kiss, him giving her a peck on impulse, she looking surprised but totally pleased with it’

‘Their passionate kisses, where he gave up his control and she followed his lead bashfully, flaming their passion n love’

And now, she kissed him, SHE KISSED HIM, SHE initiated… what a powerful aphrodisiac. With his blood roaring, his heart fluttering, his breath short n heavy… he started to say, in between breath..




MY blinked, the smug smile on her face changing to a recognition of the emotions on his face, hearing him counting down, her breath following his becoming short..

She took a quick step forward and with her lips, swallowed his ‘san’.. no way is she going to allow him to install the safety pin that she had plucked out!

She gasped when she felt his tongue seeking entrance, giving it to him without restraint… mmmm so this is how it is like when his safety pin is gone!

Unable to gain control over his raging passion, KT gave in and took their embrace to the next level. Moulding her body close, letting her feel all his passion with no space separating them, he let the blaze take over..  there’s no stopping him anymore when she started to duel with his tongue at first tentatively, gaining more confidence as their kiss deepened…


‘MKT! KMY!’ like a splash of cold water, the sound of ST calling them shocked them apart.

Still keeping their bodies stuck together by the steer force of MY holding tightly to KT, KT turn his head n answered ‘Hyung’ while trying, not very hard, to pry himself away from MY's hold.

‘I’m going to bathe now’ ST announced fr upstairs..

KT, looked back at MY, both in deep blushes.. feeling tat he’s been caught red handed. MY with a look of defiant on her face, stared back at him ‘hubpang tonite!’.

Knowing there’s no way he can loosen her hold until he says yes, he nodded n was freed.

‘I’m going to bathe first, I’ll wait for you in my room’ MY says coyly walking to her room.

In his room, KT took off his suit, grabbed his pj, went to another bathroom to bathe. Meanwhile ST finished bathing n went back to his room to watch dooly.

<fill in your own bath scenes> After bathing…

KT opened MY door, seeing an empty room. A pair of arms grabbed him fr behind, she was waiting behind the door..

Turning around, he grabbed her face n planted a big kiss. But when she started to lift his shirt, he told her ‘no, it has to be later’






Later after


Marriage, k?

She looked surprised, so many tots going thru her mind, liking the idea, and she says,

‘Seal it!’ puckering up with her eyes closed…

Feathery kisses fluttered over her forehead, down her nose, to her cheek, barely skimming her lips to her other cheek, down her neck to her nape, up her ear, bringing all sort of thrills running thru her body… finally landing on her lips, a chaste closed lip kiss to seal their agreement.

She opened her eyes, staring in his, seeing all his love for her shining thru. KT give her another quick peck, and said ‘sleep well’ and he’s up n out of her door..

Outside, KT leaned on the closed door letting out ‘san’.. smiling, he walked back to the room he’s sharing with his brother, fanning his still hot body with his Tshirt..

Wish I could write better, if it’s lacking in any way, pls use your imagination to fill up all the gaps K?


It feels like I'm reading wattpad all over again omg. You're so good at this!

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Thanks @blademan for the making/BTS. Also to @nhicar tabuzo post showing the actress was shocked she is the mom for MY as head nurse Park. OMG so this is comfirming it IS the mom. Dang then someone's memories are fogged as no way with the head wound blood and then pushed to bottom of the body of water (lake/pond).  But since dad had brain tumor then faulty memory who saved her? The supposed sister we are not aware of? 


The actress is very good. The acting is top notch and 2 more days til the finale weekend. Right now the dramas I am watching are lacking this excitement (every week) on this journey. Will miss them! I learned alot so far from you in this forum, the drama and had some great eye candy and food for thought on fairy tales, relationships and other topics.


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27 minutes ago, nhicar tabuzo said:

Well, based on this...Nurse Park = Do Hui Jae. 


I guess there really is something off with MY's dad's memory and the body MY saw must have been someone else.


Why oh why it came out now when we are patiently waiting for the answer on the last eps this weekend :joy:

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3 hours ago, Nodame said:

Gracias @blademan para la realización / BTS. También a@nhicar tabuzo La publicación que muestra a la actriz se sorprendió de que ella sea la madre de MY como la enfermera jefe Park. Dios mío, así que esto confirma que ES la mamá. Dang, entonces los recuerdos de alguien se empañan de ninguna manera con la sangre de la cabeza herida y luego se empujan al fondo del cuerpo de agua (lago / estanque). Pero ya que papá tenía un tumor cerebral y luego una memoria defectuosa, ¿quién la salvó? ¿La supuesta hermana que no conocemos? 


La actriz es muy buena. La actuación es de primera categoría y 2 días más hasta el fin de semana final. En este momento los dramas que estoy viendo carecen de esta emoción (cada semana) en este viaje. Los extrañaré! Aprendí mucho de ti en este foro, sobre el drama, y tuve una gran atracción visual y comida para reflexionar sobre cuentos de hadas, relaciones y otros temas.


And I hope autism is among your thoughts. I am autistic

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8 hours ago, Wendy123 said:

Just logging in to say that the cast and crew had a private wrap party~ @jae_sun_17 uploaded pictures with the cast on Instagram. Sadly, SYJ is no where to be seen tho ;-; 


Yep, not sure where YJ was :((


Taken from Jae Sun's insta https://www.instagram.com/jae_sun_17/

















By the way, ep. 15 is going to be named "The Good Brothers." Positive vibes coming, you guys! Happy Friday! 

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