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[Drama 2019] Melting Me Softly, 날 녹여주오


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8 hours ago, liltash85 said:

I am one of those who doesn't want him to do this weird sci fi genre.I rather wait a little longer for him to choose a better drama from a top notch 'good quality' writer. I don't mind him to choose movies or musicals for a year or two before jump back into drama. I don't want him to rush. I know sometimes it can be overwhelming when you received another offer right after your drama ends. But, I want him to wait a little bit more. Wait for another offers. Wait for a good script. Wait for a good production. Quality is always better than quantity. 


Actually, the script being based upon Charles Darwin and his Theory of Biological Evolution/Theory of Universal Common Descent is not a "weird sci-fi genre."  It is accepted science, backed up with actual proven facts.


Due to work commitments, I have yet to finish Episodes 15 and 16 so I cannot opine on those and the series as a whole just yet.  Stay tuned!

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17 hours ago, perszepanni said:
I like everything in general,
  though not an Empress Ki or a Healer or a Fabricated city :D
But no worse than Suspicious Partner or K2

Let's be understanding, JCW also lives on money, can't wait for the perfect scenario all the time. FFF

Sorry, don't agree that this drama is on the same level as SP or K2 (if that's what you mean). I think the ratings and public comments speak for themselves. K2 was entertaining at least while SP had a way better story line. The OTP had chemistry and the humor was enjoyable. Melting is in most parts, painful to watch for many people. 


But yes, agree that he needs to make a living. I remember in one of his interviews, he said there are a lot of factors that he has no control over when it comes to a project. For all we know, there were behind-the-scene problems with MMS.

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19 hours ago, perszepanni said:
I understand JCW chose this drama.
I like the story. It encourages the viewer to think.
It would have spent 20-24 episodes.
I love PD MA.
I love the 24 year old Go MI Ran.
The first 10-12 episodes are flawless.

Unfortunately for the plot threads, the character developments in the last 4 episodes are confusing to me.

I like everything in general,
  though not an Empress Ki or a Healer or a Fabricated city :D
But no worse than Suspicious Partner or K2

Let's be understanding, JCW also lives on money, can't wait for the perfect scenario all the time. FFF

Not only the ratings but also the commitment of viewers both on dcinside and this soompi thread prove that you can't put MMS in the same group as the K2 nor SP. At least, I could finish both those dramas unlike MMS... And I watched all JCW's dramas including five fingers, donghae...my first one being healer.


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37 minutes ago, perszepanni said:

Fimes (SP and K2) are easy to understand even up to the age of 20

(MMS) is more understandable for 30-40 year olds.
One should not be underestimated, just another target audience.
MMS is more philosophical

Why didn't this target audience tune in to watch, then? It's funny I didn't understand this when I am in the bracket...

Can you give us your philosophical understanding of this drama and its loopholes? 

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8 hours ago, daloula said:

Not only the ratings but also the commitment of viewers both on dcinside and this soompi thread prove that you can't put MMS in the same group as the K2 nor SP.


You claim the ratings, and the commitment of viewers (using two different groups as examples), PROVE that MMS can’t be positively compared to his other dramas, and is therefore, a bad drama. Ahhh...the appeal to authority argument!


Actually what you claim as a sort of democratic artistic “vote” as PROOF that MMS is a bad drama is proof of exactly nothing. What is demonstrated by your statement is that the ratings and comments of a negative kind express the feelings of a certain segment of viewers. Not one of those reviews has explained in any objective detail exactly why writing was bad, direction was bad, or the characterizations were bad. I keep asking but all I get is silence…..crickets.


All I ever read here and elsewhere was that people, who of course are experts at script-writing, directing, and acting, didn’t like the drama because of bad script writing, directing, acting. They never give details. I don’t know those people so I don’t care what they like or don’t like, but I do know they are not experts. Their statements are arbitrary assertions based on only their feelings, and as such have no real standing in any sincere discussion of value. In fact, one reviewer on a different site was highly P. O.ed that JCW, who was expressly put on this earth to fulfill her need for TV dramas, did not deliver the goods this time around, therefore she will never again waste her time with him./sarc


I loved the MMS drama, the characters, the acting, and the silly bits. And applying my own logic, this claim does not mean the drama was good; it only means that I like it. I could, however, give you chapter and verse of the goodness contained in the drama and why it was good for me. 


