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[Drama 2018] Love Until the End, 끝까지 사랑


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Finally done watching the latest episode and here are my thoughts regarding it


On one hand nothing much happened plot wise so in that sense it would be safe to miss this episode on its own. The only thing that I actually seemed to enjoy in the episode was when things didn’t exactly go the way the Queen of Manipulation wanted. Thus anytime that happens is a winner in my books. Though that is nothing to be happy about when you consider that she at times likes to play the long game and thus while it seems like she may have failed in her attempt to manipulate things in her favour for now we have to consider the implications of her actions in the long run. For instance, she tried to paint Gangsta Prince in a negative light towards Ka Kyung’s father by making him seem like a Gold Digger and while that may seem to have failed she has still successfully succeeded in planting seeds of doubt in his mind which can be equally deadly. Not that she has to really worry about that at the present moment because ever since the Father thinks that his son has married into YB Group he thinks that he himself has joined the Big Leagues and now a little person like Gangsta Prince is a person that is insignificant or unworthy to marry his daughter. In this case it would have been better for Ka Kyung to marry Gangsta Prince before her brother got that offer from Succubus. The father thinks that he can easily get someone of equal value for his daughter as he is thinking about her supposed happiness or her living in comfort. Naturally by the end he might change his tune when he agrees to let her marry Gangsta Prince after all who can argue with their children in these matters in these shows but before then it will be a different matter altogether. He simply doesn’t get that he just isn’t all that important in the larger scheme of things compared to all those other rich families out there.




Succubus may have also failed to convince her husband to get rid of Gangsta Princes company for the moment but that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t lost the advantage over here as well. She just needs to either find a way to sabotage his company in some way to prove her point that his company wasn’t suitable in the first place and even if that isn’t the case she needs to keep on working on her husband to make him see that Gangsta Prince isn’t a decent person. If he is made to believe that Gangsta Prince is a manipulative person who is out to hurt his sister he may very well try and get rid of his company with the justification that he was doing what he thought was best for his sister.


Another thing going for Succubus is that she is realizing just who she can and can’t control with ease. Hyun Ki is proving an issue for her at the moment but she still has her hooks in Gangsta Prince to an extent. This means that in today’s episode Gangsta Prince is going to successfully convince Hyun Ki to not spill the beans so to speak and even though Hyun Ki knows who is responsible he is going to agree to it. Regardless Gangsta Prince is going to need a very good justification for stopping him.


Also in regards to Succubus at times she is shown to be so smart that she can control and manipulate everyone around her with ease but at other times she seems to be a bit naïve in what people expect from her. She made a deal with the Devil aka Scum that she will hand him over Cells Beauty and now he is ready to cash in that favour/deal. Like I mentioned earlier he first got her to marry of the brother which makes me always wonder was this what she signed up for in the first place or was she rushed into doing so by Scum (aka simply date him and then leave after she gets what she needed) and now he is asking her to steal from her husband’s company and hand him over the information regarding their finances/accounts and information regarding the LED Facemask technology and all. She seemed surprised of sorts that he was asking her to do this. This again makes me wonder just how exactly was she going to hand over the company to him if she wasn’t willing to go to all these lengths in the first place. Did she think that this would have been a simple stroll in the park and she would find the info that she was looking for lying openly on an unguarded table or something?


Then we have her trying to get a spot at her husband’s company and if she had her way she nearly even got in but was prevented from actually doing so when her FiL told her that she couldn’t and brought up a very important point that the company workers would like another family member joining the company since she naturally wouldn’t be joining from the bottom and would instead be getting a position in management thus taking a position of someone that actually deserves it. Ka Kyung on the other hand isn’t in the same boat because she worked her way up with her hard work and all and I assume the same thing happened to an extent with her brother as well. But this wouldn’t be the case with Succubus. She clearly would expect to get that position since she thinks that she has earned it thanks to her education as well as well as making her job to gain said classified information with more ease. She may be stumped for now but knowing her she will find a way to get around this.


One would also have expected her to think that not only did she not have to overcome said hurdles but that she would also need to find a successful scapegoat if she plans on getting away with this scam of hers. So far she hasn’t seemed to think this far ahead. Wonder who is going to be that person. Hyun Ki? Makes sense to some extent. She knows that everybody seems to trust her and therefore would never consider her betrayal and thus think that she is loyal to the family and all but if she continues to try and paint Hyun Ki in a negative light. things might go to her advantage. He is constantly around Ka Kyung and she can use that to claim that he was simply trying to get close to her just so that he could obtain said information from her. It then depends on just how mad Ka Kyung and her family could be at said betrayal that they might not even be willing to listen to his innocence. Plus knowing her we can also expect her to claim that he would try and place the blame on her and claim that she is the guilty party out of spite or something. The family would be more willing to believe this.


This is goes to show just how well she reads people. For instance, when she realized that Hyun Ki realized about her Past in the States (regarding Gangsta Prince) and could use that to threaten her she did the smart thing and headed over to Scum to reduce the damage by making him think that he had some sort of control or even to make her look desperate. The simple truth is that she was already doing damage control. This way when the reveal would come up Scum would claim that she never lied to them because he was already aware of said fact. Now on the other hand if she was only a bit smarter and decided to be just as open and honest with her husband she could have saved herself a lot of trouble and headache.


Unfortunately for her by the time this will be revealed she will find herself in a lot of hot water. For these reasons she will never live a happy and comfortable life as she wants. She might have been able to pull it off if this wasn’t a drama and everyone seems to be connected to the other party in some way or the other. Due to this she will always stay in a constant fear of getting exposed sooner or later and to prevent this she will always try and scheme and plot to get rid of said people perhaps by trying to frame them or make her own company suffer and place the blame on somebody else (aka if she gets the documents that Scum wants she will need a Scapegoat to continue living with her husband). Now this will certainly work to an extent but she won’t be able to maintain this charade for long and eventually a crack will form in her façade which will eventually be the cause of her house of cards to come crashing down. This way she will end up losing everything that she worked hard to achieve.


Hyun Ki is a nice character but he really needs to stop joking around at times because he doesn’t really help his own cause. He keeps telling Gangsta Prince’s sister that he is in a love triangle with Ka Kyung and that is why he punched him instead of being more honest with her. This may be helpful for certain people but at the same time it is harming his own chances of getting back with her because she just might take it seriously and wouldn’t want to get back with him since she would think that he is already taken. Unless she decides to fight for her love and think that her brother should also get the girl that he wants if she wants her man. This might make for an interesting story if the writer decided to head in this direction and which I hope is indeed the case. Hyun Ki is also the only decent person in his family since he isn’t as twisted as the rest of them. He probably is the rebel over there as he tries to do the right thing at times. I just wish that he actually goes ahead with his plans to do the right thing no matter what others say or do to convince him otherwise. For instance, him willing to reveal Succubus’s past to Ka Kyung. Only for him to be thwarted by her when she sent Gangsta Prince to prevent him from doing so.


