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[Drama 2018-2019] Children of Nobody/Red Moon, Blue Sun, 붉은달 푸른해


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5 hours ago, mushforbrains said:

Yup finding the chemistry between our two leads intriguing....she needs a hug!!!

Thought that scene between the little girl and her in the car was heartbreaking.

The storyline is really riveting...looking forward to the episodes...hopefully the writer keep going in the right place...

Had to give up a previous drama cos the storyline went South midway plus they changed the lead



I believe in Do Hyun Jung writer-nim, she deserves recognition for the storytelling she makes.


 Are you referring to SBS Return, @mushforbrains?

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This is hands down the most compelling of the currently airing dramas I'm watching, and mind you Alhambra and Encounter/ Boyfriend aren't bad at all- but, this one never fails to keep me guessing with my heart throbbing at every episode.


I think the little girl in the green dress is related to Woo Kyung- it might be her when she was little, or it might be her sister. What is safe to conclude right now is that she is related to children being abused.

I'm now crushing on Lee Yi-kyung! Who would have thought that KDramaland's resident funny guy could also do well in a serious role! I'm glad he took on this role and is able to showcase his broad range of acting skills! May this open doors for more leading roles for him :wub:

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Two articles comparing MBC and OCN right now, due to Less Than Evil (a/k/a Luther Korea) and Children of Nobody.


Exhibit A:



[이슈 읽기] ‘나쁜형사’→‘붉은 달 푸른 해’ MBC 잔혹한 승부수, OCN의 위기

[Read the issue] 'Less Than Evil' → 'Children of Nobody' MBC changing game, OCN in a crisis



보편타당한 대중적인 시청자가 주를 이루는 지상파 MBC가 ‘나쁜형사’ ‘붉은 달 푸른 해’로 탄탄한 마니아 시청자 층을 확보한 웰메이드 장르물의 강자인 케이블 TV OCN에 일격을 가했다.  

Terrestrial station MBC, which usually makes dramas for the sake of popularity to viewers, broke the stronghold of cable TV network OCN, usually a stronghold of well-made genres, securing a solid mania audience with 'Less Than Evil' and 'Children of Nobody'.


지난 11월 21일 MBC 수목드라마 '붉은 달 푸른 해'(극본 도현정·연출 최정규), 12월 3일 월화드라마 '나쁜 형사'(극본 허준우·연출 김대진)가 차례로 첫 방송 됐다.

On November 21, MBC premiered the Wednesday-Thursday prime time drama "Children of Nobody" (screenplay Do Hyeon-jeong / direction Choi Jeong-gyu), followed by the Monday-Tuesday drama "Less Than Evil" (screenplay Heo Chun-woo / direction Kim Dae-jin) on December 3.


OCN 토일 드라마 ‘프리스트’ 시청률은 2.4%로, 7.5%인 JTBC 금토 드라마 ‘SKY 캐슬’과 3배 이상으로 뒤쳐졌다. 이어 장르물과 거리가 멀었던 MBC가 수목 드라마에 미스터리 스릴러 ‘붉은 달 푸른 해’를, 월화 드라마에 잔혹 수사물 ‘나쁜형사’를 편성하면서 장르물로서 오리지널리티 역시 큰 타격을 입었다.  

OCN's currently airing Saturday-Sunday drama 'Priest' rated at 2.4%, way behind the competing JTBC drama 'SKY Castle''s 7.5%, more than three times. MBC, which was distant from the (mystery and thriller) genre (popularized by OCN), also produced a mystery thriller "Children of Nobody" in the Wednesday-Thursday prime time slot, and a brutal "Less Than Evil" for Monday-Tuesday.


방영 시간대는 다르지만 ‘붉은 달 푸른 해’와 같은 날 방송되는 OCN ‘신위 퀴즈:리부트’(이하 ‘신의 퀴즈’)는 8년 이력의 OCN 원조 시리즈물로서 기대치에 미치지 못하고 있다. 

OCN's "God's Quiz: Reboot" ("God's Quiz"), which is broadcast on the same day as "Children of Nobody", airs on a different broadcasting time but has not reached the expectation as an OCN flagship series with an eight-year history.


‘신의 퀴즈’는 상승 추세이기는 하나 6회 시청률이 2.3%로 같은 회 차에서 3.0%로 3%대에 진입한 전작 ‘손 the guest’의 진도율을 따라잡지 못하고 있다. 무엇보다 ‘손 the guest’가 OCN에서 처음으로 시도한 수목 드라마로 전작 효과가 없었다는 점에서 의미 있는 시청률과 작품성으로 길을 터준 전작 효과를 이어가지 못하고 있다. 

