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Have you guys seen this?



 It seems like someone who knows KSH well posted on a comment on a Korean website and is coming out saying that the woman didn’t say everything, even over exaggerated things… This is an anonymous comment too though, so we can’t be sure if it’s true or not.

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18 minutes ago, egluvsnupi said:

@peace I believe all of them still support him, the fact that they decide to continue with 5 members only speak volume for me. At first KBS announce they will try to find someone to replace KSH asap but soon they announce the rest of members want to continue just 5 of them. I feel like they want to keep the space empty and hope KSH can back together with them again in the future (even the chance so slim but miracle happen isn't it? They have tight knit relationship and never failed to support each other not just for 6 of them but the whole staff of 2D1N. In season 3, I never see the staff involve in the game, but as you can see in season 4 they love to challenge each other and have fun together. Also kbs_unicorn not even single one drop KSH picture from their IG.


It looks like one by one showing they support with their own way.

I heard Lee Sang Yi post a song on his IG with Hometown Chachacha OST and change the lyric a bit, Seonhada translate the song as an encouragement for KSH.

Also actor Jo Hancheol less than an hour ago post a photo with Gongjin village people including KSH. 

I'm sure for everyone who have been worked with KSH know the real him.

2D1N is his family outside of his real family. The 5 members are like his real brothers, especially with Ravi. Ksh so takes care of him, like finding him a spot to squeeze in so they can sit together on one ep. I am sure they will check on him and give him all the support and comfort he needs. really love them together!

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37 minutes ago, egluvsnupi said:

I feel like they want to keep the space empty and hope KSH can back together with them again in the future (even the chance so slim but miracle happen isn't it? They have tight knit relationship and never failed to support each other not just for 6 of them but the whole staff of 2D1N. In season 3, I never see the staff involve in the game, but as you can see in season 4 they love to challenge each other and have fun together. Also kbs_unicorn not even single one drop KSH picture from their IG.


Deep down I am hoping for this too! I tried watching season 3 a few years back but I didn't really get the groove because I didn't like how mean it was sometimes. But this season, I started watching for KSH, but I stayed for all of them because they are funny and entertaining without being mean.


And it feels like friends going on vacation rather than entertainers just doing their job. And I still remember KJM admitting in one of the episodes that at first, he just viewed them as colleagues but now, he seems himself doing this with them for a long long time. And the picnic episode, when KJM said he made the meal himself from 2AM, Ksh's reaction is just real brotherhood. 


18 minutes ago, sanghyuk said:

2D1N is his family outside of his real family. The 5 members are like his real brothers, especially with Ravi. Ksh so takes care of him, like finding him a spot to squeeze in so they can sit together on one ep. I am sure they will check on him and give him all the support and comfort he needs. really love them together!


Yeah agreed! KSH and the members has so many sweet moments together. When Jeong hun helped him burped like how he helped his own children and when he back hugged dindin and said let's be happy no matter who wins during that nunchi game. I was so afraid 2D1N will be cancelled because of this scandal (and also possibility of Ravi leaving due to enlistment) and was so glad it didn't. And in roomtopia, he just wanted everyone to be together and have fun at the valley and hence he lied. 


I will be very elated if they return as 6 again one day. 

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Read an article somewhere about the possibility of KSH comeback. Someone from the industry said that he can make a comeback through movie industry and take on diff characters other than “good boy” roles which I already analyzed earlier. But they also talked about how salt MIA screwed him up! Apparently, the brands tried to contact salt all day long after the news broke out but with no response. They didn’t clarify nor respond to the brands at all. The brands just needed to understand the situation but no explanation was ever provided. Salt has killed the trust the brands have in KSH and it’s gonna be difficult for them to sign him.  Really don’t know what is going on with them? If salt is not working together with his ex to destroy KSH, I think they are taking advantage of the situation to do just that. They have psh as their lead actress and she also has a stakeholder in the company. It’s hard to believe they don’t understand risk management and can’t control the damage.

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Thanks everyone for sharing various information about what is happening at the moment. It’s quite reassuring to hear that there has been a slight shift in the media reporting of the ‘scandal’. 


@sanghyuk, where did you chance upon the article about SALT being MIA from the brands? Sounds like they could have definitely handled the situation better by handling the anxiety better from the brands. However, if they themselves were not aware of the relationship with A beforehand I can see why they might have scrambled and dropped the ball. 


I don’t know about SALT and how they are, but I really hope they will do their very best to support and fight for KSH in the aftermath of the ‘scandal’. We can’t change what has already been said/accused/happened but there is still plenty of room to salvage KSH’s reputation and career! 