This also unfortunately makes Hyun Ki fall into the standard mold of K-Drama Leads. They have great information and intel on the second leads evil plot and may even have evidence that can probably be used to stop them from continuing with their plots or reveal their lying nature. Now instead of doing just that they instead reveal their hand to the second leads allowing them to find a way to get out of it. For instance, he could have simply gone to Ka Kyung without giving Succubus a heads up thus allowing her to go into Queen of Manipulation mode and manipulate Gangsta Prince to stop him. This also forces her to have to accelerate her plans to get said documents and intel for Scum knowing that her time is probably numbered and all. There was also this one time when he mentioned what his mother may have implied (aka that the real Sena was dead) this allowed her to obtain his DNA on the down low and pretend that it was hers to prove her claim. Too bad he didn’t connect the dots and figure out that she may have scratched him to get his DNA. What would have really been fun if it turned out that he wasn’t Scum’s Bio Son as well. Naturally they would never go this route but it would have been interesting to see how she would have gotten out of this mess and all the time wondering how to use said information to her advantage.


I am still worried just what damage Drama Queen can do. Infact I fear that Succubus may even use her in some way to prove her point that Gangsta Prince may have approached Ka Kyung with ulterior motives. As of now Drama Queen is against Ka Kyung because she thinks that Ka Kyung is some lowly restaurant owner’s daughter and thus not good enough for their family. If she can get Drama Queen to realize the truth, we can be sure that she will accept said fact and thus be okay with Ka Kyung as her DiL now Succubus would just need to have her FiL or even her husband witness her harassing Ka Kyung in the start telling her that she wasn’t good enough to be part of their family and then suddenly she is more than acceptable regarding her. This will make the Dupes think that she has discovered the truth regarding Ka Kyun and thus she only wants her because of her supposed wealth and all. Thus they would suddenly be against her.


But this brings up to the rest of his (Gangsta Prince’s) family and how they have already taken a shine to Ka Kyung. A shame that not everybody knows what is going on. Infact it would be better if the sister reveals to Hyun Ki what is going on without realizing that Succubus his is sister. It would be even more fun if she gets him on board to expose her for the fake that she is. Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen anytime soon as well.


I am also feeling bad that Gangsta Prince is not willing to boldly go and take the next step by being honest with Ka Kyung as to why his pushing her away and that he isn’t over his Ex. Not only that but he is also giving mixed signals to her when he shows his concern towards her when she gets hurt etc.. this only makes it harder for her to move on. I want her to really go ballistic when she finds out that Succubus was the real reason why he decided to break up with her. She should then teach her a lesson that she won’t forget and all. Had she been more honest she would have let the matter slide but then again who would want to be In Laws with their Ex. Things would have been so awkward at the family gatherings especially when you consider there are people like Drama Queen who would never let the matter slide. Come to think about it this brings up a way where she can successfully frame Gangsta Prince as someone who approached Ka Kyung for her money. We know for a fact that she left him because she didn’t find him useful to her anymore and that she had therefore spent a lot of his money without paying him back. Now that she has access to money she can arrange it in a way that while it may appear to him that she is wanting to pay him back for all the money he spent on her but to others it would seem like he was asking her for money due to her being rich or Ka Kyung’s In Law. Since they wouldn’t be aware of their backstory and that is what she would likely go with. This gets her way as they would suddenly be against him being part of their family. The only way out is if someone who knows everything decides to be silent no more and actually do something in regards to this. Unfortunately, we all know that this isn’t going to happen.



Anyway will be back later on as I have company at present. So till then take care all of you and keep posting. Had a few more points which will be added later on.

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I am loving this drama so much. 

Love to the end is still going strong in my opinion. I  so addicted I can’t help watch it raw and then with subs. The storyline actually make sense and it hasn’t driven mad yet. So I am very happy 


Like I said , Jung Han will be leaving Korea , in today’s episode He was invited to join a Glass project in Italy. Once I saw that envelope and hear what was the context in the envelope. I started to imagine what if????? Jung plan on leaving for Italy and Ka Young also chooses to leave Korea so that Jung Han’s factory doesn’t lose the contract with them since she will no longer have any contact with them. Wouldn’t it be a nice touch if  Ka Young ended up in Italy with Jung Han at the same time. At first they don’t know they ended up in the same place but as time goes by they end up in a relationship and falll even more in love with each other. They both do what they planned on doing in Italy and during their personal time he takes her to the place he was planning on taking her in three years of that beeeecchhh Kang Se Na had. It interfered. Until it was time to go back home. But us viewers never see those wonderful moment. We would see these beautiful moments in flashback scenes when they come back to Korea. We would also have a beautiful surprise when they come back. THEY ARE ENGAGE !!!Yay Yay It would surely be a major obstacle in Se Na’s plans. Lol lol lol 

Episode 17 made me laugh so much. I just couldn’t help myself. 


Drama Queen finally finds out that Ka Young is the Cells Beauty owner 띨 daughter. She is embarrassed and frustrated because no one in her family confides in her. TBH both her kids inherited her temper.  Jung Bin exploded today and terrorized Se Na  by going to her in laws place broke the Plotted Plant, a vase, pushed Se Na, broke a golf club and shoved sofa table. Finding out that Hyun Ki was Se Na’s brother. One good thing Drama Queen has both her kids do good job controlling their temper until someone crosses the line. The fact is DQ is really a drama Queen and materialistic. I think for the most part , they are trying to protect her. They don’t want her to find out that Se Na has still found a way to destroy her son’s happiness and how they almost become In laws with their enemy. Smh smh smh smh 

Se Na 

She never seem to amaze me. After being terrorized, she still has the nerve to say she will show them what kind of person she is.  They already know what kind of person she is. She is a richard simmons who sold herself and has no respect for herself.  Doing all this so she can be in their family registry even knowing she isn’t the real Se Na.  I believe that her delusional is intact right now but once she starts to crack, her true self will be revealed and she she will start to lose everything. For a woman who think she is blessed she made a big mistake, she accused the maid of breaking the vase on the coffee table. She had the nerve to let Scum see what happened at the house but not replace the items that were broken. If she did not want them knowing about it , she could have had them replace. Then I remembered Scum is broke. Lol So he cannot replace them or won’t because he has no love for her. I just don’t get why she has pics taken. Why couldn’t she clean it up herself when she created this mess. She does and accuse the maid and wouldn’t even let Ka Young question the maid to find out what happened. How is she going to fix this problem. What if the maid doesn’t comply will she frame the maid and if they believe her over the maid, I will be pissed. They know the maid way much longer. 


This is it for Now... Will write some more later . 


