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[Thai Drama 2019] Until We Meet Again


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1 hour ago, aniola said:

I think i get your point, it's probably a tricky question when it's ok to continue to get someone's attention and when it's time to stop.

I think for ep.7 main difference is Pharm being not free anymore. We don't know how In's attitude would be if he knew that Korn has a girlfriend. Also Alex was rejected quite straightforwardly three times already. How was Korn reacted all that month that In was chasing him we don't really know. I can guess that there was something in his response that was making In don't give up (but of course it's me assuming things, but we really don't have much information about how annoying was In for Korn). Also one of the main thing that bothers me is that Pharn physically shows how uncomfortable for him when Alex get too close to him.

I can agree and it is possible to go along with your arguments. Yes we don't (and never) know how In and Korn will react if it was definitively no! Agree that Pharm already have a frankly attitude toward Alex, but i can remember he isn't against a friedship. Maybe this is the point that lead Alex to have hope and continue to "ask for more". On the pic, they both have a smile, one Alex hand on Pharm shoulder. This is not a sign Pharm totally reject Alex. I still continue to think a Pharm gentle attitude will be more persuasive than a "straightforwadly" one! Pharm is so charming when he is shy!!! Even he don't want to be! I can understood Alex's Pharm attraction!!! In any case, shy or proud Pharm is a lovely boy! :wub:

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18 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

I wasn't disturbed at all, and more, intense moment well suit with intense music. I don't want to be devil's advocate, it is just i'm used to loud sound

Are you me? :D

6 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

Ok, this is just exactly the same attitude In shown at the beginning for invite Korn to fall in love with him. If you agree for one, why not agree for two? Alex just use new words, but the goal is the same, no?

If we have to compare In with Alex, it will like comparing the Mountain with the Valley, the height might be the same. But one is high above and another is low down. Simply, just the difference between right and wrong way to be in unrequited love.

Firstly, the 'no means no'. Pharm clearly rejected Alex 3 times already - and one with saying he is interested in another person. Which is a complete and utter rejection that Alex HAS to accept. But when it comes to Korn, he didnt say 'no' to In. He just said "nonsense" (as in to love him at first sight). In's words "You didnt say no, so that means yes?". And Korn was mostly keeping the ball (In) in his court without rejecting him.

Secondly, sometimes it doesnt have to be a verbal 'no'. Everytime Alex gets touchy-feely with Pharm, see how he squirms.


He removed Alex's hand from his shoulder here. Thats a physical refusal.


Pharm was uncomfortable and awkward here. And he doesnt HAVE to express it to Alex for him to know. Alex is definitely not a gentleman.

But when it comes to In, see the touch.


Korn made no effort to remove his hand from his grasp. He was going along or even giving In rope to hold on to his love.

Thirdly, Alex pursuing Pharm is getting repetitive. And he is coming off more as a playboy than a boy who is in love.

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Second time for the week we see how couple are going to live together but plans turned out to be ruined tragically.:mellow:


OMG, i laughed so hard during scene in Sin's apartment.:lol: And the words "what a small world" very suits the situation (even more that we know yet).

Dean took the case into his hand... so we're waiting for results.B)


8 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

Which is a complete and utter rejection that Alex HAS to accept.

Not to mention that person don't have to be in relationship to be protected from unwanted flirting.

Thanks for visual illustration, it was exactly what i meant too.


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1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

Thirdly, Alex pursuing Pharm is getting repetitive. And he is coming off more as a playboy than a boy who is in love.

It was not necessary to mention again all those details i already seen. I maintain my opinion, the Alex and In quest for love are similar in attitude. Only details can change, but details don't made the goal,  which is to made other fall in love for you. You can scrutinize more and more for new details, the main target is always the same. I'm not blinded by my series character's attraction or rejection. It is just a question of strategy. It is just soft harassment from both, just the difference, Alex is more manly than In was! There is some "no is no" which mean "ok"! It just depend from personnality who said it and who listen it! Hopefully, we all can have our own opinion, and our own vision from what we can watch with the same scene! It's ok you give me yours!