But, shall we compare the MMS fails to very obvious fails in a few of the other dramas? For example:


1. The K2 example. Spent what seemed like hours developing the back story for Anna and then seeing her run around the streets of a Spanish city barefoot and in a dirty nightgown. The Spanish have a developed first world country and I’m sure if some one like Anna appeared on their city streets the City Fathers probably would have sent the gendarmes or the men in white coats to rescue/subdue her. My intellect tells me this is a ridiculous scene, but my artistic sense acknowledges the dramatic concept and I am free to watch it or not...to fast forward to a scene with JCW in it. The scene could be meant to be taken symbolically as evidence of her desperation, not literally.


And how many times was he severely injured yet returned to good health seemingly within minutes? The operation scene in Cloud Nine and afterwards he wakes from the operation still on the operating table yet clothed in a pristine white dress shirt? And without even blood stains? Is this bad directing, writing, acting, both, all, none? Trivial problem.


2. Healer example. The gimmick of a night courier was a totally new concept to me but seemed to be a “real thing” so I accepted it on faith instead of trying to make it fit with my concept of what a seemingly decent guy might do to make a living...it worked with the rest of the plot. A NON-problem.


The final chapter of “catching some Russians doing something bad” was totally improbable and contrived, and set up the scary scene of JCW being shot, presumably dead, giving viewers and fans a heart attack, yet I could accept that dramatic finish also.


3. Suspicious Partner example. Thedeus ex machina” scene where bad guy gets creamed by a hit and run (deliberately we find later, by yet another new character with an axe to grind), winds up in the hospital and has memory loss. Still the story progresses and I can deal with the insanity. It provides some delightful and juicy incidents later where JCW gets to chew the scenery. And the memory loss illustrates some time-honored dramatic tropes existent in almost all Korean dramas, which I have come to love also. Like being read your favorite fairy tale over and over when you were a child.


My point being that each of these other dramas have sticking points that are equally weird as some in MMS; they are silly, inconsequential, non-important, superficial, and trivial occurrences in the scripts. They need to be weighed in context, not held up as examples of bad anything.


It seems that some of you negative re-viewers are bound and determined to make those of us who loved the drama be on the defensive, and to PROVE beyond a shadow of doubt that we are wrong, evil, and un-redeemable people for liking the drama. I cannot fathom rationally why you would do this.


Usually sane and normal people living healthy, rational lives don’t spend their time watching or doing something they don’t like. They don’t spend their time writing scathing reviews dripping with sarcasm, beating a dead horse. Normal, sane, and happy people leave the bad things behind and go and do good things without trying to set fire to the universe to prove that something as innocent as TV drama is causing the rapid decline of civilization as we know it. (Yes, I know...that describes me right now, except I am trying to put out the fire.)


The artistic value of anything these days is often put to the democratic vote by tabulating how much money it generates (box office receipts), or how many “likes” it gets, without ever trying to determine the author’s intent and how well it was achieved objectively. So the viewing public gets told how stupid or intelligent it is by “vote count” without ever trying to determine the actual value of the piece of art in question...a skill that must use objectivity as its measure, but a skill that seems to have finally disappeared from the face of the earth.


It is possible to dislike something considered a masterpiece by democratic vote or by objective dissection, and possible to like something considered a failure. But in order to express reasons, a person needs to be able to say something more intelligible than, well, 50 million of us can’t be wrong. Because, yes, yes you can.


3 hours ago, perszepanni said:

(SP and K2) are easy to understand even up to the age of 20

(MMS) is more understandable for 30-40 year olds.
One should not be underestimated, just another target audience.
MMS is more philosophical.




2 hours ago, daloula said:

Why didn't this target audience tune in to watch, then? It's funny I didn't understand this when I am in the bracket...

Can you give us your philosophical understanding of this drama and its loopholes? 


Who knows why the target audience didn't tune in.....at least they are not continually bashing JCW and this drama....they just didn't want to watch it for whatever reason.  Why are you asking to prove a negative?   I don't care why they didn't watch.  They are those few types of people who just go do what they like and get on with their lives.  They are not my concern. See my comment above.  My argument is with those who say the drama is bad:  because...…..? 