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Almost finished the latest episode bar the last 4 6 minutes or so since I had to rush to work and will watch them when I return home. On the other hand, @UnniSarah covered up all the points of the episode nicely saving me some time in recapping it. Also leaving me time to answer some of the points that they brought up and my thoughts regarding them.




Gangsta Prince leaving Korea is really sad but the part of him and Kyung Ha meeting up in Italy would be a bit too much even for K-Drama standards. Oh don’t get me wrong that it wouldn’t be sweet of them ending up there and meeting each other and eventually getting engaged etc. but the chances of that are happening are really slim. But then again dramas like to make those slim chances a reality so what do I know. But I would rather that didn’t happen. As they say absence makes the heart fonder and I would rather have them wait it out thus when the do reunite they realize that they never stopped loving each other but also their love only grows much stronger and they can better protect each other. Remember this way only Gangsta Prince knows the truth about Succubus and that’s the way it is going to stay. No doubt it would be nice for Ka Kyung to get away from the clutches of Succubus but that would be harder. Also we have to remember that when the Queen sets her mind to manipulating people she usually succeeds. Now as you suggested that Gangsta Prince decides to leave for Italy to save the glass factory then he really needs to do it alone because if it turns out that Ka Kyung has also left and returned with him Succubus will make it seem like Gangsta Prince can’t be trusted and deceived all of them etc.. such as they faked the breakup or leaving when they were planning on being together. Also the more time Ka Kyung is away from her family the more damage can be done to them. We have to realize something and that is that Ka Kyung is like the glue to her family that is barely keeping them altogether at this point. Her leaving will eventually end up breaking that bond thanks to The Queen and her manipulating ways. Ka Kyung will then have a harder time to try and get them all back and that might not even work. So in other words I think that it would be better if she remains in Korea even if that means that she moves in with her mother.


Jung Bin finally achieved the title of Gangster Princes in this episode. Congratulations are due. :lol: Her not only heading over to the Queen Of Manipulations place was nice but also her trashing the place to vent out her frustration and anger was just as fun to watch. Unfortunately, I don’t think that it was the right move if it is ever discovered that she did this we know that Sena is going to end up twisting the matter in her own advantage and everyone is going to believe her. What that can be we will just have to wait and see. Either way it will end up painting Gangsta Prince and his family in a negative light. The Dupes certainly wouldn’t want to marry into that family as they would be considered Thugs to them. We would also assume that she would claim that she didn’t want to reveal said facts because she didn’t want to embarrass Ka Kyung etc aka she was looking out for her best interest and didn’t want anyone to get worried and that she was handling the situation etc..


As for the broken vase and having Chatty Minion (I think this is better than Shady Minion since he has been more valuable as an informative person than doing anything Shady so far. Sorry for the name change and confusion) clean up her mess as well as sending the pictures to her family. I would assume that she had a very good reason for doing so. She can also probably still get away with blaming the maid. We have to remember something that is the maid has only supposedly only broken an expensive vase and nothing else. At the most her pay might get docked for doing so which she might find unfair but if Succubus can promise to make it upto her by paying her extra or making sure that she covers the loss then the maid has nothing to lose by going along with the lie. This also buys Succubus time from the real reveal of who was actually there that day for a few more episodes. Also her preventing Ka Kyung from contacting the maid allows her to come up with this plan and to convince the maid to go along. If that doesn’t work we can go with your suggestion that she can try and frame the maid for something else.


Now comes the matter of the cleanup and pictures and why the vase wasn’t replaced. First of all, I think that while the other items may have been easily replaceable such as the flower pots the vase may have been harder to do so since it was expensive and I would also assume a bit harder to find. Given the time frame I don’t think that even Chatty Minion can :D work miracles like that. Then again we can also go with the part that you mentioned that Scum is broke as that also works in this case as well as the fact that he doesn’t love her that much to do so. Though regardless of this he would probably need to cover said expenses as long as she is useful in that place or lose that chance to take over Cells Beauty. I also suspect that the cleanup on her part was more likely to test just how much the people would notice something different such as when Ka Kyung noticed things were different to not only the extent that the vase was broken but also some of the other furniture was damaged etc.. this might just come in handy when she wants to frame the maid because as soon as something would go missing they would notice and then bam missing item turns up with the maid. Poor maid :( this also allows Succubus to know just how much control she has in this household and what she can do to gain more power, trust etc.. Probably means that Ka Kyung needs to leave so that if she does take something to sell off for her expenses or something nobody else would notice.


The pictures are a bit weird but if I were to guess it might be because she might want to see how far she can go in not only replacing Hyun Ki but also to bring a crack between father and son. But it might also come in handy in other ways. For instance, she can have Scum send those pictures to the Dupes and question them as to what they were allowing to happen that they had to clean up said mess. How it was either unsafe at the house to leave her alone like that. In other words, she would be safer of with them at work (this would be her way in the company) or that they were treating her poorly. Ie treating her like a slave and less than human. The later might not be used because it might make her seem as a liar and she wouldn’t need that kind of heat on her at the moment. So I would guess that it would probably be the former. This would also probably be the reason that they find out that it was Jung Bin that made an appearance. If anything it would make her family be seen in a negative light considering all that Ka Kyung has gone and done to help them out it would make them feel like a group of ungrateful people. Either way The Queen of Manipulations has successfully managed to manipulate people to her advantage once again.


Oh there is no doubt that Drama Queen is so materialistic. But that is to be expected since she came from a rich background but has suddenly found herself in this demotion when her family went bankrupt or atleast her husbands did. Don’t know about the rest of her family are they even alive and if so why didn’t they help her etc.. Revealing to her who Ka Kyung was would only have been a mistake as she would only want her for her wealth. But like you also mentioned they don’t want her to find out about how happily Succubus is living. We already know just what kind of damage she can do when she saw her for the first time and that won’t stop her from doing exactly what her daughter did as well. I guess Succubus could possibly file assault charges against her. It would be okay as long as Scum is there to clean up the mess and the rest of her family don’t discover said fact. Scum will probably have to do since he wouldn’t want a scandal to occur. We will probably have to see at this point just how materialistic the Drama Queen really is going to turn out to be and also how Scum and company decide to handle the situation. For instance, they can not only threaten her with assault charges but also with the fact that they can shut down her families’ glass factory. Meaning that they would probably be out in the street if that happens. Since she seems to be out of the loop she may not be aware of just how dire the factory situation is etc.. as well as the fact that Scum and company are in a position to do exactly that ie Succubus is married to her husband who owns Cells Beauty who are their biggest supplier if they back out no more glass factory. But this may pose a problem down the line if they are discovered. On the other hand, Scum and Company only understand one kind of language and think that others speak the same. This would be money. So on the other hand if they can come to some sort of financial agreement they all win. For instance, Scum agrees to pay her for the money that she took from Gangsta Prince it should solve most of her problems. Can’t say if he agrees to buy of the factory as well or atleast pretend that while they can pay of the money it would look a bit strange to just hand over that large sum of money without people talking about it and all so only on paper they will supposedly own the glass factory but in reality she and her family can continue to run it like normal. Drama Queen will probably think that this is a good idea and has she has nothing to lose but everything to gain will accept it. She will keep it as a secret as she thinks that she is doing what is best for her family. Plus, she will think that this money will come in handy as well as get her out of said dump. We already know from Jung Bin that even half of the money that Succubus owes them will allow them to move to a more decent place. By the time the family discovers what she has done the damage will already have been done.


