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[Drama 2018-2019] Priest, 프리스트


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After watching episode 2, I'm still on the fence.

For me to enjoy a story from the start, it must have a very interesting start of the origin or a strong background / back story to it.

Not doing comparison here with "The Guest", so don't get me wrong.


Can't really say I like it as it's pretty unexplainable with regards to the possession and it feels all over the place for both episodes.

And we weren't really properly introduced to the players of the exorcism business here.

By episode 2, it's not just OSM, Priest Moon and Dr Ham in the exorcism. There are more players here.


Coming back to the possession, there's no explanation on:

How did it happen?

Why did it happen?

How did it choose the victim?

What did they want to do after possession?


Like I said earlier, episode 1 pretty much give us nothing after the interesting start of OSM's mum and we were thrown to present day.

So what happened back then after his mum jumped down? Where did the demon go?


Then after that we were thrown to the grown up OSM who is together with the mysterious Priest Moon? And then we were in hospital and introduced to the annoying Dr Ham and another annoying doctor who keep watching her from the side.

Then enter young Woo Joo who was stabbed by another Priest. 

Woo Hoo definitely looked possessed when he was at the Priest's house.

But then we got scared the living hell out of us by something in his room and next we know he was running like an energized bunny, to seeing him eating garbage or rather some unknown stuff before confronted by OSM. So was he possessed again? This is unknown. 

The priest who "attacked" woo joo wasn't making sense either *cue frustrating sound* and then he died in custody. <_<

There wasn't any explanation yet as in how did Woo Joo got possessed. And why?


And then there's Dr Ham.

I'm irritated beyond words but I'm gonna give her 1 more episode to redeem herself with her disbelief.


Will I continue and watch episode 3?

Umm.. maybe..because I might find answers in episode 3.

Otherwise, I might bow out of this drama before I have many opinions for every episode. :lol:


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3 hours ago, mrsj3n said:

After watching episode 2, I'm still on the fence.

For me to enjoy a story from the start, it must have a very interesting start of the origin or a strong background / back story to it.

Not doing comparison here with "The Guest", so don't get me wrong.


Can't really say I like it as it's pretty unexplainable with regards to the possession and it feels all over the place for both episodes.

And we weren't really properly introduced to the players of the exorcism business here.

By episode 2, it's not just OSM, Priest Moon and Dr Ham in the exorcism. There are more players here.


Coming back to the possession, there's no explanation on:

How did it happen?

Why did it happen?

How did it choose the victim?

What did they want to do after possession?


Like I said earlier, episode 1 pretty much give us nothing after the interesting start of OSM's mum and we were thrown to present day.

So what happened back then after his mum jumped down? Where did the demon go?


Then after that we were thrown to the grown up OSM who is together with the mysterious Priest Moon? And then we were in hospital and introduced to the annoying Dr Ham and another annoying doctor who keep watching her from the side.

Then enter young Woo Joo who was stabbed by another Priest. 

Woo Hoo definitely looked possessed when he was at the Priest's house.

But then we got scared the living hell out of us by something in his room and next we know he was running like an energized bunny, to seeing him eating garbage or rather some unknown stuff before confronted by OSM. So was he possessed again? This is unknown. 

The priest who "attacked" woo joo wasn't making sense either *cue frustrating sound* and then he died in custody. <_<

There wasn't any explanation yet as in how did Woo Joo got possessed. And why?


And then there's Dr Ham.

I'm irritated beyond words but I'm gonna give her 1 more episode to redeem herself with her disbelief.


Will I continue and watch episode 3?

Umm.. maybe..because I might find answers in episode 3.

Otherwise, I might bow out of this drama before I have many opinions for every episode. :lol:


I agree with a lot of things you said. But more than Dr.Ham's actions I was rolling my eyes at OSM kidnapping the child from the hospital even when he was clearly warned against any such thing by his mentor. Dr Ham reminds me of Eun pro of Investigation couple by the same actress but still I am willing to wait one or two eps. Because people who are ignorant or inexperienced about supernatural things will try to deny the existence of such things and will try to make sense through logic. She has seen things with her own eyes now and it seems like she will get to experience it first hand in the next ep, so let's wait and see.

BTW why is the ghost/demon hanging around the same hospital? Why did the father thought so?