Just after typing the above, I saw that SALT has stepped up to deny allegations from someone who claimed to be KSH’s college mate! Good job SALT, keep it up! 




(You can google translate to read the article.) 

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Salt is actually quite active today, they released 2 statements so far:


They said they will not drop him, I hope they will help Seon Ho find the best way out of this and make a comeback when possible.

And this:



I still hope Salt is doing their best to help Seon Ho, he definitely needs a lot of support and encouragement right now. 


Thank you @egluvsnupi for the info on subtle but meaningful gestures from HomeCha co-stars Lee Sang Yi and Jo Han Cheol. Lee Sang Yi is certainly like his Ji PD character, I do not think he will quickly judge Seon Ho based on the statement. He is smart and talented, he has worked with Seon Ho for quite a bit of time so he surely knows how Seon Ho really is. Jo Han Choel is a veteran actor and he still posted pictures with Seon Ho amidst this scandal, that says something.


Just like some of you guys, I also feel that Seon Ho's withdrawal from 2D1N is the most regretful. It is not just simply a show for Seon Ho, it is the place where he can be himself, enjoy bonding trips with his brothers and beloved crew, he is most happy and relaxed there. I hope they still keep in touch and comfort each other through this difficult time. Seeing Din Din being emotional in his radio show the other day broke my heart :(


EDIT: A college friend spoke up for Seon Ho

Her post in nate: https://pann.nate.com/talk/363201804


Good news keep coming today, I am so happy! Seon Ho please see how much you are loved and supported. Seon Ho fighting :heart:

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42 minutes ago, EInfinity said:

Seeing Din Din being emotional in his radio show the other day broke my heart :(

It broke my heart too. It felt like he was still processing everything and that he was having a hard time reining his emotions in.


I stopped watching season 3 after Kim Joo Hyuk left so I wasn’t so affected when the mess with JJY and the rest broke out. 


It took a while for me to watch season 4 but when I did I really enjoyed the relationships between the cast members (KSH & Dindin, KSH & Ravi, KSH & Seyoon, etc) and also the crew. They felt very much like family committed to making the show work. So I am hoping that when things die down, there is a chance that KSH could return, though I would imagine it would be really stressful for him if he does (having to be authentic while constantly worrying about how the audience is perceiving him). 

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Thanks for sharing the good news! Hope more's to come, the light at the end of the tunnel. But pray that he does learn from this mistake and in future be more careful. He can date whomever he wants but gotta exercise caution.. Just be honest and open, and no one will be able to backstab..

I prefer no explanations needed, just need to trust in him. He is a human being with feelings like all of us. Acting is a job! The more explanations, the more controversy, but many thanks to his friends willing to step up for him! This shows that he is not that different on and off screen.

On the side note, some fortune teller had very accurately said that KSH in 2021 needs to be careful of women (like an ex gf) as he may be caught up in gossips and scandals.  Hearing this gave me goosebumps.... Do listen in future as a precaution though you may not fully believe in such stuff!


Hope to see KSH comeback sooner and a better man <3 He can take on more diversified roles! Who cares about a good boy image! :) I just love seeing his smiley face and hearing his deep voice on screen!

Edited by lilsakus
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7 hours ago, sanghyuk said:

Seriously, KSH didn’t cheat on his ex, didn’t abuse her, they were together over a yr! The failure is all about her unmet expectation and emotional needs and the abortion issue which is none of the world’s business.

What was she thinking?? That was a dumb move on her part. Airing your dirty laundry to the public and expect them to clean it up for you?? Girl just made her mess, messier!!!

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I'm new here and I signed up just want to spread the supports that I have for him.


I fell for him in Homecha but not because of his looks, but because of his acting skills.  I'm actually very critical when it comes to acting (I dont enjoy a drama with bad acting actors/actresses :-P).  I find his acting very versatile not only in the emotional/crying scenes but in the comedy scenes as well, especially his eyes can speak a lot of words (e.g. the scene where they are still dating in secret and Hye Jin visited him in Bora supermarket). I thought to myself: "wow, this actor is very potential and would love to see him in other roles"


His acting makes me curious about him and I searched for 2D1N.  Appearance-wise, I prefer his look on 2D1N since he looks more real and manly there :D.  Again, I find him very versatile with his facial expression during the show.


I just feel very sad and unfair to see such a talented actor is ruined by a one-sided story. As a woman at around that girl's age, personnally I take my own decision when it comes to my body, let alone this decision involves my baby, no one is able to force me to do anything if I dont want to (unless there is harmful threat that needs to be sued in court).  Just feel sad that the K-entertainment always insists on the clean image of the actors/actresses regardless. Dont get me wrong, I of course will stay away actors with Drug/Violence scandals, but this from my pov is merely a love matter so only 2 of them know the best and it is unfair that only 1 party is criticized by the public.