See my other comment above.  I have taken my time preparing these comments and have prepared them at work and had to come back home to post here, so my offer to discuss the good parts was made with no particular person in mind, and in the interim another commenter has posted some statements that seem to go along with what I am saying.  It is just happenstance that you asked the other commenter and I seem to be trying to answer for that person, which I am not.  I just cued in on your challenge,  which I am prepared to answer.   I am not trying to intervene and hope to be able to finish this discussion with whomever.  

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6 hours ago, daloula said:

Akkor miért nem hangzott ez egy célközönség nézni? Vicces, így ezt nem értem, ha egy konzolban vagy ...

Tudna-e adni nekünk filozófiai megértési erről a drámáról és annak kiskapuiról? 


Az, hogy a bátorságról szól, nem kérdés.
De ez semmi.
- az egyéni felelősségvállalásról szól (döntéseink nemcsak ránk, a környezetünkre vonatkoznak)
(még a legjobb szándékú döntések is visszatérhetnek)
- nem mindenki tudja követni a gyorsan változó világ kihívásait, sok kudarcot vall
- az idő és a tér (mint összetartó és elválasztó elem a kapcsolatokban)
- a család egésze
- előrejelzési képesség
- a tudomány hatalma (gazdagítás vagy emberiség)
- a barátság
- ki a jó vezető
- Internet vagy televízió
- bók vagy szexuális zaklatás
- mikor kell harcolni vagy mikor kell továbbmenni
- az autizmusról
- a média hatalmáról
- gyerek (3 gyermekes anyának 1 unokája van)
- a társadalmi helyzetről (emelkedés-csúszás)
- társadalmi elvárások (karries, család)
- társadalmi magány
(és egy millió további .....)



Personally, I think JCW is more than a pretty face.
He makes his films for his audience, his fans.
I'm not focusing on mistakes (it's easy to find in everything)
I'd rather try to figure out why you chose this project.

He was a soldier for 1.5 years, this was his capsule

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TIME OUT!!! Take a deep breath. Just remember individual differences make our world smarter.  I watch Kdramas for entertainment and am not deeply invested in the internal structure of a drama but I also enjoy the feedback of the forum. Viewers deserve freedom to express their opinions (hopefully in a positive manner). The common factor of this forum is the love of JCW and his artistic works. I love rom-coms, action/adventure, historical and comedic dramas. However, my reactions are always completely different when I watch EPISODES vs. the ENTIRE drama. This was very true of MMS. Perhaps the storyline and production was not as well done as Empress Ki or Healer, but it was still enjoyable. JCW's character was not as dominant as EK or Healer but I assumed the "strong woman" theme was evident because of the writer. As a JCW fan, I will support his career decisions on all future projects. Sometimes, drama projects are not accurately described ie Healer. The synopsis was misleading; the drama was GREAT! Got to remember JCW, the artist, has career goals that we are not privy to. If the genre does not appeal to you, one has the freedom to watch or pass. There are some JCW dramas that I only watched once and others that I lost count to. Can't wait for his Mr. Right  to be released. Would love to see JCW participate in another musical in the future (I do not know why I say this when I cannot get to Korea to see him). Thank you to all the participants in the forum...I learned much from your feedback! MAHALO!

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@Mai Stars, while I watched this show simply to see the story it had to tell, your points above highlighted one of the reasons why I don’t like to be influenced by ratings. Ultimately the majority of them are subjective. Clearly for every drama show there will be people who liked it and people who don’t. There are popular well liked drama shows that I’ve watched with high review ratings that I felt was a waste of my time. I just feel that people should just like what they like regardless of the opinions of others. ^_^ 

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10 hours ago, perszepanni said:

Fimes (SP and K2) are easy to understand even up to the age of 20

(MMS) is more understandable for 30-40 year olds.
One should not be underestimated, just another target audience.
MMS is more philosophical.


I'm outside these brackets. Where does that leave me. LOL. Non-human?


I think like writing, a good drama or film should tug at the heartstrings either by making it relevant, thought-provoking, humorous, heart-racing, antsy, etc. I can only say MMS tried to be philosophical but the execution didn't allow those philosophies to sink in enough to make an impact for both my brain and my heart.

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@Mai Stars good to see your different view. I totally respect your opinion.