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32 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

even if I don't understand WHY Parm brings food to everyone?

I think we just have to take for the fact that Pharm is really like to cook. But of course he can't eat it up all by himself. So the best option is to feed it to someone: friends or neighbors (or whole university:lol:).


32 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

I can't believe they may be blood related somehow too, but in exchanged families.




Knowing the suicide happened the same day of Intouch Birthday just killed me

Yes, it very sad. Surely In's sister and mother were totally heartbroken (father too, but he is at fault so he deserves to suffer for rest of his life).

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5 hours ago, aniola said:

Thanks for visual illustration, it was exactly what i meant too.

I have no better visual illustration of Korn rejecting In at first ep6 seconds (first scene between them at the stairs area). Korn clearly reject In  while In kept cement (through his hands keeping Korn's hand) as a leech to your leg in a rice field! The difference between In and Alex is evident (to me). One is directly manly, other is sticky, emphasizing and invading. But the goal is the same. And it is not the first time Korn reject In. BTW, i just start to watch ep 7. I anxiously wait next Alex/Pharm meeting...

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1 hour ago, gogole mongol said:

I anxiously wait next Alex/Pharm meeting...

It was more a Dean/Alex meeting, and it mainly show Alex is in love for Pharm, he can be serious too and not affraid to be another Pharm's pretender in front of Dean! He also clearly said what is his intention, and will respect the present Dean/Pharm status. Yet this sequence show he is not a "caprice du jour" (a day's whim) but something serious. His way to flirt with Pharm can shock some sensible soul, so it is his manner to act clearly (in any case, the one written into the novel or P'New desire).


BTW, i'm a Dean/Pharm couple fan, so this ep (7) is a big one to me. From beginning to end. Very emotional, and my fav moment is when Dean bring back Pharm by car at home, then kiss Pharm's forehead, than Pharm leaves the car, walk a little and stop. I was waiting this point!!! He return to the car, Dean open the window, and they have a love kiss (maybe including tongues?). It was magic for me and high on emotion. Another (very) strong moment: when they are together on the sofa, Pharm's head on Dean shoulder, and memories of the past comes to mind, not only for Pharm, but Dean too. Saw them crying at the same time made me crying then!!!


Yes, Team/Win sequence is so short but full of promise! Even there is some flashback that not respect schedule order (how it can be without them?), hopefully, we have mel_rios for bring some lights on, so thanks to him! Too much time on cooking? I think this is the serie's basis. Again, as mel_rios said, Intouch was a bad cooker, and reincarnate into a "chef", i think it is ok (for me) that some place is give to this point. This is not the first time i notice in some thai BL series, large time is given to cook or eating. Student are always "starving" and need to quickly ate something often with a well know food firm or shop on packing. Sponsoring in disguise?!!! BTW, this "food main presence" didn't disturb me, cause i like thai food (the light spicy one) and it often push me on appetite! 


ps: i consider the tickling moment on the sofa between Pharm/Dean more than a filler than something having an interest into the story. Hopefully, it was pleasant to watch, and show us Dean can have fun and smile one time in a day! He is so constantly serious! How love can really transform people in a simple way!



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36 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

And the other is Intouch father saying: richard simmons (that is what actually ตุ๊ด  dtoot means in Thai, and not richard simmons)


richard simmons and gays are in not way connected :joy:

Sissy maybe... but not richard simmons.

Too much richard simmons! So, i guess what was written at origin. Maybe you can use the . sign between letters in the way to lure automatic censorship? But maybe Richard Simmons really exist? :joy:

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12 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

I always forget about the censorship on soompi :joy:

My computer automatic translater (google  ha ha ha) said that ตุ๊.ด. means "homo" into french, that can be translate as gay.  I think this censorship is a necessity into the forum, but it can gives us some surprise on which word it can apply!