This also covers the threat that Queen of Manipulation made to herself that Gangsta Prince and his company have no idea of who she is. She is a cornered animal who is desperate to survive and she is willing to sacrifice everyone and anyone to get her way. She is in a position to make Gangsta Prince lose his factory work to them. We have also seen in this episode that they are having trouble finding other companies to work with them. This means that they are heavily reliant on her company and with Cells Beauty they will go in the Red no matter what Gangsta Prince said in one of the earlier episodes. This also means that they will be visited by those loan sharks once again and this time Ka Kyung may not be able to resolve said problems easily.


But other things that we have picked up from this episode are as follows. The husband either doesn’t keep very strong passwords on his computer easily allowing Succubus to log in and access it. Fortunately, he is smart enough to even encrypt his work files but we know that it will be a matter of time before she figures those out as well and thus be able to hand them over to Scum. The other explanation is that since they are family he chose to let her know the computer password so that she could use it to surf the net and other work related stuff as they probably don’t have enough computers for each of them. Regardless I hope the password isn’t going to be something simple as the date when the two of them first met or her name because that would be really lame and sad considering what she is about to do to that family.


As mentioned earlier the brother is deciding to change vendors much to the delight of Succubus and he is placing it on the blame for his sister and her condition. She atleast is professional enough to keep work and family separate to an extent. The only time that she sorts of took it personally was when she agreed to let his company pay the fine something that they normally don’t but other than that she was more professional. It also shows just how much Gangsta Princes company is suffering as they can’t seem to get any other distributors to work with them. One might wonder if Scum has a hand in it but we have to realize that as of now he isn’t aware of who he is so he wouldn’t involve himself at this point but the moment he does things will be different and Succubus doesn’t have that much influence to effect his business as of now. Either way he might decide to skip town to protect the factory if it is threatened by the brother.


Things bode ill for other members apart from Succubus because she has fully become aware of how each member is connected and this means more ways for her to manipulate the situation in her favour. For instance, I mentioned a scandal between Hyun Ki and Ka Kyung would do wonders for her but in this case she can easily work with a scandal between Jung Bin and Hyun Ki as well. Get Scum involved as he wouldn’t want his son to marry into a nobody family and even if that isn’t the case you can be sure that uncle is certainly going to make an issue of the matter. This means Gangsta Princes factory is going to be in trouble either way.



Since I am still at work will get back to my post later on. So till then take care all of you and keep posting. Will add a few more points then. :D

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I am totally shaking my head. Se Na will never be happy when a. she is parading around as someone she is not. b. she is manipulating and hurting others and c. she married into a nice family only to be trying to steal their company and end up ruining them. What will she do after she and her father take that company or steal away things that do not belong to them. What can she say to her husband who truly loved her? Does she really love this man? Or will she show that fake face when the family has had everything stolen from them or ruined their business and tell the man she never cared for him she only used him to get something for her father? I feel like she will truly fall for the man but what she has done will make it she will never have a peaceful life nor will she get whatever it is she truly wants. 


I love the half brother calling her out on everything and I feel like he and gangster sis will end up together since they were each others first love in the first place. Gangster sis did well in storming the house and having a fit and I really wished more people did that to Se Na but timed it so that her husband and in laws were there as well or recorded it and sent it to her husband and in laws.  If someone had managed to tell them early what they let marry into that family perhaps they would have been able to kick her out before they suffered any damages from her actions. 


I feel bad for gangster bro but right now he is not right for our sweet and a bit ditzy or obtuse leading lady.  He has to make the choice to stop caring about Se Na and her life even if he is doing this to protect his love. Se Na cares nothing for him! She used him to get an education and then dumped him. Although he is over her I feel he needs to realize that woman is nothing good and is up to no good. She and her father are monsters and will go down later but I really wished we had more opportunities for her to be busted sooner. 


I hope he makes it to Italy. I think he needs to go. But given that his sister has imparted so sisterly advice about not regretting letting go of his love and then his seeing that love with half bro (although they are only friends) will his jealous side finally start and he realizes he can't let obtuse lead go? That his love for her is already too deep to let another man have her?I guess we shall see how things flush out. 


Se Na does not realize (or does not care) that she is going to look really bad when the truth of her past relationship with gangster bro comes out.  Not only did she date him for awhile he paid for her education then she dumped him to go after her current husband and then decided to beg him to keep quiet to protect herself all why she plotted to steal from that family.  Half bro and gangster bro are only guilty of keeping the truth  from coming out as to not hurt certain people but Se Na is guilty of so much more.  


So far I am enjoying this drama. 

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2 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

I feel bad for gangster bro but right now he is not right for our sweet and a bit ditzy or obtuse leading lady.  He has to make the choice to stop caring about Se Na and her life even if he is doing this to protect his love. Se Na cares nothing for him! She used him to get an education and then dumped him. Although he is over her I feel he needs to realize that woman is nothing good and is up to no good. She and her father are monsters and will go down later but I really wished we had more opportunities for her to be busted sooner. 

@Ldy Gmerm... So glad to finally see you join us here in this thread. I agree Gangster Bro does need to leave that way he can get out of Se Na’s shackles. I believe he is over Se Na but I think a part of him understand her because of how she lived in the states. His leaving is just another chapter opening for him to find some kind of happiness and getting the chance to continue with his art as a glass sculpture. He is so talented and it would be a waste If he left his talent go to waste. I hope he becomes very famous during his time away.  

I hope this scene does make him extremely jealous and maybe helping that obtuse girl ( KA YOUNG) realize there is more he isn’t telling her. 


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This is my opinion without subs Chingu’s 


Well Well Welll It seems that the writer has thrown us viewers a curveball. Poor Hyun Ki  has now realized he has feeling for Ka Young. Is it true love or true love or confusion love for him. Is it hanging out with Ka Young making him confused. I don’t know what to call it but can’t wait to see what happens.  Poor guy look so devastated and it is sad. 

I for one find Hyun Ki so cute, loyal and love his family. I feel bad for him because he has no idea if his father care for him at all. I hope he does love his son but I don’t care if he start to care for or hate Se Na. Hyun Ki finds out that that his uncle is the one who got rid of Jung Bin because he threatened to divide his parents. Jung Bin left him because she didn’t want ruin his family. Sadly his family was already a mess because of his father infidelity. 