Although 'God's Quiz' is on an upward trend, it is not catching up with the progress rate of its predecessor 'Hand: the guest' which entered the 3% level at the same time,  with its ('God's Quiz') sixth episode rating 2.3%. First of all, "Hand: the guest" is the first TV drama that OCN tried (on the Wednesday-Thursday slot), and since it did not have any previous dramas (on that time frame), it has not been able to keep up with the previous works (on its flagship Saturday-Sunday prime time slot) that made way with meaningful ratings and workability.


그럼에도 ‘신위 퀴즈’가 서서히 시청률이 오르며 OCN 원조 시리즈물로서 가능성을 보여주고 있는 반면 토일 드라마 ‘프리스트’의 시청률은 암울하다. 무엇보다 평가가 엇갈렸음에도 4% 시청률을 안정적으로 유지하다 5.8%로 마감한 ‘플레이어’에도 한참을 못 미치는 수치로 실망감을 안겼다.  

Nevertheless, while 'God's Quiz' slowly increases its ratings, it shows the possibility of the future of the OCN original series getting bleak, same with 'Priest'. Even though the ratings (of 'Priest') were mixed, it was frustrated by the fact that it was not enough to keep its ratings stable as those were lower by 4% compared to predecessor 'Player''s 5.8%.


‘프리스트’는 첫 회부터 느슨하게 스토리가 전개되다 결국 신부가 의사와 키스하는 설정까지 나오는 등 지루하다 못해 불편하기까지 하다는 부정적 평가가 이어지고 있어 기사회생의 출구가 막히고 있는 실정이다.  

The plot of 'Priest' has been loose from the first episode, and the result is negative.


반면 MBC ‘나쁜형사’ ‘붉은 달 푸른 해’는 지상파에서 다루기에는 파격적인 소재임에도 시청자들의 공감을 끌어내고 있다.  
On the other hand, MBC's 'Less Than Evil' and 'Children of Nobody' are attracting viewers' sympathy even though both dramas air extraordinary material to deal with in the terrestrial TV airwaves.


지난 3일 방영된 19금이라는 시청자 등급이 매겨진 월화 드라마 ‘나쁜형사’는 2회 시청률이 8.3%를 기록했다. 무엇보다 2%대를 벗어나지 못하다 마지막 31, 32회에서야 가까스로 3%대를 넘겨 3.9%로 마감한 전작 ‘배드 파파’의 암울함을 벗어던져 8%대가 상징하는 바가 크다. 
The ratings of "Less Than Evil," which premiered on December 3 and rated 19 (for the first two episodes by the Korea Communications Standards Commission), increased to 8.3% for the second episode. Above all, it does got out of the 2% range. It managed to break away from previous drama 'Bad Papa' which managed to finish at 3.9%.


수목 드라마 ‘붉은 달 푸른 해’는 2주차인 지난 29일 8회 시청률이 4.7%로, 5.4%를 기록한 2회에는 못 미치지만, 동 시간대 tvN ‘남자친구’, SBS ‘황후의 품격’ 등 막강한 경쟁작이 포진하고 있음에도 큰 편차 없이 안정된 수치를 유지하고 있다.  
The Wednesday-Thursday drama 'Children of Nobody' got 4.7% ratings on the eighth episode and 5.4% on the ninth, both airing last November 29. Although behind on that slot due to intense competition from tvN's 'Encounter' and SBS' 'The Last Empress', it remains steady without any major letdown.


이 같은 주목할 만한 시청률은 인물 설정과 갈등 구조에서 앞으로 전개에 대한 기대를 높여 더욱 낙관적 전망을 하게 한다.  

This remarkable audience rating gives a more optimistic outlook (for MBC) by raising expectations for future developments in character setting and conflict structure.


‘나쁜형사’는 첫 1, 2회에서 13년 만에 잡은 범인의 죽음을 방치함으로써 어떤 상황에서든 법의 테두리 안에서 응징한다는 수사물의 관례를 깼다. 이어 사이코패스와 공조를 예고해 앞으로 전개될 스토리에 대한 기대치를 높였다.  
'Less Than Evil' broke the status quo by showing the scene wherein the lead character (portrayed by Shin Ha Kyun) neglecting the death of the perpetrator caught in the first episode, and the plot thickened by the next episode. In the meantime, the story intensifies as it unfolded the cooperation of the lead character with a psychopath (portrayed by Lee Seol).


