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[Drama 2021] Sisyphus: The Myth, 시지프스: the myth


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#ELLE pictorial #March issue #Cho Seung-woo #Park Shin-hye #Elle

The fatal chemistry of two actors met by Han Tae-seul and Kang Seo-hae
Meet with the March issue of Elle, featuring sparkling chemistry.

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BTS show the starting of the jump (on a green screen).

It look good in the drama. Only the way the body moves is shaky, but background set is convincing.

I'm curious to know how end the stunt. Who jump into the river ? Stuntmen ? Bags of potatoes ?


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I don't understand a thing but I watch this drama everyday. The plot is really interesting! I love science fictions so looking forward for more episodes to come.


And Park Shin Hye is sexy in purple dress in the next preview. Perfectly looks like a hollywood heroine. Can't wait for her actions tomorrow! :)



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So, I really like episode 5. I’ll put a few takeaways and thoughts in a spoiler:




I was fearing that Tae Sul and Seo Hae would take a few steps back in their partnership so I was happy to see them officially come to an understanding and shake on it. He will allow her to protect him and save the world while she will not hinder him from finding his brother. The two drinking beer together at his place was a nice bonding moment. I can begin to see how feelings will start to develop between the two.


Tae Sul bought Seo Hae a new diary (same has her old one). She seems to think that the previous one was given to her by Tae Sul as well.


Seo Hae confirmed that N. Korea will nuke S. Korea and everyone will die. It seems to allude that her mom died as a result the war.


We get more glimpses of Seo Hae’s life in the future. I love her relationship with her father. After losing a wife/mother and the country, it’s clear the losses have made their bond even stronger. They are aware that they could easily lose each other any moment as well. Survival mode is set in high gear and I can’t imagine what it’s like being Seo Hae in the future. When she hesitated to kill the kid and her father lectured that “Once you get soft, you’ll lose something even more precious”, it’s clear humanity is needed to be sacrificed for the sake of survival. What was interesting about this time is based on how she reacted to Tae Sul on the Forbes magazine cover, she didn’t seem to personally know him yet. I’m curious to know what you all think about it.


Tae Sul believes that the safe has the uploader which is why Pres. Park wants the key. He and Seo Hae go back to his place to get it. When Eddy Kim enters his place, they hide in a closet. Tae Sul overhears that Eddy plans to abandon/forego the search for him which hurts him. But, I think Eddy knew that Tae Sul was in there and may actually be looking out for him. Or, he doesn't want Tae Sul to be found. We'll see...


Seo Jin seems to be conflicted in what to believe. She played a recording which revealed that she treated Tae San as a psychiatry patient well. He mentioned Sigma and they want to kill Tae Sul. (I wonder if the present Tae San may be experiencing the effects of time paradox due to the future Tae San being being in the present. The hallucinations may be him getting memories of his future self.)


The Control Bureau is definitely manipulative. Jung falsely believes that Seo Hae is responsible for his mother’s death and set in his mission to kill her.


Tae Sul seems to be making some kind of a device at the end scene. What could it be?



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Random thoughts before I continue to ep. 5:

- Wishing I knew more about who, why or what Taesul and Seohae are actually fighting for.

- PSY action/fight scenes rocks! Pink accents on her pistol & rifle are intriguing (is it metal? is it a special plastic/material that it won't melt with heat when guns are fired) :wub:



- Sisyphus title is so cleverly designed. I think the Infinity loop symbol are actually two sigma symbols conjoined.

- Possibly representing Taesul and Seohae and the dilemma of being together creates the infinity loop, resulting to an endless chase bet. past and the future, bet. CB/other chasers and the couple running in circles.

- Opening titles sequence: I noticed X-escalators which I think are based on two wraparound spiral staircases. Persons on each staircase do not meet nor see each other (similar to being on separate timelines). Just to see or meet, one person must exit one staircase and move to the 2nd staircase. It's highly possible both move at the same time and miss each other totally :lol:





BTS gifs. Some good vibe, good humor and 

just being cute together :)



Source: DCGall, credit as labeled





Source: DCGall, credit as labeled



Source: DCGall, credit as labeled





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Ep5 some fun facts.