In flashback Se Na ‘s fake mom told her to go back to Korea to this family. I don’t know why she would do that. What does the mistress feel so entitled to the wealth that does even belong to Mr Kang. I sometimes can’t understand the way greed possesses people sometimes. Greed make them delusional and they start to believe in their own scheme is swindling the rich of their possessions. By the end of the drama she is going to be so far gone in her own scheme will actually believe she is Kang Se Na. That woman who raised seem to have lost her mind to tel the imposter to obtain riches she doesn’t deserve. The fact that Se Na at a young age manipulated a grieving mother for her own gain. For  now it seem that  Se Na and fake mom had a good relationship but how the hell did the mom end up looking so dirty but Se Na looked clean and not crazy. Finding hard to believe the flashback is a true Flashback. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. Who knows??? 


I love Jung Bin and Se Na scene in the cafe. I enjoyed it immensely because Jung was able to hurt Se Na where it would hurt her the most. Se Na told JB that Hyun Ki really like Ka Young. Jung Bin responded like this, It must hurt her( SN)  to see two guys liking Ka Young over her. Lol lol lol Se Na sure didn’t like that. I also enjoyed JN throwing the envelope back in Se Na’s face  after hurting her brother so much. Jung Bin looked so disgusted by Se Na.

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Finished watching episode 19 with subs. Wow this thread is so dead . * crying * 

Se Na

It seems that Se Na fake mama said she loved Se Na more than her dead child. That is so sad but why would you want revenge for your dead child by sending the one loved the most to destroy that family. I am quite confused by this revelation because at the beginning SN asked her Mom is she being to greedy for wanting to live luxuriously?? Who would actually have time to be loving the luxurious life when you are out for revenge. The only thing on your mind would be to to destroying the family you have set your sights on. Although I have to agree Se Na is working really hard in getting in her father’s good grace but chooses to destroy another family for her own gain. If the path she had taken right for her revenge, I would be rooting for her no matter who she is. 

To get where she is now she has used good people and hurt them badly because she thinks of only herself. 

I loved loved the scenes between Jung Bin and Se Na lol lol 


Hyun Ki sure is smooth and also helping Ka Young to move on. Meanwhile Jung Han is miserable and saying goodbye to the people in his lives. I was kind glad he was jealous when he saw Hyun Ki and Ka Young together. 

I love this new info about Date-Mate. Never heard of it before. 




Episode 20

Drama Queen is so hilarious. She was eavesdropping on her kids conversation.  After hearing about Jung Han and Ka Young saw each other last night. She decided to call Ka Young so they can meet. Ka Young and Drama Queen are talking about love. Ka Young cried infront if Drama Queen she thought she looked so cute.  They had a nice conversation. Until Jung Han walked in on them.  She looks so frazzled. OMO OMO Drama let it slip. That JH like her . So Ka Young question him and he refuses to answer her. So she leaves him crying and feeling frustrated with him. 

In today’s episode  Jung Han cried and told his father about Se Na being Ka Young Sister In Law. I feel

so bad for Jung Han. He deserves so much more. 

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One good thing happened in this drama that made me happy is that  Ka Young ‘s father knows that his ex wife was unfaithful and that Do Young caught them. Although Queen of Manipulation thought she had some control over her MIL, she lost that control in episode 18. The only person who doesn’t know is Ka Young. I don’t think she can use this threat to control Ka Young. 


@dramaninja.....  I saw the slap and O think he deserved it. I think he asked her to leave with him. So she smacked by saying is it the time something. 


Date Mate didn’t last long. lol lol 







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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

One good thing happened in this drama that made me happy is that  Ka Young ‘s father knows that his ex wife was unfaithful and that Do Young caught them. Although Queen of Manipulation thought she had some control over her MIL, she lost that control in episode 18. The only person who doesn’t know is Ka Young. I don’t think she can use this threat to control Ka Young. 


@dramaninja.....  I saw the slap and O think he deserved it. I think he asked her to leave with him. So she smacked by saying is it the time something. 


Date Mate didn’t last long. lol lol





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@Leila Essalih  @dramaninja   Are you guys watching this drama... Omo Omo!!! I was right He ( Jung Han ) asked her to run away with him and that is why she smacked him. THen she said are you kidding me?? Was finally able to watch it with subs.  


Another good thing happen chingu's Ka Young's mom bonded with Jung Han. They are both in similar positions and that is why they are hurting their loved ones. In the furture there is no way Drama of Manipulations can turn mom against Jung Han. He carried her home and they both were honest with each other. She even asked him to run away with her daughter because she is so sad. She also said Your young , what is there to fear. 


I am so hoping she does take his offer because it will be so romantic. Let them have some fun until the real angst starts. Since this is kdrama, it won't happen and to enjoy this scenario we would have to use our imagination.  I believe she will waver but I believe in the end she is going to let him go by himself so he can continue his dream of being a glass sculpture. She will tell him, she will wait for him and tell his if this true love then we will start off where we left off. Lol LOL LOL 

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I do not expect Ka Young to run off with Jung Han. For one she values her family too much to do so without a solid understanding of the problem of why he rejected her in the first place it will not happen (although I wish they would if nothing else they can be together.) . His motives were more about protecting her from the truth about that witch Se Na who married in instead of protecting that selfish , inconsiderate Se Na who used him to get what she wants and then dumped him.. But also imagine Ka Young's upset to learn who he use to be involved with. The only way they can truly ever be with one another without drama is a. he decides to tell her the full truth and let her decide if she will still be with him no matter what. b. if the selfish witch is gone from everyone's lives.


They loving one another is not an issue because we can see they truly do. It is the fact that there is a 3rd party around who will stir up trouble to keep them apart and make him look bad. Until he can a. stand up to her not caring about her threats and ignore those crocodile tears and lies about her not wanting to loose that evil daddy of hers and that sweet husband or b. be powerful enough to not care about her threats then he will be at the manipulative witches mercy until everything is out in the open and they all find a way to get rid of her and her shady , crooked fake father who she has no blood ties to. 

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Okay let’s see the drama is still interesting even though it has a few drama standard flaws where we have to hold our breath in disbelief or else the writer thinks that we are total idiots. Frankly I think it is more of the former.




So let me start out with a Drama Logic Fail and perhaps what the writer was hoping to aim for.


I think that it was in episode 18 or so when Drama Queen decided to play match maker between Gangsta Prince and Ka Kyung. So she decides to head over to Cells Beauty to play her part. Clearly she needs to attend Fashion School before she does anything else because her wardrobe choice was terrible. It looked like she raided her daughter’s wardrobe or something. Anyway let’s get on with her attempt. She bumps into Ka Kyung and asks directions to the president’s office aka Ka Kyung’s fathers office. She clearly doesn’t recognize her. Once she gets into the office she clearly makes things more difficult for the OTP to get reunited anytime soon as she reveals to Ka Kyung’s father all that Ka Kyung has done such as save her husband’s life and even cook a meal for their workers. Etc. to make matters even worse she even has a picture that one of her workers sent her showing Ka Kyung doing the cooking and all. This is where we have a drama logic fail.


