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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] Go Ahead 以家人之名


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30 minutes ago, rocky689 said:

Somebody put that woman in her place for all of our sake....she needs an intervention

im hoping it would be JJ that would put her in her place! she has all the ammo! giving LX to her, being his sister, and now his soon to be wife. I can't wait!




Those birthday dinner clips were so painful to watch 



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Somehow from the preview it looked like he’s using JJ to confront his mother or so he can get away from his mother’s claw,  i don’t like it, but since it’s only very short preview, i hope it’s misleading.

It’s better for LX to stand up for himself in front of his mother.


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Hi everyone! I made a soompi account just so I could talk about this show! (I’m obsessed.) I’ve been pouring over all the clips that have come out but I noticed two scenes that I don’t think have happened yet....


During the opening credits, at 1:07 and 1:37 there are two scenes I’m wondering about. The first one shows LX smacking a table and literally standing up to his mom. The second scene shows him holding someone’s hand who is in a hospital bed while smiling. I’m worried LJJ could be the one in the hospital! Pretty sure he never smiled and held his mom or little sisters hands, or ZQ either. (Wow everybody in this show has to visit the hospital lol.)


What do you all think?? Are these new/upcoming scenes or did I miss them somewhere?? 

Love reading all your posts! May we unite in hatred of LX’s evil mom!

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15 minutes ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

Hi everyone! I made a soompi account just so I could talk about this show! (I’m obsessed.) I’ve been pouring over all the clips that have come out but I noticed two scenes that I don’t think have happened yet....


During the opening credits, at 1:07 and 1:37 there are two scenes I’m wondering about. The first one shows LX smacking a table and literally standing up to his mom. The second scene shows him holding someone’s hand who is in a hospital bed while smiling. I’m worried LJJ could be the one in the hospital! Pretty sure he never smiled and held his mom or little sisters hands, or ZQ either. (Wow everybody in this show has to visit the hospital lol.)


What do you all think?? Are these new/upcoming scenes or did I miss them somewhere?? 

Love reading all your posts! May we unite in hatred of LX’s evil mom!


Haha, I reactivated my Soompi account of many years just so I can talk about this show too. 


As for your question, I believe the table smacking one will occur in the subsequent episodes during his confrontation with his mom. As for the hospital scene, I believe that's also his mom on the hospital bed. You can examine the close ups. 

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48 minutes ago, luluponyazn said:


Haha, I reactivated my Soompi account of many years just so I can talk about this show too. 


As for your question, I believe the table smacking one will occur in the subsequent episodes during his confrontation with his mom. As for the hospital scene, I believe that's also his mom on the hospital bed. You can examine the close ups. 

Darn! I’m slightly disappointed. A part of me wanted LJJ to have a near death experience so LX could act all swoon-worthy. xP 


Thanks for clarifying, I think I just couldn’t imagine current LX smiling at his mom but if it’s in the far future maybe they’ve reconciled... 


At any rate I refuse to forgive her. Lady needs a lot of therapy.

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11 minutes ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

Darn! I’m slightly disappointed. A part of me wanted LJJ to have a near death experience so LX could act all swoon-worthy. xP 


Thanks for clarifying, I think I just couldn’t imagine current LX smiling at his mom but if it’s in the far future maybe they’ve reconciled... 


At any rate I refuse to forgive her. Lady needs a lot of therapy.

Yeah i think its his mom. If you zoom in, you can see by the thickness of the lips and the smile lines. Him smiling...shes also smiling so i think theyll make up in the future/gives him her blessing for marriage/apologize to him. 


Me too. I hate this character so much. I just want this woman cut off lol at least with ZQ's mom, she wasnt selfish and knew boundaries. LX's mom is simply the worst. 


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@Mercipourleslivres I reactivated my account just to air my thoughts about this show too. 
Anyway, I hope the mum lying in hospital bed scene is in the context that she is receiving help in the mental hospital voluntarily. That will be most ideal. 
Apparently, LX’s mum is such a hated character that in one of the clips from the production team showed that the crew refused to feed the actress proper meals and passed her uncooked instant noodles. 

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I was so heart broken to see LX looking so insecure when JJ looked surprised at his sudden proposal. He had to cover up and say not now but after he had earned enough to buy her an apartment... And the scene where he kissed her in front of his mum, he had tears in his eyes when she ran off...