One reason I could come up with was that a hospital will have a lot of vulnerable people who can be possessed.

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[Priest] Ep 2 spoilers, Park Yong Woo x Yeon Woo Jin x Jung Yoo Mi
Article: Naver 'Priest' Yeon Woo Jin  Park Yong Woo, performs exorcism on the possessed boy..   

1. [+380,-22]
After the exorcism ritual for Woo Joo, Jung Yoo Mi's acting.. It feels like the drama isn't flowing well. Her tone and her actions do not match it.. It's kind of frustrating.. Did the scriptwriter make the doctor's character frustrating.. or is it because of Jung Yoo Mi's acting.. 

2. [+258,-5]
Been so long since I've seen Park Yong Woo. It's nice to see him again. 

3. [+204,-17]
Jung Yoo Mi ruined it. Her acting is unnatural and it breaks the flow. It feels like she's acting in those old daily makjang dramas with love fights. It's severe.. 

4. [+218,-42]
The Guest is better. It feels like they are trying to come out strong. But the drama doesn't suck you in. 

5. [+110,-25]
This feels like a drama version of the movie The Priests. It's fun. 

6. [+78,-2]
I watch dramas without having problems with it most of the time. But Jung Yoo Mi-ssi is too much.. Her pronunciation is bad, her actions and her lines were awkward.. ㅠ  Ah... 

7. [+65,-3]
Does she think she's a policewoman? How is she able to drive so well.. Her pronunciation too.. Ha.. I'm watching this for now for the priests. But Jung Yoo Mi-ssi, please don't be a burdensome character~ 

8. [+59,-0]
The doctor is a burdensome character. 


Article: Naver 'Priest' Will Yeon Woo Jin be able to save Jung Yoo Mi who is facing the evil spirit?  

1. [+99,-4]
They could've killed the spirit if not for Jung Yoo Mi-ssi. 

2. [+52,-1]
Airing this drama after The Guest.. T.T

3. [+40,-5]
Scriptwriter, director, do they know about this? This isn't scary and it's childish. What are you going to do? sigh.

4. [+27,-2]
I like that they did lots of preparations when they perform exorcisms. However, the female lead saw how strange the child is, but she isn't scared and isn't believing it. It doesn't make sense and it's tiring. 


5. [+55,-0]
Not sure if the problem lies with the script, but the female doctor's actions do not match with the flow of the drama. Just how many supernatural incidents does she have to witness? Why is she always trying to interfere? It's frustrating. 

6. [+16,-3]
I think this drama will fail because of the female lead. 

7. [+14,-1]
The flow gets cut off whenever the female doctor appears. It's annoying because it keeps happening. I was looking forward to this a lot, but I don't want to watch it anymore.



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@sushilicious I just felt that it was not properly introduced to the audience.


The characters.

The demons.


And I repeat, the 2 episodes... 



And that female lead.

No disrespect to her.

But the character she is playing is really really very irritating. 

In episode 1, it's tolerable. 

In episode 2, her persistent chasing?

Her annoying persistence at the place where they are doing the exorcism.

Her interference during the exorcism.

It is unbearable. 




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I think the story will be for the most of the time focused on the hospital. Its a catholic hospital for a reason and the doctor and a lot of side characters introduced seem to be here for long haul. I too think that for a genre such as this if they are not going for a comedic treatment there are certain standard viewers expect. They are dealing with something so serious and I hope the characters will also show the seriousness in their actions. Agree about Dr. Ham's voice, I keep getting IC vibe from her voice.

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am i the only one who dont care of what knets says here? as they even get so pressed with  TG's female lead before, so what's new??loolimstupid.png


honestly, i don't have any problem with the female leads either. i know how jung yumi's skills in acting since ive been followed her dramas, it just people need to calm down and appreciate the effort from all cast. im bet people will open their eyes and realize how good she is at the end of the show lol.

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Watching first episode and the scene at the beginning already gives me goose pimples.



Watched the first two episodes and I think it is worth watching. Although I am not sure if I will watch it live.

Not as scary as The Guest (or maybe The Guest has desensitised me...haha)


The main leads are rocking their roles (and how does Yeon Woo Jin act so young and naive as a new-ish priest?)


Again, I see no signs of romance in this series but I learnt a new word! energumen!


