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[Drama 2018-2019] Encounter / Boyfriend, 남자친구

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On 2/11/2019 at 7:01 PM, sheherizade3 said:

I'm sure you've heard this line before when a boyfriend dumps his girlfriend..."it's not you...it's me.  This drama had a great storyline, the cinematography excellent and it fits right up my "all I want in a drama" category.  But...in spite of all the positives that I gleaned from watching the first few episodes, I could not continue.  I know, it's not the drama....it's me.  I felt Park Bo Gum was miscast.  He's too young and his face, although handsome, was a little bit effeminate for the role.  Song Hye Kyo as Cha Soo Hyun portrayed a character so controlled and stoic so I thought that what she needed was a more passionate man that would awaken her from the placidness of her life.  The encounter or love story between Cha Soo Hyun and Kim Jin Hyuk lacked the intensity I expected and without that, the rest of the drama became a meh for me.  There was a total lack of chemistry and they looked more like an elder sister and younger brother.  I'm not concerned about the age gap because it does work if the characters have the right chemistry to make it work (to this day My Name is Kim Sam Soon is still my favourite K drama).  A So Ji Sub, Jo In Sung (think What Happened in Bali where both were fighting over the same woman)  or a Lee Dong Gun (Love Now) would have been perfect for the role.  They're not only gorgeous but they have the depth and ferocity to portray a man deeply in love with SHK's character.  


I understand your feeling but you need to read the whole thread before you give your damn opinion because everyone in this thread is positively loving the drama.If you don't appreciate it and feeling some miscasting about the drama then I must tell you this - you are not welcome here,dear!


Create your own thread that will support your sentiments because we enjoy our stay here doing and writing positive comments about our beloved drama and until now to be honest I miss them so much , my JinSoo couple. And if happens someone is dissing it here in their own thread that is created for them then I can't allow that because I can't be able to sleep. It just happened that you dissed my baby drama and I am not allowing it. 


If those lines u were quoting about the dialogues of Encounter - let me clear about this - lines or dialogues become powerful depending who delivers it and even if those dialogues are delivered million times - PBG ans SHK delivered it differently . They delivered it with perfect portrayal of their roles, and within the context of their roles and scenes.


One more thing, if you just watch it you will know that Jin Hyuk is a man in his late 20's and in his early 30's so In sung, Ji Sub and Dong gun is not fitted for the role since they are in their late 30's and early 40's and to say about your so-called chemistry - We all here see, feel and love the "Explosive Chemistry" of Park Bo Gum and Song Hye Kyo. They are the right actor and actress to portray in this drama. 


Sorry for answering you like this but please don't take down the sanctity of this thread because we love this forum and we only want to spread positive remarks with each other about Encounter. This is my first and last answer about your comment.


Sorry Chingus!:(

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Dropping by to post this excerpt from an article on SHK's Elle Interview"


"Despite the 12-year age difference, Song Hye-kyo was loved by many viewers for her perfect chemistry with Park Bo Gum."

Source: http://www.topstarnews.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=587254


The article and its author has more credibility, right?

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2 hours ago, gumtaek said:

The article and its author has more credibility, right?


Yes, indeed the author has more credibility about the perfect chemistry between SHK and PBG. Thanks for sharing this.


I've no doubt about our love for PBG, SHK and Boyfriend, though I do understand that everyone is different and some may not see the overflowing chemistry between the leads. It's obvious to us because we're in love with their awesome acting and chemistry.


We've seen the growth of KJH since ep 1 till ep 16 and he has definitely become a man of good stead to take care of CSH. Admittedly, he was a young boy at the start, out to explore the world and lived his life freely with no burden. Yet the moment he fell in love with CSH, his life became focused on loving her and doing all he could to protect her and shield her from harm, to the extent of handling CSH's MIL and Mother with honesty and courage. We've seen how KJH persuaded CSH not to give up on them by suggesting a lay-off period and till the end, we've seen how he persevered to love her in his own quiet ways, by not letting go of her, though she suggested the breakup with him, triggered by his mum, the last straw so to speak.



In short, KJH's love journey has shaped him to become a determined, mature, caring and understanding man. He has the courage to fight to keep his woman - remember he issued her the challenge when he said she could break up with him but he'll not break up with her? Yes, we see a very mature man there. He was sure love would bring them together again.


CSH, whose world was in darkness, could step out of her shadow because of KJH. She could overcome her fear because of his courage. She could come to terms with her true feelings because he did not give up on their love. She realized that he made her feel happy with his presence.