I agree that after all it falls for different preferences and we are free to love or not the story. Each of us has our thoughts about this drama and the other drama he is in. That is the reason this forum existed. As a fan of JCW (As most of us here) we stick around this drama because we are supporting his works. Nevertheless, different people has different view on this drama (so does his other dramas). Some of us love the story line itself, some of us just love JCW acting in it and some of us just can't stand it even there is JCW. This applies to all others Kdrama viewers in other sites too. I read other sites and comments too and if we take into account those comments collectively, compared to his other dramas, MMS is not well received for most and it reflects on the ratings and buzzworthy weekly lists. 


Ratings might not be important to us the international viewers (as we can always watch the drama online on many portals) but it is so important to the actors and the production team as it is the tool to measure the success or failure of the drama. Because after all, the objective you made a drama is for people to tune in and watch and this is measured by ratings. Over there, normally there are few dramas airing at one time so viewers need to choose which they want to watch on TV. Hence the ratings are important as it mirrored the viewers preference. That is why though now Koreans can watch rerun of the dramas or catch up on VOD, ratings are still important as it gives the live indication. Even JCW himself thinks this drama is a failure because of the ratings and he does feel responsible for it. That shows the weight of ratings. Ratings is of course does not impact to us as viewers like @celebrianna said sometimes good ratings drama does not appeal to her as it is not her fav genre and sometimes low ratings drama get to her more. This is individual personal preference. But in a competitive media world, collective opinion still matters after all, it is still a business. 

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35 minutes ago, liltash85 said:

Even JCW himself thinks this drama is a failure because of the ratings and he does feel responsible for it.

Sorry, but I disagree with your interpretation.  Based on the translation I saw (which may be faulty, I understand) he said he was sorry the drama was bad....then stopped, corrected himself, and said he was sorry the ratings were bad.  These are two completely different things. (Yet he still took personal credit because that's the kind of guy he is.)  There is a big difference between the two things that cannot be reconciled by saying "collective opinion still matters." Because as they say:  Correlation does not imply causation.  In the field of artistic endeavor this matters a great deal,  especially to the actors, directors, writers, and the creators.   Putting your heart and soul into an artistic interpretation cuts to the quick when you know you did well, yet people throw eggs at you for no discernable reason.  And it matters also fiscally when money is lost.  But it is still two different things.   It brings into play a whole different set of philosophical questions that are still being sorted out even over hundreds of years.  Building a smartphone that works is one thing; creating a dramatic character that could change people's lives and live forever in the collective imagination is another.  Do you prostitute your art to please the lowest common denominator, or do you do what you know to be good and right and true, and just leave the lowest common denominator in the dust?  


To repeat, there is a big difference between the ratings being low and the drama itself being bad.  The point I am making is that people were saying the drama was bad because they didn't like it, without bothering to explain further. That is what I was aiming at and is seems to be a discussion outside your explanation. But, I do appreciate your view and explanation as I myself have been a business owner in the past and realize the difference between a good product and a profitable product. With planning the two dovetail and everyone goes home happy.  


And by the way, ratings are not important because we are international viewers.  Here at home in the US where I am a local viewer,  when some TV show claims 100% positive ratings I know right away that it is one show that I will NEVER watch! (LOL...sarcasm) But I don't NOT watch it then go on some blog and bad-mouth it, nor do I watch it and go on some blog and bad-mouth it.  I just find something better to do.  




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@Mai Stars he did said 실패 (sil pae) which means failure. Yes first he said the story is 실패 but then he corrected himself that the ratings is a 실패.


This drama might has it merit on artistic pov but not all general viewers can appreciate art in artistic way. That's a fact. Dramas are made for general viewers as opposed to theater which targeted audience with deeper knowledge and interest in arts. Even this drama shows us the life of a PD and how the TV stations work. TBO director and HG is on fire because most of the shows has low ratings. Ma Dong Chan is a most wanted PD because his works are fresh and has higher ratings. Even during their endless meetings, DC keep saying do something that the viewers like and asks his subordinate to think as a viewer rather than as PD. In a simple way, garner the attention of the many (general viewers) is important rather then pushing something you think is great but not appetizing to others. To tell your art is important but to make sure the art sells is important as well. Like I said, after all it is a business. The PD, The directors, the actors/actresses works and credibility is measured not only by the quality content but also whether their works can garner ratings. If a variety show, the longevity of the shows is measured heavily by ratings. Some can even exported the idea as a product (e.g Running Man, King of Masked Singer) shows how important ratings are. That's how the industry works at least over there in South Korea. It maybe diff in the US as I assumed Indie industry over there is big, but in South Korea or even in my country ratings is important for TV stations and media practitioners especially in mainstream. 