First : Tae Sul don't want Seo Hae help, he want to do it alone.

SERIOUS MAN ?!!! What is this ^$ù*^$:! ??!!!!

You want to make useless drama or what ???

I suppose it's because there is some meaning I didnt understand next scene, when they have hallucinations problems.

And... What happened to the money in the trash can ? Tae Sul take it back, or is it still in the garbage can ?


Second : Good man chief of ICB. Aaaahh he support policeman Jung. Hand on the shoulder, now we are your family. I dropped a tear, it's so feel good and sincere. :lol:




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Ep 5 thoughts 


Ep5 thoughts


Scene opens at the bridge. They have divers looking for them.  Meanwhile, we see our intrepid duo at the shores (not sure how TSul managed to swim so far undetected in broad daylight but whatever).  The reeds don’t quite cover the fact that PSH flicks her hair off her face and re-positions her legs so that she looks like she’s passed out (:owhich is exactly what SH is as TSul drags her limp body further up the embankment.   TSul notes that she’s not breathing!  No way!  Maybe her hair flicking and leg movements were just pure reflex?  Can’t have a stray strand of hair sitting in the middle of your face when TSul is doing CPR.  Conveniently her gun (when did that fall out?  and her diary (which is closed now) is lying just so next to them.  What a man,  TSul managed to salvage all that as well, even her backpack (which must’ve come loose because it’s not on her - they should sue. I am pretty sure she clipped and double clipped before she leapt off that bridge) on top of saving SH. :wub:.  But wait.  Those things were already further in the shoreline BEFORE he dragged her body up the embankment.  Which can only mean he did 2 trips.  Salvaged the items first...then went back in to save her?  But whatever.  What’s important is that she lives.  Thanks to TSul.  So much for her hubris about saving him.  That’s twice he’s saved her.  (And I have officially given up on the person in charge of props.  Not to be trusted so forget looking at them for Easter eggs).


Kdrama Trope tick

Accidental kiss - care of CPR - tick

Piggyback ride - care of passed out SH - tick


TSul takes her to...wait...why not his apartment?  I guess he realized CB would be swarming in all the usual places right now...so he takes her to his ex’s office.  Side note - she must earn big bucks because look at the size of her “office”.  Maybe she counsels multiple celebrities on the side.   TSul is adorably dorky complaining about his back and how exhausted he is as he tries to tend to her wound.  Just he finds the disinfectant, the lights turn on and...his ex SJ appears... Awkward... SJ makes to try to call security or dial 119.   TSul tries to explain.  SJ wells up because she thought he was dead... don’t fall for it TSul... but he does... he apologizes to her but acts super concerned as SJ tends to SH.    She pronounces, “She’s malnourished.”  Eh?  Don’t get me wrong but she doesn’t look anything but?  Never mind.   She puts SH on a drip.  Wow, for a psych she is fully kitted out.  Just for emergencies like this you know?  TSul spills everything to SJ.  She puts on her psych hat and tells him he’s delusional and needs hospitalization.  :lol:. SJ gives him an ultimatum.  Leave before the morning with your “gf”.  But not before TSul charms her into giving him her credit card (you know, for old time’s sake). Smooth...  As our OTP is allowed some alone time, TSul contemplates reading the diary.  But decides against it as SH is tossing having a nightmare(?) with a requisite aesthetic tear in the corner of her eye.  TSul rushes to her side and hears her mutter, “Omma”.


She wakes the next morning and casually rips the catheter off without batting an eyelid (TSul winces on her behalf).  He passes her her backpack, then tells her he salvaged her gun and diary.  She glares at him with accusing eyes suspecting him of reading it. He assures her he didn’t.  Then gives her the locket...how?  Never mind... her face softens and she looks grateful?  He even bought her new clothes.  Marry him SH.  Marry him now.  He even took to heart what SJ said... and bought her boxes of pizza and Cola (yes don’t forget the Cola.  Never know when you might need to use them as projectiles to take out a Tact Team).  And even supplements.  :lol:. She tells him about the impending war.  And that she has to save him and stop him from inventing the uploader. When he asks her the critical question as to who gave her the mission.  Her eyes cloud over and she hesitates... and we don’t hear her reply.  They head to convenience store and TSul tells her to live a life without him (after giving her some cash which he withdraws from the ATM presumably with SJ’s credit card - the nerve of the man :lol:) and that he’ll work something out on his own.  SH says she’s relying on her diary as her life manual and reiterates that she has to stay by his side and protect him to avoid the war.  TSul is unconvinced.  I will do it alone.  She calls him a selfish jerk, bins the money he gave her but not before she tells him that there’s lots of money in the future too, but they use it to light fires (as fuel) and walks out in a huff. 