Because of KJH's dedication and solid love, CSH could have a new lease of life. Because of KJH, everything else faded into insignificance because she could bask in his love. As for KJH, his perseverance and patience paid off handsomely, because he helped CSH to see how much she actually loved him. He did all he could to enable her to love him freely, and she could summon up the courage to let him into her life and face the world together.


PBG did a superb job of showing the growing maturity of KJH, from a young, carefree guy to a warm, caring and protective Boyfriend. 

SHK is equally superb at portraying a high-profile CEO who is lonely and fearful inside and unable to live her own life. Their emotions and expressions are so rich that viewers get sucked into their predicaments and we're on the same roller-coaster ride throughout their love story.



I can't think of anyone else who is able to bring us the great dynamics and off-the-chart chemistry between PBG and SHK in bringing their love story and problems alive and giving so much depth and width to their characters. PBG may be young but he did such a great job as KJH. SHK is so good at making the gap disappear that not every noona is able to. She makes one feel that falling in love with an awesome, handsome younger guy is the best thing to happen ever. She showed viewers how she could be cared for so lovingly by her younger half.  Their emotions are explosive.


When you're crying and feeling so heartbroken when they're sad, and rejoicing like an idiot when they're happy, and longing to see their passionate moments......wishing you're there to feel the heated kisses.....you know how GOOD PBG and SHK really are. Even after Boyfriend has ended and you still YEARN to see them in the same frame........despite the age gap, their chemistry has been absolutely magical!


Yes, they're both so good that they deserve the Top Excellence Awards, the highest of the highest.

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@gumtaek n @jl08 very well said.. Encounter has become one of the best melodrama with so many achievement that its already got..we, that saw this drama from the start, understand very well the beauty of this drama,what kind of message that the writer want to convey to us through SHK n PBG with CSH n KJH character..n it suited them very well,I even imagine that out there,there is someone named Cha So Hyun n Kim Jin Hyuk (yes,up to that extent) :lol:

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For all of us who still miss the drama, SHK and her styling team yesterday went to the same restaurant where JinSoo went!:lol:^_^:D


I think they even sat at the same table or around it if you compare the picture shared by her stylist and the one taken by bgmyh1316.



Credit as tagged. 



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Well said, chingus.

Can they name any other actor and actress that can portray the roles?

Cha soo hyun should be portrayed by an actress that is really so beautiful and good in acting to bring out the love and emotion from her love interest , Kim jin hyuk. KJH on the other hand should be portrayed by an actor that in a way is similar to the character KJH and a green grape( to borrow the word) to be able to express his emotions naturally.



What's really the issue? The age gap, shk being married, they can't accept their chemistry is magical, the two looks good together than anyone or they can't accept that their bias is not in the drama?

I wonder if SHK is still single if she still be bashed more or less.

As i see Jin hyuk eyes whenever he stares at soo hyun, if SH is not as beautiful as SHK will he still look that way? And vise versa.

Boyfriend is not for everyone, just like any other drama. 

But it get more attention in both good and bad ways that any other drama.

Never in my life i defended a drama, an actor / actress, characters but because boyfriend is one of a kind, like a rare gem, i'm more than willing to do it.

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the questions that the interviewer asked in that interview is so redundant, really. PBG is almost answering those same questions like a script. <_< thanks for sharing!



ditto~ i agree with you. I havent defended any k drama since i started watching k dramas but im up in all arms for this one. If SHK wasnt married, our delulus over these two must have been way over the top. We would have seen post drama interviews and more bts videos of sweet moments like them kissing or hugging. But, nada~~~


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If SHK was not married I think there would have been more bashers since she was linked to SJK after their drama and uncertainty among the shippers will always lead to fanwars most especially if the new drama has magical chemistry between the leads :lol:




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The most famous female MC in Thailand who has done MCing for Park Bo Gum's fanmeeting in Bangkok 2019, her name is Opal.(most wanted MC in Thailand esp. the fanmeeting session) 

Opal has mentioned over months that she sneaked time from looking after her twins and family to watch Encounter / Boyfriend till late night.

She mentioned to PBG that she has just cut her hair to look as same as CEO Cha Soo Hyun.


When she saw props from seaside in a part of fanmeeting, she mentioned it looked like from Sokcho. PBG kiddingly called her "Tab Pae Nim(CEO)".


PBG sang Encounter / Boyfriend's OST, Always be with you. 


When MC mentioned SokCho and Park Bo Gum was glad to hear she remembered the location from Encounter / Boyfriend,  She told him that she is a big fans and PBG kiddingly called her “Tab Pae Nim (CEO)”.