‘붉은 달 푸른 해’는 최근 드라마가 주목하는 아동 폭력을 휴머니즘이 아닌 스릴러로 전개해 긴박감을 높였다.  
'Children of Nobody' is a thriller, not a humanist drama, but the viewers paid attention to issues of child violence raised in  that drama recently.


‘나쁜형사’ ‘붉은 달 푸른 해’에 대해 MBC가 아닌 OCN이라고 생각했다는 시청자 반응이 나올 정도로 MBC는 선이 뚜렷한 작품으로 월화, 수목을 채웠다. 반면 OCN은 이력이 무색하게 긴장감이 떨어지는 전개로 장르물 명가로서 자존심에 흠집을 남기게 됐다. 

As a result, the viewers reacted that they thought they were watching OCN rather than MBC for 'Less Than Evil' and 'Children of Nobody'. OCN, on the other hand, has become less prone to tension as a result of the development of the genre.


MBC의 도전은 흥미롭다. 그러나 보편타당한 다수를 대상으로 하는 지상파에서 잔혹한 소재를 다루는 것에 대한 불편한 시선을 계속 감내해야 하는 것은 부담으로 작용할 수 있다. 무엇보다 이 두 드라마가 아직 초반인 만큼 지속적으로 시청자들의 시선을 놓치지 않을 수 있을지도 장담할 수 없다.  
MBC's challenge (to break the status quo in terrestrial TV dramas) is interesting. However, it may be a burden to continue due to inconvenience and disgruntled view of other viewers dealing with cruel material on terrestrial broadcasters that are universally valid. Above all, these two dramas are still in the early stage, so we cannot guarantee that they will not miss the viewers' view continuously.


그럼에도 비슷비슷한 소재와 줄거리가 난무하는 지상파에서 MBC의 과감한 한 수가 좀 더 힘차게 진격할 수 있기를 기대한다.  
Nevertheless, we expect that MBC's boldness in the terrestrial television airwaves, which is breaking away from similar material and plot, will be more powerful.


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Exhibit B:




'붉은달 푸른해'·'나쁜형사', 장르물 승부수 띄운 MBC [이슈&톡]

'Children of Nobody' · 'Less Than Evil', new genres aired on MBC [ISSUE & TALK]



탄탄한 장르물 신작으로 무장한 MBC가 OCN에게 '장르물 명가'라는 타이틀을 빼앗기 위해 나섰다.

MBC, armed with a robust army of new dramas, has set out to take the title of 'home of ground-breaking genres' away from (pay TV rival) OCN.


지난 11월 21일 MBC 수목드라마 '붉은 달 푸른 해'(극본 도현정·연출 최정규), 12월 3일 월화드라마 '나쁜 형사'(극본 허준우·연출 김대진)가 차례로 첫 방송 됐다.
MBC recently premiered two dramas, "Children of Nobody" (screenplay Do Hyeon-jeong / direction Choi Jeong-gyu) last November 21 on the Wednesday-Thursday nights slot, and  Monday-Tuesday player "Less Than Evil" (screenplay Heo Chun-woo / direction Kim Dae-jin) on December 3.


MBC 드라마는 올해 단 한 번이라도 시청률 10%를 넘은 미니시리즈가 '내 뒤에 테리우스' 1편 밖에 없을 정도로 고전을 겪었다. 그런 MBC가 환골탈태했다. 극과 극의 색채를 지닌 완성도 높은 두 장르물을 내세워 안방극장의 이목을 끌기 시작한 것이다.
This year, only one MBC drama exceeded 10%, and it was 'My Secret Terrius'. But MBC did not give up. Now it has begun to attract the attention of the viewers with two highly perfected dramas with different colors and treatment.


월화드라마 '나쁜 형사'는 연쇄 살인범보다 더 독한 형사와 연쇄 살인범보다 더 위험한 천재 사이코패스의 아슬아슬한 공조 수사를 그린 드라마다. 영국 BBC 유명 드라마 '루터'를 리메이크해 국내에서는 낯선 새로운 스타일의 범죄 수사 드라마를 그려냈다. '호텔킹' '황금주머니' 김대진 PD가 연출을 하고 허준우 강이현 작가가 집필을 맡았다. 

