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16 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

At times I wonder if the actresses and actors had swapped script in this show. The women are acting like men and the men like women. Ta Mi X-Ray Morgan; telling him she can't let him go in public wearing like that & that he has no idea what women would think are things that men do. Ta Mi being the one who is resistance to being tied down by love/marriage is another. I do like the twist. If men can do it, why not women?


What is marriage? Does a couple need "marriage" to be happy? Do we need "marriage" as a promise to be loyal to one another? Do we really need marriage to start a family? Do people understand what marriage encompass & the sacrifices need to be made in real life?


We were groomed to believe when a couple gets married it means happily ever after - because it's how it always plays out in story books, romantic movies or dramas. It's instilled into us that we all eventually must find someone and start a family of our own because it is the way of life for our parents, grandparents and ancestors. But is it really? Or is it the society & teachings that shape us into thinking marriage is important in our life? Marriage is only the beginning of two people from different family, different living habits and/or personalities united together and live under the same roof. Marriage also encompasses accepting your partner's family as your own.


Like Ta Mi has said, two different people being together means one will need to cave in to the other, compromise, but she loves herself more than anyone else (so she should!) and she doesn't want to change for that person, and it's not fair for her to expect the other person to change for her too.


It's also natural for the people in the 21st century to doubt marriage. The divorce rate is higher & becoming a norm. Surely we have all heard of SongSong's couple news by now. It once again verified that love is no longer everything and isn't enough to sustain us. Personally I feel that therein lies a reason that things were much more simpler in the oldern days that people are more simple minded and wanted less, therefore  marriage life is less complex too, but now, having a comfortable life has become so much harder with so much bills to pay, worries etc.


Back in the old days, being divorce bring shame to the family and has very negative impact on the women. But women are becoming stronger now; women are also changing, fighting for gender equality; pursuing a career and encourage to chase their dreams instead of being confined to a house and play housewife. BUT, being a career woman and a mother is still very difficult in current societies. Ta Mi is right about that it's hard enough to earn a living for herself, and once she gets married and start a family, all her earnings have to contribute to her family AND extended families. Women are also the one making the most sacrifices in the marriage—once they are pregnant they have to put their career on hold. Depending on where you are, your job position could be kept for you for a year, but some countries may not be so lucky. Then they'd have to go back to work only as part-timers since they've to take care of the babies (I haven't met any men given up on their career for their family). They'd have to leave early or skip work when the child is sick. After work, women then have to do grocery shopping, cook and feed the family. They also have to do housework. Women in Asian countries also have the duty to take care of their in-laws. Marriage just don't sound very romantic as the movies played out...


Now, after reading this... I hope I haven't turned anyone away from marriage. Hahahahahahaha. :ph34r:


I enjoyed reading your views on marriage that it inspired me to write on my own take on marriage.

I view marriage as that point in the relationship where people believe that this person is the “one”. The person to they believe they will have their happy ever after, but marriage is more than that.  Marriage is when you bind yourself to another person legally and declare to the world that this person is “mine” and you are “his/hers”.  That is why cheating is considered more serious in the case of married couples rather than dating couples.  Because it is more serious, I believe that marriage requires more commitment and hard work than dating to make it work.  It definitely requires more than love.  It requires sacrifice.  

In life, we all go through good and difficult times, people can change and sadly, divorce also happens.  Divorce is also a public declaration that you don’t want to be bound to that person anymore and its an act of freeing yourself from another person.  Unfortunately, even if divorce can be liberating for the couple, there can be other people adversely affected by divorce like children.

I think marriage is a concept that does not change over time, it’s the people who define it that makes it different.  Other people may cheat on married couples, why? Maybe because they don’t perceive marriage as different from a dating relationship.  Other people might be the “taker” in the marriage, why? Maybe because they don’t see marriage as an “us” relationship but more of a “you” or “me” relationship.

