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Kim Seon Ho/ Kim Sun Ho 김선호 - Mr Dimples - Upcoming Drama - "Into the Dead"; Upcoming films: "Tyrant" and "The Child"


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I’m just wondering about how much of what the woman revealed is true and if there is any part of what she revealed is not over exaggerated or fabricated. We only got her side of the story and don’t know the full story behind Kim Seon ho’s action. Of course I don’t explain Kim Seon Ho to fully reveal everything that happened between them because that’s a private matter and something that should be discussed & settled between them. If there’s one thing that I learned with the whole scandals and rumors that break out about Korean celebrities, it’s that some times people who come out dont say the full story and throw in lies here and there. I’m not saying the woman is a liar but I think we (or I’ll) just need to wait until more details are released to make a stance about this. This has happened to other celebrities in the past and later press reveal that some things weren’t true..


However, the damage has been done and the woman did ruin kim Seon ho’s career by coming out and revealing this. She clearly revealed everything with some intention in damaging Kim Seon ho’s image just because of the timing. As someone in the entertainment industry, she knows what the industry is like so… I know some people have been saying that she’s nice enough to wait till hometown cha cha cha is over and didn’t come out during the drama.. Who knows honestly, but to me it’s clear that this was intentional in some way and she chose to say something once hometown cha cha cha is done. She definitely intended to damage his career.

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6 minutes ago, ferily said:

I’m just wondering about how much of what the woman revealed is true and if there is any part of what she revealed is not over exaggerated or fabricated. We only got her side of the story and don’t know the full story behind Kim Seon ho’s action.

Same here. I do wish to hear KSH’s side of the story so I can better decide how to feel about this.


But I can understand why it wouldn’t be helpful for him to give his side of the story now - people are going to just use it against him I think especially since emotions are running high. 


I’m glad I checked in on this thread yesterday as it has given me an outlet to make sense of how I am feeling about this. Was feeling disturbed and anxious about this since Monday. 

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31 minutes ago, YuSanSeul said:


Yep, manipulative is a gd way to describe the situation. But I think why some of the public now have split sentiments is because they realise she's not young and naive either. I agree she may have been led to believe marriage was on the cards hence she gave in to an abortion, but it doesn't sound like she valued her baby as much as she claimed if she was drinking during pregnancy. And then people wonder, could she really be that naive to believe everything he said, being of a mature age herself and having worked with and possibly dated men within the industry herself? 

If we were to say vicious, she has been pretty vicious herself with revenge don't you reckon? It was a calculated move to ruin him, and worse so, she hurt all his colleagues mentioned in her post.

If she wanted him to be judged and handed the death sentence, she should have known that she would have to brave all the backlash too.

Either way, they both have character flaws. Neither was the better person in the relatoonship. 

Some people are acting like this guy is a Saint or something, i mean, he is handsome and a GREAT ACTOR
No one can diminish his performance in his last drama
But, the actor is a person, not a saint, sure, this is a private matter, ok there are worse in some countries, but this is not the same in South Korea or even in China

It's called consequences for his actions

Ok she is not naive? so what? she hurt her colleagues? ok they didn't ask for anything, and so her , do you think she was ok the whole time? I think you do not understand human psychology well, a human is able to manipulate another person so that this last one kills another person, there are manipulators who know very well how to set a trap which can prove fatal for the other person. Imagine how hurt she was, and she is now

 After some people say we have to wait for his side of the story, but he clearly admitted to hurting his ex, and even what will he say? that it was an agreement? sound quite sad


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Are you trying not to understand what we typed? @marrez1

A lot of us posted already so I will not repeat again but we NEVER say that he is a saint nor he is not at fault.

We all mentioned that he needs to reflect on the huge mistakes that he made.


We were just trying to be fair and understand the situation from both sides, like we hear from both ears you see?

I am also a woman and I understand her pain, I feel sorry for her, too but I was just wondering, will she, in the future, ever think back and question herself whether her destructive actions were really worth it?