The first person that she bumped into when she arrived at Cells Beauty was Ka Kyung and she failed to recognize Ka Kyung. Now I could have easily let the matter slide since those two and never met prior to this moment. But then we find out that she had a picture sent to her by a worker which had Ka Kyung in it. So how in blazes did she fail to recognize Ka Kyung when she asked her for directions. She could easily have a conversation with her instead of making things worse by going over to the dad and all. Are they really trying to make Drama Queen such an idiot that she can’t recognize a person that she has seen in a picture? Now people can try and probably defend her by saying that since she just saw that picture one time it wouldn’t be enough to let the image retain in her memory. Now that would be plausible under normal circumstances but these weren’t normal at all. She was considering Ka Kyung as a DiL material this would mean that she would pay extra attention to such detail and thus be able to recognize Ka Kyung if she were to ever meet her. Then again she couldn’t remember Queen of Manipulations name after meeting her just once so we should probably give her a small pass correct. If one wants to give a better excuse, we can go with the following. Thanks to the dark glasses she was wearing she couldn’t make out Ka Kyung’s features and thus assumed her to be some random worker. Yep that is more believable to me than anything else.


Now enough of that let’s get back to the topic at hand namely the drama itself and what we have learned from the reveals so far.


For starters The Queen of Manipulation is one crazy lady who seems to be prepared for all occasions. In this case we can clearly see that she is preparing to cover her tracks in case things go south. She is seen recording all her conversations with Scum and if he tries to get rid of her after her usefulness ends he will discover that things won’t go smoothly for him because she has recordings to blackmail him with or even better if she gets caught to use them to demonstrate that she was innocent and that she was forced to do such horrible things under orders from Scum (aka her dad). People might just feel bad for her when they assume that she was forced to do all these bad things just to be accepted into her family and all.


Dupe Sr. really has memory issues since he can’t even remember his password to the safe. One good thing that he does is constantly changes it making it difficult for an average thief to break in since they will never know when said password will change but then he does the dumb thing and keeps said password in a draw right next to the safe. A smart thief would try and search for clues after their initial attempts would fail to break in. making we wonder just how smart he really is.


It turns out that The Queen of Manipulation really is in Korea for revenge for her mother. Really I find that amusing. It doesn’t seem to fit her character all that much. But then I remember this is the writer trying to make us feel bad for her and thus sympathize with her condition and all. Sorry but that just isn’t working for me. Let’s say this explains a lot of her actions it still doesn’t justify all that she has done so far. Infact it only makes them worse.


For instance, we can assume that the writer is trying to justify her actions for leaving Gangsta Prince when she did to go and do her revenge. Unfortunately for us the timing doesn’t seem to match. Had she lets say found out that her mother recently passed away then it could make slightly more sense as she wasn’t thinking straight and all, but it turns out that this wasn’t the case at all as the mother passed away a few years back. Meaning she was still the conniving little person as she always was way back then and ditched Gangsta Prince because he wasn’t useful enough for her.


Now this brings us to the questions that @UnniSarah brought up in regards to her flashback and how her mother (or the real Sena’s mother) told her to return to Korea and have revenge for the three of them. Now first of all let’s talk about what you mentioned regarding how clean she looked compared to her mother. This can probably be justified with the fact that they were probably not homeless at that time. If I recall correctly Scum was atleast providing for them as long as the mother was alive. Sure she ended up doing drugs and all but I assume that it wasn’t at such a level where they were totally broke. In this case she was probably clean because she had come from home. As for the mother I have no idea why she was doing drugs on the street instead of her own home and all. One could assume that she did that because her daughter wouldn’t let her do so at home and she tried to find her fix anyway possible and in this case the streets worked better as the daughter wouldn’t know where she was and by the time she did find her she would already have taken her dose of drugs and all. In this case it would probably be that Succubus was out looking for her mother and it might have taken her a few days to locate her and that is why the mother was dirty and she wasn’t as she could always return home to freshen up. Still I will admit a young Sena looked weird dressed like that. They should have probably gone with a younger actress but who cares as long as the viewers understood that the girl was supposed to be Succubus and the writers/directors might have thought that getting another person might have been confusing at this point.


Now as to the matter of the mother telling her to take her revenge for the three of them is interesting indeed. Is it greed perhaps? We probably won’t know who the real victim was in all of this. For instance, Scum may have approached her first and at that time she may not have known that he was a married man in this case she is the victim and she has lost a lot because she associated with him. First of all, she had to leave her life behind and go to a country where she had little to no contact with anybody that she knew. On top of that she probably had to overcome the language barrier as well. Clearly she wasn’t all that fluent since she didn’t know what the cops were saying and Sena had to translate to her that they assumed that the real Sena was a homeless child that had died in a hit and run accident. Then on top of all this she had to watch out for her life incase Scum’s family set out people to get rid of her, making her move from place to place.


Though it could equally be a reverse case in which case she was indeed a Gold Digger and approached Scum with the intention of getting it all. She may have felt entitled to his wealth that way. Unless he had promised to leave his wife and come be with her and she may have believed that. But from some of her actions I have my doubts. For instance, when she discovered that her daughter had died in an accident she instantly took in the fake daughter and sort of adopted her. Now one may think that this was the action of a grieving mother but I am not so sure in regards to this. To me this is the work of a devious woman who was doing whatever she could to survive. Granted it may have been out of necessity considering that Scum didn’t care about her all that much that he had packed her off to the States and all. In this case the mother was probably holding her child as a leverage against Scum and threatening to go public with the fact that she had his daughter and all this allowed Scum to pay child support or mistress support to them. But she probably realized that the moment he discovered that his daughter was dead he would probably stop doing so. Now instead of finding a job to support herself she decided to deceive him that his child was still alive to continue to milk him for all that he was worth. Her daughter Succubus has been trained well by her in this regards. She will do anything to survive.


But at the same time the mother was no saint. While I can feel that she may have become manipulative after being sent to the States on her own to survive I feel that it was wrong to manipulate a little girl to her own ends. In this case I feel both mother and child manipulated the other to their own situation never realizing that each was playing the other. As for the mothers’ claim that she loved Succubus more than her real daughter. Sorry but I don’t buy that. I feel that the mother was taking drugs in the first place to numb the pain of losing her real daughter.