'Less Than Evil' is a new drama about the brutal patrnership between an investigator and a genius female psychopath that is more dangerous than serial killers, as they solve heinous crimes. A remake of BBC's famous drama 'Luther' in England, it have drawn a new style of criminal investigation drama which is unfamiliar in Korea. 'Hotel King' and 'Golden Pouch' PD Kim Dae-jin collaborated with Hur (Heo) Chun-woo and Kang Lee-hyun, who both wrote the scripts.

'나쁜형사'는 첫 방송부터 19금 판정을 받으며 화제를 모았다. 살인범의 죽음을 방관하는 형사의 모습을 담은 것이 주요 원인이었다. 하지만 이 장면을 통해 주인공 우태석의 '나쁜형사'라는 캐릭터를 제대로 확립할 수 있었다. 우태석은 선과 악의 경계에 서서 법의 영역을 넘어 사적으로 정의를 실현하는 인물로 그려졌다. 기존 수사물에서는 보기 어렵던, 나아가 사회 전반에 문제 의식을 제기하는 새로운 캐릭터의 등장이었다.
'Less Than Evil' has received a 19+ rating (from the Korea Communications Standards Commission) for the first broadcast and collected topics. It tackled the main cause of the death of a murderer and the appearance of the lead character, who is a detective. However, through this scene, we were able to properly establish the character of the main character, Woo Tae-seok (Shin Ha-kyun), a so-called 'bad detective'. He was portrayed as a person who stood at the boundary between good and evil and realized the justice beyond the realm of law. It was the appearance of a new character that was difficult to see in the existing rhetoric, and raises a sense of concern to society as a whole.


선악의 경계를 자유롭게 넘나드는 배우 신하균의 호연, 여기에 원작을 적당히 비틀고 시청자들의 호기심을 자아낼 만큼 발 빠른 전개를 펼치는 이야기, 한 편의 누아르 영화를 연상케 하는 독특한 색감과 연출이 어우러져 시청자들의 호평을 받았다. 이에 '나쁜형사'는 첫 방송부터 평균 7.7%의 높은 시청률을 기록하더니 둘째 날 방송에서는 시청률 10%를 돌파하는 기염을 토했다.
The story of the actor Shin Ha-kyun who freely crosses the boundaries of good and evil, and the story that unfolds quickly enough to distort viewers' curiosity by moderately twisting the original, and unique color and production reminiscent of a noir movie. 'Less Than Evil' recorded an average audience rating of 7.7% from the first broadcast, and on the second day, the ratings exceeded 10%.




수목드라마 '붉은 달 푸른 해'는 의문의 아이, 의문의 사건과 마주한 아동 심리상담가 차우경(김선아)가 시(詩)를 단서로 진실을 추적하는 미스터리 스릴러다. 이에 첫 방송부터 사망 사건의 단서로 시구가 연이어 등장하며 시청자들의 의문을 극대화, 스릴러 장르 특유의 묘미를 자아냈다. 

The Wednesday-Thursday drama 'Children of Nobody' is a mystery thriller that tracks the truth with poetry as a child psychologist Cha Woo-kyung (Kim Sun-a) confronts a mysterious child amidst questions and doubts. From the first broadcast, it showed a succession of clues to death, maximizing the questions of viewers, and bringing out the unique characteristic of the thriller genre.


'붉은 달 푸른 해'는 몰입감 넘치는 극본과 연출, 긴장과 이완을 반복하는 음악으로 완성도를 높였다. 특히 앞서 드라마 '마을-아치아라의 비밀'을 집필하며 스릴러 장르에 두각을 드러냈던 도현정 작가가 복선을 촘촘히 깔아 펼친 이야기 판이 눈을 뗄 수 없는 전개를 이어가고 있다. 시를 각 사건의 연결고리로 활용하고 작품 전체에 스산한 분위기를 더하는 도구로 영리하게 사용해 시청자들을 사로잡았다. '화정' '옥중화'를 연출했던 최정규 PD가 자아낸 잿빛 화면은 작품의 음울하고 미스터리한 분위기에 힘을 싣고 있다.

'Children of Nobody'' is full of immersive drama, production, tension and music that repeats the perfection. Especially, Do Hyun-jung, who wrote the drama "The Village: Achiara's Secret" (SBS) showed her strength in the thriller genre, as she continues to unfold the storyline in which the double lines are spread out. She used poetry as a link in each case and cleverly used plot devices as tools to add a mood to the entire work. Choi Jung-kyu, who directed 'Hwajeong' and 'The Flower in Prison', puts the power on the dark and mysterious atmosphere of his work.


