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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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2 hours ago, xxapap said:

Translate to English pls :dissapointed_relieved:


First thing: I think it's dangerous to put too much belief into these compatibility astrology, it's only an opinion/some basis on the day they were born etc. 

Last thing: this person hopes they have a lovely love and can get married. There are things in their charts where they are drawn to each other, SYJ is like a tree/wood and HB is like a pruner (her scissor motions). The women that HB was drawn to had things in their chart that SYJ has, but also others. I'm not sure what that element is though. They have a lot of some elements in their chart that are like a magnet, she says too much of it is not a good thing   but they have a lot of it hahaha. Once they're together, it'll be hard to pull apart. SYJ and HB will feel like they've known each other for years even if they've known each other for a month.  The most important thing in a relatinship is not what your chart is but how much you consider the other person. 

Take all of this with a grain of salt, her view is positive. I've seen this other person where he's like their compatibility is zero.

I don't really believe in this. It's interesting to listen to what they say but ultimately, no one can really "predict" love/marriages.


Edited by LavelyShai
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@Kristen Son


Do you mind removing the exs names. 

This is not the first time you have mentioned exes in BinJin thread. 

(3 times at least as I can remember).

The Admin/ Mods have warned that no exs discussion/ comparisions in BinJin thread, otherwise they will close this thread.


Thank you!

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7 minutes ago, hb-syj said:

@Kristen Son


Do you mind removing the exs names. 

The Admin/ Mods have said that no exs discussion/ comparisions in BinJin thread.

Thank you!

I"m not comparing them or saying anything bad about them, just translating what the person said. 

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49 minutes ago, Kristen Son said:


Last thing: this person hopes they have a lovely love and can get married. There are things in their charts where they are drawn to each other, SYJ is like a tree/wood and HB is like a pruner (her scissor motions). 



This cracked me up ... the scissors pruning the tree :naughty:. Just me? 


The unedited version ... still cute. Close friends HB-SYJ edition.


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On 5/12/2020 at 12:12 AM, marijoy isabella ong said:

Now go to the wrap up party.  Read on the binjin fiction of doors and walls, i think,  where the author had averred that SYJ was wearing a ring but when her PA reminded her about it, she used the same a pendant.  Look at the dress of SYJ closely at the wrap up party, there is a circle beneath the blouse.  


Hi! I know this is from way, way back.  I was trying to look for something and I stumbled on this one. I wrote that fanfic, Walls and Doors. Though I did insert some accurate dates, names, locations, etc., in the fanfic, that part about the ring being used as a pendant? That was purely fictional. I actually didn't know that there's a close-up of SYJ's turtleneck at the wrap-up party that shows something circular could be underneath it.

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I was reading pages in this thread yesterday and I was in pure disbelief over one comment that asked this thread to be temporarily closed due to "violations". See, it's one thing to follow rules and tell people about them, and another thing to over police people's comments when:


A. The person is a newbie and doesn't know the rules (I was in this position more than a month ago and more than a few people were very helpful at helping me figure out and understand the rules so thank you!)


B. Mentioning of certain things pertaining to other actors/actresses involved with or linked to Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin is necessary for the purpose of constructive criticism and rational/logical discussion.


If something does not really involve bashing and unhealthy comparison, then please, can we just let the comment go? Sometimes, we become too over reactive and we jump so easily on a comment that we fail to see that that comment does not really violate the shipping rules.


If it's offensive to anyone, however rational-sounding that original comment was, can we please just either DM the person, and tell them about it, respectfully, or redirect our response to something more productive rather than be overzealous at reporting it to the admins?


The point is, we don't always have to involve or tag the admins if we can fix problems among ourselves and within this thread. 

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45 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:

 Honestly, I still think HB developed a crush on SYJ since watching A Moment to Remember at the premiere. I mean who wouldn't lol. So maybe that is why he decided not to work with her before because of this crush and also not feeling like he was ready to act along side her - An answer to this question we will never find out lol.

 This is exactly what am thinkin too but its hard for me to express it into words as might only my delulu....then followed by being a cameo in his Secret Garden then met personally during  that Producer`s Awards Night..jejeje

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9 hours ago, Pepper said:


Spot on! This is the reason why I stopped posting here. First I’m not here to argue. Shippers here pride themselves on being positive but try to have a differing view and they’ll swarm you like bees. I’ve read reasonable comments and arguments which is within the context of the topic and in no way a violation of the rules. But they were shut down right away and were even asked to be deleted. Why? This is not an echo chamber where we all have the same views. That’s the beauty of an online forum, the exchange of opinions. We don’t have to be catty and act like dictators. I’ve come across a LOT of cringey posts myself but I just let it slide. Nitpicking everything is toxic jmho. 