Officer Jung’s story

CB chief’s right hand man is literally just his “right hand man” because...well...his left arm is in a cast...that’s what you get for slapping a woman.  CB Chief decides to enlist Officer Jung.  He tells all.  Wait... the CB was formed in 2002?  When the first illegal immigrant was detected?  What happened to 2019?  :blink:.  CB are utilizing the Lotto department to pick up illegals.  Banking on everyone being money grubbing greedy lowlifes wanting to win big.  Okay.  Great thinking. Just as we echo Jung’s incredulity, CB Chief drops the news that his mom is dead.   Jung is released and heads back to the chaos in his mother’s home.  We see SH’s dad at the scene too.  And yeah CB Chief frames SH as the killer and painting the people in the future as greedy selfish individuals who take what is rightfully the property of people in the here and now.  Officer Jung is no more.  He is now Agent Jung with a licence to kill.


TSul and SH both have episodes - TSul seeing his brother everywhere and SH getting dizzy spells (is this radiation sickness?). SH instinctively does the one thing she’s been programmed to do...she breaks out into a run...right into the middle of a busy intersection where the cars screech to a stop and she stands bewildered amid the honking and yells.  TSul comes to her...again... that’s the 3rd time he’s saved her.  Yes I am counting.  She owes him big time.  And would you believe it?  The world metaphorically stops for them because they carry on a deep and meaningful conversation right there...in the middle of the intersection amid all the people spectating.  They make a pact right there as cars drive around to avoid them.  Way to let CB pinpoint their exact location. Forget subtlety or being covert.


Turf war in the future.  Lots of gunfire and swearing.   Everyone has military grade guns but fruit cocktail is a luxury.  Fancy that?  Mental note - stock up on fruit cocktail in the bunker.  Because it’s the currency of the future.  I’ll trade you 1 tin for 100 rounds of ammo.  We see SH and her dad reminisce about the past.  Not sure how she can remember tteobokki lunches made by her mom when she was at school but conveniently forget how to peel a banana or what a sauna is.  She must have been a very clueless 8yo (or maybe she was isolated as a child and had no fun outside of home and school).  But whatever.


Back to the present. TSul and SH at a sauna.  She drinks the bath water. :lol:. Much to the disgust of TSul.  And she orders the meal her dad told her about.  Thank goodness she still remembers how to eat with chopsticks.  At least she has some decorum.  She’s never seen a smartphone before either.  He gives her a “new diary” to replace the one she lost.  And she notes that that’s how she got it in the first place.  They head back to TSul’s house because that’s where he hid the key (which is to the safe that contains blueprints for the uploader).  They nearly get caught by Eddy but no...saved by a phone call.  And they are stuck in his home for the night as security swarms around outside to prevent future break ins.  She gets to sleep in his extremely large bed whilst TSul being the gentleman, takes the comfy leather lounge.  Wait SH does remember how to use a cellphone.  Flashback to her home life.  Birthday celebrations with her family.  8 candles. So she’s 8 then. She gets a cell phone as a present.  I guess time travel messes with her memories?  She remembers some things but not others.  They share a moment over beers.  We learn that TSan is a train (!!!) maintenance worker.  SH was at the train depot when she first arrived.  He asks her where she would like to go.  She wants to go to an amusement park and ride the Viking.  TSul recounts how he used to work as the operator of the ride and people would vomit on him...and just when he’s getting to the best part...she nods off on his shoulder. Love is definitely in the air. :heart: If you can talk bodily fluids with abandon, you’ve connected at a visceral level.  TSul’s eyes wander over her face...and rests on her lips...and rips his gaze away.  NO...I MUST resist...I will NOT kiss her.  And he closes his eyes to try to forget that this beautiful sexy Lara Croft with the improbable mix of danger and naivety is just sleeping by his side.  