특히 주인공 김선아는 교통사고로 아이를 죽인 죄책감부터 남편의 불륜을 목도하고 자신의 아이를 유산하며 겪은 마음의 고통, 미스터리한 사건을 마주했을 때의 공포감까지 고스란히 표정에 담아내며 '역시 김선아'라는 이름값을 톡톡히 하고 있다. 여기에 각자의 비밀을 품은 미스터리한 주변 인물들 남규리, 차학연, 김여진까지 조연들의 열연도 더해져 긴장감을 증폭하고 있다. 시청률은 4%대로 낮지만 높은 완성도로 입소문을 타며 장르물 마니아 층을 사로잡고 있다.
In particular, Kim Sun-a, the main character, has expressed her feelings of guilt that she killed a child in a traffic accident, her husband's (Kim Young-jae) affair, misery of her own childhood, and fear of encountering a mysterious child. Here, the surrounding characters also have their secrets, like Nam Gyu-ri, Cha Hak-yeon, and Kim Yeo-jin, who are also boosting the tensions. The audience rating is as low as 4%, but it catches the genre mania layer by word-of-mouth with high competitiveness.


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Great episodes again! It's been really interesting to read about your thoughts and theories, and I do agree with most of them. :)


Some thoughts:

  • KJH seems to understand children better than I initially thought. He seems to be able to put himself in the child's shoes and her state of mind, which proves to me that he was an abandoned and/or abused child. Yes, he seems a bit harsh towards the kids, but it could be because he blames his inner child for his abandonment/abuse and the harshness is actually pointed at himself. A person will treat another person in the way they feel about him- or herself.
    I liked that though CWK and KJH had different ways of interviewing the child, they still were able to get the answers by great team work.
  • KJH is very understanding when it comes to CWK and her issues, and that is totally awesome! I like the way he encourages her and accepts her for the way she is. He is the exact opposite to her cheating ex-husband. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of noona romance here... :wub:
  • Okay, so the mom is actually a stepmom!?! The stepmom is sooooo hiding something, that's clear. It seems that the girl in the green dress might be from before the stepmom came into the picture, though? And who pushed the girl in the green dress? I think CWK is regaining her memories from her childhood, and when they start to resurface that are going to be very painful for her. We might have some intense episodes coming up, people....
  • It is interesting that everyone keeps commenting on the serial killer being a good and nice person. So, that's why everyone trusts the killer - because he is a good person, so his actions are justified.
  • JSY (the detective partner) is a ticking time bomb. She has some major anger issues, and certainly doesn't know how to handle her anger in a healthy way. JSY's anger probably stems from being abused as a kid. Is it just coincidence that all four main leads have been abused as kids? I think not.

Lastly, has anyone noticed that CWK always seems to read "scary" bedtime stories to her daughter? What is up with that? It's almost like with the scary poems related to the murders.

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3 hours ago, partyon said:

Great episodes again! It's been really interesting to read about your thoughts and theories, and I do agree with most of them. :)


Some thoughts:

  • KJH seems to understand children better than I initially thought. He seems to be able to put himself in the child's shoes and her state of mind, which proves to me that he was an abandoned and/or abused child. Yes, he seems a bit harsh towards the kids, but it could be because he blames his inner child for his abandonment/abuse and the harshness is actually pointed at himself. A person will treat another person in the way they feel about him- or herself.
    I liked that though CWK and KJH had different ways of interviewing the child, they still were able to get the answers by great team work.
  • KJH is very understanding when it comes to CWK and her issues, and that is totally awesome! I like the way he encourages her and accepts her for the way she is. He is the exact opposite to her cheating ex-husband. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of noona romance here... :wub:
  • Okay, so the mom is actually a stepmom!?! The stepmom is sooooo hiding something, that's clear. It seems that the girl in the green dress might be from before the stepmom came into the picture, though? And who pushed the girl in the green dress? I think CWK is regaining her memories from her childhood, and when they start to resurface that are going to be very painful for her. We might have some intense episodes coming up, people....
  • It is interesting that everyone keeps commenting on the serial killer being a good and nice person. So, that's why everyone trusts the killer - because he is a good person, so his actions are justified.
  • JSY (the detective partner) is a ticking time bomb. She has some major anger issues, and certainly doesn't know how to handle her anger in a healthy way. JSY's anger probably stems from being abused as a kid. Is it just coincidence that all four main leads have been abused as kids? I think not.