Someone posted about the hand holding under the table thing and I agreed. But I was chastised for it for the reason that Vast denied it. Fine, I get it. But Vast also denied HB and SYJ’s relationship 3 times. 3 times!!!  And yet we’re still here shipping them. Opinions are subjective and we have can have 1000 different interpretations from the same picture. 


Since then I’ve bit my tongue, kept my composure, never retorted back, held from asking more questions and stopped posting. 


We are all here for the same reason — BinJin. Any perceived wrongdoing and we cry “take it down”. One comment and we act like soompi nazi( just a joke, Seinfeld reference) and slap them hard with the rule book faster than we can say Hyun Bin. Now we know why the old timers have left this forum. Let’s not police each other, we have moderators for that. 


End of rant. Just letting it off my chest. Sorry for venting. 


This post was not written to argue or offend anyone. 

So true. They reported my harmless comment haha, hence, deleted (We know that moderators do not look at the reported comments, they get automatically deleted when a few people reported it). I won't be surprised if this thread gets locked down because they themselves keep flagging/ reporting comments and they accumulate in Soompi's record. I even received a few dms. It was not even comparing any actress to SYJ. I read in the comment below that I was comparing... please stop putting words in our mouths. I was merely stating my opinion on the recent happenings on social media. I don't even know SHK that much that was why I said Googled. I think some of them here are SHK fans in disguise (just riding on BINJIN bandwagon).. they are allowed to make fun/look down on other celebs and other shows but freaks out when SHK gets mentioned. I can't count the times they mention KNG and other celebs here and no one bothers. My comment was very objective and based on facts. It's the comment nazis who love to compare. I actually have no time to argue. I just want to enjoy loving BINJIN as a fan.


PS: Also, objective comparison for logical discussion, expressing constructive criticism and stating different opinion (as long as not rude) are no way a violation of Soompi rules. Please read the rules again. Stop flagging harmless comments. We could do the same with your spam messages but we won't do that.... we are jist here to love BINJIN.

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11 hours ago, Sigriswil said:

I think thumb rubbing is HB's habit. During his scene with the little girl in Lake Brienz I noticed him doing the same thing. And YES I'm on the point of investigating even subtle gestures in CLOY after rewatching it 5x. :lol:


Sadly he has done the thumb rubbing in his other shows before. I was actually slightly heartbroken when I saw that in (i dont remember which shows/scenes lol) as I thought it was originally a thing between him and SYJ :lol: but she can get it from him in real life as a "close friend" so it doesn't matter lol


@no need Actually it was one of the first things that came to my mind when I saw he attended that premiere. Then in the EW TN interview where HB gets asks if they watched each others films and he says Which one? They were fun LOL I was like that is an interesting way to describe her films/projectsl. I have seen her other male co stars or colleagues on stage have their little fanboy moment being beside SYJ and name some projects but guess his introvert self had to just sum them up as fun lol. By saying they were fun, he made her laugh :lol:


Also this comparison thread of BinJin with Harry & Meghan





Edited by ElectricHearts
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On 5/17/2020 at 2:38 PM, lovelyz said:

But about the question and answer being scripted during conferences for promotional matter,If this was a rookie actor and actress or atleast one of them is basically new to the industry we’re talking about I might agree but we’re talking about A popular actor and actress who have been in the industry for not 10 but almost 20 years...and the fact that it’s an actor who won a daesang before and an actress that won so many awards in not just drama but film too...it would be disrespectful isn’t it to request such matter using personal matters to boost their drama...there’s always hierarchy in any field...These production must know their limits too.


Hi. I missed this comment of yours on the BinJin: Reel vs Real IG post I published a week ago. I actually mentioned in that IG post, under the A-LIST STATUS section of the write-up, that Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin didn't need scripted words and actions because they are veterans in the field and could actually carry a movie or a TV show mostly by the weight of their own status, experience and talent.




So i feel like that it’s both of them who picked the safest question in related to their dating rumour and they also decide to include it because it would be weird not to kind of adressed it too because even during SITR they asked dating rumour when there’s not even an evidence.And you can see that they picked it because of the way YJ knows HB will take over the question and she would just agree with it.


And why should they worry about the Rating too then if they know this from the beginning and they had the choice to reject it in the first place too.


I somehow agree with you on this one that at some point, there was a need to address the dating rumors and that they and their team picked the safest question about it; that at one point or another, it would have to be addressed.