PS. A good sign for me is that at the beginning of the episode, I got goosepimples and at the end of the episode as well.

Where does OCN find all these great supporting actors?

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@sushilicious that's very unhealthy for our brain. Lol

I'm more old fashioned.

I prefer the hero fighting the evil and win without hurting himself/herself and still giving me the triumph feeling.


It's midnight here so I'll watch the latest episode in the morning. Don't think I dare to watch any previews or snippets at this time. :sweatingbullets:

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@Dramanoona @sushilicious have you all watch episode 3 already?


Thank goodness for second chance!

I'm beginning to see the drama in another light.


Some of my why's are slowly disappearing as I watched episode 3.

I'm seeing this drama as something new and high technology exorcism. :lol:

Must cast aside the old fashioned exorcism and adapt to the "new".


But 1 thing I have to say, they sure have very irritating doctors. Lol

First was Dr Ham. But she is better in episode 3 although still annoying.


Now Dr Kim has replaced her.

I didn't know doctors are so free to check cctv and investigate instead of quickly replacing the shifts of the missing colleagues.  :lol:



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Yes, finalllllllly Priest.

I liked the 3rd ep better, they seemed to have settled into the story now and it was gripping. This was way better than the first and second ep. See drama, how nice things have become when people do less and less annoying things. I don't know why it is a trope in such dramas to make the lead (most probably FL) a busybody. That Dr.Kim thing made me roll my eyes again but guess they needed such a scene to raise the stakes. 


Is there romance in this drama?  I saw Dr.Ham and SM together in what seemed like a dream sequence. I don't much care for the doctors in the hospital except for Dr.Ham's sunbae. He seems intelligent and would like to see him having an active role in this drama (please don't be annoying though)

BTW, I am not an expert in this field, but how is it possible for SM to enter MS's subconscious like that. When he gets hypnotised, isn't he going to his own subconscious otherwise don't they need to include MS also in this process.  Is the subconscious something like an underworld outside an individual's mind and body??? 

Yes, I have watched inception but if they were going for something like that they should have explained the rules better. Some equipment or situation that allows one person to enter another person's subconscious without their knowledge. Because till before that scene we were in a normal drama world with some supernatural thing going on not a science fiction.

Maybe they will explain it in the later eps. 

Also what did that psychologist saw in MS and WJ's scan reports. Can these things be detected in MRI scans and all that, I mean do they make a biological change in a person? (this is not a complaint just curious)


Also, I wish they could show possession happening outside the hospital too.

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I just finished live streamed episode 4.



there is kissing scene! And that underwater kiss scene is so beautiful :wub: (though at a second thought, it's creepy actually, considering it happens in the world the devil created :wacko:)


I am going to keep watching this. OSM and Dr Ham seems to have crossed path in the past and they seem to have lost their memory about that. I think they have met in Venezuela. I have no objection for some romance scene even though they just insert it in the other world the devil created or flashback or dream or something. It lighten the plot a bit since it has been straining so much on the possession and exorcism. (I feel drained watching the non-stop exorcisms over the four episodes T__T)


Talking about the hypnosis / subconscious exorcism they performed in the drama, this is the first time I have seen such exorcism performed, where another person going into subconscious enter the other person subconscious and perform exorcism there. Never seen it in real life it is done in such a way (those who have known me from The Guest forum would know that I have real life experience witnessing several exorcisms). Hypnosis itself needs expertise on the subject to perform it correctly, else it would go astray. They might coined both hypnosis and exorcism based on some hypothesis in the exorcism subject for the plot convenience, since the devil seems to dwell into people's dream or subconscious. 


However, it is true that the other form of possession is where the devil "play" in the unconscious possessed person's subconscious mind and draw the person to enter the other world they created (I am saying this based on the experience told by the possessed for such case). However, the world they entered was not as "humanely" as this drama portrayed. According to one of them, it was rather extreme (scary is an understatement) where she was attacked and chased by beasts (black wolves-like) in a world with no ends, no space, no distance, no sense of dimensional and she just run and run until she heard the voice of the exorcist and follow accordingly to get out. All this kind of cases I have known of, the demon was sent by another person to the possessed to torture his/her mind (mostly due to jealousy, anger, greed and what'snot). The possessed does not show physical violence or voice change, but unconscious with some physical reaction to what he/she experiencing in the subconscious mind. 


