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[Thai Drama 2019] Until We Meet Again


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55 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

Either this episode went by too quickly or I like it sooo much that I want to continue watching more :D.

I have this feeling with every episode.:D It ends so fast.


56 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

I wasnt surprised because its the kind of generation we live in. Sharing-without-asking-permission and online-gossips has become a trend.

Yes, but i think popularity of shipping is exaggerated because it's BL-universe. I understand why fujoshi is more and more represented in BL-series, many fans can see themselves in them. And people like to stick their noses into others lives since forever. But i often tend to imagine myself on a character's place and i know how uncomfortable would be for me to be in such spot light. But there is still positive thing about it. That means that people don't care at all about if it's girl+boy or boy+boy or girl+girl. Which will make contrast to Korn&In time, since one of their problem (if i'm not mistaken) was homophobia of people surrounding them.



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On 12/8/2019 at 11:11 PM, mellialuna said:

it's funny because before the series start it was the CP I was less into it (I don"t really know why) and now I'm expecting to see them more and more.

Same. I was not interested much about Korn-In at-first, since we already know how their ending will be. I didnt feel much-sad while watching them die in 1st ep too. But if they show it again, now I am sure I dont have the heart to watch it.

On 12/9/2019 at 12:29 AM, aniola said:

I have this feeling with every episode.:D It ends so fast.


On 12/9/2019 at 5:03 AM, nastyacolors00 said:

I really feel you. When I watch a new episode of UWMA, I always tell myself, why it ended so fast

Haha Everyone's opinion is literally the same on this one :D Do you all remember that after this week's episode airs, we are exactly at the half-way-of-series? And only 6 more episodes.., I think that's not enough too. I hope for a lot more of Dean-Pharm fluffs :D


On 12/9/2019 at 12:29 AM, aniola said:

but i think popularity of shipping is exaggerated because it's BL-universe.

Shipping-wise, I have only read comments in twitter, YT, Insta. If we consider only the online activity, I would say it might be 60% close to right. When it comes to real life, I have seen photos taken from behind (of Perth), obviously without permission. And, the definition of 'shipping' itself is different for different people. And We have to accept that there are some crazy shippers. But, taking that few crazy people as the 'General-standard-of-all-shippers-in-BL-Series' is definitely wrong.

On 12/9/2019 at 5:03 AM, nastyacolors00 said:

I don't think we will have many scenes of Korn and In, only the dreams and the visions of P'Dean and Pharm. Lazysheep, the author of UWMA, posted this on twitter, last month...

Thanks for the info. I have not read the novel so I dont know too. But its disappointing if they are leaving things for our imagination. Especially when they have casted good actors and surprisingly an interesting story-line till now. I hope at least there is a few more scenes where Korn will reciprocate In's feelings and are happily being couple.

On 12/9/2019 at 5:03 AM, nastyacolors00 said:

It's as if the soul of Korn/Dean didn't want to waste any more time now that it found the soul of In/Pharm;
It's as if the soul of Korn/Dean wants to make up for lost time in the past life, in the present life;
It's as if the soul of Korn/Dean wants to live the love that he couldn't live in the past life, in the present life.

I thought the same about Korn and Dean. You worded it beautifully.


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Thanks for this thread I wondered if there would be one.. 


I liked that in episode 5 we are seeing Dean remembering his past life as Korn and times with In. So far Pharm has been the only one dreaming of their past lives and the tragic ending of their lives. 30 years ago homosexuality was frown upon not to mention Korns family as Triad and In's dad not wanting his son to be gay.  I had wondered how long before Pharm finally got it that he was dreaming of his past life and that the Korn he saw in his dreams was Dean now. He has not put together that his issues with loud noises or his panic attacks are all steaming from what he sees in his dreams. The birth marks on both of their temples and Pharm's brother telling him it could possibly mean he shot himself in his past life should have clued him in. 

I think that Dean may realize it after this last episode and that is why he called out In after Pharm left and he had his flashback. He has been searching for someone and he realized quickly he found what he was searching for in Pharm. My guess is the man living next to Pharm will turn out to either be one of their past life friends or knew of them and will tell them they truly existed and what happened to them confirming the dreams and flashbacks. I wondered if word will get back to their past life parents that they have been reborn and they will show up along with their past life friends? Either way its going to be interesting to see how Dean and Pharm's current families handle this situation this time around. Pharm only has his mom and younger brother in the states but that does not mean she may not protest. I hope she is supportive. 


Either way I am enjoying their budding romance as both men already care about each other deeply. That red thread from their past life is not allowing them to waste time this time around. Next episode is Dean stepping up the skinship with a kiss per the preview and I can't wait. 


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23 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

When it comes to real life, I have seen photos taken from behind (of Perth), obviously without permission.