Not sure how to interpret his actions for these 2 scenes. Perhaps with context, it will not look so bad. As of now, I felt, LX gave the impression that he is acting out of desperation in the 2 scenes. He is reaching out to her to be saved from his mum’s clutches... JJ’s reactions made him feel insecure... I don’t like this. He needs to resolve this feeling like he owes his mum a debt that cannot be paid.

Another scene also showed LX’s younger sister appearing in ZQ’s cafe again... Netizens were livid with anger because they r worried that the 2 will become a couple...


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51 minutes ago, luvhollandlop said:
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I was so heart broken to see LX looking so insecure when JJ looked surprised at his sudden proposal. He had to cover up and say not now but after he had earned enough to buy her an apartment... And the scene where he kissed her in front of his mum, he had tears in his eyes when she ran off...


Not sure how to interpret his actions for these 2 scenes. Perhaps with context, it will not look so bad. As of now, I felt, LX gave the impression that he is acting out of desperation in the 2 scenes. He is reaching out to her to be saved from his mum’s clutches... JJ’s reactions made him feel insecure... I don’t like this. He needs to resolve this feeling like he owes his mum a debt that cannot be paid.

Another scene also showed LX’s younger sister appearing in ZQ’s cafe again... Netizens were livid with anger because they r worried that the 2 will become a couple...




Yeah i think he was rushing up by asking her marriage, i can’t blame JJ’s reaction though, she still thinks he’s not in good condition, and at this time she tried to help him, she could think his proposal because of his insecurities or his desperation related with his mother sudden visits

I like ZQ didn’t come to the birthday dinner, it’s really fit to his personality lol

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55 minutes ago, luvhollandlop said:

@Mercipourleslivres I reactivated my account just to air my thoughts about this show too. 
Anyway, I hope the mum lying in hospital bed scene is in the context that she is receiving help in the mental hospital voluntarily. That will be most ideal. 
Apparently, LX’s mum is such a hated character that in one of the clips from the production team showed that the crew refused to feed the actress proper meals and passed her uncooked instant noodles. 

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I was so heart broken to see LX looking so insecure when JJ looked surprised at his sudden proposal. He had to cover up and say not now but after he had earned enough to buy her an apartment... And the scene where he kissed her in front of his mum, he had tears in his eyes when she ran off...


Not sure how to interpret his actions for these 2 scenes. Perhaps with context, it will not look so bad. As of now, I felt, LX gave the impression that he is acting out of desperation in the 2 scenes. He is reaching out to her to be saved from his mum’s clutches... JJ’s reactions made him feel insecure... I don’t like this. He needs to resolve this feeling like he owes his mum a debt that cannot be paid.

Another scene also showed LX’s younger sister appearing in ZQ’s cafe again... Netizens were livid with anger because they r worried that the 2 will become a couple...



Yea, I try not to over-interpret a scene though for this drama. This scriptwriter always seem to have a surprise waiting for the viewers. It's apparent though that the LX is walking towards the edge of a mental breakdown, so I don't think he's in full control of his own actions. 


I'm not aware of that BTS video. Was it a joke?


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There is a video clip showing CT cutting up LX's pictures of the 3 kids together while he was in Singapore, like how she tore up his sole picture of his little sister. The show hasn't shown us the full extent of what LX has gone through.


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oh my goodness i haven't been on here for like a year...but here i am.

so i am only on like ep 23 but i have been spoiling myself ~ i cannot help myself :phew:

anyways i noticed it was mentioned somewhere around maybe ep 20 that the year is currently 2015. when i saw that, i gotta admit i let out a heavy sigh. esp wondering where exactly the time jump will happen :grimace: it makes me so nervous thinking of different scenerios lol. 

please just let LX be happy. and let his mother..ugh..just disappear. i really do not need any reconciliation. i just need her to disappear.

does anyone remember the child's book that LX read to get himself to sleep? he described it as being about 2 children who run away to a foreign land together. do you think the book's synopsis will somehow come into play at some point? i also wondered if the book really existed. it looked like a good read :D

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4 hours ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

Hi everyone! I made a soompi account just so I could talk about this show! (I’m obsessed.) I’ve been pouring over all the clips that have come out but I noticed two scenes that I don’t think have happened yet....


