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[Thai Drama 2019] Until We Meet Again


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13 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

Why do I feel that Krit (Korn's little brother) could be Dean's father...??!!



13 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

IF Korn is to follow the family businesses on loans and extortion: Why is he studying at the university...?

Probably because even criminal boss should be smart and educated.;) I think books were Korn's way to get away from reality so he read not only for studying but all the time (instead of helping his father with his "business").


13 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

However the main point remains: Korn was already losing his future plan perspective... when Intouch stole his heart, with love and care.

13 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

I have been wondering WHY did Korn took his life...

I thought about it too. Because for killing yourself a person have to be really in the state when he thinks that there is no possibility for something good. No hope. In became Korn's light, gave him hope for bright future together. And if with In's father they could've fight somehow, but when his own father showed up... And knowing what he is capable of... at that moment Korn probably couldn't see any positive way out for them anymore.

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13 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

What is the next connection...? YES: P'Dean's grandmother is P'AN...!! Intouch's sister...!!!

The reincarnation relationships are hurting my brain :lol:

This episode's thoughts:

I was massaging my cheeks becoz they were hurting a lot due to smiling. Sweetest so far, the spelling for 'Love' is this episode :wub: Laughed out loud at the scene when Pharm-Dean forgot their friends were watching them. Also Korn-In relationship is heart-warming. Thankfully, its not just me who feels their sweetness, clearly P'New also likes them for giving them many scenes.

I feel the positive change in the BL world because of this series. I hope it creates a wave that every other series after this, will follow too - so far no top/bottom nonsense, Kisses that dont feel like viewer-baits and more importantly when (Pharm and Dean) or (Korn and In) are together I can only see two people who are in love just like any other couple. Believing it will continue like this till the end:)


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On 12/29/2019 at 5:02 PM, aniola said:

New MV, KornIn focused.

Oh, I just love this song.

Oh yes, i love it too. Boy Sompop voice is celestial, arrangements suit so well with lyrics, just another great song from this singer i like alot! So thanks for the post!


I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope you enjoy this day with yours!

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I'm still not up to date with all the episodes and though I find New's directing style a little inconsistent sometimes, I like the show and find the story very beautiful. However, I need to ask, why does Pharm look so terrified of Dean touching him even the least and seems so uncomfortable even after the first kiss and unable to relax? Sometimes he looks like he wants to run away as fast as he can or that he doesn't want Dean's company/can't stand it. Only exception was when he came back for the kiss in the car, which I found extremely cute and loved that he made that move. Is it like this in the novel? Is it explained there? Does it have to do with trauma from his past life and hates physical touch? Sometimes I fear for him in the way he panics so much.

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On 12/15/2019 at 5:32 PM, aniola said:

Agree about music. When I was watching the scene first time I noticed that I hear words of the song too clearly and it almost distracts me from the scene.))

Did you expect that their dialogue about their feelings and relationship would be... like there would be more talking, not only kissing? Because I think i partly did.))

But I love the scene anyway. I get so soft from how Pharm and Dean look at each other. ^_^


I thought the kiss was very cute but the music was just too loud and overbearing and it took away the intimacy of the moment a bit. It's not the only scene where I think the music is too loud and intrusive, sometimes not matching the scenes, but it was specially noticeable in the kiss. It was lovely nonetheless. 

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On 12/21/2019 at 11:21 AM, gogole mongol said:

Ok, this is just exactly the same attitude In shown at the beginning for invite Korn to fall in love with him. If you agree for one, why not agree for two? Alex just use new words, but the goal is the same, no?


Yes and no !

There is something really predatory about the way Alex approaches Pharm. I get the feeling that he merely wants to tick Pharm off his 'to-do' list.

In, on the other hand seems to be seeking something much more long term.

Even the girls find Alex creepy.

What is the ultimate goal ? In, wanted a relationship. Alex would discard Pharm as 'spoiled goods' the morning after getting him into bed. Or at least that is the impression I get from his oily approach.