That’s why I think if you are considering marriage, it is important to talk first about what your definition of what marriage is to your future spouse before you get married, it might save you a lot of heartache later in life

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13 hours ago, philosophie said:

Finally caught up with this show!


i am shook about the news of the song song couple. <deleted>  Is it wrong to not believe in marriage? <deleted> Fililial piety and family is extremely important in SK. So what to do in a current society where some modern day women want to take advantage of their freedom not to be tied down and married, especially when back in the day some didn’t even have a choice (I think her boss Brian had even mentioned something like that before he asked them about if they planned to get married). <deleted>


I’m ready to see a same sex relationship on kdramas to pave the way for more LGBTQ characters/pairings (I wonder if the lack of gender bender genres have to do with maybe SK acknowledging transgenders and thinking gender benders aren’t politically correct?)


<deleted> WHY does GG hate BTM so much? <deleted> what is with the MIL and young men, drawing them then tattooing then? Can someone please explain this?)


Loved the questions raised through your post and whittled it down to the core that I have some thoughts on.


I think many people were certainly shocked by the news about song-song couple. People have to part ways for many reasons, though the final most compelling one would always have to be for sanity’s sake. When hurt becomes overwhelming and people see no way out of it (regardless the reasons or our own opinions), personal mental health must be the priority before it affects every other aspect of life and living. I wish the couple only the best as they try to work their ways forward without the unnecessary interference of others. 


That said, the matter of marriage in all societies has always been an interesting one to consider. Some would say that scientifically, it is embedded in our genetic makeup as humans to want to procreate, and getting married is an acceptable way of starting a family. Of course, how marriage looks like and how it is proclaimed differs from age to age, society to society. There are those among us for whom marriage is not part of their genetic make up, and that is absolutely fine — singlehood should be respected and even celebrated. But societal pressures to conform to majority expectations is very real. That is Brian’s experience for his generation. Not to say, as it would appear from Brian’s own example, that it could not work out. It can. For Tammy, it could also well be that LDW’s character was simply someone in her past that caused her to challenge these values and expectations. It could be differing values and priorities at different stages of life, and for that simple difference, that relationship did not work out. Maybe it would be different with Morgan. I do like Morgan’s perspective though — he does want to get married someday,  but that’s not how he makes relationship decisions. When making a relationship decision, it begins first and foremost with the relationship itself. Even for husbands and wives. It begins with couplehood. If you can’t even make couplehood work, you can’t make anything else that comes with a relationship work. Tammy’s relationship with Brian is interesting because it’s not just about a noona-relationship . It’s the juxtaposition of values that women born in the 70s have grown up with vis-à-vis millennials and their shifting attitudes. And the only reason why this can be explored through a noona-relationship is because the power balance is shifted and without traditional male attitudes and power relations in place, can we discuss the changing tides of what defines this generation waiting to receive the baton from the outgoing ones.


This then relates to the MIL as matriarch in an old world that’s still trying desperately to hold onto power in a new world where resources that need to be controlled are not quite as easily understood or managed as before. The internet has the potential to significantly shift power into the hands of the masses than the few. MIL is still trying to maintain hold of old school powers, and she shows it by the way she tramples on what she perceives to be the small and insignificant, symbolically drawing and leaving her mark on a much lesser human canvas. That act of calling the young and clearly much poorer male model a “canvas” dehumanises him. It is a mark of modern slavery — you put a mark on things you own so others can identify them as your property. That he is male and she is female further proves the power she has and intends to wield over all who would cower to her strength. But imagine this — all the young man has to do is to post pictures of himself with the tattoos on social media. It could go in all directions if he were to do so, something MIL has yet to comprehend (cf. Kagyung’s remarks to her about how manipulation of the internet with fake news cannot go on ad nauseum).