Now about some people insinuating that they did not mention an explicit denial that they're dating because they were too afraid of CLOY's ratings getting pulled down, this was a question that mr_mrsbinjin and I wrestled with when someone commented that in one of her posts. That had had us discussing several aspects of KDrama and the industry of which the two are a part in order to come up with an answer to that.


So if it were true that they issued a non-denial during the Presscon in order to save CLOY's ratings, it didn't make any sense that a month later, their agencies would issue a denial over something petty (fan chatter about marriage announcement) when their ratings, back then, were hovering at a mere 11-14%.

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On 5/20/2020 at 5:10 AM, CLOY Nified said:

There is an announcement in 56th Baeksang Arts Awards page. <I removed the link, not sure if not allowed hehe>



High-definition photos of the photo wall and awards ceremony will be released on the web hard immediately after the event ends. Please note that webhard account information will be posted on the homepage on the day of the awards ceremony.


Does this mean no video, only pictures? hehe Sorry my first time to watch Baeksang Arts Awards.



Honestly, I am still confused with what kind of Baeksang we are getting. Is there still going to be video footage of the red carpet, or no? Or are we just getting those pictures posted after the awards. If they do pictures on the red carpet, do they have to "social distance"? Then do they have to do that on stage and in the audience lol. Honestly I really don't want an exact PIFAN 2.0 on stage. HB and SYJ can't even distance themselves in their CLOY interviews. So I can't imagine them social distancing lol. However, with the recent spike in cases from Itaewon a few weeks ago, I don't know..I think it got better again?


Other normal Baeksang thoughts I had:


- Since they are so connected now after spending so much time together filming CLOY, when they win (yes I still think they will both win, not just CLOY), when one of them cries, will the other one immediately cry lol. As much as I am excited what kind of speech they will give, I am more curious on the "emotion" side lol. Since both their faces says everything more than their words lol

- what song from the CLOY OST will be sung and which scenes will be shown? If so, need close up on their reactions

- Will they hold hands? I feel like no unless they want to make a statement and make it Baeksang official. Otherwise, I value their privacy and by holding hands, they know it will immediately have articles about it. So I take alternative options of cute hugs or pats on back instead. :lol:

- I think HB got embarrassed enough from last Baeksang with the extreme close up on his face but I wouldn't mind something like that again lol.

- Will SYJ posts instagram stuff from Baeksang? If so, since I now only see her latest instagram posts to be HB related, maybe he will make an actual appearance on her instagram wall lol. 


I am also a huge fan of Parasite (movie). So I can only keep imagining how beautiful the awards winner photo will be :)


Since I am Canada (EST), I will be finding out all this when I wake up/unless I can't sleep that day and keep checking my phone

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5 hours ago, ElectricHearts said:

Hi! I thought I would officially join to send some more positivity in here after a chaotic week it has been in here. Thanks to this covid situation. I have nothing but A LOT of time to obsess over CLOY and BinJin since March. I've been a SYJ fan since I saw The Classic and A Moment to Remember but I had about 10 years of her previous works to catch up on. Currently spending my time in kdrama land and reading this thread way too often. Finished reading/skimming this entire thread in less than a week lol. I have watched most of HB and SYJ previous works now (just got the earlier TV shows to finish off - currently on Summer Scent and Snow Queen which were both written by the same writer :). One is more happier than the other at the moment. So taking breaks between the shows to get more BinJin lol). Their choices in projects have been quite similar over the years. I am still amazed they haven't worked together sooner. Honestly, I still think HB developed a crush on SYJ since watching A Moment to Remember at the premiere. I mean who wouldn't lol. So maybe that is why he decided not to work with her before because of this crush and also not feeling like he was ready to act along side her - An answer to this question we will never find out lol.


BinJin synchronize mimoring has gotten to me that yesterday - after the gif was reposted.  So I ended up doing more reading on couples and mimoring. Then I got giddy again after. I feel like we will are becoming experts on mimoring, facial expressions and the true meaning of soulmates/destiny. I had to take a break from CLOY after my 5th watch since I couldn't differentiate reel from real anymore. There is too much BinJin "real" in the show now for me. SYJ even mentioned in one of her SITR live interviews that she wanted to do paragliding (not ocean one as she has already done it) and somehow she is doing it in CLOY next. Also watched writer Park Ji-Eun's previous shows, My Love From the Star and The Legend of The Blue Sea. So it is nice to see other elements from her previous shows she included into CLOY


Seeing that both HB and SYJ like to take breaks travelling after filming a project. Maybe they will go to Africa next since SYJ keeps mentioning it. I was reading the HB thread - I know it was mentioned briefly recently in here before. So sorry actually ended up repeating what was previously written. it said he says this in the Tears of Africa interview. The below quote is from the thread. I don't know Korean so I can't watch the original video. This was in 2011 right before he enlisted into the marines.