Lastly, has anyone noticed that CWK always seems to read "scary" bedtime stories to her daughter? What is up with that? It's almost like with the scary poems related to the murders.

Your remark made me laugh. Actually, she was just reading a fairy tale. Don't forget that fairy tales are about mean and wicked stepmothers, jealous sisters, dragons, ogers aso. To me, the fairy tale sounded a lot like "le loup et les sept petits chevreaux" /the wolf and the seven little kids (goats). And fairy tales play a huge part for the development of maturity. They are rich in lessons. First of all, they are an irreplaceable repertoire of experiences in the form of symbols, like this story she read to her daughter. The child can learn:

- if you don't listen to your mother's advice, then something bad can happen to you. 

- Don't trust people based on the appearance. Even a wolf disguising his leg and voice remains a wolf. A person who appears nice and good can be bad in reality. And that's exactly what we are dealing with Red Cry.

The latter views himself as a good person helping children from escaping a nightmare. However, I actually condemn Red Cry because he judged the mother of Ha Na too harshly. She had been abused herself, has never experienced good parenting and was always on her own. CWK resented Ha Na's mother but I don't think like her because we don't see Ha Na physically abused. She was neglected hence her speech skills are lower but Ha Na doesn't seem to resent her mother too much. She is just aware that her mother was not that good. She could have abandoned her but she didn't. The mother was helpless and because she had been abused by her ex-husband, she learnt that she couldn't trust anyone. The man had sex with a minor... and about the marriage registration... they didn't find it weird. 

Red Cry is judging every parent the same way: they deserve to die. However, the seriousness of a crime varies from case to case. In the first case, the mother had tried to cover up her husband's crime... maybe she was abused by him too. Out of fear, she did it.

Now, we see that by killing the husband in the second case, Red Cry didn't help the mother at all. She is now on her own, she has no money and she can not earn that much. 

To me, Red Cry is not different from a villain. He even allowed a child to witness her mother's death. He caused a trauma... and Ha Na was affected by it. Yet, the main culprit (the husband) is still living a carefree life. I am not sure if Red Cry knew about the husband. He might have judged the mother based on what he witnessed in the building which gives us another clue that he is working at the Hanul Children Care center.

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3 hours ago, partyon said:


Lastly, has anyone noticed that CWK always seems to read "scary" bedtime stories to her daughter? What is up with that? It's almost like with the scary poems related to the murders.

Great thoughts. 


Actually I don't mind the bedtime stories. :D

I find it ok.


Have you heard some nursery rhymes? Some are pretty scary in my opinion whenever I sing to my child and I was like... why is it so? Lol


3 blind mice 



Three blind mice,
Three blind mice
See how they run,
See how they run!

They all ran after
The farmer's wife
She cut off their tails 

With a carving knife
Did you ever see
Such a sight in your life
As three blind mice?

Rock a bye baby


Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all





@bebebisous33 actually I find it weird how did Red Cry find the victims and carry out the "justice" to the parent.

Even if it's from a dark web, someone has to be managing it but how did they see the abused kids and etc?

This is something that I can't understand and not trying to link it to CWK because she cannot be the vigilante here as I refuse to accept that she is the villian here. 


I thought the director of the place that CWK works looked suspicious or did everyone just try to act suspicious to keep messing with our brain???:sweatingbullets:

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@mrsj3n Good observation. In order to manage a dark web, Red Cry needs to be skilled or he has an accomplice. However this made me realize that he asked a man to kill the first victim. Red Cry didn't do it himself but planned the crime and asked the doctor to do it. So it looks like a network and Red Cry could be the leader who has many followers. Maybe he decided to copy CWK, when she created her group against that mother. The director of Hanul Children Care Center is for me the most suspicious because his father used to lead an orphanage and was confronted very early with neglected and abused children. He has connection to the orphanage where HN was and the Children Center. He knows LEH... which could be perceived as an indication that he is using him. He was an orphan too.  

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Another good episodes. Children of Nobody is my favorite drama right now.


I am glad that Woo-kyung found the identity of the boy. I knew that he must have had a sad story behind but I was shocked to see his so called mother being an insensitive human being.  Brrrr. I totally understood Woo Kyung`s reaction. She did not run the car over her but had that outburst instead. It was a moving scene. She had that little girl in green dress with her, even she was the projection of her mind. Speaking of the litle girl in green dress. Is that girl her sister? The thought came through my mind in early episodes but I did not think it was the case. But how come she doesn`t remember how her sister looked like when she was young?

