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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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So I thought I would be okay if JTE and LG have reset memories and find each other again, because that's poetic and romantic that they come back to each other because of fate but...I don't think I am.  I really need THIS Lee Gon and THIS Jeong Tae Eul to find each other.  Whether it's the originals or it's the new versions with their memories.  Recently, my other two shows did something similar (clearly I have a particular type of show I like to watch) and it made me realize some things about TKEM.


Other show comparisons-


In LOT, Zari reset the timeline to save her brother, and she and her brother both became different versions of themselves.  VERY different.  When the original Zari returned briefly, as much as she and her brother loved each other, she wasn't his sister.  Their timelines were too different, and they were strangers.  In Agents of SHIELD, May lost her man, and accepted it.  Then his entire consciousness was uploaded into a robot that effectively WAS Coulson.  But to May, he's "still dead". 


JTE and LG have had such a epic and beautiful love story.  No matter how hard fate pushes them to be together, even if they find themselves in every timeline - their story this go around should NOT be forgotten.  LG's NOT going to be the same person at all without JTE's ID card for 25 years.  He can still grow up to be a kind and caring King, but he spent 25 years with JTE over his shoulder as his guardian angel and fairy godmother.  That type of influence created a deep love in him that was activated once he met her in person and spent some time with her.  No matter what he did from the age of 8, JTE's soul was there.  The idea of her raised him as much as Lady Noh and Prince Buyeong did. 


For JTE, she did the enemies to lovers trope all by herself.  Which is actually hilarious if you think about it - other couples hate each other and then fall in love.  She was just trope-ing by herself while LG made heart eyes at her.  But the point still stands that she went from feeling one deep emotion to another deep emotion.  It just makes all those feelings so much more intense.  Everything she's ever felt for him has been extremely intense and deep, and she conveys her feelings to him.


It also changes their dynamic completely.  LG was very very kind always, and truly a decent person, but he was also a bit of an arrogant prick at times.  One of the most beautiful scenes was the Ep 13 Kimchi PPL  official meet the parents scene.  Compare the LG in episode 3 who pretty much demanded that JTE be his Queen, had Eunsup and JTE's dad taste his food for him.  We now have a King who is still powerful and knows his role, but cares deeply for his "in laws", so to speak.  He bowed to JTE's dad, introduced himself by name, opened the door for Eunsup...he's a much more humanized person and it's JTE's um...disciplining that changed him.  JTE's also completely changed because of him.  He's opened her eyes to so many wonders of the world - from the amount of love and care he gives to her, to curving her world a little more, and to her own bravery and strength.




IT'S MY LOBSTER ISSUE!  I understand why Dam Ryeong and the OG mermaid couldn't remember each other - they were reincarnated and found each other through fate.  And then they REMEMBERED each other!  One of the strongest parts of the show was watching Heo Joon Jae start to remember his past life, and reconcile that with his present day feelings.  One of LMH's best scenes was the one with the psychiatrist where he remembers their ending, and that he couldn't save her.  They remembered their own love story, and strengthened what they had.

AND THEN SHE ERASED IT ALL.  Maybe in real life, where we can watch them learn to love each other, relearn their memories, it'd be okay.  But guys...we have like, a maximum of TWO episodes with an altered timeline.  I don't count 14, we already know too much is happening prior to the reset.  I want to see the LG and JTE we've been watching all along get a happily ever after, not two carbon copies of them!

It's also why I will never ever ever accept a JTE/LJH happy ending, or LG/Luna. 