Regarding the MRI scan, yes it is a face detected on the screen. The common understanding of demonology across different religion is that, demons can manifest itself in whatever form to human naked eyes. In Islamic belief, demons (termed as Djinn in Islam) is one of the 3 intelligent creatures (Human, Angels, Djinn), where they are created from smokeless flame (some argued that, due to this fact, demons have some kind of energy, and can be detected with some tools). They live in other dimension than human, and human can't see them except they manifest themselves to other form that can be seen by human (that's where many kind/names of ghosts come from).


The premise of exorcism in this drama is a bit sophisticated. The origin of that "thing" is still unknown. Its connection with both OSM and Dr Ham is also still unknown. I think the demon might somehow connected to OSM since the first episode seems to suggest that OSM was psychic, but in what way they are related, that's still unknown (it's not like it is obsessing over OSM's body or what like The Guest, but the demon seems to keep reminding him of something).  What is known of is that it is not yet banished and jumping from one person to another. Which means, it is quite crafty, superior and malicious to even torture to the mind level (where the possessed would still remember what is happening). Even Priest Moon is worried and nervous thinking about it. 

Haa~~ I don't want to fry my brain yet.. :weary:


Although this drama does not make me eagerly waiting for weekend to come, but I will keep watching the plot development.

So, I am going to linger around here until the end.  :P



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[Priest] Ep 3 spoilers, Yeon Woo Jin x Jung Yoo Mi x Park Yong Woo


Article: Naver 'Priest' Yeon Woo Jin goes into Park Jung Won's dream, he meets his mother who was possessed by evil spirits there 

 1. [+48,-5]

When I watched The Guest at first, it was kind of confusing too. Priest will be fine too, right...? Is it exorcism or is it zombies? The story is a little confusing. 

2. [+40,-2]
The story is interesting, but it's a little slow.. It doesn't suck me in completely, it's a pity. 

3. [+52,-20]
But for how long are we going to keep comparing this with The Guest? Just watch The Guest again. 

4. [+34,-11]
An hour passed by so quickly today because of Yeon Woo Jin's great acting. I'll look forward to the interesting story and a faster development tomorrow. 

5. [+25,-6]
All of the characters are frustrating. Jung Yoo Mi's pronunciation.. Seriously... Her character is frustrating too, and acting is..

6. [+19,-7]
I like exorcism genres.. But I can't bring myself to watch this drama. Yeon Woo Jin and Jung Woo Mi are too cringey. It would be worth watching if Park Yong Woo leads this drama on 

his own. 

7. [+12,-0]
I thought Park Yong Woo is the lead, but he has too little screen time. It's better if they reduce screen time for the female lead and increase screen time for the possessed, and exorcisms. 

8. [+11,-4]
Are they trying to follow Inception.... 

9. [+15,-0]
Just watch it... It's just... The 3rd episode..... 


Article: Naver 'Priest' Yeon Woo Jin saves Jung Yoo Mi from possessed Park Jung Won  

1. [+45,-9]
I'm a horror genre maniac, but it seems like I was expecting too much... It's boring and draggy. The female doctors are going around acting like detectives, and the story is going nowhere.. The exorcisms are really done awfully. Today's episode was a mix of zombies and Insidious... This is a drama that I was looking forward to, but it's really disappointing. 

2. [+26,-15]
This is really interesting. 

3. [+6,-2]
Stories like these are unique, so it's worth watching. But the ads are too much, aren't they adding too much of it?? It breaks the flow.. 

4. [+4,-0]
As a horror maniac..... It's a huge disappointment. 

5. [+4,-3]
It's fun. 

6. [+11,-11]
Today's episode is interesting~ 

7. [+7,-8]
I didn't realize how much time had passed. 



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So they (EH and SM) knew each other before this?!! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!


Now I'm really curious - I'm assuming something happened between them in Venezuela...? 


The dream was really beautiful btw - from the wedding dress to the teary-eyed realisation and THE KISS :wub:


Also, why am I so sure there's some (important) backstory to the other priest? And the team in general? Like who are they, how did they join the team, what is the common link??


So many question but that's just a sign of a good script so YES I'm here for it :lol: New Sat/Sun drama!!


PS. Haters gonna hate.

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