Scene change

Officer Jung at the the Columbarium mourning over his deceased mother. CB Chief walks in to pay his respects.  He hands Jung some money.  It is customary to give money at Asian funerals to help cover costs.  He tells Jung that he’s (Jung) been reported “missing”.  So I guess that means he works for the CB now, not the Police.  Next we see them at CB HQ and the team is running through the details about TSul and 250811.


Time line. Busan where the pair were first seen. 3 days later, they get to Jung’s house and his mom is killed. 6 days have passed and their trail has gone cold.  And somehow through the statements of other illegals (who though? :rolleyes: we’re not told) the CB have worked out where they will be in the future (the party).  Jung wants in on the operation. 


SH is sleeping on the lounge and we see TSul back to his MacGyvering ways soldering something.


Back at CB HQ, Jung is handed a sniper rifle whilst the rest of the team locks and loads their arsenal of weaponry.


Show down next ep. 



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So, real talk - does Sisyphus have anything to do with Greek mythology?

Cho Seung-woo & Park Shin-hye share some inspiration behind Sisyphus, a story of a genius engineer who tries to find the truth behind his brother’s death, & an elite warrior who travels back in time to help.






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@rosela said - PSY action/fight scenes rocks! Pink accents on her pistol & rifle are intriguing (is it metal? is it a special plastic/material that it won't melt with heat when guns are fired) :wub:


The AR-15 rifle and pistol are wrapped in a type of plastic polymer or fiberglass (there are many propiatary type like nylon 6) which is highly heat resistant.  These add on are quite common.  She probably found them at an abandoned rifle shop in Seoul.  Poor girl never got a chance to grow up, but want to be a girl (her obsession with toys, clothing and boys in magazines).  Instead she walks around in brown boots and clothing, while porting toys, guns and gas mask!


@lduc  Sisyphus was punished by endlessly toil away hefting a rock uphill until it rolls back and he has to start again....  This human tale goes round and round endlessly due to time travel, and various attempt to change what happened.... with probably the same ending and restart.  Nothing really change, and it is fruitless to try to change it!

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@nrllee:partyblob::Megalol:your post is excellent!!!! hahahaha love it, thanks!  The best part for me was their intersection rendezvous.  It's a miracle no one/car was hurt! I thought CB has their pulse on the city's CCTV, no one recognized them?


SH received a phone for her 8th bday, something similar to ours, so she indeed could be the girl who wrote the letter to TS.   But @taeunfightingSH didn't recognize TS on the cover so it debunks that suspicion.  TS was still CEO for QnT at time of the nuclear war which means the war didn't happen because of his death or after it.  He didn't give up the company or was ousted from QnT.  Where and when does the wedding fit in the timeline?  


 The bday party looks like it was of current time 2020.  The phone is SH's chance of meeting her mom again so looking forward to when she will make the call to meet her parent.  


@nrlleeThe fact that TSan worked at maintenance guy at train station means he must have contacted or seen HS when she downloaded!?  Is he the person who told her to save his brother and protect the world?  LOL I'm just going to let the drama show me instead of wrecking my brain. 

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1 hour ago, bedifferent said:

The bday party looks like it was of current time 2020.  The phone is SH's chance of meeting her mom again so looking forward to when she will make the call to meet her parent.  

Yeah SH mentioned why she wanted to ride the Viking at the amusement park.  She visited the amusement park with her mom when she was 9.  She was too short to ride the Viking so she vowed to do it the following year when she grew taller.  So the Holocaust happened when she was 9.  She was 8 in 2020 and 9 in 2021 (that’s when the Holocaust happened).  The banana still bugs me.  How can she NOT remember how to eat a banana if she was 9 when the Holocaust happened?  You don’t forget things like that.  Even with PTSD?  Any thoughts as to why both of them got weird hallucination/dizzy spells?  Radiation sickness?


I think the train is definitely a hint that that’s where TSan would meet SH.  Goodness knows why she didn’t bother to write any more or read everything in that diary of hers.  Maybe she could only write like a 9yo?  She had no education post Holocaust?  :lol:

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