I also loved when Kang Ji-hyun told Woo kyung what he thinks about her hallucinations. The cops have to be perceptive people. I also like how Eun Ho told that Detective Kang jumps to conclusions too fast. Yeah, he is not perfect but he is a good cop.


I knew that Lee Eun-ho will be the prime suspect but I still don`t think he is the mastermind. I have a feeling he must know Red Cry. Eun Ho is intriguing. Now the detective knows about Red Cry, knows how the cases are related with each other.


More than the identity of Red Cry, I want to know more about Woo Kyung and her sister. Their step mother is such a cold person. How come the father who seamed to be a warm person married her?


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Red Moon, Blue Sun: Episodes 9-10

by odilettante



This deeply puzzling show may continue to give us more questions than answers each week, but at least our leads are starting to work together as they realize that they have the same perspective on all the deaths. No one else might believe them, but at least little girl in the green dress can’t be leading them astray — or can she?



read more http://www.dramabeans.com/2018/12/red-moon-blue-sun-episodes-9-10/

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Thanks everybody for your thoughts.  Love the last two episodes.  Good drama!


What do you all think of Hana's reaction when Woo Kyung and Ji Hoon was playing with the paper figures representing her parents.  She adamantly did not want her mother figure to be in her world yet she allows the father figure to be.  She just stares at him, either she doesn't recognize who he is (like she has never seen her own father) or she is forgiving toward him.  I am inclined to think that she has never seen her father and always was raised by her mother in secret perhaps.


The common link between all the cases is the framed poem which Red Cry knows, either in the same orphanage's office as a child or has a reference to it in some way.  Red Cry is interpreting the lepers as the parents, not knowing the circumstances that caused the abuse to their children, but only judge them based on the crimes inflicted.  I'm still confused on how does Red Cry chose to be involved in the first case (child burned alive) and the second case (Kim Dong Sook killing her own husband with charcoal)?  What is the similarity between these two cases that got Red Cry's interest and how does he/she finds out about the abuse?  Same question as others.


I also find it weird that the orphanage's guard dog was friendly and allowed Soo Young to pet him.  Dogs don't behave like that with strangers so doggie must know her.

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@bedifferent In the first case, the mother didn't burn the child alive, if so it means she would have killed him. Yet it is clearly said that she was not the reason why the child died. What happened was this:

  • The child was so abused by the father that he died. 
  • In order to cover up the "death", the mother burnt her dead child. She wanted to erase every trace of the crime.
  • However, the authorities noticed the missing of the child and discovered the burnt body.
  • Since the mother covered up the crime, she is an accomplice and was sentenced to jail.
  • Yet, her sentence was much shorter than her husband's sentence because she had only burnt the child and hadn't killed him.

I am still inclined to believe that the mother had her reason for her behavior, I am not supporting her but I sense that she must have been in a terrible situation. Notice that after her return, she erased every trace of the child's existence. Why? It is because she feels guilty which indicates that she never hated her son, like the mother of the boy who died in a hit-and-run accident. Moreover, we could see that there were toys for the son... so the abuse was different compared to the third case. The son was not hidden.

Based on the preview, the mother will be targeted which means that someone close to CWK knows that they discovered the identity of the child and the neglecting parents. 

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35 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Based on the preview, the mother will be targeted which means that someone close to CWK knows that they discovered the identity of the child and the neglecting parents. 


Ohhhh yes, Seok Woo's mother gets the poem... who else knows about the case besides the 2 detectives and CWK?

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@bedifferent To me, someone from the orphanage must have told Red Cry about it. Remember that CWK found a picture of the boy at the orphanage and by asking the employee, they discovered the name of the boy and what had happened to him. We have two clues that the director of that orphanage is involved:

- in her presence, CWK discovered an important clue for the identity of the boy

- the presence of the poem at the orphanage

Since the person who killed the mother (third case) is a man, I suspect that the director of that orphanage is not Red Cry but a helper. To me, this is another clue to suspect the director of Hanul Children Care Center. Notice that there is also an important MO: the target is often the mother... the only exception is the second case. But here it was different: the mother was very protective of her child. Nevertheless, I sense that Red Cry is blaming more women than men.

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