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My last post was 8 days ago at p507 and the last time I checked, last Monday wee hours, p637 and now? Wow, the page is not resting. I can't keep up. Fortunately, it means I didn't see any spoilers/ photo stills but the theories I've been reading since p610-611 and p 637, my brain is spinning. So let me just be on the side and be your audience. :D



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If we didn't get a happy ending, or if TKEM is a hanging ending, i demand a season 2! Or at least have a special episode!:D

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@Heretorant can I just say thank you for your earlier very funny post, where you also tagged me. You have been very nice about my theories! Thank you! That was very sweet of you! I was having a bit of a bad day and your post just made me laugh and smile a lot :blush: Loved the different categories (LMHoes :joy: I definitely qualify as this - I loved ep 1 though)


Episode 13 mini-review


The reveal at the end was amazing. LG dressed in the saviour’s clothes (unrelated but it should be illegal to look that good - LMH is crazy attractive!). The fact that he realizes by looking in the mirror with the right ID card! Love it! Loved @bebebisous33 post about it! The scene of him losing consciousness mirrored by his past self was great, especially the shot of him past and present on the ground with the scene shot sideways again. (I do want to kick LL’s teeth in though for making LG almost suffocate twice though). 


The development of LJH’s mum continues to fascinate me. Now she has met SJ’s mum and it seems that she might have realized that SJ has been exchanged (or that something is up anyway, I don’t think she knows about the parallel world yet? She knows LL's nephew has her son's face...). Does she know, if it is the case, that the real RepublicSJ is lying unconsciousness at the sketchy care-home? She seemed very taken aback that he was awake and well. JY clearly knows that she is LG’s doppelganger’s mother. Will he tell LG? He was about to in the hotel. Will she be the one to steal LL’s flute piece in the end? In a previous episode we have seen her go after his umbrella - is this some sort of foreshadowing? 


About the PM. Honestly I kinda feel that the episode screwed up a little tension-wise with the reveal. The cliff-hanger last week was great. But wouldn’t it have been more impactful if JTE, being a detective, got to figure out that she had gone over to LL’s side? I mean imagine if instead JTE back in the Republic found the PM’s doppelganger's body, while the audience was still a bit unsure if she’d really even been to the Republic? That could have been quite an impactful, maybe even scary moment. Especially if LG was still in the Kingdom, then the fact that JTE can’t reach him could have heightened the tension during the episode. I kinda want the fact that JTE is a detective to matter more. I liked that she figured out where LL’s forest was though. If they did go down that route though they would have had to reconstruct quite a lot of things - since we already knew the PM had been to the Republic due to JY being shot. Haha unsurprisingly writing a compelling narrative and getting it all to work is apparently very hard ;) 


The lunch scene with JTE’s dad was hilarious. More of that kind of cute awkwardness please. Really want to see JTE’s dad learning about LG’s real identity and LG just struggling with having no identity in the Republic in front of JTE's dad. Also loved the fact that the moment LG became JTE’s boyfriend her dad suddenly started caring a whole lot more about the fact that he basically knows nothing about him. Realistic and very funny. :D


ES was just great. Such a hero. I’m so glad that he survived! His and JY scenes with LG were really funny and honestly quite touching in this episode. Laughed so hard at the ’mirroring’ of LG asking JY if he’d been well and eaten properly. The show kinda missed the comedic opportunity of having the other guards be a bit surprised/scandalized by ES hugging LG when thunder struck though - and then LG fussing over him asking if he has a scar :D. I guess that the director/writer wanted that moment to have some gravity. ES has kinda nailed pretending to be JY so far so it would have been funny as well to have him just fail a bit at impersonating him in front of JY's work-mates. 


I liked JTE’s and LG’s conversations, especially when JTE saw through LG’s comment about growing those flowers in the in-between as his fear of them being separated in the future. I really hope that the show will allow LG to be more emotionally vulnerable in front of JTE. We have had a bit of that of course. Actually that is one of the moments that really works between them in episode 3.Where LG tells JTE about the fact that his parents have been dead since he was 8 (bamboo forest scene). After he tells her, the scene shows JTE’s reaction (she seemingly believe him and looks at him seriously, and with some real sympathy, for the first time), which seems to rattle him a little when he realizes that he just shared something so intimate. It is really a great micro-moment. Also his love confession and crying at the end of ep 10 does qualify as this as well. But still I want LG to just allow himself to be more openly vulnerable. Not too much though, it makes sense that it is not easy for him, being a survivor of trauma. Or actually I want JTE to be able to be there for him rather if that makes sense? He saved her in ep 11/12 and comforted her in ep 10. I kinda want a role reversal where she gets to either protect him/save him or emotionally support him. We will probably get to see that scene from ep 10 again from his point of view so in a way we will get to see him being openly vulnerable again (and I’m sure that it will hit me just as hard if not even harder - I am not emotionally prepared at all!). Also writing this I'm worried about JY's fate again. 