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Your last comment reminds me the old taiwanese serie "Crystal boys" (possibly still on YT), that talk about your comment. The story is based on gay life in Taiwan and the big problem they have to suffer along the way during the 60's! This is simply a moving one!


ps: "(You can all just play the song you like the most for that moment; I have my own soundtrack, as you already know)" Is it Boy Sompob? :joy:

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5 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

ps: i consider the tickling moment on the sofa between Pharm/Dean more than a filler than something having an interest into the story. Hopefully, it was pleasant to watch, and show us Dean can have fun and smile one time in a day! He is so constantly serious! How love can really transform people in a simple way!

I didn't see that like a filler but to recall us what Win never stop to say, Dean changes.

Win beeing a close friend, notices the changes but outside he is still very serious (like you said), straight, not a smily and open person, but each time he is close to Pharm, his face changes and while he was really serious when they were in apt 802, his attitude changes as soon they were only us!


I rewatch the episode and while I'm fully satisfied with the plot, the narration, the acting, the balance between laugh and sad moments, I'm yearning for more #WinTeam :wub: (why can't I ship the first CP for once ? :crazy:)

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51 minutes ago, mellialuna said:

I didn't see that like a filler but to recall us what Win never stop to say, Dean changes.

I'm not Win, but i also saw things change for Dean when he is just with Pharm. BTW, i still continue to think this tickling moment doesn't made things go further into the couple/serie. The sequence, as pleasant it is is too long for me, but that's ok if everyone have his personnal opinion! I not only said Dean is always serious, i also ADD he can "have fun & smile", this emply it only can happens through the fact just Pharm can make him to be into a good mood which is what we see on screen, so as my english is not perfect (je vous prie de m'en excuser), maybe i made a mistake or badly/wrongly exprim my point of view! BTW, filler or not, it is better to watch Pharm/Dean long tickling sequence than a constant girly make-up sponsoring! Must add i like a lot Sammy as actor, so much better than a publicity campaign!

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5 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

What you mean for there is some flashback that not respect schedule order ...for Team & Win?

Of course, not for Win/Team! My error was to made two different objects follow one after one.As if it was the continuity. I first think when i type the phrase it was obvious that i talk about two different things (because there is no Team/Win flashback into different order), but your comment show it is not the case. I apologize for this mistake to all i can disturb!


Must add i agree a lot when you says Earth made a great acting, a lot convincing into Intouch character. Intouch character show us he was so courageous in front of his father, only real love can give this power. Must say his words are a little bit juvenile to my opinion, nevertheless so sincere, he is so young, and well know  what his heart want and wish. Able to go to ultimate fact by love! What a lover he is!

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9 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

(What is wrong with Jay this time...?)

Wanted to ask you for some time already. Why do you think it is JayBL who translates both TharnType and UWMA? Because i have an impression that Jay is not doing subtitles for any series anymore. Or am i wrong?


9 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

i consider the tickling moment on the sofa between Pharm/Dean more than a filler than something having an interest into the story. Hopefully, it was pleasant to watch, and show us Dean can have fun and smile one time in a day!

For me their tickling moment has the purpose to cheer up atmosphere completely. I mean they had crying emotion moment. After they just sat quietly hugging each other for some time because they felt like that. And to tease Pharm was the best way to make any sadness what left to fly away.:rolleyes: 


3 hours ago, mellialuna said:

(why can't I ship the first CP for once ? :crazy:)

Somehow we are often after something that less available.:D 

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17 minutes ago, aniola said:

Wanted to ask you for some time already. Why do you think it is JayBL who translates both TharnType and UWMA? Because i have an impression that Jay is not doing subtitles for any series anymore. Or am i wrong?

I remember reading a tweet from her saying she's not the one subbing those series, but I'm too lazy to find it!


18 minutes ago, aniola said:

Somehow we are often after something that less available.:D 

And I read something today that doesn't help me, I know I will be more than frustrated with this ship! :tears:

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