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Based on what she said in her story, I assumed that she’s supposed to look after her baby especially during the 1st trimester and this is her 1st baby. But drinking alcohol during the early stage of pregnancy? I thought drinking alcohol will affect the baby development. She’s aware that she’s pregnant in early July 2020. Hmmmm..:mask: 


KSH has received backlash from the media and netizens even before he admitted his wrongdoing. 

But she’s who already in painful and hurt from her relationship is going to face the same criticism from netizens. Not all netizens supported her action and people will dig more about her. Can she handle it though?

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1 hour ago, YuSanSeul said:


It is not her first relationship, divorcee or not, she clearly has been a public figure and is still an influencer, she knows how the industry works. Did she really have to go into ALL that detail about him speaking ill of his current and past colleagues? Was she out to discredit him only, or to hurt everyone (who has done NO wrong) around him?



This.  While I have sympathy for her, she is clearly also out to destroy him at all costs.  What he says about his colleagues and projects to her does not have anything to do with how he treated her.  


From what she said, here is my understanding:  He asked her to get an abortion on the promise that they would get married eventually.  He stayed with her almost a year after the alleged abortion. He suddenly got famous, and probably decided he valued his career more than their relationship.  So he broke up with her over the phone.

It makes him a shitty person, and it's too bad his behavior has been exposed to the public.   


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7 minutes ago, EInfinity said:

Are you trying not to understand what we typed? @marrez1

A lot of us posted already so I will not repeat again but we NEVER say that he is a saint nor he is not at fault.

We all mentioned that he needs to reflect on the huge mistakes that he made.


We were just trying to be fair and understand the situation from both sides, like we hear from both ears you see?

I am also a woman and I understand her pain, I feel sorry for her, too but I was just wondering, will she, in the future, ever think back and question herself whether her destructive actions were really worth it?

Yeah. I never stop thinking about her action exposing her story to the public. Maybe she tried to reach him and KSH is still avoiding her. Who knows. But I read what she posted sounds like a vengeful for me. I know she’s hurt. maybe this is how she teach him a lesson like she said.


but, instead of forgiving him (i know it’s not that easy and i’m not in her shoes either) she decided to expose him which i know that she’s aware on what will happen to him later. Will she be able to live in peace? Is she satisfied now? And at the same time there’s people trying to dig in her own life. Is she going to be happy?


There’s always 2 side to every story. I think KSH just admitted his wrong as I believed he is not going to drag on this issue any longer. If he is trying to deny it, there’s possibility that this woman will release their photos and conversations.



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8 minutes ago, Hajungjihyun said:


but, instead of forgiving him (i know it’s not that easy and i’m not in her shoes either) she decided to expose him which i know that she’s aware on what will happen to him later. Will she be able to live in peace? Is she satisfied now? And at the same time there’s people trying to dig in her own life. Is she going to be happy?



Not just her own life, we now also know details about her ex-husband and her ex-husband's family.

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This is my first post here as a space to release the shock ;). As it has been quite healing to read your insights and thoughts. We kind of need that therapy yeah.


I was just recently drawn to him as an actor and then as a "person" from 2D1N. Of course, like many fans, I was attracted to his humble/ innocent presence. Hence, I've been checking his past interviews to know more about his works/ him as a person. 

With the disclosure of his ex- gf identity, I recalled his past interviews on ideal date/ girl. In his past interviews on ideal date/ girl. He kept sharing that he attracted to someone who looks casual than luxurious and to enjoy a "tteok- bokki" date. As a fan, it sounds attractive for an attractive man is attracted to such type :). Which then, kind of shows his groundedness. However, with the disclosure of his ex- gf identity (who is a glamorous lady/ lifestyle, a divorcee, was married to a chaebol family). It is very contradicting. Hence, my thoughts on this is that he knows what appeals the mass/ public/ the fans - on what fans/ public likes to hear/ see but what he say and show may not be the truth (will never know, he is a celebrity after all). 

From this interview

Then, the reporter asked Kim Seon Ho if he could tell his favorable appearance of a woman. Kim Seon Ho thought for a while, then answered, "I tend to go for more traditionally oriental-looking girls." He resumed with a shy smile, "I also prefer girls who look casual than glamorous."