MC screamed and said it was as same as series she watched late night but she heard live.


PBG mentioned he heard Encounter / Boyfriend has not officially been on air yet but MC told him all Thai fans can find way to watch. (Eg. Viu)


Encounter / Boyfriend will officially be on air in the main channel with largest coverage of audiences in Thailand very soon.  



From Fanmeeting:::Behind the scene Encounter / Boyfriend in Cuba : To film Kim Jin Hyuk in Sunset. 


Credit: Ch7 in Thailand: Main channel with the largest coverage of audiences.


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PBG’s fanmeeting in Thailand


There are 3 impressive scenes shown and let 3 fans acted as Cha Soo Hyun with Park Bo Gum.


MC Opal is a big fans of Encounter / Boyfriend. In the scene to expose Kim Jin Hyuk’s identity as Ramyeon man in the lobby, MC Opal praised him cute but PBG responded that KJH was not cute in this scene but he looked very cool in PBG’s opinion.   




MC cut her hair to have similar hairstyle as CEO Cha Soo Hyun.


MC also mentioned SokCho when she saw props about seaside and PBG was glad and kiddingly called Tab Bae Nim (CEO Cha Soo Hyun) till MC unintentionally screamed and said it was as same as Encounter / Boyfriend series she watched in the late night but this time she heard live from PBG.


Then she jokingly said she wanna stay on stage with PBG (Kim Jin Hyuk she often called) and will not go back to see her husband and twins. Park Bo Gum was surprised and asked whether she married. She replies it might be a rumor and removed the marriage ring from the ring finger to the middle finger and stuck. PBG enjoyed her gag.



Bogummy’s tweet to reply MC Opal:::

(Opal skipped her important university reunion to be MC for PBG’s fanmeeting and also planned her trip with her family abroad today to suit PBG’s fanmeeting schedule yesterday)

She mentioned in Twitter that

”I came to work with Love. 

#parkbogum ❤

#parkbogumgooddayinbkk #ParkBoGumAsiaTourinBangkok @BOGUMMY “


MC Opal is a successful business woman who has her own branded soaps and famous PR agency company.

Her husband is a reputable skin doctor who works in a well known hospital, his own business of skin care products, and run two skin clinics.

She and her family are the endorsing presenters for several products too. 

That’s why she focuses her family and her businesses rather than accepting MCing often. 





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If i am MC Opal i will do the same. No matter how important that university reunion is i will choose emceeing in his fanmeeting:love:

She is so cool and funny to say that she being married is just a rumor even if it is just a joke, still its a brave  thing to say .


I watched a tv show in a korean channel this afternoon, it stated that solo traveling is a trend in 2019. Whether they admit it or not, they are inspired by boyfriend' cuba and JH. One traveler even bought camera to take pictures and don't want to rely solely on his cellphone for he wanted them to be developed and have actual photos. He went to a certain country to watch sunrise opposite to what boyfriend has, the sunset in Cuba.

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4 hours ago, roshzanna said:

If i am MC Opal i will do the same. No matter how important that university reunion is i will choose emceeing in his fanmeeting:love:

She is so cool and funny to say that she being married is just a rumor even if it is just a joke, still its a brave  thing to say .


I watched a tv show in a korean channel this afternoon, it stated that solo traveling is a trend in 2019. Whether they admit it or not, they are inspired by boyfriend' cuba and JH. One traveler even bought camera to take pictures and don't want to rely solely on his cellphone for he wanted them to be developed and have actual photos. He went to a certain country to watch sunrise opposite to what boyfriend has, the sunset in Cuba.


MC Opal has not attended her university reunion and also scheduled her family trip after Park Bo Gum's fanmeeting in order to suit the schedule. Her MC was in the 1st part of fanmeeing but she stayed to the end of fanmeeting for longer than another 2 hours. 


MC Opal mentioned that she watched Encounter / Boyfriend till late night during its on-air after she took care her twin babies. 





MC Opal mentioned in Twitter that

"I came to work with Love #parkbogum #parkbogumgooddayinbkk #ParkBoGumAsiaTourinBangkok @BOGUMMY"




Encounter / Boyfriend inspired audiences in several trends

- Solo Travel

- Going To Cuba

- Going to Sokcho

- Spend time to enjoy reading books, riding bicycle, walking in the park, seeing places with nature, taking a photo, etc.


I have just done Solo Travel too, it is a new journey/experience without concerning others' preference.






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