Again, I fell for his acting not his good boy persona.  Hopefully, Netflix can invite him for another show (preferably action/horror genes) soon :D


Edited by MCA
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@MCA Welcome to the family!

I agree with your point totally. This was really a case of a messy relationship that should not be aired in public. Both were flawed, did not communicate well and were at different stages in their lives. KSH was at the peak of his career, given a once in a lifetime chance to reach the coveted A-list star. Her biological clock, on the other hand, was ticking and she was feeling insecure the more fame & attention he got. The break-up was inevitable.

If you read the translation done by a reputable translator posted a few pages back, the decision to abort was a mutual decision. The media sensationalised the issue by saying she was forced into abortion. But like you said, she is at the age where she is more than capable to make her own decision. What triggered her more from her long post was the fact that he broke up with her over the phone. Perhaps she regretted aborting the child in the hope that if she still had that child, he will still be by her side. 


Knowing that she used to be in the entertainment industry too, she surely knows what the impact her post would do to his career. It saddens me truly that because of this messy relationship, he no longer can show the world his impeccable acting skills. Hopefully he will be able to make a comeback after things settle. But it is unlikely that he will be able to reach the height he would have had considering his age now. 

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6 hours ago, peace said:


And I also find it comforting that nobody else came out to slander his character, as usually, when someone speaks up, it will trigger a chain of poster B, C and D, supporting A's claims. 


Unfortunately there are and will be



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KSH was my happy pill ever since I knew him. additional to it is watching 2D1N too. its my stress reliever. I hope we can hear some more good news this following days. I can't even work for the past 5 days because of this. 


hoping for his come back as soon as possible! :fullofhearts:

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@7psyche7 Din Din is always the most emotional one, he can never hide his feelings :(  I watched the show because of Seon Ho but I have grown to like all 6 of them, I love seeing them together. Time will heal everything, be strong 2D1N brothers!


@lilsakus I am sure Seon Ho has learnt a life lesson this time, he must be more careful, sensible and matured in his next relationship. 

I am all for Seon Ho taking a darker/tougher role in his next project. He actually never says that he is a good boy, just because of his handsome and kind look that he is always given that kind of role. 


@Ohsh that claim was denied by Salt, and the post was proven to be false by Knets, the pictures that they used in the claim were fake as well.


More friends stood up for Seon Ho now:


More happy news ladies, let's fill this thread with positive vibe and hope the best for Seon Ho :)




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So happy that more brands still continue supporting him.  K-ent. has been impressed me lately with their evolvement in movies and Netflix shows (Who ever thought in the past that LGBT/Ferminism will be portrayed in K-dramas? :D).  Hopefully this is another movement from K-ent. to separate an actor's job and his personal love life.


I think what we can do is to give kudos comments to those brands to show that he really has a large international fandom.

Edited by MCA
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Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Salt actually handled this very well. But I am not a PR expert and I stand corrected. 


When there is no right action seen at the moment, don't do anything, give it time and wait until the correct action arises. The best offense is sometimes a good defense. 


By not saying anything, the only thing other people can talk about is whatever A said and damage control is only needed at that part. 


The delay could really have been KSH trying to reach A to talk and resolve things and try to understand where is A coming from and address her pain points before they release any statement. Unfortunately they can't reach her. And his apology statement remains clear of any explanation, which, judging from the public anger, an explanation can just be taken as another excuse from his part. The lesser is said, the lesser there is to be torn apart. 


And if they have faith in KSH's character, people will come out to defend him. Actual third party testimonies have greater credibility than Salt, who technically, should be and will always be on KSH's side. 


And they are more active in issuing statements now (as an offense) as public anger has started cooling down (especially with that youtuber admitted A distorted some truth). 


Not sure if it is because they mainly manages only female artist, but they really gauge this right and took the least damaging route in my opinion and I hope KSH renews his contract with them after his contract expires. 

Edited by peace
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@Hajungjihyun, I saw that on twitter, something about having an anxiety attack? 

But seems like there isn’t a lot of information about it at the moment so it’s hard to know for sure. 


Wouldn’t be surprised if he had an anxiety attack, can’t imagine how tough it must be for him to have so many pairs of eyes scrutinise his every action/word. Although we’ll never know fully what happened and I do think at the very least he had handled the relationship with A poorly, he doesn’t deserve being scrutinised and judged so callously as he has been. 

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