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[Drama 2019] Home for Summer, 여름아 부탁해


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It might be nothing more or nothing less than simply GH being true to the character that we have grown to love.  Even when her whole world seemed to be crashing around her she still never swayed from that kind heartedness within her. That gentleness that came across when I was wondering why isn't she screaming.   Sometimes it's hard to see whats best for yourself when you're to busy worrying about everyone and everything else.  Her family, SW's family, SW and most of all a precious little boy who walked into her life when she needed him most.  Gave her something and someone to fight for in being someone she had always dreamed of being. 

A Mother...


It might sound crazy walking away even giving up on ones own happiness when she deserves it so much.  That is unless your focused on the happiness of those you love and care for instead.  Is there any greater love than that of sacrificing?  She understands a parents love from her own even when she hasn't always understood them she shows them the respect they deserve.  She could see the love even within SW's Dad for his Son and his fears as well.  Even more she can see without a doubt SW's love for a son he didn't know he had to thinking he was dead to realizing he was alive to finding out he was right next to him all that time.  How can she willingly grasp happiness when the price is unhappiness to so many others...


If she had reacted and took SW's offer right away it just wouldn't have been true to who she is.  She also might be thinking that even if she loves her son and SW too.  With everything she has been through wouldn't she want a marriage not because the puzzle fits but because of a love greater than the one she once had and lost.  Fears to many to count of pain caused if it didn't work out after all she knows all to well about the price of losing everything you once believed in...


The saving grace is that SW won't give up, not on her and not this time.  For he too understands and knows the pain of loss of love and the reality of what lies under a palm tree buried by the ocean. 

I am counting on that and him... 



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13 hours ago, stroppyse said:

So, SW keeps begging for GH to trust him and be with him. However, GH keeps thinking of ways for them not to be together, and even giving up on YR. Despite knowing that both SW and YR love her, she's really thinking of letting both of them go???? For their own sake???? How does this make any sense? Why is GH so brainless right now? All those arguments of how YR opened up and bonded to GH, and she's willing to destroy that for his own sake? She wants YR to lose another mother? All because she can't accept that she helps both YR and SW to be happy because their family connections are complicated? SW has even decided to forgo his family relationships in order to dedicate himself to GH and YR. While his mother and sister are venal, vile, and puerile, they are still family, and considered sacrosanct in Korean culture. However, SW is willing to forgo not just them, but his father and everyone else in his family as well. If SW can do that much for his love of GH and YR, shouldn't GH just be willing to even consider that SW is sincere in his love for her and YR rather than looking for yet another way to traumatize them both?


OMG!!! I really really hope Geum Hee wakes up to the reality that if she is after Yeo Rum's happiness she should trust and follow the lead of Sang Won. Giving up Yeo Rum to be raised by Sang Won alone and his family is really stupid. Is she so blinded that she has forgotten how awful Sang Won's mother and sister are? Yeo Rum living with them will surely traumatize that boy. They claim that they will love and care for the bot, but once they get him and he rejects them (since he will surely be miserable losing his mother Geum Hee) only God knows what those two evil witches will do. I don't even want to go there.

Writer, I am begging you to please put a closure to the push and pull on the relationship of Sang Won and Geum Hee. Times change. Realities change. People have to adapt to changes. And in this case, the future and well-being of the child is the priority. Taboos can be ignored and will change eventually. There are always exceptions to the rule. Humans are supposed to be flexible and adaptable. 

Here's wishing that Sang Won and Geum Hee, especially Geum Hee hits her head on the wall and realizes that Sang Won is right and she should trust him and follow his lead. They both have feelings for each other. They should go forward and love each other together with Yeo Rum and become one happy family.:wub:

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Now is the time for GH to wake up.  She has done everything right and still they will not stop. They feel that it does not matter that they are the cause of YR being lost in the first place and the hurt he went through because he is blood and snatching him from the mother he knows now harming him once again as long as blood returns home. They would use GH to help YR integrate into the family and then kick her off fast if they could. 