Good to know you are not the type who just don't bother to talk on shows you do not watch but there are also group of people who love to read and write reviews and share our opinion. That is why blogs and forums existed (like this forum for instance). Some might just stated simple comments like  (e.g they don't like it or this drama is bad or the ratings is low etc) but there are quite a number who gives details in lengthy on why they think as such.  




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I don’t understand why an opinion needs justification?  It’s art after all.  I don’t particularly like Picasso because his art is just not my cup of tea.  MMS had too much slapstick for me.  I stayed for 2 episodes.  Personally I don’t enjoy slapstick.  I can’t watch Jim Carey for exactly the same reason.  So for me, slapstick is “bad” because I can’t relate at all to it.  I love humor done well but slapstick dumbs it down too much for me.  I know some people don’t mind it so more power to them.  I like chocolate and you like strawberry, I don’t need to justify why I do, I just do?


One drama doesn’t define an actor/actress.  What defines them is how they respond to failure or lackluster reception.  If he is a true artist then the response will do little to dampen his enthusiasm for his next project.  He’s done his best given the material he was provided and he should be proud.  I think MMS started with sky high expectations.  People were just aching to see him back on screen doing what he did best.  After a 2 year hiatus, it was a given.  I hope he dusts himself off, gets back up and tries again.  He’s too good of an actor (and Won JinAh too) not to come back with something more substantial in terms of depth and breadth.  

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ars gratia artis 


ars gratia publicam*


I think that many people expressed why they were unhappy with the drama at the beginning of this forum's discussion--but they dropped the drama(myself included at ep4) because they didn't enjoy it FOR VERY LEGIT REASONS. I also watched the final episode and came away thinking fans of the show and casual viewers must be incredibly disappointed with how it wrapped--the lack of kiss between the couple shocked me.


I dropped because:

1-the pacing was off in the first four episodes. There was too much back and forth within the timelines which meant the actual story dragged. It could have been condensed into two episodes. That level of exposition was too much especially since it did not focus on building the pre-freezing relationship between the leads.

2-I didn't like the fact that MDC switched from loving NHY to GMR so quickly when there was no indication he had noticed GMR before they were frozen--that is bad writing. I was really invested in the relationship between MDC and NHY. I would have been much more engaged with an exploration of two people who were in love but are now separated by 20 years figuring out their feelings than automatically turning off the feelings. I would have also adored seeing more between GMR and the son of her ex--a cross generation romance. Insta love is not my thing.

3-tone felt all over the place. GMR's relationship with her family was moving. MDC's relationships felt shallow because of the slapstick nature. I don't mind slapstick but I do mind when it feels like there are two completely different approaches in the same drama because it is inconsistent.

4-the cast was EXCELLENT--both the leads and the entire support cast. I was really excited for WJA getting so much exposure; and JCW comeback--who wasn't excited for that? But I never understood her motivation for freezing herself--helping "cure" her autistic brother? It was then pretty much dropped when they jumped 20years. As I stopped watching I don't know if it was ever addressed but in following recaps it felt like it became a side show to the love story. Bad motivation follow through bothers me. Important questions become a plot device rather than something that moves the story along. In contrast MDC's motivation was well written and executed.


As for ratings. This drama was not imo geared towards an older age bracket. It wanted a broad viewership as evidenced by the marketing. First goofy romcom (all the bumph focused on comedy) and also (from that one poster) warm romance--more proof on an inconsistent tone. 

Having looked into what dramas are doing well on cable this year, only one is straight romcom--Romance is a Bonus Book but that could be called warm romance. Furthermore, it is likely that office based romcoms have reached saturation point in the kdrama market--as evidenced by HPL and TSLOMS not doing as well as was expected. After the incredible success of WWWSK, no show would be able to achieve that level of engagement unless it was perfect. My guess is this genre will need to go quiet for a couple of years before it will have an impact on audiences again. There will always be a cyclical nature to genres--no matter who is leading.


If you liked MMS, great. But please don't act like the people who didn't are doing so for arbitrary reasons. Trust me, it takes a lot for me to drop a drama and I was really upset about it.


*haven't done latin in years so if you can correct me please do!