Kakyung’s character seems very tragic. Born into a family of power that only knows how to retain and manage it through exploitation. While everyone outside looked at them with envy (cf school days flashbacks and comments made by schoolmates of her, including what Scarlett thought and probably still thinks), she suffers from the burden of expectations and responsibilities, much like kings and queens of old (and new). Reminds me almost of the recent interpretation of the life of Mary Queen of Scots that was recently in the cinemas as well. She might have once upon a time been just a little girl, but not every little girl is born to be queen. Likewise for Kagyung — not everyone is born to be placed in a marriage for their parents’ sociopolitical gains and advantages. She certainly had her ideals but clearly had to give them up at some point for her family. Is Tammy right to be that angry with her? Perhaps, perhaps not. But the greys in which these characters exist is exactly what makes this story well written so far. Except for the very few times in life when things are black or white, most others exist on a spectrum of greys.


As regards other themes that looked like they could have emerged but didn’t, as much as dramas are exported round the world, they remain primarily for the domestic market where these actors and actresses reside. That there are even hints of such themes as LGBTQ are already bold by leaps and bounds for a conservative Asian society. More and more writers and directors are already exploring such themes, and that’s saying something as it is.


All said, anyone else felt the kiss between Tammy and Morgan was very underwhelming? For all that they’d already experienced of each other, really? Nothing better than a goldfish response from Tammy? They need a tutorial from Kim Jaewook and Park Minyoung.


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Oh..God, these truly awe"f..k"some:lol:

Imagines all the women's is such strong and blast forward like Scarlett :wub:

Lol...Scarlettaa the reign of male's bullies could ended faster because of you..B)

Fighting !

Ps.it's not meant women should throw a fist every where and in each occasion they get offended.:sweat_smile: the best women's should done is solved the problems wisely,peacefully and gracefully.


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I believe that Tammy is traumatized by the marriage hence she doesn't want to get married. I suspect that SKK's marriage could be one of the reasons for her trauma. She used to be SKK's close friend and co-worker before SKK got married. However, after the marriage, she witnessed how SKK drifted away from her own beliefs and she changed so much to the point that Tammy was no longer treated like a friend. So in her eyes, the marriage is responsible for the changes in SKK hence Tammy can not perceive marriage as something good. Besides, we shouldn't forget that Tammy became a victim again due to Oh Jin Woo, she was targeted by the spouse in order to protect his wife. Yet, SKK did commit something wrong with the actor who worked at a host bar. In my opinion, Tammy has made many bad experiences related to marriage so that she came to the conclusion that marriage is not something good.

- It affects the personality, makes someone give up his belief

- It can be the reason why you hurt others

- It looks like a cage where you are not allowed to do what you want (Tammy is well aware of the pressure coming from the mother-in-law)

@millicom Waves to you chingu!!:wub:

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@gilaswan Very well written. I was ready to hit the Insightful button until I read the last paragraph & made me hesitated for the LOL button. :D I'm hoping next episode they would rewind a bit to show us why Morgan is still in the elevator. Did he genuinely hesitated & wished for her to chase after him? Another reversal of the typical gender role if this is the case. Or he loves her so much that he couldn't bear leaving & end it there? Or like others think, it's a power game & he's gambled all his cards & manipulated this. And then of course I hope we get a longer kiss scene. :P


@stargazer187 LOL same! I love Tekken. What's your favourite/choice of character to use? True, we should have one as what you suggested esp. GG vs MIL. I was cheering internally GG finally stood her ground.

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14 hours ago, mushforbrains said:

Is anyone wondering what the soap star is searching on Barro Everyday??surely that was not some throwaway comment...and him suddenly distancing himself from Scarlett???

Could it be the Scarlett actor is Brian son? :expressionless:

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Aha to the underwhelming kiss scene between Ta-Mi & Mo-Gan:lol: Gee ya don't say?! :P I was a lil letdown as you pointed out as this was TVN - known for mostly delivering steamy, passionate lip smacking goodness LoL;):phew: 

   Maybe Mo-Gan was just trying to pace himself eheh? He's probably saving up the good stuff when he/Ta-Mi are done "fishing":w00t:

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Hi @thistle I interpreted the BTM/PMG relationship a little bit differently than you. For all the talk of managing the "fish tank", I never got the impression that BTM was playing games with PMG just to keep him on the hook.