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On 12/22/2019 at 2:01 AM, Mel_Rios said:

Like... Parm talking about a daydream on having a "granddaughter" :joy:

It is actually หลานสาว laan saao and in this context: Niece (that is Alin, the daughter of Ann.... Intouch's sister = Intouch's niece)


And the other is Intouch father saying: f a g g o t  (that is what actually ตุ๊ด  dtoot means in Thai, and not "p u s s y")

"P u s s y" and gays are in not way connected (that I know of) :joy:

Sissy maybe... but not "p u s s y"

I thought the former was a bit odd but i knew what he meant. There are numerous errors in the translations but I let them wash over me. I understand what is intended as opposed to what is said. As an anglophone I have that advantage and I am more than grateful that the episodes are translated to forgive any blips.


As for p u s s y (you add the spaces so perhaps it is necessary to evade the auto-correct :)) it does mean a weak or cowardly male and so by extension and, in a certain context, questions the masculinity of the person. I say context because it really does depend on whom it is addressed to. When Venom berates Eddie Brock as a p u s s y for taking the lift he is commenting on his lack of courage. In the Korn/father situation it could be taken as questioning his sexuality, and that is exactly how I understood it. I also caught the Thai word but does that itself not actually mean transvestite and only by extension (again) gay ?


Regardless of the meaning of the Thai ; [all of youse] be wary of addressing any guy with the 'P' word.

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On 12/26/2019 at 12:48 AM, Mel_Rios said:

...I always find very disappointing that a Yaoi novel is reduced to some sentimental scenes just because the director may find filming those scenes too challenging...There is no one single Series showing the levels of eroticism present in the Thai Yaoi novels they use. They go as far as they can... Like in Tharn Type lately... but they will never be able to show 100% what the novels tells us about it.


They play to their audience. I get bored with the multi-shot non-kiss. It is rare for the actors to convey that a real kiss is taking place, so seeing it taken from, here, there and everywhere, plus slow-mo, is boring and taking up story time. BUT you can almost hear the fan pages explode with screaming and nose bleeds.

If the actors are not prepared to 'act' then the directors cannot take it any further even if they wanted to. Of course, having characters that are terrified of being closer than twenty centimetres of their heart's desire (Pharm constantly backs away) makes life difficult as well. :)

We have what we have and like all acting, if the chemistry works between the couple the story works.

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The flashbacks are good but there are a couple of problems. Dean should not be able to remember what happened to Intouch : Korn is already dead.

Dean is told that Intouch killed himself but he should not be able to visualise it.


Likewise the scene with the friends after the funeral - neither Pharm or Dean would know that because the pair of lovers are dead.

End of picky moment.


The entire fourth act was taken with Dean opening a door and falling on a bed. I did find myself thinking : get on with it man hurry up and tell him. This was then followed by the  sudden realisation that the series is still ongoing (I usually end up playing catch up). I have to wait a week ? As bad as 'Dive' :)

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Scene with Dean and his grandma was heartbreaking. It's probably such a roller coaster of emotions. At first you see your grandson for the first time for many years. And then he brings all this memories about tragic end of your young brother. That reaction when Dean said that his loved one is a man (and her asking never ever to hurt himself..).

(If to think rationally it must be so... let say.. unusual when your grandchild comes to you and starts to apologize on behave of your brother's dead lover. Or when your friend ask you to investigate about people he saw in his dreams.)


WinTeam scene was cute. I think after that scene i fully saw their ability to be main characters in their own series (since so many fans dream about it). It actually a bit funny how Team is so nosy about Pharm but so secretive about his own personal life.


There were talking above about Pharm being scared or uncomfortable with Dean being close to him. I a bit disagree with it. I think Pharm only "steps back" when Dean "pushes" too much. I'm not sure how much time came since the beginning of the series, but seems like their relationship developed quite fast because of their soulmate connection. And it obvious that Pharm is more comfortable (and yeah, because he is easily getting shy...) with taking all slow, step by step. I mean he looks quite comfortable when Dean just being caring (or the opposite in need of Pharm's care), cute or playful.

I think there is so much in Dean's head right now, mix of his own and Korn's emotions, fear of losing Pharm (which makes him be more clingy to him). Unlike Pharm he didn't struggle with nightmares for his whole life, but now got so invested into InKorn + his own story and probably don't know how to deal with it. So Pharm words of not knowing something upsetting what don't change his relationship with Dean anyway kinda make sense. Self-care. It was really nice to see in previous and today's ep. how Pharm was worrying and trying to gently care about Dean.

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