The sad part of Sena is that she seems to know what she is doing is wrong and yet she continues to do so. This makes her actions all the more worse. Also it is harder to understand her motivations as well. For instance, she certainly feels bad to an extent for dumping Gangsta Prince in her quest for revenge but this also brings up the question just what is she planning in regards to revenge. Such as does she want to destroy YB Group and let it lose all value or does she plan to take it for herself. Let’s say that she wants to do the later does she have a clear plan for that. Meaning what will she do when she takes it over does she have the skill to run it well because that is something that she needs to do if she wants to maintain her current lifestyle unless she was planning on selling it off and then with the rest of her money that she has accumulated pay back Gangsta Prince for all that he has done for her and then explain her situation to him and expect him to take her back and thus she gets her happily ever after.


The restaurant scene with Jung Bin was interesting. Not because she tried to pay her of with the envelop of money but because she tried to manipulate her and it failed big time. Does anyone think that she tried to tell Jung Bin that her brother (Hyun Ki) was interested in Ka Kyung was just to make a point? Nope not at all. She was trying to get a read of the situation and find out whether or not Jung Bin was interested in Hyun Ki or not and if she was she was hoping to use this fact to try and separate Hyun Ki from Ka Kyung. She would later worry about the problem of those two becoming an item and exposing her. Unfortunately for her Jung Bin seemed to know just what she was angling for and thus didn’t take the bait and managed to frustrate her even more.


In regards to the fact that Ka Kyung’s mother and the relationship that she had. I want to clarify the matter. The mother didn’t have an affair. I think it was mentioned in an episode that she met said man a year after she had her divorce. Meaning she wasn’t unfaithful to her husband in the literal sense. The problem was that her children were still kids at that time and they weren’t ready for their mother to move on so soon. Considering the face that it was just a year after she had divorced and all. But my question is just when is it okay for a divorced person or a widow/widower to move on with their life and be with someone they think is the right person. One has to also remember that she asked her son if it was okay for her to marry someone else. The son didn’t approve of said fact. Infact he even told his wife before they married that while he understood what is mother wanted he wasn’t ready to accept it in his heart. Thus he probably felt betrayed when he found his mother in bed with another person that wasn’t his dad. The dad is understandably mad at his Ex for letting his son witness said scene. He probably would have been okay with it if the son atleast supported the mother and all. As for Succubus trying to use this against Ka Kyung certainly isn’t going to work. Ka Kyung is the most reasonable among the siblings as well as the most understanding as well. She seems to know her mother’s condition quite well. Infact I wouldn’t be surprised if she was aware of said fact as well but was okay with it. She does seem to care about others happiness more than her own. Unfortunately, she seems to be on her last straw with her mother for the time being since the mother isn’t willing to get back together with the dad after all the hard work and effort she put in to get them back and the mother isn’t willing to divulge the reason.


As for the slap that she gave Gangsta Prince was something he quite deserved atleast from her point of view. Perhaps I should approve of it as well considering their situation and all. Let’s see first he accepts her feelings and agrees to date her but then suddenly for no reason decides to dump her because he claims that he still has feelings for his Ex or he atleast doesn’t correct her when she makes said assumption and then he suddenly asks her to leave with him. Indicating that he probably still has feelings for her. So here we have a guy who has switched his stance atleast 3 times already on whether he likes her or not. It really is confusing and not fair to said person. What if he suddenly decides that this was a mistake and that he doesn’t like her anymore. What is her poor aching heart going to do next? On top of all this she was in a really bad place considering the fact that her mother another person that had loved her had rejected her as well. She may have even thought that he was trying to take advantage of her situation and so she tried to protect herself in the best possible way. Meaning he has to work real hard to gain her trust once again and make her fall in love with him.


I think this is quite fair considering that the first time it was her chasing after him trying to make him fall in love with her yet he dumped her cruelly. Now it is his turn to make up for all this and show her who he truly is.


Now back to some other stuff regarding Succubus and all. Shows that she still has a good idea as to how to read the room and all. She has figured out that Chatty Minion is the weak link and she therefore plans to use him to her advantage. Since she knows that he is they spy she has him spying for her and not only that has him doing her dirty work of sorts. In this case she specifically had him bring Hyun Ki and the uncle to her father’s office just as soon as he handed over her shares to her. She is clearly trying to cause a divide among that family so that she can pick up the pieces later on. Later on one can be sure that she will work on the uncle so that he abandons Hyun Ki and makes her his successor and perhaps even hands over his shares to her. She knows that the uncle is a greedy person who requires results and he doesn’t seem to care as to how he gets them as long as the company isn’t effected by them.


She is also busy trying to break Ka Kyung and Hyun Ki as well and she seems to have Scum’s blessing in this as well as the uncles. She knows that the uncle is never going to accept it so she lets Scum know about this and she also knows that Chatty Minion will report all this to the uncle ensuring that Hyun Ki won’t be with Ka Kyung. Not only that but this also plays out to her advantage if Hyun Ki continues on this path. The uncle certainly isn’t going to go along with this as he would probably feel too embarrassed to be become In Laws with a nobody company like Cells Beauty who also managed to embarrass them by further besting them in a competition where they had spent far more than normal etc.. In this case I can even see the uncle try and threaten Ka Kyung that Hyun Ki will lose everything if her persists on this path. Then again he can tell Hyun Ki the exact same thing. If Hyun Ki insists to fight for his love this time this would mean that the uncle would kick him out of the family perhaps even retake his shares. Or tell him that he can have Ka Kyung if he would leave everything behind including his YB Company shares and all. Hyun Ki doesn’t seem all that interested or greedy regarding the company so it is possible that he agrees to these terms. In this case what other choice is the uncle left with but to accept Succubus as part of his family and let her have those shares. In other words, her plan works again. Remember she plays for the long game instead of the short term.


Succubus has said that she doesn’t want Ka Kyung to date people that know her to well as they can expose her true nature. I wonder if that means that she would be okay if some other rich guy were to approach Ka Kyung and fall for her or would her jealousy kick up again and she wouldn’t want to see her happy at all. She tends to wonder just what is with Ka Kyung that two men have fallen for her and try and protect her etc..  I would wager that those two sense the sincerity that she has compared to the fake sincerity that she displays. She knows that when the people will realize her true nature they will dump her like she was nothing. I wonder if she suspects Ka Kyung is manipulative like her or something as that is what these drama characters generally do.