The only person GH should be listening to is SW who is YR's bio father. They see GH as a soft touch so they  will now go to appeal to her making her start to think if YR would be better off with his blood family.  The father of SW thinks he is slick. They could not send the mom again because it would only alienate GH and never want YR around them. So he came this time. Its amazing how they want to claim a grandson now when they never thought of how SW felt to not know he had a child in the first place through to their snobbish meddling. It was ok to try to abort the child back then but now knowing the child is flesh and blood they want to pull him back. 


 I don't blame her mother in the preview voice over asking her if she can really see someone else raising YR? After all she went through can she really give him up? SW has told her and told her that he wants them both not just his son. I need her to wake up and listen to the man.  Its a shame that even his father dares to use a ploy like effecting SW's or YR's future when all the harm to the both of them have come from that family. 


I hope this wakes her up to realize that only by being with SW will she gain everything she wants and needs in her own little family. 


All we need is for SW to find out about his father visiting GH. I would tell the dad even if GH denies me I will never ever bring YR home or allow you to get close to him. Let alone stay as part of that family. They ruined his happiness once trying to kill his son and ran his woman away to have and raise the child alone now they are doing the same thing all over again with GH. Selfishness is running amok in that family and the ONLY one not selfish is the Aunt. They feel that since she has no blood ties her connection can't be deep and that is wrong.


No one wants to address how they are not fit to be near YR. They look down on GH but they are the real problem as money has not made them good people. They encouraged SM to go after a married man and break up his previous marriage but they look at GH as the bad person. They condoned her behavior yet they are angry at SW for falling for the woman who has loved his son since she met him.  


This is the reason why a long extension should not have been needed. Had they not spent so much time on others in this drama the leads would have finally got together. They either ran out of time and realized they missed the leads getting together or they needed to slow down the plot line to make time for the next drama to go into production.  Now we have to endure a week or possibly two of GH being harassed, questioning her role in YR's life and SW suffering trying to fight not only GH but his family as well. 


One thing I do like is that GH's father is aware that SW is willing to give up his family to be with GH and YR. That is huge as elders do not like to hear of breaking ties with family. Which is why it was so wrong for GH's mom to even think to ask SW to give up his parental rights to YR. Instead SW is doing everything right to show everyone that he is willing to go the distance and protect them both. I hope her parents say yes. That will fix his parents fast. They need to wake up to encourage GH to go for it since her mom knows that GH is in love with SW too. 



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6 hours ago, Takingthehighroad said:

Poor Swarmy - he just doesn't get it. Even with his pea-sized brain you'd thought some realizations would have penetrated. Swarmy, you've burned your bridges with GH. You might as well stay on your side of the river with SM & her lovable family. 


He is too slow


Being a conventional man he can't imagine that GH got over him. He knows it deep down but doesn't accept it

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So typical that bloodline only counts as family. Sang Won's family are such hypocrites. I loved that Sang Won told them straight up that they are the reason why his son suffered so much. The big mastermind is his own Mummy Dearest. The father is a lost cause to me when he threw in position and money as the sole formula for happiness. Family is not about blood ties, it is about people who loved and cared for each other.


I am glad Sang Won hit the nail straight into Joon Ho that he is plotting to return to Geum Hee's side and see him as an obstacle. Sang Won told him that he is not giving him no chance to toy with such an idea.


First time hearing someone referring to his mother as "The Elder". Good example of a son not related by blood cares more of the mother than the one who is blood related.

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I too find SW dad frustrating,  He does same racket over and over with his wife and SM.  They do immoral or illegal things to hurt people. Then they get found out. Next he screams at them and then everything is ok.  In my eyes his behaviour and attitude in trying to make her feel  guilty about YR makes him  just as bad as SM and his wife. 

This meeting between him and GH needs to be known to SW.  This has to be the trigger for SW to spill all the other nasty things his mother SM and JH have done. Also SW should call his father out for not being strong enough to stop his wife and SM poor behaviour.