I feel that she sometimes doesn't realise how hurtful she's being, but once she gets called on it she thinks it over and changes her behaviour to take his feelings into account. For example when she wasn't responding to his texts because she was busy - she clarified with him that is wasn't because she didn't want to talk to him and that going forward she wouldn't be able to respond to every single text but would make an effort to call regularly.


So far I've found their communication to be pretty good - well at least he's good, he brings up topics that are bothering him - and for her part she digests what he's saying and responds.


While I do feel she takes a bit of a step back every time a new challenge or difference of opinion arises, I don't see that as a power play. Either he's willing to move a the snail's pace with her making small incremental steps or he's not - and so far he seems willing.

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As a woman...I like that he protected the bag..lol....

He's playing his role like a thoughtful man who has found his soul mate.... only to realise that she doesn't want to play house per se or is career focused....

He's also young... So he has the energy to chase...

But I think the drama focus is on the 3 women so the characters are probably more developed in that area.... which could explain why I've got a lukewarm response to the main OTP at the mo.... even though I loved the scene when he wakes up and dolls up and then pretends to have just woken up.... that's a stereotype that exists for some couples....lol


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10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

There are those among us for whom marriage is not part of their genetic make up, and that is absolutely fine — singlehood should be respected and even celebrated. But societal pressures to conform to majority expectations is very real.

This is why even though I get so annoyed with BTM’s back and forth with PM, I can understand how she may be intimidated by changing her ‘lifestyle’ because she is someone that values singlehood and independence, which I respect. I would love to see a representation of modern day women that willingly choose singlehood because they want to not cause they have to. So it would be a bit sad if BTM can’t be that representation if she ends up with PM. But if she doesn’t, it would also be a bit frustrating that we had to go through all these episodes watching their tug of war in love just for it all to be nothing. Basically I’m on the fence about whether I want BTM to end up alone but as happy as she would with someone or realize that maybe at one stage of her life, like when she was with LDW, she favored singlehood and not being married, but now her preferences have changed which is fine. I think we have seen a lot in this show people change throigh times and hardship; GG with her arranged marriage, CH with losing her judo spot but becoming star student to future barro employee.


10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

And the only reason why this can be explored through a noona-relationship is because the power balance is shifted and without traditional male attitudes and power relations in place, can we discuss the changing tides of what defines this generation waiting to receive the baton from the outgoing ones.

Seeing the Barro work environment reminds me of what I heard Google and other IT tech companies office buildings are like. You can dress however you want, the offices are all cool looking rather bleak but traditional to what most company offices look like. Then there’s the fact that no one addresses the other as titles and all speak one manner formally. It’s like there’s this precedent for coworkers to all treat each other equally, thus establishing a dynamic from the beginning with unconventional power balance compared to Unicon where everyone’s dressed professionally and using different titles. I still wonder if Barro is any different than Unicon though when it comes to protecting their employees. I know Brian did everything in his power when BTM was the top keyword search, but I can’t help wondering if what makes these two company similar is their willingness to throw the employee under the bus for the sake of the company. 


10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

The internet has the potential to significantly shift power into the hands of the masses than the few. MIL is still trying to maintain hold of old school powers, and she shows it by the way she tramples on what she perceives to be the small and insignificant, symbolically drawing and leaving her mark on a much lesser human canvas. 

Wow I love your insight on this chingu, I didn’t think of it like that! Ugh she is so creepy!!


10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

Kakyung’s character seems very tragic.

Honestly I wonder if the MIL is responsible for GG’s parents bankruptcy. Like it was a way to blackmail her into the marriage (since they all knew each other before her parents went in debt,  MIL saw how son was in love with her or how competent she was.) I recently found out that the Viki page for this show has a lot of character descriptions and spoilers if you scroll down near the end. The husbands backstory spoke about how he was very into film and went abroad or to some school for it that his mother was against. So maybe it was during this time when she decided she has to get GG aboard since her son wasn’t gonna be any help to the family business.