I am also wondering just what exactly Scum is planning on doing with all these documents that he has just acquired. Clearly Succubus isn’t privy to his plans and he still hasn’t revealed his big picture that he claims to be painting. Hyun Ki has suggested that he plans on acquiring Cells Beauty but how exactly does he plan on doing so. Sucubus did suggest that he offers a merger with Cells Beauty but he claimed that the uncle would never agree to that. But I have to wonder just what difference would it make at this point whether or not he merges or acquires Cell Beauty. The company is going to end up losing their individuality either way. On top of this Scum has also claimed that he isn’t going to hurt his In Laws when she asked him what he was upto. But we know that he can’t be trusted. For his own gain he is willing to sacrifice his own family. This means that he is more than willing to hurt Cells Beauty to get his victory over them. For instance, I can see him send a fake company claim that they have the technology to replicate Cells Beauty’s facemasks and all and they are going to go public with it. Or that Cells Beauty stole their designs etc.. He then claims to help Cells Beauty in the sense that he bought said designs or prevented them from going in a loss. In return he will claim that all the money that he spent to handle the situation is more than enough to get him the rights for the actual technology from Cells Beauty. Having no choice or in gratitude they allow him to have it. This now gives him full use and access to build the facemasks on their own and aren’t dependent on Cells Beauty or have to worry about competition from them.


Hopefully Cells Beauty is going to recover and come up with something else to make up for that loss but it will take time and perhaps even their reputation needs to be repaired as well.


I am glad that Hyeri is finally working for her food and isn’t free loading at that restaurant like in the start. Though I still bad for Jae Dong because he isn’t totally aware of what is happening and Hyeri isn’t making things easier for him when she tries to explain his mother’s doings as her trying to get rid of him so that she can get back with her Ex Husband. Doesn’t she know that is one of his fears to be abandoned by those that claim to love him and all. Wait is she willing to stay with him for life.


On one hand I am happy that the kids (mr kim’s kids they guy who owes Gangsta Prince and his family) aren’t going to starve to death since Ka Kyung’s mother is atleast feeding them and all. But on the other hand I am not so sure what kind of lesson they will learn by this while growing up. Will they think that the world owes them something because they suffered as kids or that people will always feel bad for them and thus look after them instead of them doing something about it. Hopefully not. I am also liking that they are more than willing to be honest with Gangsta Prince that their dad still isn’t back since he has won them over with his kindness. Just be glad that the kids don’t think that Gangsta Prince is using them. Though I am not so sure what to think of their loyalty to him that they are more than willing to betray their father to him at the same time. See not good values. Not that they are in a good position either way they lose out. If they don’t tell him when their father shows up they will seem like they are ungrateful but if they do inform him they will seem like someone who has betrayed their own family to a stranger for money or kindness. Speaking of them what exactly happened to their mother. Ka Kyung’s mother informed Gangsta Prince that their meal was on the house as she knew their condition and their mother but where is she. For instance, we know that the dad ran away to hide from all the people that he owes money to since he can’t pay them back but no mention is made of their mother. is she working late. If that is the case how is it everytime Gangsta Price shows up she still isn’t there. Is she also in hiding from those debtors.? We probably won’t get an answer to any of this since they aren’t main characters.


Jung Bin is nice in the sense that she is clearly warning Hyun Ki to not pursue someone that he can’t have due to his families’ objections as this will end up hurting both parties. She is clearly speaking from example and I wish Hyun Ki would heed her warning. I am glad that he is finally aware of why he had to break up with her in the first place. Problem is that Hyun Ki still hasn’t learned his lesson. He thinks that he is in control when that is the furthest from the truth. Also if he thinks that him losing out on all his gains is going to be all he is gravely mistaken. The uncle clearly values money above all else and then it is family. This means that he is going to do everything in his power to get Hyun Ki back into the fold so to speak. If he thinks that Ka Kyung is okay with Hyun Ki being penniless he will try and teach her a lesson by affecting her livelihood by any means necessary. Remember he already doesn’t like Cells Beauty because they have stepped on his pride and succeeded where he has failed in regards to the facemasks. But even then he still hasn’t crossed a boundary in regards to them by harming their business in anyway. But if he really set his mind to do so what exactly would stop him. In this case he needs to simply convince her vendors to stop dealing with Cells Beauty and instead to come and work with YB Group who would end up offering them better deals and all. That would be enough motivation for them to do so. Gangsta Princes company might be the one that would probably object to this deal but one company might not make a difference in the long run. On top of that he might be willing to harm the glass factory to force them to back down as well. Either way he would hope that once Ka Kyung realizes what he was doing and why she would be more than willing to break up with Hyun Ki and not only that but send him backing back if she wanted her company to survive.


Drama Queen usually means well but I suspect that she only ends up making things worse for everyone else. Well that and she only cares about money. Atleast her husband is aware of why Gangsta Prince had to break up with Ka Kyung and is understanding about it. I agree with the family that telling her would be a mistake because she would rush to Ka Kyung and her family and reveal everything that Succubus has done so far. On one hand I do think that this is a good idea as the others should be aware of her true nature and thus have a better idea if they want her to be a part of their family but on the other hand I agree with Succubus that her life would be over. But this could have easily been avoided had she been honest with that family from the start regarding her past. Such as when she thinks that she has something to hold over Ka Kyung’s mother in regards to her being with another man. Now that the dad knows about it he may be willing to accept her later on. Granted he needs to get his son on the same page but when that is done nothing is going to stop them. Of course she is then going to manipulate the situation by involving Jae Dong and trying to point out that while the mother has a right to return as she is family the same can’t be said about Jae Dong who isn’t related to them. This means that they will have to overcome this setback as well.


Speaking of her and her manipulations just how long can she continue to do so. Well that is a dumb question since this is a 100 episode show she still has a long way to go. But I meant does she have the funds to do so. She tries to bribe her way out for instance she tried the envelop full of cash on Jung Bin only to end up failing but that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t succeeded elsewhere. For instance, she has successfully purchased Chatty Minion’s loyalty by paying him of. Granted she got that money from her husband’s account. Does she feel bad by the way for spending all that money. She did ask him if that was all the money that he currently had. In his bank. I doubt that it will be enough to stop her in her quest for revenge. She is far too gone on her path to stop any time soon. She may use the recordings as a blackmail to stop Scum but that would only be if she feels it is to her advantage. Then on top of all this she has been shown to gift other workers at Cells Beauty like the secretary more to get information out of her and all. But if she continues to spend money like that she is eventually going to either run out or get caught. Is she perhaps going to make a slush fund to get out of this.


Speaking of Slush Funds turns out that the uncle has one. Why am I not surprised to hear that? Perhaps she will have that exposed for her revenge but it would make more sense if she tries to take it for herself.



Okay while I have more to add have to go now. Since Marry Me Now is about to start and have to go and watch it so take care till then.


Ps @UnniSarah I think that this thread was dead previously but now it seems to have a few posters. I remember for the first week I was almost alone just keeping it going with recaps and all. But when people started showing up I started to take things easier and also tried watching other dramas. Hopefully more people will join us later on. Perhaps you can call out to other posters that you know. I used to remember when we had a whole lot more posters unfortunately I don’t see them now at all. Must be busy so it is understandable or they simply have gotten over these dramas. Anyway take care all of you and it was nice to see a few more old people join this thread. Till then take care all of you for real this time. :)

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