I highlighted this as I believe many of us is still in shock of real vs reel. For now, i hope to release this shock to re- embrace "Hometown Cha Cha". With hope as we process this shock, we get to see his works in near future. It has been quite a ride for us after the euphoric ride of the finale episode.


Some other past interviews on ideal date/ girl

Interview 1

Interview 2



Edited by Minimalist Bliss
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There’s a new article on a chinese site. Take it with a pinch of salt. Such news might not be facts. :smirk:



The 37yo ex gf exposed KSH because he left her for a 20+yo who is his current gf. Current gf said to be prettier and from a well to do family. KSH is seeing marriage with the current gf. Thus this angered the ex gf. 


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12 minutes ago, kdrama_luv said:

There’s a new article on a chinese site. 



Take it with a pinch of salt. Such news might not be facts. :smirk:



The 37yo ex gf exposed KSH because he left her for a 20+yo who is his current gf. Current gf said to be prettier and from a well to do family. KSH is seeing marriage with the current gf. Thus this angered the ex gf. 



Saw this being posted on Korean DCINSIDE postings. Netizens were highlighting on his choice of ladies as both ladies come from affluent family and from prestige universities. His life is being dissect for its every inch now. Hence, he can only apologize before it is ruined further it seems. 


*DCINSIDE postings tends to be valid as netizens investigations is "wow". As in exposing his ex identify etc. was exposed there first before reach the news.  But yes let's take it with pinch of salt and pepper ;). 

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To be a public figure in Korea, best to revisit own past and make all apologies & closure before stepping into the limelight. A burst to heaven can so easily be brought down to hell by mistakes made during insensible moments. 

May good days come soon for this thread, for KSH, the actor. :smiley:

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59 minutes ago, marrez1 said:

Some people are acting like this guy is a Saint or something, i mean, he is handsome and a GREAT ACTOR
No one can diminish his performance in his last drama
But, the actor is a person, not a saint, sure, this is a private matter, ok there are worse in some countries, but this is not the same in South Korea or even in China

It's called consequences for his actions

Ok she is not naive? so what? she hurt her colleagues? ok they didn't ask for anything, and so her , do you think she was ok the whole time? I think you do not understand human psychology well, a human is able to manipulate another person so that this last one kills another person, there are manipulators who know very well how to set a trap which can prove fatal for the other person. Imagine how hurt she was, and she is now

 After some people say we have to wait for his side of the story, but he clearly admitted to hurting his ex, and even what will he say? that it was an agreement? sound quite sad


Actually it's he who hurt his colleagues. By being petty, manipulative and not caring about consequences. I don't even know why her age or her divorce is important here. It sounds like older women can be taken advantage of and treated like garbage by younger, good looking guys. :neutral: 

And to think I started watching HomeCha to heal myself from the toxicity of Nevertheless! At least that was just acting. 

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I think reading any new info release online about this - should be cautious.

It is to some’s best interest to fan the flames and dial up the drama to make news and money. Online people like to discuss and gossip - even here - but there are real consequences of how all this will go and it will impact both KSH and his ex for a long long time. 


I don’t think these info will really explain anything new - that you can’t confirm the truth anyways and no one is owed that private information. 

What has been done is done. I hope the scandal will die and so that they can take proper action and find resolution - hopefully in a positive way. 


30 minutes ago, kdrama_luv said:

To be a public figure in Korea, best to revisit own past and make all apologies & closure before stepping into the limelight. A burst to heaven can so easily be brought down to hell by mistakes made during insensible moments. 

May good days come soon for this thread, for KSH, the actor. :smiley:

Not just K-celeb or public figure tho. Isn’t a sign of being a decent person to treat people well and sincerely? If there are problems - handle with care and treat the ppl decently. Bad actions do create bad consequences. Best to treat everyone well or try to. 

