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hey everyone, HYDE WORLD TOUR 2019 ASIA dates has been confirmed! and i'm sorry for the slow updates like normal and that everyone is waiting for the C3HK event updates too, don't worry that would be coming somewhere sometime this coming week i promise you that after writing on that event for so long as who i am, i won't stop lol.


March 27, 2019 (Wed) Shanghai

March 29, 2019 (Fri) Beijing

March 31, 2019 (Sun) Chengdu

April 2, 2019 (Tue) Hong Kong

April 4, 2019 (Thu) Taipei



Current introduction is the original Hong Kong promotion one, so please don't worry about destination as I will be posting information on how to get to the concert hall as well soon.


HYDE WORLD TOUR 2019 ASIA in HONGKONG Date: Tue 02 Apr 2019 8:15PM Venue: Star Hall, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Kowloon Ticket Pricing: *VIP: $1480 Adult: $1280 / $1080 / $780 Wheelchair: $1080 about HYDE: HYDE:日本音樂人,日本殿堂級搖滾樂隊L'Arc~en~Ciel(彩虹樂隊)主唱、VAMPS樂隊的主唱。近年來,HYDE更多以個人solo的形式發行專輯及舉辦巡演。繼2018年黑彌撒亞洲巡演後,2018年12月30日HYDE宣佈2019年的世界巡演計劃,將以亞洲作為起點,今次公佈的亞洲城市包括上海、北京、成都、香港及台北。不同於黑彌撒安靜優雅的不插電形式,2019年的巡演HYDE將以樂隊的形式帶來躁動的搖滾現場。強節奏的選曲,更加狂野的現場,完全的熱血,完全的Heavy。HYDE將用現場的不



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