I think there is difference between actors with huge fanbase and ordinary students. And Dean and Pharm are supposed to be ordinary students. Yes, Dean have some admirers because he is captain of swimmers, but he should be that famous to be photoed on his every step. Actually it's the thing what surprised me when i started to watch thai lakorns - some students having proper fanclubs.:huh:


23 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

But, taking that few crazy people as the 'General-standard-of-all-shippers-in-BL-Series' is definitely wrong.

I wouldn't call them crazy, but those who we witnesses in series (LS, LBC, UWMA, WRU) are usually too noisy about others people lives.


1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

But if they show it again, now I am sure I dont have the heart to watch it.

A bit opposite for me. They showed us Korn&In deaths few times already and i'm starting to think "please, not again" because it feels less and less dramatic.


1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

Do you all remember that after this week's episode airs, we are exactly at the half-way-of-series?

No, i don't remember.:P 

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16 hours ago, nastyacolors00 said:



Yes, I liked it too, it's Dean's first vision of their past lives, we had only seen Pharm's visions until episode 4. No, not only Pharm has been the only one dreaming of their past lives, Dean already had his first dream of their past lives, in the beginning of Episode 2, Part 2. Do you remember the burnt omelet scene.


I think it will be a while before Pharm realizes that his dreams and his visions have to do with his past life. Maybe in the Last 2 Episodes.


I also think that Dean will realize first that his dreams and his visions have to do with his past life, although in the series only showed us one of his dreams and one of his visions till now. The scene from the preview of Episode 6, when Don and Del are calling Dean, and he's not answering, I think it's because maybe he's having another vision. He looks like he's in a trance, doesn't he? Silp, the neighbor of Pharm, in the official teaser, he is the one that tell Dean, that Korn and In committed suicide, after Dean asked him to find both. I don't think Silp has existed in their past lives and I think the reincarnation theme in the series is only used for Dean and Pharm, and not for the others characters. About their parents in their past lives, on the official teaser, they showed us only Korn's father. And yes, it will be very interesting to see the reaction of both families, when discover that Dean and Pharm are the reincarnation of Korn and In.


Yes, I'm enjoying too, how their the relationship is developing and I can't wait too, for the next Episode, two more days till Saturday.


I do remember the burnt omelette scene. All scenes past and present or so sweet with the exception of the night they died. 



Thx for the clips. So we will get a chance to see how both of their past life families react to learning that Korn and In have been reincarnated into Dean and Pharm. I am very glad that Dean is the one who decides to investigate who Korn and In where and what happened to them. Like you I too think that Dean will realize first what his flashbacks mean and that they are tied to why Pharm has a fear of loud noises and panic attacks. 


I think adding their past life families in is a good way to add more depth. From the second clip above we can see pain and sadness as both fathers stood over their bodies. I was surprised that their funerals were held together considering how things blew up and ended. I think that we see a physical red thread attached to them both. From the clip I guess at some point Dean tells Pharm who they were because we hear Dean telling Pharm its his choice to meet the woman. I can only assume that the woman was his mother in his past life. It seems the fathers have been suffering since the death of the boys years ago. I think finding out and meeting Dean and Pharm now will ease the guilt, remorse and pain they carried over the death of Korn and In. 


I look forward to episode six to see more of Dean's flashback's which will be the catalyst of him investigating the past. But I am also wanting on the first kiss scene between the two. I wonder what opposition they will deal with in this life? I hope not much after what happen in their last lives. Will Dean's parents be just as  his past life parents were? Will Pharm's mother protest? Considering how things ended the last time I wonder if the past life parents will play a role in opening up the minds of the parents in the present? So many questions... lol


I am reading the novel as well (because I just love this story and can't get enough and I am impatient enough to want to find out what will happen next.. lol) its going to be interesting for me to see the differences from the written story and the drama. Either way I love this drama. Counting down until Episode 6.

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14 hours ago, nastyacolors00 said:

For now, I don't have any idea who the old lady is, but I think she is related to In.

I read somewhere that it's In's older sister An.

I checked opening and ending credits and all three actresses here play the same person. Older one is in Pharm's time. Middle one is in In&Korn time. And younger one is from baby In time (we saw such scenes in the trailer).



23 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

I was surprised that their funerals were held together considering how things blew up and ended.

I think they are like Romeo and Juliette's fathers making peace next to their children's dead bodies. I guess they learned their mistake by the hardest way and only thing that they could do is to not separate In and Korn at least after death and to wish them (by red thread) to meet and be happy in their next life.


42 minutes ago, nastyacolors00 said:

Until We Meet Again The Series Episode 6 Teaser:love::love:

*counting* just two days left...:rolleyes: And here they are again, teasing all the time. As if we could forget..:lol:

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