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4 hours ago, Joanna Alfson said:


Wait what:joy:. Finding Jangmi on this list is upsetting. His a fan-favourite probably one of the biggest breakout stars in the show

I don't mind Jang Mi. He is for comedy and he is an additional person to the team. He does not have his own scenes like SJ, or Li Hun's mom or PM. So he is not taking time from LG or other characters so I am fine with him in the drama for comedic and PPL and a useful help to the team. He does all the dirty work with no complaints.

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15 minutes ago, CallieP said:

I don't mind Jang Mi. He is for comedy and he is an additional person to the team. He does not have his own scenes like SJ, or Li Hun's mom or PM. So he is not taking time from LG or other characters so I am fine with him in the drama for comedic and PPL and a useful help to the team. He does all the dirty work with no complaints.


He dose have PPL and comedic credentials. I somewhat agree these 3 characters have more screen then JY/ES together but I can also understand somehow because they are from another story arc and we will see what kind of role they will play in the coming episodes 

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I’ve been gone from this read too long- sometimes I visit to see what everyone’s been up to, sometimes to simply like posts. And then I come back now to see 689 pages! You’ve been very busy guys!


With only 3 episodes left, I decided to come back and check in with everyone. Really good to see all the theories. I’m tempted to make a long one, but I’ll concede you have better ideas to share.


The only other thing I wanted to raise is that, remember that we are still in Wonderland right now, so try and look out for the white rabbit running about! ;)

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4 hours ago, AgentQuake said:



I don't count 14, we already know too much is happening prior to the reset.  I want to see the LG and JTE we've been watching all along get a happily ever after, not two carbon copies of them!

It's also why I will never ever ever accept a JTE/LJH happy ending, or LG/Luna. 



LG and JTE are the same LG and JTE in each timeline. I don't think Lee Lim can be stopped in this timeline he has had 25 years to plan out his things and he can even time travel and in order to set balance back in motion and break the timeloop they have to reset the time. 


I don't ship nor support anything like JTE/LJH and hell no to LG/Luna but LG and JTE will always be LG and JTE reset or not reset


JTE and LG will embark on their 3rd love story and the 1st in the previous timeline that we didn't get to see except an ID card and the one we watched from ep1 plus another one we will see soon. I find it romantic that they will embark on their 3rd journey together 

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I am new here. Decided to join here as I am currently watching The King: Eternal Monarch. I am from Belgium and big LMH fan since 2014. I feel like I arrived here to late. Hope I can catch up with you guys and see what is going on here. 


TKEM will be available here belgium the 18th June with all episodes on one day but I have been watching it elsewhere in other streaming platforms I just couldn't wait for it until it was here

Edited by Flloy House
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14 minutes ago, Flloy House said:


I am new here. Decided to join here as I am currently watching The King: Eternal Monarch. I am from Belgium and big LMH fan since 2014. I feel like I arrived here to late. Hope I can catch up with you guys and see what is going on here. 


TKEM will be available here belgium the 18th June with all episodes on one day but I have been watching it elsewhere in other streaming platforms I just couldn't wait for it until it was here


Welcome on board. This is the TKEM paradise where everything TKEM is talked about. 


You will encounter many theories so watch out for them 

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9 minutes ago, Joanna Alfson said:


Welcome on board. This is the TKEM paradise where everything TKEM is talked about. 


You will encounter many theories so watch out for them 


Thanks for the welcome. I am looking forward to these theories and everything TKEM. I will write down some myself hopefully. 


I am currently on episode 10. So I will have to lurk around page 350-400 cirka to read these theories but I will catch up before 14th episode airs since I will binge it tonight 

Edited by Flloy House
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4 minutes ago, Flloy House said:


Thanks for the welcome. I am looking forward to these theories and everything TKEM. I will write down some myself hopefully. 


