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[Thai Drama 2019] Until We Meet Again


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On 12/15/2019 at 12:40 PM, mellialuna said:

Love all the CP scenes, too much time about the food!

When first "hero" is constantly cooking because his club, i think it is ok to "swim" into kitchen activity so we can made profit on free thai cooking lesson!:rolleyes: (i suppose if Dean and Pharm were jet pilot, we will see lot of aircraft on ground or in the air  ha ha ha)(d'ou l'expression "s'envoyer en l'air")


20 hours ago, aniola said:

Did you expect that their dialogue about their feelings and relationship would be... like there would be more talking, not only kissing? Because I think i partly did.))


19 hours ago, mellialuna said:

Yeah I don't know, clearly it's not about the kiss (even an innocent kiss like the first ones on the car in LBC, i like it) but there is something that didn't work in that scene!

I think lips to lips (what a long kiss) talk as much as tongues can do! Maybe better! In this case, i prefer action to explanation. They will have later (enough) time for at canteen or in the car!  Yes, the curtain moment is a great one, so poetic! Simply a great ep as i expect from! Thanks to actors and P'New! The kiss moment eclipsed the cooking part! 



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On 12/14/2019 at 1:54 AM, aniola said:


Close friends always have much more rights to be nosy.;) 

As well as more rights 

back for such nosiness.

Yeah Its mutual :D

On 12/14/2019 at 11:20 PM, aniola said:

All this friendly teasing is kinda sweet.

Usually friends tease at the beginning of a relationship, after that they become like.. Ah those two.. they are family :lol:

On 12/14/2019 at 11:20 PM, aniola said:

Scene with In and his sister was sad to watch. Because we know it's the last time when An see her brother.

After I read this, I went back to see that, In was wearing the same shirt when he died. Yeah this was the last before scene. So there IS a timeline for these random scenes. Sharp eyes.

On 12/14/2019 at 11:20 PM, aniola said:

I also think how great it would be if they stepped out from the novel and just made Manaow and Del a couple.

Aw the lipstick scene. They will make a cute couple :D (I kinda fear that usually in series, Manaow-like-characters ends up with jerks-like-Alex though. Ugh)

On 12/15/2019 at 2:53 PM, nastyacolors00 said:

What are your thoughts about Episode 6

I started counting minutes (Its 55minutes 08 seconds of happiness :lol:) The scenes of Pharm blushing and hiding behind curtain and him-ducking-his-head-inside-his-shirt were my favorite.

On 12/15/2019 at 5:10 PM, mellialuna said:

The kiss was cute but I expect something more


23 hours ago, mellialuna said:

(even an innocent kiss like the first ones on the car in LBC, i like it)

Same. Actually I liked everything that led up to that kiss and everything that happened after that too. But because I already knew that a kiss is going to happen at that time, unlike the car kiss of LBC, there was the surprise-factor that was missing for me.

I like food-eating/making scenes a lot. So think about how I would have felt, when this scene where there is such a hot food in-front of them, and no-one is touching the food and they start speaking about RED-THREAD :blink:


O Manaow I feel you seriously. She is one of the only 2 persons who had chopsticks in their hand (another is Del) and she even smacked her lips and gazed at the food at every opportunity she got. O let the girl eat you heartless people the-red-thread-can-wait :triumph:


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2 hours ago, dramaandfood said:

O Manaow I feel you seriously. She is one of the only 2 persons who had chopsticks in their hand (another is Del) and she even smacked her lips and gazed at the food at every opportunity she got. O let the girl eat you heartless people the-red-thread-can-wait :triumph:

I just imagine there was so many takes, and i think they all have lost envy to ate something, except Manaow, of course! :joy:

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6 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

When first "hero" is constantly cooking because his club, i think it is ok to "swim" into kitchen activity so we can made profit on free thai cooking lesson!:rolleyes:

One of the hero is a swimmer, I have less problem to watch swimming scene!

They can bring food but they don't need to talk about it constantly! 

And like DramaandFood said they almost don't eat (all this food thrown away)!


6 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

i suppose if Dean and Pharm were jet pilot, we will see lot of aircraft on ground or in the air

I'm not sure I would have watch (Top Gun trauma) :crazy::D



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54 minutes ago, mellialuna said:

One of the hero is a swimmer, I have less problem to watch swimming scene!

Of course, i prefer to watch serie on swimmer, half naked men are more attractive than a pan suit  ha ha ha!


56 minutes ago, mellialuna said:

I'm not sure I would have watch (Top Gun trauma)

You can cut the part with planes, and save with pilots! Or vice versa :joy:

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I'm so glad that we're finally at the place where Dean and Pharm starts to learn/remembering more about Korn and In.^_^ I just love everything in the series what shows us connection between two couples.


But Alex who don't understand word "no" becomes really annoying already.:wacko:


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On 12/17/2019 at 1:00 AM, gogole mongol said:

I just imagine there was so many takes, and i think they all have lost envy to ate something, except Manaow, of course!

LOL but might be true. They might have had several takes.

Also makes me wonder, might have there been instructions from the crew to not eat it, until we are done? Because even in other series, in eating scenes, they dont eat much. Those things makes me feel like.. detached and not realistic.

On 12/17/2019 at 1:51 AM, mellialuna said:

They can bring food but they don't need to talk about it constantly! 

Agree. When I read that the main character is going to be in food club, I started thinking about the visual appetizers that we are going to get. But till now, not much means a waste of opportunity to not promote Thai's cuisine.

On 12/17/2019 at 1:51 AM, mellialuna said:

I'm not sure I would have watch (Top Gun trauma)

Ignorant me, I thought you were speaking about REAL gun trauma or something :lol: Google makes me know its a movie :joy:

On 12/20/2019 at 12:47 AM, aniola said:

I just love everything in the series what shows us connection between two couples.