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4 hours ago, nrllee said:

I like chocolate and you like strawberry, I don’t need to justify why I do, I just do?

No, you certainly don't need to justify this... this would be considered an irreducible primary significant to you and you alone.  The problem comes when you decide your personal opinion should be the yardstick and measure to define for other people what is good or bad.  Going from a personal opinion to making a universal value judgement on the "badness" of chocolate and going on and on with a campaign to prove that chocolate is bad is what is happening with this drama.  No one, especially not me, is asking you to justify your opinion; just don't tell me or anyone else that in your considered opinion this drama/chocolate is bad because YOU don't like it.  Human decency deserves at least some kind of objective judgement. Which is all I was ever pointing out. 


7 hours ago, liltash85 said:

Good to know you are not the type who just don't bother to talk on shows you do not watch but there are also group of people who love to read and write reviews and share our opinion.

Unless someone is here "sharing" an opinion you don't like.  And I understand that. There have to be some ground rules to keep things in order, and I seem to be breaking those rules, so I will depart; I will self-silence, but not because I am wrong but because your system is closed.  I just wanted to test how closed it was, and I have my answer.


And ratings work the same all over the world I suspect.  It is one type of yardstick to measure things.  But since you keep repeating it, I am guessing that you accept the judgement that the low ratings mean the drama was bad.  For friends and fans of Ji Chang Wook, you all seem to be GLAD the ratings were low, because, after all, it is a business. 


4 hours ago, nrllee said:

If he is a true artist then the response will do little to dampen his enthusiasm for his next project.  



4 hours ago, nrllee said:

I hope he dusts himself off, gets back up and tries again.  He’s too good of an actor (and Won JinAh too) not to come back with something more substantial in terms of depth and breadth.  

How utterly and breathtakingly patronizing both of your statements are.


7 hours ago, liltash85 said:

TBO director and HG is on fire because most of the shows has low ratings. Ma Dong Chan is a most wanted PD because his works are fresh and has higher ratings. Even during their endless meetings, DC keep saying do something that the viewers like and asks his subordinate to think as a viewer rather than as PD. In a simple way, garner the attention of the many (general viewers) is important rather then pushing something you think is great but not appetizing to others.

Isn't it ironic that this meta-meaning within the drama itself had the exact opposite outcome in real life?  


7 hours ago, liltash85 said:

Some can even exported the idea as a product (e.g Running Man, King of Masked Singer) shows how important ratings are. That's how the industry works at least over there in South Korea. It maybe diff in the US as I assumed Indie industry over there is big, but in South Korea or even in my country ratings is important for TV stations and media practitioners especially in mainstream. 

One last thing and then I am outta here.  Fortunately in the US streaming services are big and getting bigger and cutting the ties with cable and mainstream TV is becoming more and more common.  Being able to have streaming services is why I have been able to enjoy South Korean dramas and movies.  Affordable streaming services seem to be upending the current local mainstream  "ratings rackets" and creating a vast new type of global ratings system, which will then eventually morph into something else,  which will confuse everyone yet again, but by that time I'll probably be dead, so I don't care.  Which makes it even more important that people be able to think outside themselves (i.e. objectively) to be able to judge what is good/bad/right/wrong. Adios.

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1 hour ago, tinymel said:

If you liked MMS, great. But please don't act like the people who didn't are doing so for arbitrary reasons. Trust me, it takes a lot for me to drop a drama and I was really upset about it.

Darn, and I thought I was outta here....You are the only other person who has ever offered anything besides: " I didn't like it so that makes it bad,"  or "the ratings were low so it must be bad."  Thank you.  (Well, that was patronizing of ME, wasn't it?)


But, I will continue to act like the people who didn't are doing so for arbitrary reasons feelings because all they give are arbitrary reasons feelings. I could trust you but I don't know you, so that is asking a lot.....but your sincerity is winning!


The same goes for the people, like me, who liked it.  For all of those reasons you list, I could give the exact opposite interpretation. But, I LIKED the drama.  I never went so far as to say it made the drama good as opposed to bad. That is the sticking point.  

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13 hours ago, Mai Stars said:


And ratings work the same all over the world I suspect.  It is one type of yardstick to measure things.  But since you keep repeating it, I am guessing that you accept the judgement that the low ratings mean the drama was bad.  For friends and fans of Ji Chang Wook, you all seem to be GLAD the ratings were low, because, after all, it is a business. 