I am currently on episode 10. So I will have to lurk around page 350-400 cirka to read these theories but I will catch up before 14th episode airs since I will binge it tonight 


That's exactly 3 hours not much. This is for me the first i haven't binge in a long time. I am normally binger and wait for shows until they finish airing then i binge

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Just now, Joanna Alfson said:


That's exactly 3 hours not much. This is for me the first i haven't binge in a long time. I am normally binger and wait for shows until they finish airing then i binge


Yes. 3 hours in binger clock is not much

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Who is Woo Do-hwan, Lee Min-ho’s handsome confidante in The King: Eternal Monarch – Netflix Originals’ hit Korean drama series

Playing both King Lee Gon’s childhood friend Jo Young and easy-going counterpart Jo Eun-seob, Woo Do-hwan has already proved a swoon-worthy scene-stealer setting pulses racing across the world – but where did this superstar-in-the-making spring from?




The opening weekend of Netflix Originals series The King: Eternal Monarch was much anticipated for the return of actor 

Lee Min-ho, playing the eponymous king Lee Gon, and his pairing with Goblin’s bride Kim Go-eun. The pilot episode had another eye-catching hero by Lee’s side – his on-screen captain of the guard and childhood friend Jo Young, played by Woo Do-hwan. Halfway through the first episode, Myung Seung-ah (played by Kim Yong-ji) was caught focusing her camera on the handsome Jo.

As Woo plays dual roles as the easy-going Jo Eun-sup in the Republic of Korea and his stern counterpart from the Kingdom of Corea in the series, there’s no doubt that audiences will see more of him in the upcoming weeks.


He’s been in the industry for some time, but only nabbed a lead role in 2017

The 27-year-old actor is no newcomer to the Hallyu industry, with TV credits that date back to 2011. He appeared in minor roles in series such as TVN’s Shut Up Flower Boy Band and MBN’s You're Here, You're Here, You're Really Here, but it was only in 2017 that he was recognised for his starring roles in Save Me and Mad Dog. For the former series he was nominated for best new actor at Korea’s 54th Baeksang Arts Awards and for the latter he took home the best new actor award at the 31st KBS Drama Awards.


He keeps a diary for his acting career

In a press interview held last year, Woo revealed that he entered the entertainment business at his parents’ nudging. He’s kept a diary of his journey towards becoming an actor, including audition notes, since he was 20.


He likes to indulge ...

While he’s been working hard to skyrocket his career, Woo takes time to indulge in personal interests during his free time. In particular, he’s into tech and food. He loves Korean rice cake snack tteokbokki, and admits to spending much of his money on food.


He prefers more substantial characters, over just the ‘cool and handsome’ type

While conducting press interviews for the series Save Me, Woo gave fans further insight into the roles he likes to play, saying he enjoyed playing that part of Seok Dong-cheol because he was realistic character, saying, “Dong-Cheol was betrayed by a friend and became lonely, but I was more attracted to him than a cool and handsome character”. He went on to talk about his process and how he had to study how people spoke in the market of Daegu to mimic the Kyungbuk dialect, HanCinema reported.


The Eternal Monarch producers have called Min-ho and Do-hwan’s characters ‘soul mates’

Lee Min-ho’s Lee Gon and Woo Do-hwan’s Jo Young are two peas in a pod, despite Lee Gon’s position as emperor of Corea. The show’s producers have gone so far as to call them “soul mates”, but that’s not to discount that they both may have romantic interests further into the show. It seems that the sentiment holds true in real life. Woo Do-hwan told Soompi, “Filming has been really comfortable because Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun are taking such good care of me.”






Hi @Flloy House, welcome to the thread! Join in our discussion :)


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56 minutes ago, Flloy House said:


I am new here. Decided to join here as I am currently watching The King: Eternal Monarch. I am from Belgium and big LMH fan since 2014. I feel like I arrived here to late. Hope I can catch up with you guys and see what is going on here. 


TKEM will be available here belgium the 18th June with all episodes on one day but I have been watching it elsewhere in other streaming platforms I just couldn't wait for it until it was here


Welcome to time travel 



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