Looking forward to Baeksang!!! /also the week of my birthday and SYJ 20th anniversary. So only see good things ahead!! Happy shipping <3


** Sorry if this ended up being long, I have been keeping most of this in for the last 2 months. So glad I could get some of it out in writing lol.

Omg, your post..a lot of my own experiences are similar to yours! From the 1st movies that first got me into SYJ (altho more like casual, passive fan), to BinJin past work that I still need to catch up on (also Snow Queen for HB, but 2011-2016 projects from SYJ, sorry unnie)..to my own suspicion that Binnie may have had a crush/admiration for her since AMTR..also made a 1st post yesterday barfing out the thoughts I've kept after some months of lurking and my birthday is on baeksang week too.


I haven't seen the articles you mentioned though. Looks like Africa will be high on their list then, if/when they merge their personal bucket lists :rolleyes:


Edited by gloriousCheese
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20 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:


Honestly, I am still confused with what kind of Baeksang we are getting. Is there still going to be video footage of the red carpet, or no? Or are we just getting those pictures posted after the awards. If they do pictures on the red carpet, do they have to "social distance"? Then do they have to do that on stage and in the audience lol. Honestly I really don't want an exact PIFAN 2.0 on stage. HB and SYJ can't even distance themselves in their CLOY interviews. So I can't imagine them social distancing lol. However, with the recent spike in cases from Itaewon a few weeks ago, I don't know..I think it got better again?


Other normal Baeksang thoughts I had:


- Since they are so connected now after spending so much time together filming CLOY, when they win (yes I still think they will both win, not just CLOY), when one of them cries, will the other one immediately cry lol. As much as I am excited what kind of speech they will give, I am more curious on the "emotion" side lol. Since both their faces says everything more than their words lol

- what song from the CLOY OST will be sung and which scenes will be shown? If so, need close up on their reactions

- Will they hold hands? I feel like no unless they want to make a statement and make it Baeksang official. Otherwise, I value their privacy and by holding hands, they know it will immediately have articles about it. So I take alternative options of cute hugs or pats on back instead. :lol:

- I think HB got embarrassed enough from last Baeksang with the extreme close up on his face but I wouldn't mind something like that again lol.

- Will SYJ posts instagram stuff from Baeksang? If so, since I now only see her latest instagram posts to be HB related, maybe he will make an actual appearance on her instagram wall lol. 


I am also a huge fan of Parasite (movie). So I can only keep imagining how beautiful the awards winner photo will be :)


Since I am Canada (EST), I will be finding out all this when I wake up/unless I can't sleep that day and keep checking my phone


Good morning!!!!:blush:


i was laughing s hard at “Baeksang Official” :lol: Same thoughts on “pats on back” since that has been their usual love language since CLOY and TN promo. But i’m rooting for a “slip” from their usual script. Like a real hug please. Not pats or tap, i want a hug. :lol:


And an IG post will be an ultimate dream come true. Just thinking about it puts a huge smile on my face. No need to put hearts or caption. Just a picture, Jinnie... Of the two of you or even his watch? (Will just look out for the brand). hay, i am doomed. 

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1 hour ago, ElectricHearts said:

I think HB got embarrassed enough from last Baeksang with the extreme close up on his face but I wouldn't mind something like that again lol.

Lol that was so funny. And it's one reason why I'm trying to tone down my own expectations of the possible interaction at Baeksang, plus the lack of fan cam. My rational self wants to say that at best, we'll get shy/nervous smiles & eye contact, back pats, polite hands and poses to keep up the colleague/close friend angle, and maybe some awkwardness when the focus is on them. But my delusional mind is desperate to see them teasing us again


But I know I'd still be giddy over every little crumb. Cmon camera men, BinJin.. throw us a little bone okay?

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Re: PressCon Cloy


1st question about datings rumours: A Taiwanese reporter said that questions were sent to Binjin’s agencies for review a fews weeks in advance


—> BinJin’s dating rumours answers were already discussed and prepared in advance by both HB and SYJ (we assume they are a couple)

2nd question: the MC suddently asked if they discussed the drama together (20:30)

The answer was not prepared in advance by BinJin

HB looked a little nervous & immediately turned to SYJ to look for a similar answer. Then SYJ gave a pretty smart answer “not really” & HB smiled with big relief

(He knew that she made a while lie to conceal their open secret relationship)


The MC joked that ”What a Telepathy” as she doesn’t trust their “close friendship”. So do we! 




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