GH and SW being together does not mean they will deny  YR his grandparents or family.  What is will provide is stability and a happy safe environment for YR.

On a side note the writer of this series has done I really good job of punishing and  showing  JH  relationships with SM and her mother falling apart. 

Finally I agree with other on this forum that an extension will drag out GH being uncertain and not being together with SW which is making series frustrating to watch.

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2 minutes ago, lu09 said:

 Did this lunatic told YR that the mother he lives with is his fake Mom? Unbelievable:expressionless:...


Hopefully it's a wake up call for GH mom.

 she was was even more bad. She told him SW is his real dad..... 

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2 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

Ohh I'm glad both father and son are spending sometime together:wub:


What a sight lol. Who knew a day will come when JH mom will tell SM to respect GJ lol? And to even call her Hyung-nim:mrgreen:

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18 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


I love that GH's mother is up in arms over YR, and is willing to tangle with SM's mother. And, so satisfying in this preview to see JH's mother scold SM for being ill-mannered and not addressing her "elder" person properly. In Korean culture, since GJ is marrying the older brother, it's right that SM address GJ respectfully as the "higher-ranking" person. But, it's also JH's mother getting a bit of payback for SM being so snide towards her, I'm sure.


I am right to like MJ :D

she is siding with GJ now


for the first time GH's mom says something sensible  :D


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GH mom continues to mess things up GH wants to be with SW but she keep talking GH out of it thats why she said if she cat be with him she rather give him YR since she feels so sorry for him


She dotn wont them together but she wants SW to give up his rights as well stupidity.

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@dramaninja is so right!!, I wonder if GH’s Mom would be willing to give up all her rights to one of her children even now?  It seems insane and selfish of her in knowing SW and seeing how kind and loving he is and has been.  It would seem she and SW’s Mom have a lot to learn about love and the difference between loving and controlling.  Not to mention it’s smothering not Mothering when your ideas are more important than your own child’s well being and happiness...

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Perhaps the whole purpose of SW's family acting up is to push GH to choose SW and YR to protect. With his mom over stepping and saying that SW is his father and that GH is only a fake mom as if the child did not already know that GH was not his birth mom it will push GH to wake up and choose to protect her son and SW from his family. His mom had no right to say that to YR! She never thought of how it would effect him emotionally and look at what happened the child started crying. After all he went through this selfish and crazy woman never thought about what her words would do to the child when he finally found a mom that loved him enough to fight for him even though he was not her own. The woman still is emotionally and morally stunted. 


There is no remorse in SW's mom after what she had done to YR, SW and Bora. Now she is still at it again and frankly someone needs to get a restraining order out for her. Her threat of going to court is an empty one simply because a. no amount of money would make a court give custody of the child over the birth father and the history of how the child ended up being adopted in the first place comes out and b. The birth father would fight tooth and nail for YR and GH so all her going to court would do is show how many people love this child even though he may not be their blood and show even the birth father does not want them around the child and chooses to be with the woman he now loves who is the child's adopted mom. It will also bring out all the ugly things this woman did and shows she is not fit to be around a rock let alone an innocent and emotionally hurt child who is just starting to become happy and adjusted. 


I don't blame GH's mom in letting that woman have it. How dare she! That child may be blood but he has been adopted due to her interference in his life from the womb. Why on earth would she think that YR would adjust to her even if she could get her grimy hands on him? If that happened the child would with draw into himself all over again. I just hope this is not where this writer is trying to take this. It is past time that someone puts this woman in her place and she learns that her status nor her money means anything when it comes to true family and that does not include blood. The hateful woman needs a good slap down for scaring YR. This should be the motivation for GH to finally wake up and fight doing what she wants and that is to follow SW and be with him and YR.

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The more Sang won's parents tried to get Yeo Reum back, the worst they become in front of their son's eyes.


I had to laugh when Joon Ho basically told Sang Mi he cannot wait to leave the house.


Preview, lovely that Sang Mi is called to give due respect to Geum Ju who will be her elder sister in law.

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