10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

Is Tammy right to be that angry with her? Perhaps, perhaps not. But the greys in which these characters exist is exactly what makes this story well written so far. Except for the very few times in life when things are black or white, most others exist on a spectrum of greys.

The grey part is exactly what I thought when I wrote the beginning of this post, because I think BTM changing her mind about marriage is a perfect example now life is grey. Sometimes you can’t keep the same mindset from the past because you’re not the same person as you were now. Sometimes you can’t just put yourself in a box or label yourself as something, because not everything can just fall in one category and be separated by lines, most of the time they’re blurred and it’s cant be black vs white.


Pardon my air headedness, but what does it even mean, this whole analogy or metaphor or whatever you call it about the fish tank? What do the leads mean when they bring up this figurative fish tank ?? 

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51 minutes ago, sally2 said:

Hi @thistle I interpreted the BTM/PMG relationship a little bit differently than you. For all the talk of managing the "fish tank", I never got the impression that BTM was playing games with PMG just to keep him on the hook.



I agree with you on BTM/PMG relationship.. I don't think she is playing games.... 


I see it as a moral battle she is having within her.... This guy is 10years younger than her, it would seem inappropriate to date a younger man as the society is rather conservative... So she wants to draw the line... 


I see it as insecurity from her part.... This guy could leave her for a younger woman...For someone so competitive and independent... It will hurt her pride.. 


I see it as her not wanting to be seen vulnerable... I think she must be hurt badly from her last relationship that she decided to put all her energy into work and not go into another relationship... If she goes into a relationship now.. It means making herself open to be hurt again.. Which she rather not... 


That's why that back and forth in their relationship.. And it is so relatable as that's us humans; Excited by the thought of being woo by a younger man but afraid that we will be burnt by the relationship.... 


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my reaction after watching eps 8 is the same as scarlett when she is watching her drama, "daebak, this drama is so much fun"  from morgan's new style and how tammy's reaction to that, barro's sticker, no one comes to the ceo's dinner, ga gyeong and her husband, the affairs guy and how they solve the problem, really having fun watching all of it. hope this drama would be more popular.

I also understand very well about tammy, she is not being in power or toying with morgan, her purpose and morgan's very different, she didn't want morgan to waste his time with her while he is in the right time to pursuing his purpose which is married but on the other hands they are very attracted to each other, in terms of physical, enjoying each other's company, keep thinking of each other and missing each other a lot. its kind of relatable with people's nowadays where there are some people chose not to married. 

I also don't understand about fish tank, thought I was the only one.

about the preview, its sad hearing ga gyeong keep saying she wants to dissappear.


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At this stage, I'm not sure what the intention of this writer is for Tami & Morgan but my guess is either she's trying to tell us love can change our minds/hearts (it's fishy she emphasized on LDW wondering if Tami refused to marry him or she just doesn't want to be married). OR she's trying to educate us that in this new world, a man and a woman can still pursue happiness without being married & have kids. With this in mind, that is why I threw out all those questions about marriage in previous page, because I have a few friends that aren't married and they are just as content without that piece of paper.


In Australia a couple can be in a de-facto relationship without being legally married & this is legally recognised in Australia. Maybe this is why the writer specifically setup Morgan's background as being adopted to Australia. They can migrate to Australia later for their happily ever after without being judged by the narrow-minded society.


Fish tank - doesn't it have the similar metaphor as when we say "there are plenty of fish in the sea"?

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As I understand it, the fish tank analogy basically equates it to a person who dates a lot of people at the same time - ie. keeps a "fish tank" full of "fish".


BTM obviously doesn't date a lot, so she has a fish tank with one fish.