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Idols, actors, actresses are being placed in the spotlight and pedestal due to their job status. Overzealous fans tend to forget these are real people with a persona, have a private life on their own, and rights like any of us to rant and complain in close trusted circles to let out steam. Who isnt guilty of such acts??  I pity them for having to hide relationships, ensure they choose an appropriate someone to date, watch what they say or act even in private spaces etc just cos of the worry of fans' fury... If this had happened to a normal passerby, there will hardly be press coverage or interest of this extent. Just saying, even BillG succumbed to morality issues... 


But imo the timing of the post is likely to ensure max damage done (especially after the international success of Homcha), and this in itself speaks of the poster's intent and character which caused divided opinions now as more information about the ex is revealed.  Sure, there is pity for her and baby but what she did out of revenge is equally not correct at all.  And she revealed things that have been shared with her in confidence, a betrayal of trust. I'm glad the relationship didnt work out if she is such a character! Hope she sleeps peacefully now - max damage done for what purpose?

I don't think KSH should have to explain further (or need to anyway) as anything he said will be deem a selfish act and highly scrutinized. It will probably cause more problems and upset.  Sure, he made a mistake and handled the relationship badly, but doesnt everyone make mistakes? Best to lay low and recover from the emotional stress, and restart by learning this lesson. K industry is definitely not for the faint hearted.

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16 minutes ago, lilsakus said:

I don't think KSH should have to explain further (or need to anyway) as anything he said will be deem a selfish act and highly scrutinized. It will probably cause more problems and upset.  Sure, he made a mistake and handled the relationship badly, but doesnt everyone make mistakes? Best to lay low and recover from the emotional stress, and restart by learning this lesson. K industry is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Totally agree with you. KSH should learn the lesson and move on. I shall support him and wait for his next projects.

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29 minutes ago, lilsakus said:

Idols, actors, actresses are being placed in the spotlight and pedestal due to their job status. Overzealous fans tend to forget these are real people with a persona, have a private life on their own, and rights like any of us to rant and complain in close trusted circles to let out steam. Who isnt guilty of such acts??  I pity them for having to hide relationships, ensure they choose an appropriate someone to date, watch what they say or act even in private spaces etc just cos of the worry of fans' fury... If this had happened to a normal passerby, there will hardly be press coverage or interest of this extent. Just saying, even BillG succumbed to morality issues... 


But imo the timing of the post is likely to ensure max damage done (especially after the international success of Homcha), and this in itself speaks of the poster's intent and character which caused divided opinions now as more information about the ex is revealed.  Sure, there is pity for her and baby but what she did out of revenge is equally not correct at all.  And she revealed things that have been shared with her in confidence, a betrayal of trust. I'm glad the relationship didnt work out if she is such a character! Hope she sleeps peacefully now - max damage done for what purpose?

I don't think KSH should have to explain further (or need to anyway) as anything he said will be deem a selfish act and highly scrutinized. It will probably cause more problems and upset.  Sure, he made a mistake and handled the relationship badly, but doesnt everyone make mistakes? Best to lay low and recover from the emotional stress, and restart by learning this lesson. K industry is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Yeah. I hope she can sleep well after this. This is what she wants. Being in a toxic relationship is a big no no. I’m glad that it is their past relationship. If one day, KSH decided to marry other woman, she’s already move on. 

i said it again. I hope KSH will reflect and didn’t do anything reckless now. This K industry is for the strong heart. 

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Yes, he shouldn't say anything more because anything he says further will be interpreted.  If he disputes something his ex said, then people will say he is gaslighting her.


So best to just use the time to reflect on his actions and try to pick up the pieces.  


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Public people makes mistakes of course, just like everyone else. The thing is: how bad are the mistakes and what are the consequences. In this case, it looks like KSH hurt his ex so much that it made her take this attitude against him. Both of their actions will get consequences and they'll have to deal with it. In my opinion, we, as an audience, should deal with this according to our personal character and nature. Myself, as a person, I consider that provoking an abortion is a severe mistake specially when there are promises that weren't kept. I won't cancel him in a point of wishing him bad things and stuff. But I certainly won't watch anything with him for a long time. I hope both of them learn and grow mature with their mistakes. 

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