(Continuing your sentence :D) So we will be happy-watchers in the end, even if Korn-In didnt get their Happy ending, Dean-Pharm will, and thats satisfactory enough from a dramatic standpoint :D.

On 12/20/2019 at 12:47 AM, aniola said:

But Alex who don't understand word "no" becomes really annoying already.

Giving up on him -_-

(But Mean and Plan looks soo handsome here. Especially Plan with black hair :D)

21 hours ago, aniola said:

I feel tears in my eyes when i listen this song.

How can music convey this sadness, when I dont even understand the words? Wow.

I like all the OSTs so far. Okay I am calling it (might be too soon but..) I like everything about this series already with all its flaws and whatnots:wub:.

Just a 30sec teaser, so many feels already. This series is just perfect on all grounds.




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Too many comment about "too loud music" to quote, so i will not does it. Those concerned well knows who they are! Strangely, it seems i'm the only one that cement with production edit with music. I wasn't disturbed at all, and more, intense moment well suit with intense music. I don't want to be devil's advocate, it is just i'm used to loud sound. And for those who have delicate ears, it is easy to turn the volume down, no?! Or even to completly turn to no sound, but you will miss kiss's sounds (the tongues inside rubbing), moaning sounds (not the one from a happy/glad kitten), heavy sighs sounds (coming from a pleasure source)! I think when peoples goes to live concert, and music is too loud to their taste, they have two possibilities, stay and use wax ear plug (as musicians do), or quit the hall. For UWMA, turn the volume lower is more easy. I ask myself to know how peoples does when they listen Wagner or Berlioz opera when the music is loud while singers are loud too? But that's just a question!  :glasses:


"I shouldn't be doing this... I hate to be spoiled or teased... :joy:"

Maybe this pic comes from workshop?


ps: i love a lot Boy Sompob voice, especially at the kiss moment, because he sing perfectly! 

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1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

Ignorant me, I thought you were speaking about REAL gun trauma or something :lol: Google makes me know its a movie :joy:

Oh, only after your comment i realize that i read "Top Gear" instead of "Top Gun".:joy:


1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

Because even in other series, in eating scenes, they dont eat much.

I think main reason is that if shooting takes time then it's hard for actors to eat all the time.

But it always bothers me too how characters often treat food. Like to eat 1-2 spoon of something, say "i'm not hungry" and leave, i always fell sorry for wasted food.:lol:


1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

Especially Plan with black hair

After seeing him with dif colors lately it felt even a bit unusual to see him with black hair in LBCs2-teaser and in UMWA.


45 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

What I dislike the most of this Series is this over toned soundtrack in so many important scenes since EP 1.

I am so glad I am not the only one...!! 

Actually i like how soundtrack is used in most of the scenes, but in kiss scene it was indeed too noticeable.



14 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

Strangely, it seems i'm the only one that cement with production edit with music.

not, you not the only one.:P

You exaggerating. We (except for Mel_Rios) were complaining only about one moment, and you already suggest us turn sound off completely.:D


20 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

Maybe this pic comes from workshop?

No, it's from the future episode. UWMA team always gives new teaser and few pictures somewhere in the middle of the week.

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46 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

And then right after Dean just letting the entire university know they were together by placing his swim team coat over Parm in the middle of the students canteen...!! OMG...!! Even Parm needed a moment "alone" to scream out of happiness... but he just could cover up his head a few seconds.

Of course, what a great emotional moment for me too. Now, things are official, even some (the close friends circle)already knew that love between both was already on the track. Fierce love attitude from Dean, more shy for Pharm  ha ha ha! This ep is a pivotal one, and the main reason is old promise becomes real. I'm not into reincarnation, but i'm under the charm of this pure love story, whose first part dramatically end for as the phoenix, reborn into (actually) a happy one. I don't know what their future will be, so as i never read novel, i let the fortune's wheel turn and made his job. I guess we will have surprise and i always accept if it will be good or bad. Because i still need emotion, and for now, i am completly satisfied!

Wôôôô what a serie!

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20 minutes ago, aniola said:

You exaggerating. We (except for Mel_Rios) were complaining only about one moment, and you already suggest us turn sound off completely.:D

Exagerating is total part of my comments. It is for me as a tradition :D In this way, it is more easy to cloud the issue! As politician, if you don't use strong or shocking words, you have the risk your idea/comment/opinion enter through left ear, and directly escape through right ear! I don't suggest, i said there is a possibility to..."turn the volume down, or even completly..." this is an alternative, you can choose the best to you! Yet i accept your comment, because i include the second choice so i include humour into it too! Exagerating and humour are the two teats i constantly su.ck. for fun comment!

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On 12/19/2019 at 8:17 PM, aniola said:

But Alex who don't understand word "no" becomes really annoying already.:wacko:

Ok, this is just exactly the same attitude In shown at the beginning for invite Korn to fall in love with him. If you agree for one, why not agree for two? Alex just use new words, but the goal is the same, no?

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31 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

Ok, this is just exactly the same attitude In shown at the beginning for invite Korn to fall in love with him. If you agree for one, why not agree for two? Alex just use new words, but the goal is the same, no?

I think i get your point, it's probably a tricky question when it's ok to continue to get someone's attention and when it's time to stop.

I think for ep.7 main difference is Pharm being not free anymore. We don't know how In's attitude would be if he knew that Korn has a girlfriend. Also Alex was rejected quite straightforwardly three times already. How was Korn reacted all that month that In was chasing him we don't really know. I can guess that there was something in his response that was making In don't give up (but of course it's me assuming things, but we really don't have much information about how annoying was In for Korn). Also one of the main thing that bothers me is that Pharn physically shows how uncomfortable for him when Alex get too close to him.


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