During the opening credits, at 1:07 and 1:37 there are two scenes I’m wondering about. The first one shows LX smacking a table and literally standing up to his mom. The second scene shows him holding someone’s hand who is in a hospital bed while smiling. I’m worried LJJ could be the one in the hospital! Pretty sure he never smiled and held his mom or little sisters hands, or ZQ either. (Wow everybody in this show has to visit the hospital lol.)


What do you all think?? Are these new/upcoming scenes or did I miss them somewhere?? 

Love reading all your posts! May we unite in hatred of LX’s evil mom!



I think the bang table happened Singapore.  The living room setting looks like the one in Singapore. And the hospital scene is the one right at the beginning when his mom was in hospital from the accident. 

1 hour ago, luluponyazn said:


Yea, I try not to over-interpret a scene though for this drama. This scriptwriter always seem to have a surprise waiting for the viewers. It's apparent though that the LX is walking towards the edge of a mental breakdown, so I don't think he's in full control of his own actions. 


I'm not aware of that BTS video. Was it a joke?


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There is a video clip showing CT cutting up LX's pictures of the 3 kids together while he was in Singapore, like how she tore up his sole picture of his little sister. The show hasn't shown us the full extent of what LX has gone through.


I wish Ling Papa will stand up for LX. He is what Ling mama accused him off. Forever running away and hide from responsibility and reality. Can't he sees that his poor son is going mental?  At the rate that LX mom is holding on to him psychologically, LX is heading for a total mental breakdown that even JJ can't help or save him. LX is clinging desperately onto JJ ... his last saving lifeline. If JJ backs away from him out of fear of LX mom, he might just end his life.  I can't blame JJ for being afraid LX mom. Just look at the way she look at people with her devilish eyes n words that spew from her mouth. 


Can someone please sock LX mom out of her sockets!!! Everyone will thank u and support u for that cause.


Phew ... this drama is damn good. It shows how parents can royally screw up their kids. It shows flaws of parents that they are also learning to be a parent. They are just imperfect human beings who can made wrong judgements in life, who also hide and runaway from problems like children. Kids also have their set of problems. Learning how to stand up and take charge of their life.



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I get that LX is feeling desperate but he needs to man up and deal with his mom. I know he’s traumatized but him silently taking everything all these years has made him a rug she loves to walk all over.


The writers seemed to emphasize Li Dad’s worry about LX & LJJ relationship. I think he knows that LX isn’t in a healthy enough place to be together with LJJ right now. I worry about LX’s mental state too, but LJJ can’t be his entire world/medicine. 

This is more of an American term but LX has “fleas.” He was raised by an abusive mom so even tho he’s a good person at heart, he still exhibits unhealthy behaviors that he inherited from his upbringing. Stuff like fixating on LJJ and daydreaming about their happiness, isn’t that almost like what his mom is doing to him, just not as extreme? Anyways, I love this show so much as it does such a realistic job of portraying toxic family relationships.

As for a time jump...I don’t like them but it might be necessary...I can see LJJ saying no to his proposal until he and his mom get help.

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40 minutes ago, Mercipourleslivres said:

I get that LX is feeling desperate but he needs to man up and deal with his mom. I know he’s traumatized but him silently taking everything all these years has made him a rug she loves to walk all over.


The writers seemed to emphasize Li Dad’s worry about LX & LJJ relationship. I think he knows that LX isn’t in a healthy enough place to be together with LJJ right now. I worry about LX’s mental state too, but LJJ can’t be his entire world/medicine. 

This is more of an American term but LX has “fleas.” He was raised by an abusive mom so even tho he’s a good person at heart, he still exhibits unhealthy behaviors that he inherited from his upbringing. Stuff like fixating on LJJ and daydreaming about their happiness, isn’t that almost like what his mom is doing to him, just not as extreme? Anyways, I love this show so much as it does such a realistic job of portraying toxic family relationships.

As for a time jump...I don’t like them but it might be necessary...I can see LJJ saying no to his proposal until he and his mom get help.

I couldn’t agree more. He need to stand up for him self without involved JJ in between him and his mom. 

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