Who said we are GLAD the ratings are low. I never found anyone in this forum are happy the ratings are low. We are equally worried about it and wishing that the ratings picks up every episode. We want this drama is a huge success as it is his comeback drama and the anticipation is so high.  We are happy when it reached  3%  and we see some lights. But eventually, the ratings just keep going down. We try to find justifications why the ratings are low. We thought the competitors are just too strong but later found that this drama is the only drama airing ot the particular timeslot. @tinymel might be right Koreans just not into romcoms this year. But, can we say the rating is a false measurement? Did ALL Koreans drama viewers just have a poor judgement? Statistics existed for a reason. 


You find it good, I find it bad. We have different opinion and its fine. You don't care about ratings but I do as I know ratings is important for actors and those in entertainment industry. Of course as a fan I want him to work in high ratings drama that love by many like DOTS for example. Let just wait for Korea Drama Awards and Baeksang. If this drama wins or nominated in anything means it is good in the eyes of profesionals. 

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On 11/21/2019 at 12:33 AM, Mai Stars said:


It seems that some of you negative re-viewers are bound and determined to make those of us who loved the drama be on the defensive, and to PROVE beyond a shadow of doubt that we are wrong, evil, and un-redeemable people for liking the drama. I cannot fathom rationally why you would do this.


Usually sane and normal people living healthy, rational lives don’t spend their time watching or doing something they don’t like. They don’t spend their time writing scathing reviews dripping with sarcasm, beating a dead horse. Normal, sane, and happy people leave the bad things behind and go and do good things without trying to set fire to the universe to prove that something as innocent as TV drama is causing the rapid decline of civilization as we know it. (Yes, I know...that describes me right now, except I am trying to put out the fire.)


Such drama! I don't know how you get this idea that those of us who didn't give a positive review to this drama are against those who like. None of us said anything about anyone being wrong or evil for liking this drama. There's no right or wrong because it's about the drama, not about you or me so there's no need to get personal. I remember starting out liking this drama and I'm glad for those who liked it but also okay with those with didn't like. This is a forum and a diversity of views / opinions /comments is healthy as long as they're not derogatory or backhanded. 

Just like when I use products that didn't perform well and write poor reviews about them. Is that wrong? Reviews exist to help others make better informed decisions. Whether they want to buy or use the product is their judgement call. Same for drama reviews. I'm thankful for them because it saves me money and time.

So people DO write negative reviews but I haven't seen scathing ones here, maybe on other platforms. The only one dripping with sarcasm is a glowing and cocksure positive review of the drama I see right here.


Anyway, I completed this drama for JCW even though I didn't like it by episode 5 or 6. I know I'm sane. At least sane enough to know I can't be giving it a positive review.


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20 minutes ago, Mizzy said:

Such drama! I don't know how you get this idea that those of us who didn't give a positive review to this drama are against those who like. None of us said anything about anyone being wrong or evil for liking this drama. There's no right or wrong because it's about the drama, not about you or me so there's no need to get personal. I remember starting out liking this drama and I'm glad for those who liked it but also okay with those with didn't like. This is a forum and a diversity of views / opinions /comments is healthy as long as they're not derogatory or backhanded. 

Just like when I use products that didn't perform well and write poor reviews about them. Is that wrong? Reviews exist to help others make better informed decisions. Whether they want to buy or use the product is their judgement call. Same for drama reviews. I'm thankful for them because it saves me money and time.

So people DO write negative reviews but I haven't seen scathing ones here, maybe on other platforms. The only one dripping with sarcasm is a glowing and cocksure positive review of the drama I see right here.


Anyway, I completed this drama for JCW even though I didn't like it by episode 5 or 6. I know I'm sane. At least sane enough to know I can't be giving it a positive review.


Exactly, we have been discussing and reviewing this drama with different opinions for weeks and no one is calling the other party bad, insane or evil for liking or not liking this drama. Hence I do not know how she gets the idea that we are trying to push any bad ideas to those who likes the drama and called this discussion is a closed system. 


Reviews will remain reviews. It may or may not impact personal choices. It depends on those who watch the drama to like it or not. Same like when I was reading reviews about other things (e.g product/food), whether I like the product/food despite the review is my personal liking. 

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