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I love this show - it kicks the Bechdel test's butt - the women don't just spend time sitting around talking about their boy problems - in fact, they spend most of the time talking about work! But that's just one kind of icing on this cake. There's also:

- hot man

- man who is thoughtful and directly communicative, and woman who is also thoughtful and directly communicative (what??)

- flipping gender tropes (love that she's the one eyeballing him)

- complex relationships (anyone get an almost non-platonic vibe between Scarlet and SGG?)

- smart women solving problems

- debate on complex issues such as privacy, work/professional ethics, views on marriage and relationships between women, men, with/without age differences, old-school vs. next-generation political power


My only beef is *sometimes* it is a little painstaking/repetitive (when it comes to the main leads). Hopefully after this we can move forward!


Well done, show! I hope they keep it up! I also hope they don't fall down and take the easy way out and just have her change her mind and decide she wants to marry him and have babies (barf). Don't get me wrong, I am married and have a child, but really, is that the only HEA?

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@philosophie @rainy12


I started a rewatch - in the second episode there was a translator's note re the fish tank manager analogy - "Someone who flirts aroud". PMG then says he'd like to swim into her fish tank, and so long as she feeds the tank well and gives him a bit of bait regularly he'll survive.


A few episodes later I remember her asking him some personal questions about his health, financial status etc and she phrased them as "management questions" as she looks after her aquarium.


They also joke with his colleague/employee that he used to have a fish tank - i.e. he'd go around flirting with lots of girls, maybe at the same time, but not have anything serious going on.


For all of their joking about it, I don't see that anyone else has been remotely close to sharing aquarium space with him.

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Bae Ta Mi is trending .. for good reason! character065.gif


June 29, 2019

June Drama Actor Brand Reputation Rankings Announced


Source: Soompi by E. Cha


June Drama Actor Brand Reputation Rankings Announced


The Korean Business Research Institute has announced this month’s brand reputation rankings for drama actors!


The rankings were determined through a data analysis of the media coverage, participation, interaction, and community indexes of 100 actors who appeared in dramas that aired between May 28 and June 29.


Im Soo Jung, who is currently starring in tvN’s new drama “Search: WWW,” topped this month’s list with a brand reputation index of 6,053,783. High-ranking phrases in the actress’s keyword analysis included “Jang Ki Yong,” “Search: WWW,” and “search term,” while her highest-ranking related terms included “charming” and “relatable.”


Jung Hae In and Han Ji Min, the stars of MBC’s “One Spring Night,” took second and third places respectively for June. Jung Hae In scored a total brand reputation index of 5,394,450 for the month, while Han Ji Min followed close behind with a score of 4,957,074.


Check out this month’s top 30 below!

1. Im Soo Jung
2. Jung Hae In
3. Han Ji Min
4. Lee Elijah
5. Kim Min Kyu
6. Jang Ki Yong
7. Lee Jung Jae
8. Park Bo Young
9. Kim Ji Won
10. Shin Min Ah




12. Jeon Hye Jin
13. Lee Da Hee
14. Jang Dong Gun
15. Kim Ha Neul
16. Shin Hye Sun
17. No Min Woo
18. Go Won Hee
19. Oh Chang Suk
20. Kim So Yeon
21. Kim Ok Bin
22. Jo Jung Suk
23. Kim Dong Jun
24. Lee Jin Wook
25. Jung Yu Mi
26. Lee Si Eon
27. Song Joong Ki
28. Shin Sung Rok
29. Kim Young Kwang
30. Kam Woo Sung


Source (1)

Top Photo Credit: Xportsnews



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7 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

“Stop stripping me down in your head.” 


Omg! Park Morgon! You are killing me here!


i am trying so hard to watch this drama innocently! :sweatingbullets::lol:



Haha, I quite enjoyed that scene too. Way better than some of the oddly placed "shower" scenes that sometimes appear for no purpose except ogling on the part of the viewer. I like the PMG is confident about the way he looks without being too egotistical about it.


Also, I don't think they want us to watch it innocently.

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